and the Fist of Ixaria failed to execute its fun little stunt on the Sarek because don't fuck with the Sarek when it comes to science o_o

When you have time to write the narrative up, please let us know what this station was supposed to do.

Well Starfleet just overkilled the "star base" (heh), while the Ked Paddah suffered casualties attacking the other two targets. Hope that doesn't cause any issues in cooperation.

As the Ked Paddah where willing to do this alone, I suspect that once the three targets had been decided, they were the ones to pick the more dangerous targets (or may have even decided the Star base was a trap) and handed the easier (trap!) target off to these interfering Federation beings. Let them prove themselves to us (or die to the trap!) while we do what we have been doing.
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Yeah, by all indications, it looks like whatever the fuck was by the Sun was basically a reasonably dodgy superweapon, and Sarek just scienced the problem away. Based on the name, my bet is that it was some kind of solar flare gun that drew from the star to fire an Explorer-melting beam.

Unless, of course, a research base can evade.
You know, this phrase always irritated me. What would an indirect descendant even be?
I'm not even sure myself how much the Bajorans would need an exact match, so it could be anything like "direct family line" to "just related." Given the number of abdications, probably the latter. Duvip might not even know or care about the delineation because in case it wasn't clear enough, he finds the whole concept kind of ridiculous. :V

Also, where would they get continuous records from, well, any Dynasty to the present, approximately between 2-5 millennia later?

Enjoyable all the same though!
They'd do it through the genetic line, because I assume the Bajorans would be looking to what you're born into -- if you have leadership in your blood. That part where Nadia mentions looking at a bunch of gross-ass ice mummies reflects the things I had to see while trying to determine if you could genetically test Egyptian mummies. They're likely comparing Riko to some of the oldest mummies discovered that they're reasonably sure are actually pharohs.

"Three-thousand" some abdications and the "several million more" is a humorous stretch -- Otzi the Iceman for example has, apparently, 11 living relatives.
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Huh. Starfleet 1, KP 2, Licori 0, but the KP took heavy losses.

Runabout Squadron - Combat 0.00/2, Shield 0.00/10, Hull 0.00/10 - Crew 0-1-0/0-1-0 - Enemies killed: 0 - Status: Disabled
Fired: 8, Fired On: 4, Hits Received: 1, Damage Dealt: 5.55
The important takeaway: Runabouts have combat value, and a squadron can be statted as C2L1H1. Extrapolating, we get C2 S1 L1 H1 P0 D1.
A couple of their ships didn't participate. Reserve, or failed Reaction-tests?
Probably Reaction-tests, given the existence of the Wavefront Device.

Can we get one of those for Sol?
Fist: "Look at how well we can SCIENCE!"
Captain Rocks: "Indeed? I shall test that claim personally."
*Engages Technobabble*
"Quite lacking. That would not even earn passing marks in the first semester of the Academy."
As the resident SF Academy author, I agree :p
Oh woooooooow. Excelsior of all the ships made a bloody evasion save on a mine...

"Scotty may have made fun of her drains, but when they work, they really work. Don't underestimate her."


Oneiros said:
Turn 30 - Ship Runabout Squadron has suffered magazine antimatter containment failure! Suffers 10 hp damage.
Turn 30 - The Runabout Squadron has been destroyed! Destroyed by KPS Guarded
The Runabout Squadron has been disabled.
...Thaaat is a ship to watch out for.

Ouch. KP taking the lion's share of the damage.
Well, our own ships seem to have gotten off pretty much intact. But the Ked Paddah have four Frigates lost, and a fifth Frigate and a Battleship effectively mission-killed.
It seems like the part that went worst for them was just the minefields. They may also have smacked into nastier minefields.
The important takeaway: Runabouts have combat value, and a squadron can be statted as C2L1H1. Extrapolating, we get C2 S1 L1 H1 P0 D1.

The Runabout Squadron at the Fist of Ixaria was instantly disabled the first time it was hit, and that hit was <1 in power. So even though the stats say they have shields and a hull, in practice the combat engine seems to move them to disabled as soon as they're hit by any amount of damage.
Ok, so with silent riposte down, it should hopefully allow us to not only be able to see our opponent's vessels, but also allow us to more easily spot the mines so that they can be either evaded or destroyed.

Now, as for which research stations can be skipped, the HIB seems quite lackluster of a bonus compared to Iron Dome's multiplier, but in truth, we should wait till we gain information about the ships in system, for that is a major factor seeing as most of the bonuses only work on their vessels and not their stations.
The Runabout Squadron at the Fist of Ixaria was instantly disabled the first time it was hit, and that hit was <1 in power. So even though the stats say they have shields and a hull, in practice the combat engine seems to move them to disabled as soon as they're hit by any amount of damage.
By the way, what are the trigger conditions for being disabled?

Also, @OneirosTheWriter, would it be possible to add clearer indications of phase changes in the Main log? Something like this
Phase 1: Scouting
We don't know yet if we get another round of smash the stations, or if the Arcadian fleet has been detected on approach and it is smash the colony orbitals now, or not at all.

If we were just raiding the system in a long war plan, our targets probably would have been the trade hubs and construction platform - logistics! But hopefully we can knock this colony out quickly enough that we don't need to smash the industry.
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By the way, what are the trigger conditions for being disabled?

As near as I can tell, when a ship hits 0 Hull it is either Disabled or Destroyed, probably depending on the results of a Hull (the stat not the running total) check. I'm not totally sure what the difference is, since we've never had a ship Disabled or Destroyed in a full combat. I suspect a Disabled ship is potentially repairable if you win the battle and can haul it away, while a Destroyed ship is beyond all recovery.

There's also a check for a Warp Core Breach, which is like being Destroyed except all the crew automatically die. (Even in a Destroyed result there are usually survivors; presumably in air tight compartments in the ship or escape pods.)
I hope one or two of those ships can be repaired fast enough to join in on the attack on the primary target.
Ain't no way. Those ships are dockyard jobs- months in dockyard. Like Courageous, or Endurance after Deva IX.

Well, maybe they have an industry team for 4x repair speed? But even then, at best maybe the Vigilant? (And that's assuming we wait a month, rather than pressing on next fortnight).
Like, we can probably estimate from our own repair jobs.
We could offer to help the Ked Paddah and maybe tow one or two of their ships back to our space?


You think we should take out anymore stations before continuing?
YES. I very much do. In particular Iron Dome and/or Iron Hail. But that may or may not be something that the operation commanders consent to. The Ked Paddah in particular might actually have reason to do this, given how badly they're getting hammered running the minefields.
Why Egyptian Pharaohs? They are no longer in influence ever since Caesar days.
I would think they would find someone from the Japanese Monarchy since they would the oldest still in power.
Lol, I worked with @anon_user and @AKuz on narrowing down a 'royal' line and the Japanese Monarchy was actually what I had in the first draft -- hence, Riko.

My thinking was the Bajorans are operating on a concept that caste is passed from the earliest progenitor of that caste to the last descendant, and is divinely ordained. So their Divine XenoSorters are looking for monarchies that derived their authority from divine descent, revelation, or appointment, as this matches their experience with the prophets. They'll look at if this authority seemed to come spontaneously or with the blessings of the gods, or if these Divine Rulers were lower castes posing as their higher caste better. Once they find a 'root' bloodline, they'll follow it forward. Apparently to Bajorans most Europeans monarchies aside from the Romanovs are disqualified. Hence why 'oldest Dynasty' we could find -- the closer to the source, the less likely the Bajorans are to disagree.

Aside from the Japanese, we looked at making Riko a descendant of the Incan Empire, as they spring from a mythical figure and derived legitimacy from the Gods, and also Genghis Khan. I decided though that the Bajorans thought Genghis was a warrior who posed as a ruler, hence why his empire quickly shattered.

However, I felt there were some cultural sensitivities around using Imperial Japanese family, since they're around and all. In addition I really wanted Riko to be unaware of her heritage, so that would suggest either:

A ) in 300 years the Japanese Monarchy has faded so much it's not longer extant; its descendants either don't know or view the relation as a curious footnote
B ) The visible members all died in the Eugenics Wars/World War III/The Post-Atomic Horror

The Egyptians worked well in the end because they're suitably ancient and thus prime 'root' ruler caste; they derived their authority from the gods; and due to the muddy history of the era it's harder for the Bajorans to find a specific thing to object to. Also, it's just funny -- "you're the last of the Egyptian Pharohs" to someone with a Japanese-South African name in the middle of a desert in Chile. And unlikely to offend anyone, unless we've got some serious Ancient Egyptian Monarchy Restoration people around here. :p

I had another alternate or complimentary concept of how the Bajorans would have identified ruling clans -- in addition to some bloodline and historical examination, they'd look strongly at alien families who were in power or just coming to power when the Bajorans themselves instituted the caste system, viewing that as the Divine will of the prophets extending across space. Or maybe tied to an orb appearance. I thought that was getting a little too into the weeds on Bajoran history speculation to put in though.
Turn 133 - Ship KPS Cautious is firing upon Ship AHS Foresight
Damage roll - Hitpower 3.88 vs Shields 25.40
Ship AHS Foresight Shields reduced to 21.45
Damage has penetrated Shields, residual power 1.80
Ship AHS Foresight reduced to 18.20 Hp by burn-through
The AHS Foresight has suffered sub-system damage: Weapons knocked out! 10 turns to repair.
One thing I think people who log dive might want to keep an eye out for is this one. This little bit of burn-through may have gone a long way to swinging that result, because Foresight was selected to fire 8 turns later and proc'd a critical hit on Protective ... but their weapons were knocked out, so 0pts of damage!
One thing I think people who log dive might want to keep an eye out for is this one. This little bit of burn-through may have gone a long way to swinging that result, because Foresight was selected to fire 8 turns later and proc'd a critical hit on Protective ... but their weapons were knocked out, so 0pts of damage!
Wait, so ships with knocked-out weapons in the firing line is a feature, not a bug? Good to know.

Also, are Runabout squadrons special-cased?
I am going to have to say, I don't like the Caste version Bajorans much.

Which is probably the intention.

Remember that in Canon: Post-Occupation Bajorans were still willing to go back to full caste system based on the word of someone they thought was an Emissary of the Prophets. Major Kira, a strong will and independent person if ever there was one, abandoned her commission to become an Artist due to this. Some Bajorans had literally started killing people that hadn't returned to their caste before Sisko stepped back into the picture.

So the Pre-occupation Bajorans being so wrapped up in Caste system stuff isn't anywhere outsides the bounds of possibility. Hell the Cardassians rolling in and being like "FUCK CASTES, JUST DO WHAT WE SAY!!!" is probably still viewed as some form of freedom by a lot of Bajorans.
Wait, so ships with knocked-out weapons in the firing line is a feature, not a bug? Good to know.
Otherwise, knocking out weapons wouldn't accomplish anything. The rest of the fleet would just keep firing until the ship that had been hit could repair its weapons, and nothing would change.

Remember, every fleet always gets to shoot; the only downside to having a ship with little or no firepower is that when it's that particular ship's turn to fire, it won't do noticeable damage.
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Well, I think it's a random selection, not a rotation, that determines which of your ships fires...

But again, that would accomplish literally nothing, unless a ship whose weapons were disabled was not only taken out of the rotation for shooting, but also the rotation for being shot at. Which seems unreasonable.

For that matter, 'weapons disabled' hits would actually be a boon for badly damaged ships if weaponless ships were pulled out of rotation, because it would take the ship entirely out of play. So on the one hand, your side has no risk of the low-DPS damaged ship firing and 'wasting' an opportunity to shoot at the enemy (because its weapons are offline) and the enemy can't finish it off for a few turns (likewise).
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YES. I very much do. In particular Iron Dome and/or Iron Hail. But that may or may not be something that the operation commanders consent to. The Ked Paddah in particular might actually have reason to do this, given how badly they're getting hammered running the minefields.
That might also be dependent on us being able to see the mines now or not … actually does anyone know what it is the Lictori are hiding the mines amongst to prevent us from prematurely detonating them using weapons fire?
The mines are, apparently, designed so that they cannot reliably be seen by a starship until the starship is within range to be blasted.

How this is done, I do not know. Active sensor-masking, passive stealth materials, the Licori having developed a crude form of cloak that conceals the mines so long as they don't move and don't have much of a power signature? Who knows?
The mines are, apparently, designed so that they cannot reliably be seen by a starship until the starship is within range to be blasted.

How this is done, I do not know. Active sensor-masking, passive stealth materials, the Licori having developed a crude form of cloak that conceals the mines so long as they don't move and don't have much of a power signature? Who knows?
Well, Starships on low power can conceal themselves. Passive stealth probably helps.

I wonder if anybody has tried going for a low-power approach before. I'd imagine that the passive sensors of a mine might be tricked that way.
It's a new arms race. Put better S on your ships to see the mines, develop better anti-S for your mines so the other guys S cannot see them!