You keep saying it would be "super-fucked" for Starfleet to be an independent economic actor in the Federation, but I don't agree. I think there's a lot of ways in which Starfleet is not just an arm of government, but is sort of an invisible "member world" of the Federation on its own. The role of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or the role the military of Pakistan has often played isn't the worse comparison, though it's probably not perfect either.
I find it kinda funny that after asking how it could be 'fucked' you cite Pakistan and Iran as examples. Regardless of their other issues the penetration of the military into civilian spheres is noted as being quite, to use a political science term, fucked-up to the functioning of democracy and indeed the state. The other touchstone, as
@Leila Hann mentioned, would be Turkey where the Deep State term emerged from.
I find it funny you mentioned Badmirals a little way back and then go "
But how bad would it be really
to give them their own resource base?" This is how you end up with the Vengeance
Given our economic system would be basically unrecognizable to anyone in this thread already, so what?
The primary concern is one of accountability. We have already discussed the level of power the Commander of Starfleet gets and how it's already a bit discomfiting. Giving them it's own direct resource base only adds onto those concerns. Even if the Fed is post-scarcity and we don't have 'money', they still have resources to allocate. Civilian, elected oversight over resources is one way democratic governments keep a tight leash on the bureaucracy. If the State Department and the Military suddenly got a legal stranglehold on say, uranium mines, you'd probably have a few concerns.
The details of how the economic system would work, I agree, would be totally unrecognizable. But the large-scale flow of resources, if represented by 'money' or literal tons of duranium ore still have the same problems. To put it a different way -- wouldn't it be totally
fucked if the research Starfleet did at the outposts was kept entirely internal, shared only as Starfleet wished?
I think there's a lot of ways in which Starfleet is not just an arm of government, but is sort of an invisible "member world" of the Federation on its own.
I know you say this but the invisible member world it serves, as you kind of say, is the entirety of the United Federation of Planets
. We even have our own Councilor - the President [okay maybe that's a rhetorical reach but work with me here].
Ultimately the Council gives us a lot of leeway but thinking we're in any way independent of them when they are the 'member world' we serve is kinda strange to me.
Well, Kahurangi kind of did that with her diplo pushing.
And we ended up with Development.