The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Legendary Traits Part 2
Been thinking and have some (honestly not great) guesses about the legendary traits for each Legion. Arranged in no particular order
I mean they aren't all that bad guesses especially since a lot of legendary traits are the chapters normal specialty but cranked up to 11.

Naturally each legion has multiple legendary traits which is why it's possible to get 2 at once.

Each Legendary only shows up once though so after one is rolled I have to go back and figure out a replacement for the list.

So for instance this chapter will be the only one with legendary spite.... the others can get the basic spite trait though!
With the rate of favor gain we can just about afford Legendary Gene Seed for every chapter, which is neat but I wonder how that looks to the rest of the Mechanicus. Whenever it's time for a regular Founding Grimm has already taken all the best stock. Maybe this is an out of mechanics reason to focus on Traitor Legions because we can take the cream of the crop without as much issue.

Wow a guard friendly iron warrior chapter amazing

I'm imagining them as very unfriendly on a personal level but old hands all know that these Marines stick around and finish the damn job unlike a lot of more flightly chapters and actually understand the logistics and limitations the Guard have to work with. They're the friend no-one likes.

Aspirant waking up
Aspirant: Hey what's that?
Doctor: Ah that's a portal to hell that endless hungry gods lay.
Aspirant: ah ok, when does it go away?

Doctor: When we kill them all. [Hands Aspirant the Book of Grudges.] Make sure to read this. It will be on the test.
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I actually don't want them to be Dawi but 40k. There already Squats within the Imperium and for other Dwarf tropes Votann in general.

I much rather have them go full into the pottery and Guard affinity. I want them to be, what Iron Warriors would have become if Perturabo didn't allow the spite and bitternes to consume him and was more social and better understanding of other people. I want them to be craftsmen and artists, poet-warriors, not just grumpy alcoholics with facial hair obsession.

Of all the Primarchs Perty chose Ferrus? For someone so smart he sure makes some dumb decisions.
That's the result of his social problem. He's very much neurodivergent and just doesn't understand people in canon.

I remember that in "Magnus the Red: Master of Prospero" the titular best boy, mentions situation where he mentioned concept of a machine that could allow navigation in the warp without Navigator, to Perturabo. Perturabo was like "challenge accepted" he made the machine, only to destroy it and refuse to recreate it, let alone spread across the Imperium.

The reasoning of Perturabo was that, he needed to dwell into the nature of the Immaterium to design and create said machine, and it was unpleasant to said the least. This way, Perturabo wanted to teach Magnus that some knowledge isn't worth having and that's better for his brother to study with temperamence and not just dwell deeper and deeper and more and more into the Warp.

But because of his lack of basic understanding of people, all Magnus got from it, was that Perturabo was a dick, who either didn't want to confess that he failed at creating the machine or just wanted to spite him for the sake of it by succeeding at it and then destroying it.

Perturabo just flat out can't explain himself to people and neither can he understand them. That's why he became so bitter in canon and his default reaction to everything was being unsatisfied no matter what he did, that's why he turned his Legion into such death machine that loses so many Marines for no reason, he wanted to find vindication for his feelings, so he made his own problems on purpose to blame on others.
I actually don't want them to be Dawi but 40k. There already Squats within the Imperium and for other Dwarf tropes Votann in general.

I much rather have them go full into the pottery and Guard affinity. I want them to be, what Iron Warriors would have become if Perturabo didn't allow the spite and bitternes to consume him and was more social and better understanding of other people. I want them to be craftsmen and artists, poet-warriors, not just grumpy alcoholics with facial hair obsession.
Largely agreed, at least on my end. Like, I get the urge to copy and paste something you find cool wherever you can cram it, but I'd rather see something new, you know?
Hadn't noticed, sorry.

We really should make a Word Bearers legion and go all in on making them Imperial Truthers.

I keep thinking about that one Ultramar planet we have honestly. I really like the idea of putting up World Eaters there and having them just be the absolute most murder blender space marine chapter of Space Marines to ever space marine.

Otherwise...ok. I have alot of ideas and I'm honestly not too excited at just making the good (TM) versions of the traitor legions. I feel like we can go in a lot of other directions that are much more novel then that.
[ ] Terrararaaa: A planet that looks mostly normal on the surface, but in truth hosts a cave network so utterly massive in scale that the Mechanicus still has not figured out how the entire thing maintains consistent gravity. You also haven't figured out how it doesn't collapse on itself from the pressure of gravity. The locals on this planet are semi-civilized, and spend most of their time fighting the uncountable horrors from the depths.(Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Jujuarn: A death world with a variety of biomes, on the planet of Jujuarn is notable because its wildlife population is for some reason composed almost entirely of invasive species. Ambulls, Orkoids, Grox, Land Sharks, Haemovores, Carnosaurs, Rad-wolves, Catachan Devils and even the Salamanders or Nocturn have all somehow managed to establish breeding populations on the planet and thrive. (Segmentum Solar)
I want to try an anti-xeno chapter with these two planets, personally. Get one of the more innately xenophobic legions in on it as well, just see how far this can be pushed and see if individual xenophobe traits can stack and spawn something incredibly murder happy.
[ ] Terrararaaa: A planet that looks mostly normal on the surface, but in truth hosts a cave network so utterly massive in scale that the Mechanicus still has not figured out how the entire thing maintains consistent gravity. You also haven't figured out how it doesn't collapse on itself from the pressure of gravity. The locals on this planet are semi-civilized, and spend most of their time fighting the uncountable horrors from the depths.(Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Jujuarn: A death world with a variety of biomes, on the planet of Jujuarn is notable because its wildlife population is for some reason composed almost entirely of invasive species. Ambulls, Orkoids, Grox, Land Sharks, Haemovores, Carnosaurs, Rad-wolves, Catachan Devils and even the Salamanders or Nocturn have all somehow managed to establish breeding populations on the planet and thrive. (Segmentum Solar)
I want to try an anti-xeno chapter with these two planets, personally. Get one of the more innately xenophobic legions in on it as well, just see how far this can be pushed and see if individual xenophobe traits can stack and spawn something incredibly murder happy.
Would go very well with the extremely xenophobic chapter request.
I still want to do the imperial truth word bearers and next creation will be our last chance before the planet is killed if I'm remembering right
[X] Plan Troy v2
-[X] Chapter Name: Silver Masons
-[X] Symbol: a silver hammer crossed with a silver chisel over a bronze sunburst.
-[X] Colors: Azure (Primary) and Amber (Secondary)
-[X] Creed: "This Far and no Further!"
-[X] Entrenchment
-[X] Heavy Weapons
-[X] Extra Rhinos
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[X] Plan: Unlimited Spite
-[X] Name: Grudge Bearers
-[X] Chapter Colors: Dark Grey Primary, and Faded Gold Secondary
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Battered Shield
-[X] Chapter Motto: Every Debt Repaid, Every Grudge Settled
-[X] Chapter Creed: Strong focus on upholding oaths with allies, and settling grudges against enemies
-[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
--[X] Called Grudge Keepers
-[X] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
Iron warriors that get along with normal humans and like pottery, it feels very wholesome. Can almost see a General who has done very well being presented with a homemade mug that has the Words "good job" written on it.
[X] Plan: SCREW YOU EVIL DAD! L Variant
-[X] Name: Steel Champions
-[X] Chapter Colors: Steel Primary, Gold Secondary
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Shield with a Golden Sun.
-[X] Chapter Motto: "Against Darkness, Stand Defiant!"
—[X] When Fighting Iron Warriors: "Steel Surpasses Iron!"
-[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[X] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
-[X] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

[X] Plan: SCREW YOU EVIL DAD! C Variant.
-[X] Name: Steel Champion
-[X] Chapter Colors: Steel Primary, Gold Secondary
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Shield with a Golden Sun.
-[X] Chapter Motto: "Against Darkness, Stand Defiant!"
—[X] When Fighting Iron Warriors: "Steel Surpasses Iron!"
-[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
-[X] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
-[X] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.
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