The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Part of the copying is collecting all the information of the individual chapters in one place within the same framework for each to easier find what part of the chapter information is searched for and allow easier comparison.
You are going to update this over time? Otherwise, no offence, but this is just a waste of space. People just as well can individually go back and read the final parts of Chapter creation to remind themselves of everything.
You are going to update this over time? Otherwise, no offence, but this is just a waste of space. People just as well can individually go back and read the final parts of Chapter creation to remind themselves of everything.
Well I for one found it fun as i did not even know there was Rolls involved in this at all and its fun to see our all the things in one place.
How long are you participating in the quest? Because I seriously have no words to describe this...

Regardless, yes, it's nice to have everything in one place but unless Portec will be updating that post after new Chapters are done, it will be outdated after a while and ,there's no polite way of saying this, ultimately worthless.

... Since the beginning? I mean I usually just read the quest posts themselves and maybe one or two pages afterwards. the rolls are not typed in any of the Threadmarks. Also while you say there is no way to be polite i do not think you are even trying to be. The polite thing to do if someone does something they enjoy that is not useful is to not say anything at all about it. Because what space are they really wasting?
The space of the thread? The time of people who just want to check out informations? Again, if Portec isn't going to update this, what's the point? Ultimately, Portec did nothing, just copy pasted text from Frog posts and that's it, if it was mostly Portec commenting and giving opinion on Chapters that were created, no problem, have fun. But this isn't the case, Portec literally just spend time copy and pasting someone else's work, giving maybe a sentence to sum it all up and then moving onto next batch of text to copy and past. I really can't imagine Portec enjoying that.

Ultimately, it's just copying and pasting soneone's else's work. As a informational threadmark to gather informations about everything in one place for people to check out, it's very good and useful, definitely deserves to be threadmarked, but if it doesn't get updated, then it's worthless because to learn about newer stuff, people would still need to individually check out Chapter creation threadmark, making the supposed ''Chapter info post'' useless and disappointing. That's my only problem, if Portec promises to update it over time with newer Chapters, I have no problems, because why would I? It's just good, informational post. If it doesn't get updated, then why bother? It's literally just a wall of text, copy and pasted, that I really doubt was ''enjoyable'' to made and it isn't actually informational for anyone.

That's my only problem, I just want answer from Portec. If it keeps getting update, I will thank Portec for the post, it doesn't have to be regular and precise updating, just from time to time after new Chapters are done. If it doesn't get update...Again, what's the point? Giving it as ''Informational'' is misleading as it will be outdated, It's not something enjoyable, just copy and pasted text of someone else's work within the very same thread, so why post it? It got threadmarked as a informational post, so I think Portec has a responsibility towards Frog and other quest participants. If Portec doesn't do that...Then fine, they have better things to do with their life, but it also means that, yes, the post is a waste of space, because it's pointless, it's serves no one, it will be outdated, so people still need to individually check out threadmarks to remember something and it shouldn't be threadmarked at all, it wasn't enjoyable for it's own poster and just left with no updates, so it was for all intends, in this scenario, ultimately waste of space that might as well have not been posted. Again, assuming Portec wouldn't update it, otherwise, naturally, this very rant would be worthless instead but again, I need answers first.

So something that helps people not have to look through 48 threadmarks and the unmarked vote closes between them is useless because it does not help them not have to look through 51 threadmarks?
Also it is very good right now after the break for people to remind themselves of things again.
And why would someone do something unprompted and unasked for unless the enjoyed going it or enjoyed having done it?
As for space in the thread you can have over 500 threadmarks in a category and over 200K posts in a thread there is no space to fight over her the fields are wide open and i at least enjoyed the post very much and will use it even if it never get updated.
In the end this is Undead Frogs thread and they decide what is threadmarked not Portec and not you so demanding things for the part of this they did not do is not the way to go here. Especially if you want them to enjoy and continue to do it in the future.
You are going to update this over time? Otherwise, no offence, but this is just a waste of space. People just as well can individually go back and read the final parts of Chapter creation to remind themselves of everything.
Good morning!
I did not expect to have my post threadmarked and mostly done it for a personal project. Now with a shema created and the majority of the legwork done it will be easy to maintain. Part of that project will be going over the Thread containing the chaos foundings as well. I really enjoy how different starts influence the path foreward. Is it a fondness of character creation as the defining start of an adventure/quest? In the end I enjoyed reading about what those chapters have/will be come up with.
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