The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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I wonder how the react family will feel about this chapter, emps will probably love them, dorn disappointed in the templars, and logar conflicted
SO any idea how better is life for your averga civilian in the bulwark ?,even if the echlesiarchy isn't responsible of all the problems people in 40k face they are for a good chunk and tend to make others worse.

ALso is it fanon or canon that faith offer a (limited) protection against warp ?
If the dice screw us, we could have a Chapter that combines the Iron Hands distain for humanity with the Salamanders love of burning stuff with fire.

For similar reason, I'm hesitant to make Blood Angels/Emperor's Children Chimeric Chapter (if we're unlucky, we can get Chapter with both Lamenters's "bad luck" and EC's Blight)
I like to imagine Bile has a tiny beach hut, or Man-Cave underground when he wants a break but doesn't feel like doing any biological science.
I mean I genuinely feel that Bile loves his work so maybe he has a small lab for some non-galaxy shattering research that he thinks is interesting.
Yeah, but how does the Iron Hands geneseed help us there? It's not like the Salamanders are lacking in technical know-how. If the dice screw us, we could have a Chapter that combines the Iron Hands distain for humanity with the Salamanders love of burning stuff with fire.
Iron Hands lets us take advantage of the preexisting ties with the Admech which gets a foot in the door. As for the other part the same could be said for any chapter we make.
ALso is it fanon or canon that faith offer a (limited) protection against warp ?
Pretty sure it is a depends on the author situation but I could be wrong.
These guys is exactly what emps wanted in lorgar boys. Hell TTS EMPS will probably be something like:
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to the confusion of all involved, the Minotaurs of all Marines, to demand the Templars stand down.
So I did a quick wiki dive as this stood out to me, and it's sort of weird and sort of not. The reason this is 'normal,' is that the Minotaurs canonically act as agents for the High Lords. Them being here is probably just as couriers/'guys-who-hold-Black-Templars' . On the other hand, they were a 21 Cursed Founding Chapter. This give us a timeline for when the Templars invaded, but canonically, the Minotaur's have their history deeply censored. We only know they were 21st (but are they actually?), and even Inquisitors don't get to know their history. Ton of mystery here.
SO any idea how better is life for your averga civilian in the bulwark ?,even if the echlesiarchy isn't responsible of all the problems people in 40k face they are for a good chunk and tend to make others worse.

I mean they have a dedicated faction for caring about the average lives of their citizens so that most likely puts them ahead of like 90% of the imperium in terms of trying to make things better.
So I did a quick wiki dive as this stood out to me, and it's sort of weird and sort of not. The reason this is 'normal,' is that the Minotaurs canonically act as agents for the High Lords. Them being here is probably just as couriers/'guys-who-hold-Black-Templars' . On the other hand, they were a 21 Cursed Founding Chapter. This give us a timeline for when the Templars invaded, but canonically, the Minotaur's have their history deeply censored. We only know they were 21st (but are they actually?), and even Inquisitors don't get to know their history. Ton of mystery here.

There were two Chapters named "Minotaurs".

First was created during M32, and was later wiped out, while second Minotaurs are those from 21st Founding
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So we got Good guy Iron warriors alongside some raven guard filling out the original purpose of the night lords and ultramarines playing the role of the OG Imperial heralds.

we are most likely going to take a break from spite founding but I'm curious if we plan to complete the set of filling out our list of getting what the Emperor wanted out of some of the fallen legions back on the table.
Damn, I wish we'd been able to maximize whatever anti-deity Warp fuckery was going on. Oh well.

The chapter I want to do next is an Iron Hands chapter on the planet with Genetors and strange monkeys. Curb out the worst tendencies of the Hands and get some more Genetor-level people around.

Might be good to mix them with Salamanders for more kindness and possible biopunk.

After that I feel it's time to start tackling anti-Chaos chapters.
so, our next turn might be the last chance to stop the tempering from happening. I'm still not sure I want to push super hard for it though since it is kind of a long shot.
Emps Improvement List
List of improvements for the Space Marines Legion and the Imperium
By Big E

1: Have Librarians with precognitive abilities looked at each Space Marines candidates with the goal of finding one that is near certain to survive the process of becoming a Space Marines (Note; will surely save up a good amount of resources)
2: Have the Iron Warriors created these Dread Jar and distributed them among the Legions, twenty for each legion, in the event they encountered greater daemons or powerful daemons. (Note; I feel both shame and pride: shame that I didn't came up with this and pride because my grandsons were the ones that did)
3: Find and locate these Warp Eaters (or creatures similar of these one) and add them to the arsenal of the eventual Grey Knights group and other cultists hunting organizations.
4: Figure out the recipe of that flamer substance and add that awesome crap to the Grey Knights group, and also figure out how to improve the potency of that substance.
5: Figure how the f**k the Keepers of Truth's Librarians was able to be unaffected by not even a symptoms of corruption and replicate it to all of the Librarians of all Legions. (Note; hopefully with it the Absolute Degree can be rendered null and void)
6: Have Guilliman send his boys and find YT868 and get those STCs to the Mechanicus and have it made and shipped to all Legions, Guardsmen, and Skitarri forces. (Note: Guilliman! Get your boys and find that f**king giant space stations!!!)
7: Give the Blood Angels and their successor chapters a variation of that Sanguine Cistern for that Red Thrist until we can managed to find a way to get rid of it. (Note: my Hawkboi deserves the best for saving me from f**king Horus)
8: Make those Crucible Thrones just so in case Horus (or someone else) manages to wound me enough to put me in the Golden Thrones, Magnus' kids can take over from time to time so I can repair myself.
9: Have the Ultramarines protect the Imperial Law to prevent any kind of bull**** from happening in the future and ensure the law is enforced properly.
10: Dedicated a portion of the Legions to weapon specialists purposes.
11: Create an organization dedicated to scavenging battlefields for any weapons, ours or the enemy's.
12: Find a planet and use it as a rehabilitation center for Marines who felt they have failed on some level, become to consumed by war, become or others.
13: ???

Basically a list of things Big E considered important enough to make meaningful changes to the legions and the Imperium itself.

Number 13 is for Chapter number 12
Here it is @undead frog
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