The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Actually never mind, tempering was a meeting among Iron hands which ended up with flesh is weak mindset or dispassion at least. That what the wiki said, but I think it has already passed because it just a little after Horus Hersey?
So how is this chapter's relationship with the Ultramarines? Since they apparently try to stay in contact with their successor chapters.
It also refer to the event of Space wolfs trying to expunge deficiency in their gene. So I am not sure which one it is referring to?
All right i'm just gonna float out some ideas

1.Dark angels/blood angels: I know there's a concern about Dark angels trying to make their successor chapters a part of the fallen but I actually think the red thirst/black rage might be able to stop that from happening whether due to seeing Sanguinius as their primarch or not. Also I like the idea of dual angels

2.White Scars/Space Wolves: Not sure Space wolves chimera geneseed is allowed but unless told otherwise I'll assume that it's allowed. I imagine these guys as the ultimate chasers with the Space Wolves enhanced senses and the White Scars love of speed. Also might be good for the request from the assissinorium if that's still available.

3.Raven guard/Salamanders: I imagine these guys as masters of supporting uprisings against planets ruled by heretics or xenos. Mainly by supplying dissenters with arms and getting them on their side with that trademark Salamnders humanitarianism.

4.Death Guard/Iron Hands: So we know that Iron Hands hate weakness but Death Guard are already pretty tough. I imagine them as insead of using augments like the Iron Hands do instead they use bio-augments. Though this could just be an Iron Hands chapter on the right homeworld

5.Blood angels/Word Bearers: I imagine these guys's homeworld is Emperor's Landing. I think they would be the master of inspiration with Word Bearers oration and just the legacy of Sanguinius backing them up.

constructive criticism welcome
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4.Death Guard/Iron Hands: So we know that Iron Hands hate weakness but Death Guard are already pretty tough. I imagine them as insead of using augments like the Iron Hands do instead they use bio-augments. Though this could just be an Iron Hands chapter on the right homeworld

this is my personal Choice for an Apothecary Heavy chapter, For fighting nurglites.

Between the Exceptional bionics compatibility, The Incredibly inherent toughness of death guard, and a higher then average amount of apothecaries, I think we would be looking at a group that is almost impossible to actually render combat ineffective.
Well that went well also hoping to see the reaction to this guys

Any ideas for the next chapter? I really want to do the white scars with giant horses and spider-boots
Says something about the Emps genecraft they where able to keep a semi stable numbers in the legion based off Terran stock despite the Pre-Russ Space Wolves needing Political officers.
Iron Hands lets us take advantage of the preexisting ties with the Admech which gets a foot in the door. As for the other part the same could be said for any chapter we make.
Thing is that we don't actually need to use Iron Hands geneseed for that. We can take the option which makes them beta testers for new Bolter designs or base them on a world with a strong Admech presence and get the same results, if not better ones.

As for your second point, you're correct in theory but less so in practice. The dice can screw us over with any Chapter. It's just that the dice can screw us a hell of a lot more with an Iron-Hands-Salamander mix than with pure Salamander stock. In the latter case, the new Chapter will be less effective. In the former, it will have the opposite effect compared to the one we intend.
this is my personal Choice for an Apothecary Heavy chapter, For fighting nurglites.

Between the Exceptional bionics compatibility, The Incredibly inherent toughness of death guard, and a higher then average amount of apothecaries, I think we would be looking at a group that is almost impossible to actually render combat ineffective.
Combine that with the extremely toxic planet that melted even Nurglite forces, and you've got a tailor-made anti-Nurgle Chapter.

I also have some ideas for Tzeentch and Slaanesh. It's Khorne who is ironically the trickiest.

I believe that a good anti-Chaos God Chapter needs to be good at countering the gimmick of that Chaos God. An anti-Nurgle Chapter for example needs to counter disease and toxicity (poison immunity, flamers etc).

Doing that is harder with Khorne, I feel. His gimmick (war and bloodshed) is a lot broader than those of the other Gods in a galaxy like 40K.

Its a secrety secret secret.


But honestly I'm actually kinda pulling a GW and leaving it up to an individuals head canon.
I choose to believe it was Necoho because I'm itching for some sort of crossover between Fantasy and 40K.
Not gonna lie but I kinda want to see how the Keepers of the Truth and their Academy will react to Warhammer 50k.

Especially if they have to live through it.

The Star Father would be fucking horrifying to them. Especially since it was made from the insane and broken husk of the Throne-Emperor that fused with his Compassion, after his physical death.

In fact, I want to see what a timeline would be like where all of Grimm's custom Chapters exist at the same time and have to go through the fuckery that is the Second Age of Strife.

Would be interesting to see.
Reminder. What is Tempering or is that autocorrect acting up?
Sorry I am not aware of that event. What is it exactly?
it's the name of the battle in which Magnus and the Thousand Sons attacked fenris and killed the guy who was working on modifying their gene seed.

my current idea for that, is to make the Fenris planet home of the anti Tzeentch chapter, it would make it way more of a pain in the ass for the Thousand Sons to operate in the area.
Doing that is harder with Khorne, I feel. His gimmick (war and bloodshed) is a lot broader than those of the other Gods in a galaxy like 40K.

The real problem, Is that unlike the others, Khorne as seemingly already recognized the best counter play to his forces (psykers, Magic etc etc) and Said "That shit is cringe as hell" and already took counter measures against it. Almost fitting that the god of bloodshed war and violence already looked at his own biggest weakness and mitigated it compared to the others.

The second best choice is probably Shit tons of Artillery, Of all sizes.

Personally? I feel like, White scars with Tons and tons of vindicators, Attack bikes with mortars pulled from guard regiments, Whirlwinds. Shoot and Scoot, Never letting khorne gain the taste of war, Snatching Mortar shells from the Jaws of victory.

White scars are my personal best bet to base a anti-khorne faction on. Guerilla warfare is still something that would fall under khorne domain, Hell he probably Love Guerilla ambushes! Close in fights to the knife in the dirtiest muddy fighting you can find! Artillery? Whole lot less glory and skulls in that, no melee, No honor, No skull taking and glory, Just choking mud, Iron rain and an enemy always a step out of reach.
So basically the Mortor-Cycle from RA3 uprising?

Yah, It would probably end up looking like a Space marine version of that, Essentially taking the heavy bolter off of an attack bikes side car, and putting a space marine grade Mortar their instead. Probably not replace it 100%, A rapid mobility Heavy bolter is to useful to discard completely, but that would be my first step for increasing Shoot and scoot artillery to complement the vindicator.

EDIT: Finish that off with land raider typhoons and anti-flyer and you have the basis of a fast moving task force that can Pound somthing into dust, Run, hit their fast movers when they try to retaliate, run and repeat.
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