The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Well that is where the least amount of shrine worlds and probably don't have bad blood the church called for the crusade high lord probably would have stayed DP for the other problems they had at the time
Ranking with some reasoning

1.Dark Peregrines: I always liked night lords and these guys are just loyalist night lords. I also just like reading about other imperial reactions and these ones were fun
2.Steel Champions: Enjoy how spiteful they are especially towards the dark angels.
3.Verdant Eyes: Future sight is fun and enjoy the rivalry between them and Biel-Tan
4.Light Bringers: They're fine just nothing really sticks out to me about them. The main thing I enjoy from them are the strike teams and buff focused librarian
5.Keepers of Truth: Don't like Imperial Truth. I actually enjoy the fanaticism of the imperium just as an aesthetic. I also don't like having another mini imperium that will probably start a civil war.
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So far for me currently the chapter I like best is probably The Keepers. Just love how they contrast with the rest of the Imperium and the sheer irony that despite being considered 'heretics' that they are the ones that are actually following the Emperors own ideology the closest if not practically almost exactly as he intended with the Imperial Truth.

Also love their relationship with The Church and how they both hate each other so much. With what makes it interesting is that they are following the same man, just different viewpoints on how to do so.

And as much as I love the Imperial Church narrative/meta wise it is always fun to see sane factions interact with the batshit insanity of the Imperial Church.
I'm late to comment!!!

Hereticus was only butterflied away in an alternative timeline.

Can someone make the closest thing to the current timeline? i'm confused with what does an does not exist/happened at the moment

Just a silly question but of the Chapters you guys have made which is you favorite so far?
Dark Peregrines and verdant eyes followed by the Keepers of truth.

On an unrelented note can we place our next chapter near fenris? to help Space Wolves, don't know if we can save the apothecary that wanted to solve the SW geneseed issue but i want to try
Just a silly question but of the Chapters you guys have made which is you favorite so far?
Probably the Steel Champions, followed by the Keepers of Truth.

Dark Peregrines, Light Bringers and Verdant Eyes are very cool as well, but the Steel Champions ooze with personality, and the Keepers of Truth bring some very interesting details like whatever strange entity favours them, and the various mindsets of the Imperial Truth believers.
Silly idea for the next chapter


Kilts, Whiskey, fueding and Kebar tossing chaos marines/cultist!
A Second Apostate Crusade would be launched by the Word Bearers, and was once again defeated by the Keepers of Truth. Oddly enough, Inquisitorial investigations into the event would reveal the intention of this crusade not as conquest, but instead some kind of attempt to discover the 'patron' of the Keepers of Truth. The Keepers of Truth themselves would of course dismiss these motives as the ravings of madmen, and paid no further thought to the matter
Might need to keep an eye on the sector if the Starchild will be a thing in the future. If Wordbearer got an inkling that a living saint or Star Child is going born here. More concentrated attack might arrived. Lorgar might appear himself.
Might need to keep an eye on the sector if the Starchild will be a thing in the future. If Wordbearer got an inkling that a living saint or Star Child is going born here. More concentrated attack might arrived. Lorgar might appear himself.
It's definitely not the Starchild, given that the blessings negatively effect the sisters of battle.
Added New Training Option
Politics: This chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.
Did anyone has an idea for Chapter that would take advantage of this option (out of Geneseeds that we still didn't use)?
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That's actually interesting idea and they could be quite deadly. Remember, Death Guard beside being tough, also loved using chemical weaponry and cause as much casualties as possible. Imagine fast, mobile and tough army which strategy is spreading biological weapons across battlefield till enemies die from toxic mists that consume the battlefield.

But, considering the secondary geneseed cost, it's propably better if we collect overtime secondary charges and leave them for use later, and concentrate on creating single geneseed chapters and then, later, chimeric.
Oh right I've raised the price of Secondary Gene-Seed to 25 Points a charge,
The cost is too high to just make a chimeric chapter one turn and then the next one. We need to plan long term and collect something to make effective chimeric geneseed that is worth it. So either we collect, secondary charges for use later or start collecting for later chapters, legendary, adaptive and potent geneseed. We simply need to plan ahead to make chimeric chapters, or they will have far less traits than single geneseed chapters which used potent, legendary and adaptive charges.
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