We have 4 Turns/Months until the Veil of Secrecy of our project gets removed. When that happens what are the people in the know going to do about Galbinus and his faction of Kausen? That is an important question since the other Kausen faction has probably been hunting Galbinus and his men ever since they came to the planet. Once they have a location to attack to try and destroy Galbinus and his forces. They will attack the base. And then there is the other 2 groups. the Westphalians and Shoel's Kaiju. In short we are about to become targets for 3 enemy factions all of whom have good reason to want us gone and our base turned into a smoking ruin.
Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 1 Turn
0513, 7 May, A.D. 2071
Legion Enclave
Anna had to admit, this assignment was an entire suite of first-time experiences for her. She'd been warned that the DFRI were full of characters, but this was already outdoing many of her previous assignments on behalf of the Intelligence Services. Each individual facet of the facility would have been enough to make it notable by itself, but they were all under one roof.
The artificial intelligence, for one. And for the most part, they were the sweetest girls she'd ever met; she'd hug them if she could.
The shapeshifting robot designs, for another. She'd seen them already, but seeing where they came from 'in-house' was an experience by itself. She'd even seen the unveiling of a new design, problem-ridden as it was. She'd even seen new equipment enter the books of the I.S.!
But more pertinent to today, she'd met her first genuine 'alien.'
Said alien was grumpy.
"You're always in a foul mood," Anna said as the Kaus medic was setting aside equipment for the incoming party. "I'd figure you'd be happier than this. What's always eating at you?"
"Nothing," came the gruff response. The pale bone-colored turned his attention to her. Anna was finding it interesting that what popular media would label as 'bad guy' color schemes belonged in this case to the friendlier half of a civil war. Bright red optics looked at her, partially obscured by a black visor that looked like a mixture between a surgical mask and a welder's face shield. "Just bracing myself for the trouble the others undoubtedly have gotten themselves into."
"Trouble?" Anna blinked, and tilted her head to give the appearance of being clueless. "What sort of-?"
"Oh, don't play that with me, girl," Patch grumbled. "They're young, spark-headed, and impatient. What do you think is going to happen?" He lifts another crate of medical supplies (or at least what the Kausen consider 'medical') and brushes some dust off of his brow. "Don't pretend humans don't act that way either. Galbinus will have his hands full handling that crowd."
"So...fistfights over arguments?" Anna probed.
"Among other things," Patch muttered. He then looked up sharply, as if listening in to something. "Ahh, speaking of which." He knelt down and opened his palm for her to step onto. "You said you wished to be there when Galbinus arrived, yes?"
"I did," Anna agreed, hopping onto the extended palm. Patch carefully lifted her to his shoulder and patiently waited for her to grab onto something secure before walking at full speed towards the entrance.
The Enclave was an interesting mixture of construction styles. Anna could definitely see the EUDF influences: the pale blue metal hallways (albeit supersized), the occasional interface panels, safety equipment spaced out in key positions. Yet these were dominated by the primary customers of the tunnel networks. Though there were human-sized walkways, everything was appropriately sized for giant metal robots. Kausen script adorned the hallways, equipment racks the size of Coyotes, berthing that could easily hold several Bulwarks inside - it was all jarring. There were even some examples of the strange energy processors already installed along certain areas.
And it was all ready for the Legion to move in and use immediately.
Anna could hear the engines as Patch emerged from the cave entrance. But the sound was off. Where there was a high pitched whine and the rush of wind and fire from a Stork or a Norfolk-class shuttle, the engine of what was clearly the Legion's dropship was a low-level humming sound that rattled through her head. This was to say nothing of the dropship itself; it looked like someone simply hewed a squat metal rhombus, gave it engines and called it a day.
Yet the large construct settled down near the entrance smoothly, only making a moderate impact onto the ground as it touched down. Before long, loading ramps unfolded from the dropship and figures were already descending down onto the ground.
Anna nodded to herself. Yes, this was definitely the most interesting assignment she'd ever been in.
Enclave completed on schedule! The Legion has arrived!
Gain minor bonus to Energy Shard processing!
First Response Corps - You have a wealth of information now about the Kausen conflict, but the First Response Corps have had the most exposure to cleaning up the mess those fights leave behind. Rockefeller can link up with Colonel Kim to see what else she can learn about the battlefields and anything potentially left behind, and learn what you can from their perspectives. You already have a good reputation with him, so this shouldn't be difficult.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
In between the general hubbub that was generated with Galbinus' arrival, Anna decided to head out to the FRC command with Rockefeller in tow. Colonel Kim was more than happy to receive them, and to share information.
The Jackals are apparently ridiculously popular with the FRC pilot corps. It's gotten to the point where it's not unusual for FRC Dispatch Groups to have at least a platoon's worth of the items on inventory. His endorsement awhile back was not bluster; the Jackals were responsible for a good deal of rescue operations that simply could not have happened otherwise. For this alone, Colonel Kim holds the DFRI in high regard.
That said, the information he shares with you is interesting. Though the Free Brothers' raids have continued (a distinction that Anna did choose to share with the Colonel after several documents of sworn secrecy), the FRC have noticed that the Kausen raids have changed directive. As much as they love the Jackals, recent Kausen raids have now begun to target and isolate individual units. Soberly, Kim recounts that some platoons have lost a fair number of their pilots because of their usual tactics of fanning out for maximum coverage in a disaster zone, and they've had to change tactics more appropriate to an infantry fire team. He has no proof that the Kausen are behind it - he admits that the Westphalians were just as likely a suspect - but that doesn't explain the strange scorch marks left behind when their men and women go missing in action.
When asked if there was any support forthcoming from the EUADF, Colonel Kim's expression reportedly shifted to extreme neutrality as he shook his head 'no.'
Anna and Rockefeller return within the month, with new information in hand.
You've discovered that the Jackal is a hit item with the FRC, but that the Free Brothers are possibly targeting Jackals. FRC elements are made aware (on a need-to-know basis) of the distinction between the Legion and the Free Brothers.
Upgraded Radar Tower – BG Peters has no complaints against you and Sasaki wanting even greater radar coverage. Not only would this provide greater local radar coverage, this would allow you to tap further into the EUDF Global Network. This is more expensive than the Outposts, but also allows you to see much farther than your local area.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security, Greater Awareness of Global Threats
Progress continues apace on the radar network. With the Legion's permission, additional equipment to extend the radar coverage is installed on and around the Enclave's grounds. This is with the understanding that the DFRI would share the radar coverage with Galbinus, an arrangement you don't have too much of a problem with.
Construction of the actual tower itself within the DFRI campus begins as well. With the help of Architect and another of the Legion's arrivals, a tall and short-tempered Kaus named Hotwire, the incomplete structure still looms well over the whole complex like a giant monolith. You expect to see this finished by the end of June.
Will complete by end of next turn!
Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
But when you have this many experts converging on a project like this...
Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain new class of dropship
- ???
- It could be good. You just don't know.
Functional Supplemental Development - The fragments are smart enough to fill in the blanks given enough hints. Katarina suggests placing the AI in areas where it can observe where you want it to work. The likeliest candidate right now is the Engineering Bay, but that can be changed if you wish.
Both Ignatov and Katarina also want to take their time doing this.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will gain new AI Supercomputer Personality, Will be slotted as an Adviser Personality
You still don't know why you agreed to this. You sure as heck still don't know why you decided to indulge yourself in a bout of insanity in front of Wilde when you agreed - rather theatrically - that a simple reconstruction or modification of the Stork-class would not do. But you seem to have lit a fire under everyone with that gesture.
You're still not sure why you're so shocked, but there it is. It has literally become an all hands on deck approach.
The Duo's involvement was a no-brainer. They were taking the lead on deconstructing the entire engine set and rebuilding it from the ground up. Architect, now a long-familiar part of the base, joined in on the fun. Before long, the engines were starting to take a strange fusion of human and Kausen engineering. You weren't sure how that was going to turn out, but Architect has done nothing but quality work so far, and the Duo's work was unquestioned. You'd leave them to it.
Diana, Captain Sasaki and Dr. Ignatov were leading the charge in the frame designs, with Katarina and the still-forming AI code pitching in where they were needed. They wanted a mobile command center, one that could boast a decent carrying capacity without sacrificing onboard maintenance facilities. Diana insisted that at least some sort of limited fire support option be available. Sasaki countered that it should not interfere with remaining mobile, and Ignatov and Katarina saw to ensuring that there was still enough power left over to support a strong enough communications suite. Then things got strange when Deckhand, Galbinus' dropship operator, got word from Architect and decided to join in on the fun.
This is to say nothing of Sam and Max's involvement. Before anyone realized what was going on, the researchers from their respective departments were bringing in the completed anti-gravity treatments and inert K-Class Materials.
You...had to step away and just let the madness take its course.
You have no idea what's going to be the result, but if it doesn't at least make coffee, perform a warrior ritual or do your taxes, you're going to be very disappointed.
Everyone's gone mad! Players will roll for dropship traits later! This is the formative experience for the Engineering AI!
Engineering Actions
K-Circuitry - The Phalanx shows that the K-Circuitry enables much more power and reaction time from pilots enabled with it. However, the Phalanx needs that extra power to simply move normally (even if it still hits really hard). What would happen if you put that into the Beowulf and its Formation components?
Wilde and Henry's answer: "Let's find out!"
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance to increase basic combat stats of the Beowulf and Formation modes (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
The Proving Grounds
"So run this by me again," you order.
"Okay, so check it out, Sir," Wilde says. He spreads his arms and gestures as he speaks. "Take your factory standard Jackal. Operates on wires, circuit boards, electric cables - what you'd expect anywhere else. Works just fine, but nothing exceptional."
Henry then pulls up a display of the Phalanx. "We found out quickly," he says, "that it just doesn't work with the Phalanx. So the K-Circuits were our answer to that, and it works good enough. So we transplanted the same idea into the Beowulf."
A video of the Beowulf in action is shown. Already familiar with the default performance of the Jackal, you are surprised to see where you're seeing the increase. As the Beowulf configures in midair, its fist slams into a target dummy. You watch it shatter, some pieces of the dummy even flying off into the distance. Remaining pieces of the hapless dummy fall around the Beowulf as it rises from the ground, clattering loudly and kicking up a small dust storm in the process.
"We thought it was going to make it even faster," Wilde shrugs, "But no. We're seeing that it's actually making Callaghan punch harder than before. All that extra power is going to the limbs."
"We also are figuring out how to finetune the kaiju tissue that we're layering in there," Henry adds. "When we roll out the Perseus-" You dimly recall that's the proposed name for the DFRI's version, "-it's going to be getting the same treatment."
You nod in satisfaction. Improvements were never a bad thing.
K-Circuits are showing to actually increase basic attack power. Will be unveiled next turn.
Enemy Wreckage – You have examples of the strange guntrucks/tank destroyers (called Tank-Mobiles apparently) and the monstrous Pilum-class custom's remains. Wilde and Henry noticed at a glance that both seem to share the same principles of engineering, ones that seem to also share a few ideas on variable configuration (if absolutely crude and inefficient). With your permission, they want to dig into this.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (5-6, Threshold of 5-6)
Gain analysis of Westphalian Equipment, Unlocks New Options
After nearly a year and a half, the first catastrophe of the workshops has taken place. You're personally surprised it hasn't happened sooner, given who's running the workshop.
As it turns out, however, the Pilum's remains are still intact. That's actually part of the problem: when Wilde and Henry were attempting to reassemble it, they weren't counting on the remaining claw-limbs lashing out at them.
Wilde made the call to evacuate and isolate the bay for a good hour before coming back in, this time with Cavalier coming along to make sure the damned thing stayed dead. The precaution was unnecessary, but Wilde soon determined that sparks from the welding equipment inadvertently triggered a reaction from a leftover chemical treatment that no one had noticed before.
With Cavalier's help, the claw limbs were forcibly removed and set aside for analysis. They've determined that the Pilum is still salvageable, but it's going to be a lot harder to do now with that setback. But more curiously than that is the strange chemical composition that triggered the limbs to lash out. The Duo doesn't know what it is, but they want to find out.
Pilum still salvageable, but pricier. Strange chemical mixture discovered, set aside for further analysis.
The Shield Wall - As you begin committing the Phalanx prototype to the Beowulf treatment, it's best to start taking a look at what would be even feasible to conduct combinable configuration with. Are the Shepherd and the V-33 'Falcon' suitable? Or are you going to need a brand new approach to the Phalanx? (Or whatever you're going to name the DFRI flagship model)
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Insights into what is required for Phalanx Combine Formations
Work continues apace on the newly dubbed 'Perseus.' The Engineering Bay has seen a never-ending influx of disassembled parts and K-Class materials. As a nod to the Perseus' namesake, the Phalanx chassis is slowly taking bronze and black coloring as K-Scales are woven over the critical components, secured by electric charge and then covered by armor plating.
Further studies have gone into what, if anything, the Perseus would be able to combine with. The Shepherd was ruled out immediately; the Duo weren't confident they could re-engineer the frame to accommodate the bulky frame. The V-33 was given a tentative 'maybe,' but it was going to require a brand new configuration pod set. Even then it would likely be part of a wider combination, and not a stand alone.
Henry is brutally honest. You were lucky with the configurations for the Beowulf. But with new discoveries such as the anti-gravity treatment, a more radical approach is now feasible. Henry is adamant about this being the only workable way:
The Perseus is going to need more than one vehicle to combine with. He's strongly recommending two, maybe three.
Wilde suggests maybe using multiple V-33s, but Henry disagrees with that. If you already have something as heavy as the Perseus, he argues, you might as well double down and make the combined form really durable. Such as, say, using something as mundane as a bulldozer or wrecker recovery vehicle, or something as outlandish as a Bulwark tank.
Either way, you have ways forward.
New options for Combineable Configuration for Perseus explored. Combination experiments to take place next turn!
Science Actions
ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory
To be followed by Interlude
Kaiju Biotechnology - Though a younger field than ESP, the biotechnologists are ready to break open even more secrets from the kaiju samples. With an emphasis on learning how to shape K-Class Materials into artificial shapes, they have their work cut out for them.
But the power of metal will provide.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology
To be followed by Interlude.
And metal.
Kaus Armor Plating – Otherwise known as 'zirvitium alloy.' Max is predicting that it is very good at absorbing the energy blast weapons favored by Kausen warriors, but it's otherwise just a very sturdy set of armor plating. At least at first glance. She has some science to do on this one.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6+1d6, Threshold of 5-6), Katarina's Support is active
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options
Katarina was not expecting to find out just how to properly forge zirvitium, Terran-style. But the real hangup was soon determined to be over a translation error.
Zirvitium apparently doesn't mind that it doesn't have whatever untranslatable Kausen alloy it normally needs. The humble, and very readily available, copper and aluminum apparently works just fine. Just so long as you don't overdo it.
You gave up trying to understand Max and Katarina when they tried to explain it to you, and you all but tried to escape the room when Architect nearly wandered in to join in on the explanation. But as far as you can understand it, all Max had to do was to follow the 'recipe' provided by the Legion, forge it with the materials provided, but to swap out certain metals with the more readily available ones.
The one part you did follow was that while you aren't going to be making entire Super Robots out of the material (the finished product is actually quite inflexible, as Architect later on points out to you), you can build certain weapons and equipment out of it. Such as, say, a handheld shield.
You don't know how it works, you just know it does, and that it won't cause too much of a strain on your supply chain. And that's really all you need to know.
Localized zirvitium alloy developed! New Actions Unlocked!
Dispersion Field Plans – "It's a damned force field!" At least that's what you think you heard Max cackle. You're not sure. You just know that Galbinus told you it's not a complete set of the plans. It's just as much of the plans that some former shield engineers in the Legion scribed down from memory. On the plus side, it means you can create something uniquely yours.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options
Galbinus was not joking when he said the plans weren't complete. Max found this out to her annoyance when she tried to fill in the gaps. And there's a lot of gaps. Everything from the power flow, to directional projection, to even just working at all. Apparently the Dispersion Field is already a jealously guarded secret of the Free Brothers, and the fact that Galbinus discovered this much was something of a coup.
To start: she has to tackle exactly how the Dispersion Field is going to actually be projected. Because that in itself is going to determine how she even designs the thing, let alone build it. She has two ideas for this:
Idea One: Create an arm mounted 'riot shield' style Dispersion Field. It can't exactly stay online for very long, but it's guaranteed to redirect all incoming damage from the front.
Idea Two: the 'Bandit' method, activation by proximity. Encase the robot in a body-spanning field, and simply letting the detection do the work. But, as the Timberwolf proved, this isn't exactly reliable.
She's sure she's going to find other methods, but for now, this is all she's got. Which is fine. She still has two months to try.
Those plans were really incomplete, but Max is on it!
As it turns out, however, the Pilum's remains are still intact. That's actually part of the problem: when Wilde and Henry were attempting to reassemble it, they weren't counting on the remaining claw-limbs lashing out at them.
Wilde made the call to evacuate and isolate the bay for a good hour before coming back in, this time with Cavalier coming along to make sure the damned thing stayed dead. The precaution was unnecessary, but Wilde soon determined that sparks from the welding equipment inadvertently triggered a reaction from a leftover chemical treatment that no one had noticed before.
With Cavalier's help, the claw limbs were forcibly removed and set aside for analysis. They've determined that the Pilum is still salvageable, but it's going to be a lot harder to do now with that setback. But more curiously than that is the strange chemical composition that triggered the limbs to lash out. The Duo doesn't know what it is, but they want to find out.
Is it just me or does it look like the claw limbs might have been salvaged from some kind of mechanical lifeform? They certainly don't FIT anywhere in standard production.
The one part you did follow was that while you aren't going to be making entire Super Robots out of the material (the finished product is actually quite inflexible, as Architect later on points out to you), you can build certain weapons and equipment out of it. Such as, say, a handheld shield.
Idea One: Create an arm mounted 'riot shield' style Dispersion Field. It can't exactly stay online for very long, but it's guaranteed to redirect all incoming damage from the front.
Idea Two: the 'Bandit' method, activation by proximity. Encase the robot in a body-spanning field, and simply letting the detection do the work. But, as the Timberwolf proved, this isn't exactly reliable.
Idea Three, take Idea One, wire it to an AI co-pilot and sensors to reactively generate Mirror Force trap cards against attacks. Probably has a cooldown if used this way, but hey, reflecting attacks is great.
I like, I like. A super-alloy shield with a field generator for trololoing big hits.
Better still if we can use those properties offensively.
Zirvitium also looks like it's perfectly fine for external armor plating, and we have our K-Tech augments for the internals.
And yeah, confirmation of some serious shenanigans going on with Westphalian super machines. A long dead, shattered machine coming to life and attacking? That's not normal.
Might have a common origin with Sheol's K-Tech come to think of it.
Idea One: Create an arm mounted 'riot shield' style Dispersion Field. It can't exactly stay online for very long, but it's guaranteed to redirect all incoming damage from the front.
Maybe, the manner in which the Warlord died had some sort of psychic backlash. This has manifested in the Mechanical Claw Arm attempting to defend itself from those darn Government Dogs!!!
Remember, the Warlord pov which shows his final moments before death has a metaphor:
Coincidence! I think, maybe(?) I mean it's not like we have Daemons or anything. So until we have more info then our people will have to work with what they get.
Last edited:
Science Report: Carlson Laboratories, ESP/Kaiju Biotechnology Case Study
"Sam here!" As the familiar logo passes by the screen, Sam continues on, "You know, sometimes the greatest inventions of history happen because something messed up horribly! Well, we messed up, I'll admit. But not horribly. Least, not by my-"
"Doctor, you're rambling again," Ivanna says from off screen.
"Dammit, Ivanna, I told you to stop calling me - "
"Sam here! So, we had a bit of an accident happen last month. Some of the K-Class materials spilled and leaked onto some of the researchers. Ivanna?"
"Yes, Doctor." Ignoring the grumbling from Sam, Ivanna's avatar materializes onto the screen, along with a readout of medical files. "The affected individuals were promptly given medical treatment, but as you can see, there were no negative side effects. However, due to the state the K-Class materials were in, it had a similar effect to encasing parts of their bodies into mold-like materials." Pictures of the patients are shown, all with the tissue encasing them like a blanket. "But we hit upon a solution! As Doctor Carlson pointed out before, K-Class Materials react positively to two things: vibrations from projected sounds, and mental suggestions from psychic waves!" She smiles brightly. "So I suggested to Doctor Carlson to use these tools to render the K-Class encasing the patients into a form they could get out of."
The next few video recordings practically shake from the vibrations of metal strings blaring through the hospital speakers. Predictably, the patients, the researchers, the 'sculptor' wearing the MMI, and the medical providers don't seem to mind a whit. Still serenely smiling and swaying slightly to the music, Ivanna continues, "We discovered that the K-Class on the patients reacted very similarly to the K-Scale Mesh that is utilized on the Beowulf! Durability is still something of an issue, but it's a whole new avenue of research to pursue! Back to you, Doctor Carlson!"
"Thanks, Ivanna. As she said, we've discovered the man-sized version of K-Scale by accident. But we've also done other Science!"
"Thanks, fellas. So we finally put the Psychic Theater to the test, and we've discovered that crews operating with this in mind are going to be a hell of a lot more effective."
The co-pilots of a V-33 TMU are shown in a simulator, operating completely in tandem with each other as one manipulates the flight controls and as the other operates weapons. Another shows a Phalanx lumbering towards a set of target dummies, all the while the upper torso is operating independently and attacking incoming target drones. "As long as everyone involved is clear in what the hell they're both doing, it works great! If you jump in blind, though...well. Don't jump in blind. That's all I can tell you."
"So now we have a new project for the Engineering boys: what happens when you get two pilots to combine and work together? Heheh, probably something out of an older cartoon. But I'd pay good money to see it live."
"Sam Carlson, we're done here!"
Discovered infantry-classed K-Scale Mesh! Additional protection for the pilot, possibly has applications in increased pilot performance! New Actions Unlocked!
Psychic Theater proven viable! New Combineable Configuration Actions Unlocked!
So, that crit fail description gave me a thought...
Lucy was surprised to see Ashley storming down the hallway towards her. Not that Ashley wasn't the type to move quickly-far from it, but normally she was pleased as punch simply over how 'AWESOME' the job was that simple irritants didn't seem to faze her for that long.
"Whoa, you okay there Lashy?"
"That Pilum is haunted! HAUNTED I TELL YOU!"
"Improbable at best, Westphalia lacks access AI technology."
"Tell that to Henry after that thing nearly took his head off!"
Lucy just raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, seriously, Lucy, the thing flailed about, got two of it's three claws under it, and started lifting itself up like some wounded beast to chase us!"
"Some timing, did it want a rematch with Callaghan?"
Ashley just stopped and stared levelly at her companion.
"Skepticism, really? It's not hard to imagine your last thoughts living on in a machine?"
"Do we need to delete the servo-arms data recordings to prevent echoes from affecting things?"
"Nooo...But what if that guy was like Jack?"
"Even if he was...I doubt that will occur again."
"But what if it does!? What if he's still around, and still fighting!?"
"Then I'll grab an MMI and kick his tail out of that or any other device he infests! If psychic power puts someone in a machine another psychic can exorcise them."
"I guess you're right...Pretty scary that happened."
Nice to see we were able to do something for infantry scale people, @Basarin could this reasonably be used to make pilot suits and with some research said suits can help improve piloting ability?
Also nice we got the multiple pilots working together down as something possible, will need to exploit that to fullest and find pilots that mesh well together mentally.
Nice to see we were able to do something for infantry scale people, @Basarin could this reasonably be used to make pilot suits and with some research said suits can help improve piloting ability?
Also nice we got the multiple pilots working together down as something possible, will need to exploit that to fullest and find pilots that mesh well together mentally.
I'm really looking forward to finally taking the Yukimura Fact Hunt action cause I'm interested in finding out what kinda tech the Merc operates one. We've been putting that off since like turn 2. Also might be worth doing the Politics since we're about to really be in the public spotlight. Also I hope that our dropship project gets done on the same turn that we get attacked by a Kaiju so we can have a dramatic reveal and pew pew.
I'm really looking forward to finally taking the Yukimura Fact Hunt action cause I'm interested in finding out what kinda tech the Merc operates one. We've been putting that off since like turn 2. Also might be worth doing the Politics since we're about to really be in the public spotlight. Also I hope that our dropship project gets done on the same turn that we get attacked by a Kaiju so we can have a dramatic reveal and pew pew.
CRX-46 "Thunder" Purpose: Aerial Assault Craft Vehicle Form: Heavily Modified Gunship (Why yes, I am using the Skyranger as a visual reference) Alt-Form: Vanguard Assault Mech Biography: Descended from the 'Pilum' class gunship in only the most tenuous way, the "Thunder" can be described as an act of spite against an undead war machine that decided to lash out from beyond the grave, by leaping forward three generations and then letting it turn into a combat robot to boot. The Thunder makes extensive use of the new possibilities opened up with the technological breakthroughs provided by the Science Division to craft a genuine flying fortress--bearing armor comparable to modern MBTs along with mobility only marginally beneath that of a true air superiority fighter. While this is still light protection by the standards of the current Age of Giants, it nonetheless allows for a quick, deadly attacker in vehicle mode.
Its Alternate Configuration is another story. Thrusters shift to the rear of the new humanoid form, cutting-edge armor plating concentrates forward, and the war machine's melee weapons are brought to bear. Though its flight abilities are limited in this configuration, it makes up for this with explosive forward speed and concentrated firepower. Overwhelming active defenses and augmenting its striking power through unmatched velocity. A skilled pilot would also be able to complete an attack run, Configure back into Gunship form, and harry the target with the lighter weapons of that form while re-positioning for a second attack run.
Unlike many of the CRX series, the "Thunder" is not intended for mass production, it simply relies too heavily on new technologies to function as a coherent unit without them. Nonetheless, it should not be impossible for a limited production run to supplement the Flagship Machine.
TL;DR: Alteisen got a Brave Saga overhaul. It gets away with a lot of the usual problems involved with aerial mechs by making use of the Anti-Gravity coating, K-Circuits, and Zirvitium Alloy Plating to get way the fuck more out of the airframe then would otherwise be possible, and alt form moves all of those thrusters to the back and turns the mech into the god damn White Glint with a taste for alpha strikes.
If Beowulf would serve as the "Head and Torso", and Perseus as the "Arms and Legs", then the flagship here would be the Back Unit.
It was a prototype name, after writing it, I decided Thunder was better.
And after all, this is a spite mech! They don't want the Westphalians to even dream that their technological undead clawcopter was a good idea in any universe!
It was a prototype name, after writing it, I decided Thunder was better.
And after all, this is a spite mech! They don't want the Westphalians to even dream that their technological undead clawcopter was a good idea in any universe!