I think I understand Not in Person's point- It's...Something that tends to fustrate me sometimes about quester mentality, sometimes.
Admittedly, I find myself too far out of touch with this quest-and with what the voting questers want, it seems, to make successful plans. I can certainly try but I find I tend to be too slow for that, and perhaps not effective enough a plan-maker.
The thing is...For every Proper Quester who's smart enough to read for little details, make excellent write-ins, and craft winning vote-plans, there's maybe...let's say 4-5 Questors who simply either are unwilling or unable to overcome a bandwagon from a Proper Quester, and thus must contend themselves with supporting plans with as many aspects as they like.
This is why some quests have voting moratoriums isn't it? So that there are more possible options to choose from before voting opens so people don't just jump on the first few plans made and before long the first few plans have too many votes to be overtaken by any new ones. I feel like the issue still remains prevalent even then though, not for any negative reason, but simply because people tend to have similar thought patterns on things like this and therefore people vote for the same person's plan because they chose most if not all of the same things that they themselves wanted in the first place.
Please keep the discussion civil, and all property damage limited to Tokyo Tower, please.
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 6, 2018 at 5:15 PM, finished with 59 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan: To The Skies!
    -[X] Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
    -[X] First Response Corps (1 RP)
    -[X] Go full ham on it (4 RP)
    -[X] Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
    -[X] Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
    -[X] Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
    -[X] Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
    --[X] Xenotech Lab Bonus
    [X] Plan Getting A Full Team
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    --[X] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
    -[X] Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!'
    --[X] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
    ---[X] 'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
    -[X] Pilot Training
    --[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
    -[X] Supercomputer AI
    --[X] MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.
    [X] Plan-No one makes em like we do
    -[X] Internal Politicking Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    -[X] Go full ham on it Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Pilot Training – Find New Talent Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Pilot Training - Callaghan Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
    -[X] Configuration
    --[X]Triple Change Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Toad: Fight the Power

Fight the Power
Major Jonathan Devin of the EUDF stood stoically with his hands behind his back and gazed out of the window of his brand new bridge style command center. He knew that it was time to make an important decision that could very well shape the direction that his new command would take in the near future.

"B-boss please, we need this." The voice of one of his two genius head engineers, Lieutenant Adam Wilde, rang out in the silence his pondering had caused. "If you let us build this thing for you we'll make you something that the world won't ever forget!" Devin had no doubt in his mind that it was the truth, especially given the things his mechanics had achieved with variable configuration.

"Major, this is an opportunity for us to do something truly impressive and demonstrate the capabilities of our new technology to its fullest". The voice of Sam Carlson made its way to his ears and slowly he turned around to survey what must have been the entirety of the base's staff arrayed on the ground in front of him on their knees, begging him to listen to their pleas.

"While I generally try to be the voice of reason in these situations Major, there are some things a man must do," This came from the ever monotone Sergeant Henry, "and I feel it in my heart that this is one of them."

Devin knew that logically, he could-should order them to immediately return to their work stations and begin work on rebuilding a Stork around the engine they had acquired. But instead he stood in silence and allowed his eyes to trail over his command, his people. He saw the mech-pilots watching him with hopeful upturned faces, Tellison especially doe-eyed. He saw the crews of engineers who watched on with determination etched into every line and wrinkle of their being, seemingly trying to will him into agreeing to their plans with pure stubbornness. He saw his scientists who upon hearing of the possibility of this new focus had abandoned their dark labs and come into the light of day to beseech his approval. He even saw the avatars of the bases AI on the Command Center's bright computer screens, all kneeling in a strange style with their hands and head on the ground in front of their knees.

Finally his eyes reached the woman standing directly to his side, she would never kneel, her pride would not allow it. Sasaki's face was forced into a blank slate but he could tell that she was anxious, her eyes darting from him to the kneelers as she bit her lower lip before she seemed to make a decision and spoke. "The most efficient option we have is to build a stork class upgraded with our technology," here she paused and visibly drove herself to continue speaking, "we simply do not have the time or the resources to build an entirely new dropship class from the ground up." As she said her piece he let himself glance towards the rest of his staff, and saw heartbreak.

He turned back towards the window. "Boss, Please." The voice of Wilde's desperation came in a combination of a whimper and whisper. "Enough," he knew what he had to do, "I've made my decision." Wilde seemed unable to speak and Henry had to answer in his place "Alright Major... sorry to bother you, we'll get started on the Stork Class." As he heard the slow rustling of over a hundred people sullenly and despondently starting to get up he asked "Stork Class? Who said anything about a Stork Class?". He heard nothing for a few moments that seemed to stretch on forever, no one seemed to even breathe while they processed the words he had just said. "Boss?" came a voice colored by confusion and perhaps even some hesitant hope.

He swiveled around and regarded the people who had over the past year become his family. "Stork Class?", he sneered and shook his head. He puffed out his chest, lifting his head and looking down at his staff, his right hand forming into a fist and coming up to his chest with a thumb pointed out straight at his heart as a mad grin formed on his face, "Stork Class? Who the hell do you think I am?"

Was bored af, wrote this, be gentle, use lube.
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Anime_Fan35: An Architect's Touch
Well here is my stab at an Omake.
Architect wandered into the Hanger where the Dropship engines were being looked over by Wilde and Henry. The ongoing move to the new Enclave by Galbinus and the others was underway and they were already starting to move in.

As he neared them he could hear the two men arguing. "What's going on?" Architect asked curiously. Both men turned to him as he approached. "Who ever built this particular engine either screwed up or used substandard parts in some sections of it." Wilde said with a scowl.

"We are having to rebuild it from the ground up and replace critical parts of it. Luckily most of the parts are up to spec so we don't have to replace much" Henry finished.

"Can I help? Most of the moving is done so I don't have anything to do right now." Architect asked Wilde and Henry exchanged looks than smiled. "Sure! it will be interesting to see what we can come up with you helping us with this project." Wilde said with a grin.

Architect nodded than stepped toward the partially taken apart engine. "Lets see what we can do then." He replied.

With 60 hours of hard work which involved taking the engines apart and doing a complete overhaul they found and replaced the substandard parts with the right parts taken from the spares store.

Normally with engines the size of the ones that work on dropships the work would have taken at least 2 to 3 months of careful work depending on the status of the engines. but with Architects help they got the work done in record time.

"Well I have to admit! I'm impressed" Said Henry while he wiped his brow with his sleeve. "Yea it usually takes regular maintenance guys months to overhaul these things and we did it in 2 and a half days. " Wilde exclaimed cheerfully. "2 and a half days huh! That's a new record but keep in mind that you had me helping." Architect pointed out smugly.

Both Wilde and Henry nodded. "For which we are grateful." They replied unison.

Across the bay hidden from the sight of them Major Devin and Setsuna watched. "They are getting crazier." He remarked. Setsuna just nodded silently with a barely hidden grin but Devin wasn't fooled for a second.

"Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they come up with a flying mech base that can land and store dropships themselves. Like I said Crazy which is something we need." He finished with a grin.
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Calling the vote, juuuuuust slightly in favor of @Alectai's. We shall proceed with it.

@Toad, @Anime_Fan35, threadmarked your omakes. They will factor in.

@HeavyBane, still haven't forgotten yours, it will feature in the next turn options.

But for now? I have escaped work, and I have a pizza that is in need of devouring.

Rolls to follow after the pizza has been sacrificed to the Emperor.
I will execute extra work to summon better fortune!

Oh dear Kaus Alloy and Kaiju Biotech, please get a breakthrough, especially since you're now rolling 2d6 baseline....
Alright. We've got a full suite of advisors. Can we get an AI pilot now?
Plan: To The Skies!
- Diana's Support on Legio Enclave? (Otherwise, wherever she can do the most good)
- First Response Corps (1 RP)
- Go full ham on it (4 RP)
- Functional Supplemental Development (2 RP)
- Ivanna's Support on Kaiju Biotechnology
- Katarina's Support on Kaus Armor Plating
- Dispersion Field Plans (3 RP)
-- Xenotech Lab Bonus

Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (With Diana's Creativity))
Duration: 1 Turn

Success! Diana, Wilde and Henry made good on your promise to Galbinus on time!

K-Circuitry - The Phalanx shows that the K-Circuitry enables much more power and reaction time from pilots enabled with it. However, the Phalanx needs that extra power to simply move normally (even if it still hits really hard). What would happen if you put that into the Beowulf and its Formation components?

Wilde and Henry's answer: "Let's find out!"

Duration: 2 Turns
Chance to increase basic combat stats of the Beowulf and Formation modes (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Success! There's a definite effect on machine performance here.

Enemy Wreckage – You have examples of the strange guntrucks/tank destroyers (called Tank-Mobiles apparently) and the monstrous Pilum-class custom's remains. Wilde and Henry noticed at a glance that both seem to share the same principles of engineering, ones that seem to also share a few ideas on variable configuration (if absolutely crude and inefficient). With your permission, they want to dig into this.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Gain analysis of Westphalian Equipment, Unlocks New Options

...um. That was informative. Counterproductive, but informative.

The Shield Wall - As you begin committing the Phalanx prototype to the Beowulf treatment, it's best to start taking a look at what would be even feasible to conduct combinable configuration with. Are the Shepherd and the V-33 'Falcon' suitable? Or are you going to need a brand new approach to the Phalanx? (Or whatever you're going to name the DFRI flagship model)

Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Insights into what is required for Phalanx Combine Formations

Success! You've discovered new options to pursue for Combinable Configuration with the Phalanx! You should also start thinking of a 'proper' name for the DFRI model.

ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory

Sam discovered a problem that he was able to head off early. The Psychic Theater Effect can now be safely used. It just needs a set of machines to use it on.

Kaiju Biotechnology - Though a younger field than ESP, the biotechnologists are ready to break open even more secrets from the kaiju samples. With an emphasis on learning how to shape K-Class Materials into artificial shapes, they have their work cut out for them.

But the power of metal will provide.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6), Ivanna's Calm is in effect
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology

Let's double check this...


Kaus Armor Plating – Otherwise known as 'zirvitium alloy.' Max is predicting that it is very good at absorbing the energy blast weapons favored by Kausen warriors, but it's otherwise just a very sturdy set of armor plating. At least at first glance. She has some science to do on this one.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (2d6+1d6, Threshold of 5-6), Katarina's Support is active
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

Katarina's help was just what was needed here! Ignatov is so proud.

Dispersion Field Plans – "It's a damned force field!" At least that's what you think you heard Max cackle. You're not sure. You just know that Galbinus told you it's not a complete set of the plans. It's just as much of the plans that some former shield engineers in the Legion scribed down from memory. On the plus side, it means you can create something uniquely yours.

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

Failure. Galbinus really wasn't kidding when he said the plans weren't complete.
Will admit though, the bad result with the Pilum is disappointing, but at least we learned something.

Ivanna did work though, flipping a fail into a crit success if I'm not mistaken.
The safety net called "another set of AI eyes looking over our work" succeeds once more. Fuck yeah.
We've had a number of sub-par rolls though. Not fuck yeah.
No, not "because I don't like how influential you are", but rather because I disagree with not having an alternative. I did vote for your plans, and will vote for them in the future. But not this turn, and not when I can make my own.

EDIT: And if you do step back, I (or anybody else) won't have a high standard to compete against.
Just an FYI, I do provide an alternative when I can, just that vote cycles usually leaves us with the planning vote happening(and at least 4 times a week it closes before I even see it) while I'm commuting to or from work, or while I sleep. Alectai usually has plans which I agree 80% with so theres not exactly going to mold it in His Image. You see a few regulars dominate resource managing plan votes for this reason: too many possible options to pick out good ones reliably

Also I'm like *the* person with the most namevoting going on via sheer subforum volume of presence, so my talking about namevoting is a little hypocritical :p