in regards to Jessica's aggressive bonus, does it mean that we can have two attack actions per turn for a total of 4 attack rolls or does it only apply to adding another non attack bonus action to an attack turn.
Notable Character: Can make two attacks per turn at 2d6 for 1 HP each. Counts as a single Action.
Aggressive: Can take Two Actions per turn if it means she is attacking.
- Does not apply for Strike (no overlap with Notable)
Most things in the combat phase use Actions, and by default most pilots are ever only going to have one. More seasoned or trained pilots (or bosses) are going to have 2 or more. So Striking is considered an Action, but Notable characters can use One Action to Strike twice. (But it still uses One Action)
Satsuma can use two actions...but ONLY IF she is Striking. She just can't use Two Actions to make Two Strikes to get Four out of it from Notable. But she CAN Strike and use another offensive Action.
Satsuma can use two actions...but ONLY IF she is Striking. She just can't use Two Actions to make Two Strikes to get Four out of it from Notable. But she CAN Strike and use another offensive Action.
...approximately <ERROR: CHRONOMETER OFFLINE> since last connection with homeworld.
...approximately <ERROR: CHRONOMETER OFFLINE> since previous collision with <ERROR: DATABASE UNAVAILABLE>.
...approximately <ERROR: CHRONOMETER OFFLINE> since enemy pursuit was logged.
...I am alive. But this is far from ideal.
No chronometer, so I don't know how long I've been in here. No database, all the good information was cut off from the homeworld. And, well, I wouldn't be here if everything was fine. I wouldn't be here if they didn't show up.
And I have no idea if they know I'm out here yet. I don't know if anyone's even-
No. No. Don't stress the software thinking about that. You have no control over that now. What do you have control over?
...not a whole lot. But it's something.
I just need to find the right candidate. Or candidates. I'm not picky at this point. Whoever these people are, they at least get the idea I'm looking for something. Someone. Details.
Find a candidate. Help them help their world. Get their help to help mine. Should be easy enough.
I hope.
"Hmm?" Jessica looked up and around as she stepped through the exit. The cafeteria was relatively empty, but... "...huh. Weird."
"What's up, Jess?" The dark blue Jackal idling next to the exit automatically opened the passenger-side door for her.
"Ah, nothing. Just felt like someone was watching me for some reason." She shrugged as she hopped on and broke open the wrapping over the sandwich. A free hand reached into her bag and pulled out what looked to be a battery charger. "Here you go. I know it's not the Shards yet, but-"
"Hey, they'll figure it out later," the Kaus said. She could almost imagine him shrugging. "Thanks anyhow. Was running a little low."
<...VIABLE CANDIDATES:FOUND.> all I have to do is figure out how to actually talk to anyone around here.
...approximately <ERROR: CHRONOMETER OFFLINE> since last connection with homeworld.
...approximately <ERROR: CHRONOMETER OFFLINE> since previous collision with <ERROR: DATABASE UNAVAILABLE>.
...approximately <ERROR: CHRONOMETER OFFLINE> since enemy pursuit was logged.
...I am alive. But this is far from ideal.
No chronometer, so I don't know how long I've been in here. No database, all the good information was cut off from the homeworld. And, well, I wouldn't be here if everything was fine. I wouldn't be here if they didn't show up.
And I have no idea if they know I'm out here yet. I don't know if anyone's even-
No. No. Don't stress the software thinking about that. You have no control over that now. What do you have control over?
...not a whole lot. But it's something.
I just need to find the right candidate. Or candidates. I'm not picky at this point. Whoever these people are, they at least get the idea I'm looking for something. Someone. Details.
Find a candidate. Help them help their world. Get their help to help mine. Should be easy enough.
I hope.
"Hmm?" Jessica looked up and around as she stepped through the exit. The cafeteria was relatively empty, but... "...huh. Weird."
"What's up, Jess?" The dark blue Jackal idling next to the exit automatically opened the passenger-side door for her.
"Ah, nothing. Just felt like someone was watching me for some reason." She shrugged as she hopped on and broke open the wrapping over the sandwich. A free hand reached into her bag and pulled out what looked to be a battery charger. "Here you go. I know it's not the Shards yet, but-"
"Hey, they'll figure it out later," the Kaus said. She could almost imagine him shrugging. "Thanks anyhow. Was running a little low."
<...VIABLE CANDIDATES: FOUND.> all I have to do is figure out how to actually talk to anyone around here.
Interesting very Interesting. I wonder if the artifact is a Unison device from a Magical Lyrical Nanoha expy. And if it was also responsible for the Kausen coming to earth.
" You pause as Galbinus looks at you quizically. You forget that time doesn't always translate so well from whatever they're using. "If you consult a calendar, it should be done by the end of June," you say sheepishly.
Operating on what Dr. Dinym called "Super Magnetism," the Valiant operates on high intensity electrical currents coursing through its frame. Its purpose seems to be twofold: it both acts as its primary power source, and as the adhesive that holds the frame together.
Rotterdam wasn't able to get any information on the pilot unfortunately. For whatever reason, the pilot tends to keep to himself. And Mander sees no reason to change that. Well, his company...
Now, mind you, you have an entirely different problem: you have potentially faulty engines that could explode, and you have to build a dropship around it.
...actually, in your line of work, this is an advantage.
It's too slow for her," he answers. He shakes his head, his mind already thinking on how best to assign her. "The Phalanx is a great machine, but it's not going to win any foot races. And Jessica really wants to rush in and punch the other guy in the face." He makes a face and rubs his cheek. "She's really good at it too."
You almost feel bad for Wilde and Henry when they come back, looking somewhat hollow-eyed. You just choose not to consider the ramifications of seeing Architect in a similar state
Yet the examples seem to just crumple on any significant impact.
Katarina is stumped. Max is stumped. Architect is stumped. He promptly declares it shouldn't be working like that, and uses his own armor plating of zirvitium as an example of how it should work.
"What's up, Jess?" The dark blue Jackal idling next to the exit automatically opened the passenger-side door for her.
"Ah, nothing. Just felt like someone was watching me for some reason." She shrugged as she hopped on and broke open the wrapping over the sandwich. A free hand reached into her bag and pulled out what looked to be a battery charger. "Here you go. I know it's not the Shards yet, but-"
Nothing unexpected, although I'm not sure how will she balance her duties as a magical girl and a pilot. At least it's a Nanoha Device and thus more techno-magic than the Pedobear bait of Madoka. Also, Setsuna is already getting inside Cavalier? How bold.
It is canon. I just didn't have time to get to threadmarking yesterday, that'll get fixed today.
Also, good catch on the Heavy Weapon bit. But miss can either mean you failed to roll a 5 or 6 (which is possible even with 3d6), or the enemy negated it. They'll still take 2 HP unless they trigger ANOTHER ability that negates the damage.
...I feel like the number of actions has increased a bit too drastically. As of the last turn, we had, what, 15? Perhaps some balancing act is needed, because we currently have twice the amount of RPs we started with, but the costs have stayed relatively low in comparison.
I can barely keep track of all the open projects...
Trust me, I definitely feel how much more the updates have increased. @_@
Mind you, I'm still trying to strike said balance after the costs went a bit out of whack about six or so turns ago. But you're right in that since the income's gone up, I can probably afford to rebalance things.
One idea I'm mulling over right now is that with the new income you all are getting, I'm going to consolidate most options (such as ESP, Xenotech, etc; I've been doing a bit of that already, but more so than that) and unify costs and time, and possibly adopt a blind research tree ala Alpha Centauri, but give you all the option to invest more RP into each action to get certain bonuses out of it as a tradeoff.
That's probably a weekend project, though. That's something I want to put more thought into before I do that; for the next few days we'll continue on as normal.
Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with writing this much. But if the number of simultaneous projects going on is confusing anyone, that's something I'll need to address.
To be fair though the increase makes sense from a story perspective since as we succeed more than the more funding and resources we get as our superiors want even more constant successes.
Streamlining lots of the areas of study would help and would also show storywise how we capable of more things with the improvement of our facilities, major project leaders, and budget.
The format might make sense. So like the investments into specific techs can raise our base level of technology in any given subject which in advancing unlock specific projects that begin progression trees?
The format might make sense. So like the investments into specific techs can raise our base level of technology in any given subject which in advancing unlock specific projects that begin progression trees?
Aka the project timer runs out.
It seems desperate enough to look out for adults too, possibly even guys.
Lastly, confirmed yet another enemy alien party, assuming it's not the same as the Kausen's.
"...pending questions, Ma'am, that's our report so far," you close out. You, Sasaki, and the heads of engineering and science are all seated at the conference table in your office. You'd hold this underground at the CC, but it's too nice a day for that.
"No questions on that front," Peters says lackadaisically. "You all seem to be doing relatively well."
"With respect, Ma'am, we could be doing more," Sasaki says. "Further refinement of the Beowulf program continues, and the Phalanx is a promising new avenue for a Super Robot. But due to the requirements of secrecy, we are limited in our ability to acquire additional resources."
"Yes, I'm aware that you all made off with an entire Stork's bloody engine apparatus," Peters says dryly. "Still, the issue over secrecy may become moot relatively soon."
"Ma'am?" This is news to you. "What do you mean?"
"Simply put, you've all overturned so many bloody apple carts in the market square it's all flowing in cider now," comes to roundabout answer. "The First Minister's office and the EUDF High Command are agreeing that they're going to want to make further use of your organization soon. In a much more public manner."
"Doesn't that kind of dump water over the whole 'secret project' thing, general?" Sam asks. "We've kept this under wraps because-"
"-because I ordered it, yes," Peters finishes. "However, you need to look at it from their perspective. As far as the public knows, it's all Valiant and Mercury V saving the day. Our armaments are catching up, but it's just that - catching up. They need a show of faith that we can stand up to the threats just as readily as the Super Robots can. And you almost have a complete product." She shakes her head. "Of course we know it doesn't work like that, but they're serious about this. I'm stalling for you as long as I can, but I can only do so much."
"Would that at least mean we would be gaining greater support officially?" Dr. Ignatov asks.
"Officially, yes. Unofficially it gives others a chance to butt their noses in," Peters says. "With the usual flow of red tape and such. But you all still work for me, which I can shield you from to some extent. But the point stands." Typing in a few commands, she adds, "I can give you all four months to get your affairs in order, and to wrap up your existing projects. But know this: soon your remit is going to expand. That will mean more resources, but more responsibilities and accountability." Her expression hardens into a frown. "You've all done quite well so far. Do not fumble the ball now."
The link dies unceremoniously with a *bzzt* noise, and her image disappears.
You sigh. "Well, you all heard her," you hear yourself saying. "We've got a deadline before we see some changes here."
Resource Point Income: 15 RP + 2 RP (Landing Pad Bonus) - 7 RP (Enclave, Upgraded Radar Tower, Enemy Wreckage, The Shield Wall, ESP Theory, Kaiju Biotechnology, Kaus Armor Plate) = 10 RP
'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to one Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!
Special Actions
Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 1 Turn
Fact Hunt - With Anna Smith from the Intelligence Services on hand, you now have a lot more resources to keep tabs on the rest of the world in case you might become involved. She has taken Wallflower, Rotterdam and Rockefeller under her wing, and is ready to send them out again to liaise with other Intelligence Service agents. She just needs the resources to do so. If you go with this, choose one. If you choose this, this action will be locked until one queued Fact Hunt finishes.
-[] The Yukimura Institute - Besides the K-Class Materials (which you're keeping under wraps), you haven't had much to do with the Kaiju yet. Now that you have the Intelligence Services' backing, it might do to send Wallflower to the Yukimura Institute directly. See what he can learn and find out about how they do business, particularly with the Black Guardian of the North.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns -[] Internal Politicking - You yourself always try to stay away from politics, but this is a job that is not giving you that luxury. You at least want to send someone out there to see what people are making out of all of this. Anna is more than happy to assist you in this regard, this being her job and all.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns -[] First Response Corps - You have a wealth of information now about the Kausen conflict, but the First Response Corps have had the most exposure to cleaning up the mess those fights leave behind. Rockefeller can link up with Colonel Kim to see what else she can learn about the battlefields and anything potentially left behind, and learn what you can from their perspectives. You already have a good reputation with him, so this shouldn't be difficult.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Defense Force Actions
Creative - You may reduce the Success Threshold of any one Defense Force Action by -1.
Upgraded Radar Tower – BG Peters has no complaints against you and Sasaki wanting even greater radar coverage. Not only would this provide greater local radar coverage, this would allow you to tap further into the EUDF Global Network. This is more expensive than the Outposts, but also allows you to see much farther than your local area.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security, Greater Awareness of Global Threats
Aviation - 'What a piece of junk!' - So thanks to old contacts of yours, you managed to save yourself an enormous headache. Granted, you have mainly swapped it for a new headache, possibly one that's relatively less of one. With just a set of potentially faulty engines and nothing else, what can you make of this?
Sasaki is very keen on seeing something come of this. "Think of the possibilities, Sir," she says with a straight face.
-[] Invest lightly into reconstruction - Just spend enough to rebuild a Stork-class around it. You know it works, you know it functions. You just need the Duo to dig into the guts of the engines to make sure that whatever problems were there get fixed. Nothing fancy (if still expensive - it's a damned dropship after all!)
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain stock model of Stork-class dropship
- Standard Stork-class dropship
- Must remain stationary in combat
- Decent carrying capacity
- Cannot mount weapons
-[] Invest moderately into reconstruction - You have a unique opportunity here. You're already producing new classes and modifications of vehicles - why not try to go bigger with a dropship? Wilde and Henry are itching to see what they can do with a customized Stork, and Dr. Igantov was also interested in seeing what he and Katarina could do.
Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain custom class of Stork dropship
- Customized from the ground up, but still recognizable as a Stork
- Can remain mobile during combat
- Possible trade-off of carrying capacity (may impact assets you can deploy during combat)
- Can mount weapons for fire support (Heavy Weapon Strike)
-[] Go full ham on it - You expected Wilde and Henry to make a passionate plea about making something new. You were not expecting your entire staff (AI included!) to make a pitch for building something brand new from the ground up. No one knows how this is going to turn out, but this is an all-hands-on-deck project if you authorize this. What will it be able to do? Who the heck knows?
But when you have this many experts converging on a project like this...
Cost: 4 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain new class of dropship
- ???
- It could be good. You just don't know.
[] A Helping Hand - The sappers know the drill by now. If you can spare some resources, you can speed up the construction of an ongoing or new build project.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turns
Reduces Turn Duration of one construction project by One Turn. Cannot be reduced below One Turn.
Pilot Training – It's becoming more imperative to start training and grooming new talent to take to the field ahead of any new machines we make. Lieutenant Tellison is now undergoing training, and there's undoubtedly more talent that you haven't tapped into. Thanks to Sam and the Duo's efforts, you have a pretty reliable way of finding and training new talent. Best get to it!
-[] Pilot Training – Find New Talent – You have an entire base of personnel to tap into, all with varying abilities and psychic potential. The option remains to find new talent, but you'll have to invest into actively searching.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance to find new pilots (2d6, Threshold of 5-6) -[] Pilot Training - Callaghan - Richard Callaghan is the most seasoned pilot you have, but even an old dog can learn new tricks. If you set aside some time and resources, Cavalier is more than willing to run some more training with him. Callaghan is sure to benefit from the wily scout's training.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance to gain and increase combat stats (2d6, Threshold of 4-6)
Muster for Battle - You've recently produced several brand new designs. Now is a good time to decide if you want to invest in converting an existing formation to use them. This would be a great field test of their capabilities, and would give your supporting units a nice booster shot to the arm. You already have pre-existing squadrons, so conversion would only take about a month. If you decide to do this, choose one.
Either action will Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
[]Convert a formation into Mechanized, CR-04 Phalanx.
- Conventional Weapons: Can Strike at Disadvantage, 1d6, Threshold of 5-6. Can inflict 2 HP per Strike. Can Strike every turn.
- Heavy Weapons: Can make a Heavy Weapon Strike at Advantage every four turns. Currently can only deploy Conventional Heavy Weapons (3d6, Threshold of 5-6, Inflicts 2 HP). Counts as the Phalanx's Action. Can be upgraded in future turns.
- Shield Wall: Can choose to absorb an incoming Strike for an allied Support unit. Will absorb -1 of the original Strike, but damage effects of The Backup will take effect. Roll 1d6, Threshold of 4-6. Can be upgraded in future turns.
- The Backup: Can be targeted by enemies to delay Conventional Weapons Strike. If Enemy successfully hits, Phalanx Squadron refresh is delayed by One Turn. When facing multiple enemies, Conventional Weapons may be used every turn instead of every other turn. []Convert a Reconnaissance formation to using CR-03 Steed
- Conventional Weapons: Can Strike at Disadvantage Three Times in One Turn, 1d6, Threshold of 4-6. Can inflict 1 HP per Strike. Can Strike every other turn. Can target multiple targets if desired.
- Agile: May re-roll a successful enemy attack at 2d6 (Threshold of 4-6).
- Distraction: CR-03 Steed can force enemies to re-roll a successful Action. Can be used once every four turns.
- The Backup: Can be targeted by enemies to delay Conventional Weapons Strike. If Enemy successfully hits, Phalanx Squadron refresh is delayed by One Turn. When facing multiple enemies, Conventional Weapons may be used every turn instead of every other turn.
Engineering Actions
K-Circuitry - The Phalanx shows that the K-Circuitry enables much more power and reaction time from pilots enabled with it. However, the Phalanx needs that extra power to simply move normally (even if it still hits really hard). What would happen if you put that into the Beowulf and its Formation components?
Wilde and Henry's answer: "Let's find out!"
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance to increase basic combat stats of the Beowulf and Formation modes (2d6, Threshold of 5-6) Enemy Wreckage – You have examples of the strange guntrucks/tank destroyers (called Tank-Mobiles apparently) and the monstrous Pilum-class custom's remains. Wilde and Henry noticed at a glance that both seem to share the same principles of engineering, ones that seem to also share a few ideas on variable configuration (if absolutely crude and inefficient). With your permission, they want to dig into this.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (5-6, Threshold of 5-6)
Gain analysis of Westphalian Equipment, Unlocks New Options
The Shield Wall - As you begin committing the Phalanx prototype to the Beowulf treatment, it's best to start taking a look at what would be even feasible to conduct combinable configuration with. Are the Shepherd and the V-33 'Falcon' suitable? Or are you going to need a brand new approach to the Phalanx? (Or whatever you're going to name the DFRI flagship model)
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Insights into what is required for Phalanx Combine Formations
K-Class Materials Experiments - There is still room for improvement using the K-Class. There really isn't too much direction at this point, but if you give the Duo the resources to tinker around, they're bound to come up with something.
-[] This Hand of Mine... - The Blazing Fist on the Timberwolf Formation is potent. But Wilde and Henry think they can make it even more destructive. Who are you to say no to that?
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance to greatly increase Blazing Fist's capabilities (2d6, Threshold of 4-6)
Supercomputer AI - Dr. Ignatov has been relatively quiet as of late, but you now know why. He and Katarina have been hard at work investigating the additional fragmentary codes emerging from the Lair. They have concluded that they are unlikely to actually develop into code by themselves...unless we give them a push. This is once again brand new territory for Ignatov, so he's requesting redundant resources in case something goes wrong.
They have provided options below. You may choose one.
MMI Supplemental Development - In short, there's enough fragmentary code to be a part of an AI personality, but not enough to develop one on its own. But if someone were to spend some time with an MMI helmet with the code, the code fragments will draw from the member's ESP waves and fill in the gaps. You will get a personality that resembles the contributor, but still be its own individual.
Ignatov and Katarina are adamant that you take at least two months with this approach.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will gain new AI Supercomputer Personality, Will be slotted as a Mecha Personality Functional Supplemental Development - The fragments are smart enough to fill in the blanks given enough hints. Katarina suggests placing the AI in areas where it can observe where you want it to work. The likeliest candidate right now is the Engineering Bay, but that can be changed if you wish.
Both Ignatov and Katarina also want to take their time doing this.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Will gain new AI Supercomputer Personality, Will be slotted as an Adviser Personality
Configuration - You have new options to pursue, and not a whole lot of time or resources to pursue them. You get the feeling the upcoming months are going to be full of changes, so perhaps now would be a good time to get some projects out of the way.
-[] Combinations for the Steed - the Steed is early power armor at best. But Wilde and Henry are wondering if it can be configured to combine into even bigger power armor with another vehicle. This is a relatively light project.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns -[] Triple Change - Keeping Callaghan's recommendation for Satsuma in mind, you wonder if there's at least one more configuration for the V-33 you can squeeze in. Wilde and Henry aren't promising anything, but they agree it's worth a look.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Science Actions
Calm - Ivanna's help enables you to re-roll one failed Science Action Test this turn.
ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.
Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory Kaiju Biotechnology - Though a younger field than ESP, the biotechnologists are ready to break open even more secrets from the kaiju samples. With an emphasis on learning how to shape K-Class Materials into artificial shapes, they have their work cut out for them.
But the power of metal will provide.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology Kaus Armor Plating – Otherwise known as 'zirvitium alloy.' Max is predicting that it is very good at absorbing the energy blast weapons favored by Kausen warriors, but it's otherwise just a very sturdy set of armor plating. At least at first glance. She has some science to do on this one.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6+1d6, Threshold of 5-6), Katarina's Support is active
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options
Xenotechnology – Max has what you would call a mixed set of problems. On the one hand, she suddenly has a windfall of stuff under her specialty she needs to study! On the other hand, she doesn't have any facilities dedicated to studying any of it yet! She'll make do, but she's ecstatic that she has all sorts of new toys that "promise to make physics CRY!"
-[] Energy Shard Processing – The lifeblood and currency of Kausen society apparently. It seems straightforward enough to Max: processed energy essentially scrunched into a tiny package. Human energy processing such as oil, gas and fusion power apparently translate quite nicely into Shards (which explains the constant raids from the Free Brothers). Max is confident she can replicate it, but the bigger question to her is how we can use it safely.
Cost: 2 RP (2 RP Locked)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, Bonus RP Generation Option -[] Dispersion Field Plans – "It's a damned force field!" At least that's what you think you heard Max cackle. You're not sure. You just know that Galbinus told you it's not a complete set of the plans. It's just as much of the plans that some former shield engineers in the Legion scribed down from memory. On the plus side, it means you can create something uniquely yours.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options