Special Actions

Construct Legionary Enclave – One of the Legion's engineers, Architect, has arrived as part of the advance party. Once he links up with Wilde and Henry, the three of them will put their heads together to begin discussions on where and how the Enclave is going to take shape. Both sides seem to be agreeable with each other so far, and the fact you're helping build a new permanent home for them is only improving the situation.

Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Chance for Greater Success (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Duration: 2 Turns

1433, 5 April, A.D. 2071
Enclave Construction Site

"It will be completed soon?" Galbinus asks you.

You nod from your end of the sat-link, your hardhat bobbing slightly despite having fastened it. The damned things never fit properly. "Architect and Patch had some issues originally," you say, "But they think they've got a good place for it. It should be done in a month." You pause as Galbinus looks at you quizically. You forget that time doesn't always translate so well from whatever they're using. "If you consult a calendar, it should be done by the end of June," you say sheepishly.

"Ahh," he says. "Very well then. It will not be long before the Legion makes its way to you."

"I did want to ask," you say as you sidestep Cavalier bustling towards the construction site. He's just casually hefted a couple of metal support structures over his shoulder.

"Cav!" a voice shouts from behind him. A Steed, much more carefully carrying some (smaller) construction equipment, is stomping after him, somehow giving the impression of agitation. "Careful how you carry those!" Satsuma continues to chastise as she stomps after him.

Shaking your head you turn your attention back to Galbinus. "You were asking about airspace earlier. What's that all about?"

"We have means of aerial transport," Galbinus explains. "But despite our agreement, I would rather that the majority of humans do not see it."

You nod. "That explains why Architect kept insisting on a wide open space," you muse.

"Five support structures bracing the defensive emplacements," you hear the Kaus in question muttering to himself as he walks up to weld something into place. "Zirvitium supports ideal, but not necessary. Local titanium? No, wears too quickly..."

"...yes. We'll be ready for you," you assure Galbinus.

Good progress on construction of Enclave. Will conclude at end of next turn!

Mander Security Solutions - Your forces have the most experience fighting off unwanted attention from separatists. The Valiant has been fighting them since Day One of its creation. Send Rotterdam over to Mander Security Solutions with Intelligence Services backing to see what she can learn about how to best fight against Westphalia.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 2 Turns

When Rotterdam returns to brief you, you discover a few interesting facts: the basic principles tying the Valiant together (literally), and the methods that Westphalia employs.

To tackle the second question, considering that it's more pertinent to your situation: the European District has been seeing even worse warmachines from the Westphalians than were employed against you. And it's directly related to the presence of the Valiant.

It's one thing to fight a gunship modified with giant claws, and guntrucks with tank-torsos (Buckler IFVs are kind of mundane when you put them in that category). But it's something else entirely when the Westphalians are deploying what are effectively walking tanks equipped with prototype forcefields.

Rotterdam's main takeaway from all of this is that there is no real uniform set of equipment to the Westphalian arsenal. Now, there are definitive classes of vehicles and what the Intelligence Services are labeling 'Walkers.' She is seeing localized variants of the 'Tank-Mobiles' you have engaged against here in Gasparton, but they look and operate very differently; the variants here usually come mounted with wire-guided missile launchers instead of tank cannons, for example, and sport all manner of unusual and esoteric weapons and equipment (such as the incredibly faulty force fields). No sign of any Pilum-customs, but you suppose that was always unique to Warlord.

The Walkers, however, are unique. You have seen snippets of these in public reports, but they are often cleaned up by the EUDF garrisons very quickly to avoid causing further panic. Effectively gunpods mounted to reverse-jointed legs, they are reportedly fast, agile, and can traverse rough terrain relatively easy. Against conventional forces, they are capable of dealing a significant amount of damage.

Unfortunately for them, they're not usually facing conventional forces.

The Valiant is odd, even if you apply the type of logic required when examining Super Robots. Relatively small compared to the likes of Mercury V (standing roughly halfway between the Timberwolf and the Beowulf), there is actually nothing physical holding the mechanics together.

Operating on what Dr. Dinym called "Super Magnetism," the Valiant operates on high intensity electrical currents coursing through its frame. Its purpose seems to be twofold: it both acts as its primary power source, and as the adhesive that holds the frame together.

The frame itself appears to be highly modular, with individual pieces held together by magnetic force. Should a limb be lost, a support vehicle is capable of launching a new one, which the Valiant can immediately reattach in the heat of combat. The Valiant has also been observed to switch existing limbs with purpose-made weapons; while it may hold an archaic-looking sword and shield in one moment, the shield arm could abruptly be lost or dropped, and a crossbow or cannon could be attached. It is this flexibility and speed of deployment that has given the Valiant the edge over Westphalian terrorists.

When put like that, having transforming and combining robots operating on dead kaiju and psychic powers doesn't seem so far fetched anymore, does it?

Rotterdam wasn't able to get any information on the pilot unfortunately. For whatever reason, the pilot tends to keep to himself. And Mander sees no reason to change that. Well, his company...

Insights gained into Westphalian equipment! Insight gained into Super Magnetism! New Actions Unlocked!

Defense Force Actions

Aviation – Eye in the Sky – Sasaki was quite happy with having the Yuri Gagarin on station in November. She was not so happy when you had to give it back. She wants to know if there is a way we could get our hands on our own.

Duration: 2 Turns
Gain a Stork-class Dropship (allows for independent missions)

Deciding that you were done with trying to pursue official channels, you reached out to several of your classmates from Logistics school. Many had chosen to retire and had taken on other professions, and were much more in touch with the civilian side of things. You can't count how many times you've had to rely on Soldiers who knew someone who knew someone to get something for you (to which you always had a nice bottle of bourbon as a method of exchange). Highly unofficial, but mission requirements...

Logistician Bonus Chance

Shockingly enough, you find something.

One of your old classmates now works in a mass distribution warehouse in the midwest of the North American District, and has oversight over the destruction of defective and 'irreparable' parts. Amazingly, a dropship's entire engine section was deemed faulty for issues that the mechanics on-ground couldn't fix, and were further deemed obsolete by higher level maintenance due to incremental upgrades. Your organization counts as an 'experimental division,' and if you go through the effort of acquiring it through BG Peters, he's more than happy to offload it onto you; less work for him, he claims.

BG Peters signs off on the acquisition immediately. Better that you get this than attract further attention.

Now, mind you, you have an entirely different problem: you have potentially faulty engines that could explode, and you have to build a dropship around it.

...actually, in your line of work, this is an advantage.

Dropship engine parts gained! New Aviation Action Unlocked!

Outposts – From what you can tell, the Westphalians were able to take advantage of the tiniest gaps in your security net to sneak through. While this may be closing the barn door after the horses left, you're not taking any chances. Set up some outposts in key positions to make sure no one gets another chance.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security

It's finished.

Directly linked into your Command Center, the county now has a series of overlapping outposts. And you couldn't be happier.

While most of the outposts are built underground, there are a few here and there that are built as standard 'above ground' garrisons, all of which act as if they were the focal points. Coincidentally, most of the foot traffic going to the local towns while off-duty come from these bases now, handily drawing attention away from the main DFRI installation. (Those based underground are regularly rotated to make sure no one gets cheated out of free time)

The bottom line: there is now very little chance of another Warlord sneaking up on you. If they want to get to you, you're going to know about it well in advance.

Seriously, you tested it. Some of Anna's friends took nearly three weeks to get to the final barrier in Shades!

Significant progress to Security Net! Very little chance of enemies sneaking up on you in the future.

Upgraded Radar Tower – BG Peters has no complaints against you and Sasaki wanting even greater radar coverage. Not only would this provide greater local radar coverage, this would allow you to tap further into the EUDF Global Network. This is more expensive than the Outposts, but also allows you to see much farther than your local area.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Greater Local Security, Greater Awareness of Global Threats

Additional Actions Pending Completion of Outposts

Construction then turns towards radar coverage. As it turns out, building radar installations doesn't just involve building a giant tower, putting a satellite dish on it and calling it a day.

The very same week the outposts finished construction, they were set to work on establishing their own communications hubs, all designed to link back to the DFRI installation. The actual radar itself would wait for a few months, but wider coverage was prioritized first before establishing a link to the EUDF Network.

Will conclude in two turns.

Pilot Training - Cadet Satsuma - Though her primary job in the base is liaising with the Legion, there is no reason not to test CDT Satsuma's aptitude for piloting. She might actually be more talented than you realize, but you won't know until you try.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Chance for Additional Traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

You've concluded that Satsuma is not suited for a Jackal. The Steed so far works decently well, but you're not too confident that it's a perfect fit either.

Callaghan took you aside one day and explained one very basic fact: Cadet Satsuma simply has no fear. Her reaction when faced with danger is to take the nearest tool or weapon and simply charge at it until it stops being a problem. Any damage she takes is something she's willing to accept if it means she can get closer to the enemy, but sorties in the Jackal and the Steed prove that she's perfectly willing to dodge if given the chance. It just doesn't turn out that way usually.

"So why not the Phalanx?" you ask Callaghan one day at lunch.

"It's too slow for her," he answers. He shakes his head, his mind already thinking on how best to assign her. "The Phalanx is a great machine, but it's not going to win any foot races. And Jessica really wants to rush in and punch the other guy in the face." He makes a face and rubs his cheek. "She's really good at it too."

"So what are you recommending?"

"Either put her as part of a crew," he said, "Or get her a machine that lets her take advantage of her style. Something that hits hard and fast, something that can take a hit but not so slow that it can't dodge."

You pause as you think about that. You just might have another project for Wilde and Henry.

Cadet Jessica Satsuma

Actions per Turn: 1

Notable Character: Can make two attacks per turn at 2d6 for 1 HP each. Counts as a single Action.

Aggressive: Can take Two Actions per turn if it means she is attacking.
- Does not apply for Strike (no overlap with Notable)

New Variable Configuration Project Unlocked!

Test Fire! - The Engineers actually didn't have to spend too much time building this one, it translated fairly well. That being said, Sasaki and Callaghan are going to be more comfortable letting anyone use it by giving it a test run first. It may have to go back to the drawing board, but better that than having the damned thing blow up in your face.

Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance to discover new Energy Heavy Weapon traits (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

0833, 13 April, A.D. 2071
The Proving Grounds

"So it turns out," Diana reports, "that Dr. Brand and the Engineers were being too pessimistic about the battery life."

You see an entire row of discarded battery cases, all of them smoldering with acrid smoke. "How many did you use to prove that?" you ask warily.

"I'd rather you didn't ask, Sir," Diana says sheepishly. "You could focus on the fact that I've proven you can extend the deployment life of the Energy Blaster by 50%!"

You continue to stare at Diana's avatar. She wilts slightly before adding, "Did I mention that you're still doing proximity damage even if you miss?" she adds.

You turn your attention towards some of the targets downrange. More than a few that are marked as 'misses' are still decently melted from the residual heat. Still more than enough to cause distress to targets. "...I'll take it," you say. "Just...let me know if you're going to use this much. You're talking to a former logistics company commander, you know."

"Why do you think I didn't want to bring it up, Sir?" she demands.


Energy Blaster Heavy Weapon modified!
Now inflicts 2 HP on a miss!
Maximum charge is now 3!

Engineering Actions

Upgraded Equipment - When dealing with Xenotech, no matter how irascible or grating it is to deal with Max, it's better to have dedicated and proper equipment! The staff is just gonna have to suck it up. At least they'll have Ivanna helping every so often, right?

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turns
Will allow Max to reduce the Threshold of ONE Xenotechnology project each turn. Cannot be reapplied to an ongoing project.

You choose to stay far, far away from the Xenotech labs for a few days.

The laughter echoing from its halls, punctuated by an energy blast and a surge of electrical power, encourage you to stay further away.

Granted, you realize with hindsight that it's probably because she made some good progress on the Anti-Gravity, but that doesn't explain why there were explosions rippling through the newly constructed laboratories. Nor does it explain why damage control teams reported there was no damage worth fixing, even when everyone - with additional witnesses - saw the explosions.

You almost feel bad for Wilde and Henry when they come back, looking somewhat hollow-eyed. You just choose not to consider the ramifications of seeing Architect in a similar state; you weren't sure you could confront the truth behind that.

At least Max is happy?

All Xenotech rolls now begin at 2d6 unless specified otherwise! Will apply at the beginning of next turn!
Max can now reduce the Threshold of ONE Xenotechnology project each turn. Cannot apply to an ongoing project.
Everyone is now slightly scared.

K-Circuitry - The Phalanx shows that the K-Circuitry enables much more power and reaction time from pilots enabled with it. However, the Phalanx needs that extra power to simply move normally (even if it still hits really hard). What would happen if you put that into the Beowulf and its Formation components?

Wilde and Henry's answer: "Let's find out!"

Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance to increase basic combat stats of the Beowulf and Formation modes (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)

1200, 12 April, A.D. 2071
The Lair

"There is no decent explanation as to why this is so," Ignatov muses as he and Katarina stare over the results. "But the K-Circuitry is showing at least a thirty percent increase in the MMI's interactions with the rest of the frame."

"At least with the simulations," Katarina points out. "Richard was saying the simulation was always feeling just slightly off."

"That would be because the psychic waves are trying to abstract something that hasn't been tested yet," Sam chimes in. All of you had gathered to examine the newly created K-Circuits installed in the Phalanx prototype, and seeing to installing them into the Beowulf. "Right now, Callaghan thinks it's going to lead to increased performance, but he's not sure how or why. So the simulation sure as hell doesn't know yet, because it doesn't have that data yet."

"But you know that it helped with the Phalanx," you say. "So shouldn't it do the same for the Beowulf?"

"Should it? Yes." Sam shakes his head. "Will it? Who the hell knows at this point, Chief?"

"Still, results are looking promising," Ignatov says, tapping the side of his face in thought. "The improved circuitry and nerve connections will lead to some increased performance. That much is certain. But I am intrigued to see how the MMI will react to it."

K-Circuitry possibly leading to increased pilot and machine performance. Will conclude in two turns.

Enemy Wreckage – You have examples of the strange guntrucks/tank destroyers (called Tank-Mobiles apparently) and the monstrous Pilum-class custom's remains. Wilde and Henry noticed at a glance that both seem to share the same principles of engineering, ones that seem to also share a few ideas on variable configuration (if absolutely crude and inefficient). With your permission, they want to dig into this.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (5-6, Threshold of 5-6)
Gain analysis of Westphalian Equipment, Unlocks New Options

1148, 18 April, A.D. 2071
Motor Pool, Engineering Bay

"I am calling bullshit on half of this stuff!" you hear Wilde's voice echo in frustration as you and Sasaki enter. "And here I was thinking they discovered something new!"

"They didn't?" Sasaki asks pointedly.

Henry shakes his head. "None of it is new," he says, "But it's all brute forced." He points to a disassembled Tank-Mobile, still somehow relatively intact from the battle. "You see this? By our standards, this is garbage. The hydraulics barely work, the weapons barely maintained, and the armor's only good point is that it was shiny when it started." Knocking a fist against the hull, he adds, "But you see the basics of an idea forming in here."

"And then check out this one," Wilde points out. Pulling a lever, the hydraulics of the Tank-Mobile activate as the seemingly-normal pickup truck shudders as the carrying compartment expands slightly. The cover pops open, and a jagged robotic torso emerges, a camera drone serving as the 'head.' It emerges with just enough room for a single human gunner to squeeze in. "This one's got a much better idea of how it's doing it than the one we just showed you, but it's still junk. But there's the weird thing." He shakes his head in disgust. "You remember the first CRX-01, right? That was horribly expensive to build as a proof of concept, at least at the time. We made it work, but there's no way in hell we would have sent that into a fight."

"Now imagine," Henry finishes, "That we built fifteen of those CRX's, mounted flamethrowers onto them, and sicced them onto the Westphalians. Each model would be slightly better than the last one on the basis that we were getting practice in, but they'd all still be junk. Nothing at all like the Jackals."

You just stare at them. "Are you saying," you say in an even voice, "that the Westphalians are sending expensive prototype models out as production models?"

Sasaki looks flabbergasted at the idea. "That's horribly inefficient," she manages to say.

"That suggests one thing about them," Wilde shrugs. "They have so much money they don't care."

"Money and lives," Henry says, a touch of venom behind his voice. "And then there's the PIlum."

The skeletal remains of what was a mighty gunship are strewn in a single grouping. Most of it is still quite charred and broken; if you didn't know the Duo better than you did, you'd have told them to throw out the remains. "What are you seeing in this?" you ask.

"More examples that this thing was brute forced," Henry says. "There's nothing elegant about it. They just kept throwing materials and manpower at building this thing until it finally worked the way they wanted it to. We have just enough of this thing left to see the basic ideas behind the claw mechanics."

"And it looks like they hit on some of the same ideas we did," Wilde says. "Though they customized the idea for just one guy and then forgot about the control scheme for literally everything else it seems." Circling around the charred metal and wiring, he says, "Comparing the recordings to...well, this, we can tell that they just kept throwing more power and more batteries at it until it got the response time from the pilot that they wanted. We can rebuild it, though. Hell, it already has some of the mechanics in place, we just gotta touch it up a bit. She'll be good as new."

"...not to the ridiculous degree that it was once in, I hope?" Sasaki asks.

"Nah!" Wilde is now grinning. "This sucker's gonna be a Mecha!"

Methodologies of Westphalian design discovered! Minor progress made to reconstruction of Pilum!

The Shield Wall - As you begin committing the Phalanx prototype to the Beowulf treatment, it's best to start taking a look at what would be even feasible to conduct combinable configuration with. Are the Shepherd and the V-33 'Falcon' suitable? Or are you going to need a brand new approach to the Phalanx? (Or whatever you're going to name the DFRI flagship model)

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Insights into what is required for Phalanx Combine Formations

The Phalanx, despite its incredibly impressive start, is still a prototype. And like other prototypes, it has its fair share of problems.

Ironically, none of the problems have anything to do with the Phalanx itself. Sure, it is slow, lumbering and somewhat clumsy, but it's like that by design. Not as hardy as the Timberwolf, but close enough.

No, it's the fact that it's proving to have some compatibility issues with the Shepherd and the TMU. Wilde and Henry are concluding that while the TMU might be able to be modified with a new configuration, the Shepherd is a lost cause; don't bother trying.

The root of the problem stems from the fact that as a Core unit, the Phalanx is relatively self-contained. The Beowulf combines with the Falcon and the Shepherd to cover for capabilities that it lacks, such as firepower or durability. The Phalanx, however, has yet to find its niche. And that means shopping around for vehicles and warmachines that can complement the sheer durability the Phalanx provides.

This is going to require further thought.

A different approach is going to be needed. Wilde and Henry have options though.

Science Actions

Anti-Gravity – Max honestly isn't sure what to make of this one. Though it is not the classic sci-fi portrayal of anti-gravity, it certainly has the potential to greatly lower the weight of classic metal materials. But Max can't really give a professional opinion until she takes a closer look, but she doesn't expect it to take very long.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

1251, 22 April, A.D. 2071
Xenotech Laboratories

"Well," Ivanna huffs as Max glares at the screen. "No wonder it was giving you so much trouble, Dr. Brand."

You notice that Max has given up on making Ivanna call her Max. Just Ivanna, interestingly. "It looks like charging it that way was having it act as an emitter, not as a conducter," Max grudgingly admits. "Thank you, Ivanna."

"My pleasure," Ivanna says with a gracious smile. "But it seems we have a solution now."

"Great," you say. You then pause. "So what can it do for us?" It sounds stupid to ask that, but that's what you're paid to do generally.

"Well, we're not going to go bungee-jumping with this if that's what you're asking," Max says with a hint of regret. "It lowers metallic weight, but not by that much."

"But last month-"

"That was a fluke," she interrupts, "And you have no way of proving otherwise."

You blink. "Okay," you say slowly, "So give me options for this technology then." You're willing to let her sidestep that question if she has tangible results.

She doesn't disappoint. "For one thing, it'll let us add even more redundant materials to some of our heavier hitters," she says. "The Timberwolf? We can stuff even more metal onto there, making sure nothing vital ever gets hit. Add more weapons to those fighter jets you're so fond of using. And above all, it lets us really look into more aerial options for the Super Robots."

"In other words, Sir," Ivanna says, "It opens up new options for us. Things that were simply not practical due to space, weight or physical considerations won't have those problems when we treat the metal with the Anti-Gravity solutions."

You nod approvingly. You had a very specific idea for the TMU, and this seems to be giving you an easier way to do it. "Keep me posted," you instruct Max. "And for god's sake, don't do anything that freaks out the damage control teams like last week."

"In her defense, Sir, the Anti-Gravity solutions had no justifiable reason for exploding the way they did," Ivanna hastily interjects.

"So I gave them one!" Max announces with a wide smile. "...what?"

"...how," you ask Ivanna. "How does she stay productive at all here?"

"I will inform you when I calculate an answer," she says flatly.

Stat increases for Timberwolf gained! New Actions Unlocked!

ESP Theory - There's always room to improve your understanding of ESP Theory, even though by now you've explored a fair amount of territory doing so. Sam wants to push things further, but there's so much to do in there. He is prioritizing the Psychic Choir phenomenon, along with determining if psychic powers can develop any other additional traits.

Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Advantage (3d6 (Experts), Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in ESP Theory

"Sam here. I think we're onto something with the Psychic Theater."

"So it turns out that the first time this happened, there was a minor mental miscommunication over who was going to control what. They sorted themselves out afterwards, but they had the mother of all ice cream headaches after that."

"This time going in, we put two pilots in control of a Phalanx. We told them to sort out who was going to control what
before going anywhere near the MMIs and then see how it worked out."

"Turns out, those're the key ingredients right there: trust and teamwork. One guy handled the upper torso, the other guy was in charge of the legwork. There were some learning pains going in, but after an hour, they were working together like
pros. That said, I've still got one more month of testing before I can call it quits on this."

"But if this works out? Well, the Engineering boys have got all sorts of new ideas to try out. Right now the Super Robots're using only drone technology to connect in Combine forms. What happens if you've got a manned Combine Formation? Well, I'd like to find out."

"Sam Carlson, we're done here!"

Psychic Theater proven to be viable! Conclusive testing to finish next turn!

Kaiju Biotechnology - Though a younger field than ESP, the biotechnologists are ready to break open even more secrets from the kaiju samples. With an emphasis on learning how to shape K-Class Materials into artificial shapes, they have their work cut out for them.

But the power of metal will provide.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology

The attempts to fabricate further use out of the K-Class didn't go so well this time around.

Some of the vats suffered a minor explosion and simply got everywhere in one section of the labs. Some unfortunate researchers were covered in the stuff, and were actually stuck when the materials somehow interpreted the whole fiasco as a command to encase themselves around the unfortunate researchers.

Still, Sam was able to get this cleaned up in record time, but he's lost this month to monitoring the researchers for any side effects. Some of the goop isn't going away at all. It's not harmful as far as he can tell, but it's just staying put. They're perfectly functional if you're willing to discount the fact you're wearing kaiju skin, but still.

It is giving Sam ideas, but he wants to make sure it's not harmful first.

Mishaps! With possible opportunities.

Kaus Armor Plating – Otherwise known as 'zirvitium alloy.' Max is predicting that it is very good at absorbing the energy blast weapons favored by Kausen warriors, but it's otherwise just a very sturdy set of armor plating. At least at first glance. She has some science to do on this one.

Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6+1d6, Threshold of 5-6), Katarina's Support is active
Progress in Xenotechnology, New Combat Options

The string of interesting luck continues as Katarina attempts to help Max analyze the Kaus armor plates before the lab finally goes online. As expected, the armor plates diffuse and scatter basic energy such as lasers, light beams, and the like. Max can even recreate a localized version of zirvitium alloy, which is the subject of the majority of testing.

Yet the examples seem to just crumple on any significant impact.

Katarina is stumped. Max is stumped. Architect is stumped. He promptly declares it shouldn't be working like that, and uses his own armor plating of zirvitium as an example of how it should work.

Max is back to the drawing board next month, but she takes comfort in the fact that a proper lab is going to be online by the time she tries this again...

Localized recreations are a bit...faulty.

To be followed in Interlude.

Not threadmarked
The Valiant is odd, even if you apply the type of logic required when examining Super Robots. Relatively small compared to the likes of Mercury V (standing roughly halfway between the Timberwolf and the Beowulf), there is actually nothing physical holding the mechanics together.

Operating on what Dr. Dinym called "Super Magnetism," the Valiant operates on high intensity electrical currents coursing through its frame. Its purpose seems to be twofold: it both acts as its primary power source, and as the adhesive that holds the frame together.

Voltus V is that you?!
So they now know that the Pirate Kausen and the Westphalians are fielding suspiciously similar shield tech.
"Now imagine," Henry finishes, "That we built fifteen of those CRX's, mounted flamethrowers onto them, and sicced them onto the Westphalians. Each model would be slightly better than the last one on the basis that we were getting practice in, but they'd all still be junk. Nothing at all like the Jackals."

You just stare at them. "Are you saying," you say in an even voice, "that the Westphalians are sending expensive prototype models out as production models?"

Sasaki looks flabbergasted at the idea. "That's horribly inefficient," she manages to say.

"That suggests one thing about them," Wilde shrugs. "They have so much money they don't care."
...I mean, my first thought there is that they don't have skilled manpower and/or resources to spare, as the "prototypes" are the production run due to not being able to just pull it apart and recycle all the parts.
...I mean, my first thought there is that they don't have skilled manpower and/or resources to spare, as the "prototypes" are the production run due to not being able to just pull it apart and recycle all the parts.

Frankly, to be able to maintain this can't be attributed to savings alone. We're looking at a good portion of the world's GDP to have the ability to run prototypes in job lots and then test them in real combat, and to do this as their SOP.

Or rather, given the fact nobody's actually been able to follow this massive pile of money, that their funders are literally politically untouchable, and too well protected to remove clandestinely.
Something that hits hard and fast, something that can take a hit but not so slow that it can't dodge."
So basically something better in all areas than what we have

command to encase themselves around the unfortunate researchers.
So pseudo containment foam or as armor
As expected, the armor plates diffuse and scatter basic energy such as lasers, light beams, and the like.
Anti beam coating is something we should attempt to make and it sounds like we could
@Basarin is it possible to set up an information post that list all the mecha/support units/special vehicles we have just to keep track of them? Maybe some minor descriptions as well?
I'm honestly at a bit of a loss of what to give Jessica, maybe the rebuilt pilum once we make it a mecha?

Also @Basarin in regards to Jessica's aggressive bonus, does it mean that we can have two attack actions per turn for a total of 4 attack rolls or does it only apply to adding another non attack bonus action to an attack turn.
It seems to me that for Jessica's mecha, priority goes to speed, power, defense, in that order. Melee would fit her "blitz" style better.

If Callaghan's style (in the Timberwolf) is "a slugger that ducks, weaves and shrugs off mid-range attacks to punch your head off", hers would be "use EXTREMESPEED to get into zero range".

Give a mecha frame a shitton of armor on the front, a shitton of boosters on the back, and a high impact melee weapon.

Or just recreate the Alt Eisen.
... crazy idea, but how hard would it be to make a mecha-sized Riot Shield? Something you could easily drop into the field from a support unit, and which Jessica could use to close the gap... maybe cover it in spikes and/or explosives to weaponize it further?
Four things: Antigravity was good idea, but Distortion Field would have been nice, too. See shoddy force fields.
Stork Formation: Oh sweet Jesus, those mechs are falling right on our head.
What happens when Westphalia gets some Jackals and puts good ideas from them into their junk?
What happens to our K-Material enchanced robots when they hit dr. Sheol's force field that's cheap, water-based and holds Kaiju in place perfectly?
Four things: Antigravity was good idea, but Distortion Field would have been nice, too. See shoddy force fields.
Stork Formation: Oh sweet Jesus, those mechs are falling right on our head.
What happens when Westphalia gets some Jackals and puts good ideas from them into their junk?
What happens to our K-Material enchanced robots when they hit dr. Sheol's force field that's cheap, water-based and holds Kaiju in place perfectly?

Distortion Field's something I want to throw a lot of Science at, hence why I've been putting it off until we had the Xenotech Lab up. The debate I'm going through right now is whether I want to start DF next turn, or if we want to use the Shards to try and solve the energy problems we're starting to run into.

Stork? I don't think we should make our dropship when we design it an actual mecha,, but we should throw an absolute fuckton of resources at it, and most of our hypertech if we can. A hero's chariot needs to be a legend in its own right! More importantly, we've got the Anti Gravity Treatment which means that we can shove a lot more stuff into it (Be it armor or other support equipment) then an "Ordinary" Stork.

Westphalia... That's the smart thing to do--but they won't do it, because that undermines the position of the extremists where the Earth Union is ultimate evil and everything that comes from it is trash. Pak might crib a bit from it like the Kausen are, but the Westphalians are playing a different game entirely--the fact that a Super Robot is required to meet their full strength really sells how what we were fighting are their half assed second or third line units rather than the things that might actually be expected to win.

As for the K-Material Enhanced Robots vs Sheol's dismantler... Well, it's a dismantler. He orders the Kaiju into a fixed position, and it gets flayed down so its genetic material and biomass can be integrated into the next project. Hence why a Kaiju retreats when it's defeated--it's going back to be recycled. It's not a weapon because a weapon like that is too overpowered for anyone to beat.

And beyond that, we'll be trying to crack the Zirvitium Alloy, and I hope to get Katarina to throw at it too in hopes of getting a Breakthrough there. We'll likely have external alloy plating out of it for our Super Robot Candidates, so even if he does have a magical "K-Material Be Not" beam, it'll have to go through Xenotech alloy first.

EDIT: Alternately, the Mystery Crystal can turn out to be a Not!G-Stone or Not!J-Jewel, something we can use to solve our reactor bottlenecks, and then reserve Shards for expendable super attacks.
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Operating on what Dr. Dinym called "Super Magnetism,"
Combattler W! ('W' stands for 'Whatwasitagain')

"But if this works out? Well, the Engineering boys have got all sorts of new ideas to try out. Right now the Super Robots're using only drone technology to connect in Combine forms. What happens if you've got a manned Combine Formation? Well, I'd like to find out."
NOW it's time to get more pilots.

I'm honestly at a bit of a loss of what to give Jessica, maybe the rebuilt pilum once we make it a mecha?
I'm for it.
Give a mecha frame a shitton of armor on the front, a shitton of boosters on the back, and a high impact melee weapon.
Or for this one. The "Rocket Fist" principle, but applied to the whole mecha?

What happens to our K-Material enchanced robots when they hit dr. Sheol's force field that's cheap, water-based and holds Kaiju in place perfectly?
The same thing that would happen to robots with no K-Materials - they become wet and immobile.
Wait, Jessica wants a fast punchy mech, one that can easily close the distance and get in the bad guys face by punching them and we just unlocked claw technology.

Time to build Guren Type-02!
Stork? I don't think we should make our dropship when we design it an actual mecha,, but we should throw an absolute fuckton of resources at it, and most of our hypertech if we can. A hero's chariot needs to be a legend in its own right! More importantly, we've got the Anti Gravity Treatment which means that we can shove a lot more stuff into it (Be it armor or other support equipment) then an "Ordinary" Stork.
I was unclear. Dropship that damn well shoots Phalanx at Mach Two right into the face of enemy.

As for the K-Material Enhanced Robots vs Sheol's dismantler... Well, it's a dismantler. He orders the Kaiju into a fixed position, and it gets flayed down so its genetic material and biomass can be integrated into the next project. Hence why a Kaiju retreats when it's defeated--it's going back to be recycled. It's not a weapon because a weapon like that is too overpowered for anyone to beat.
Encased in its genetic sculpting cage, a mixture of water and the strange energies projected from the deceptively thin barriers rendered the mighty blows of the kaiju as helpless as an infant.
I meant this shield of dismantling cage. I expect it to be semi-portable and horribly effective against our mechs in prepared quarters, like base assault.
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Alright for our new pilots I see two potential ways to take advantage of their traits.

1. For the Leader, put him in the Phalnax but bigger. Maybe the new Warship. Put a crew in there Psychic Choir style. And then dress them in different colors-boom! Power Rangers Megazord.

2. For our Aggressive cadet, have we thought making a mech that merges with Cavalier? It's a transforming vehicle-why not try merging? They are already friends, why not do a bit of psychic bonding? Her aggression, his skill, they can make it work.

Just some crazy thoughts.