Super Robot Quest

Well, let's just hope that the end result of this whole skirmish is a net plus for our relationship with the EUNDF. Hopefully they should have enough gratitude that we kept it from getting worse then just a lost carrier and some of the easily replaceable buildings.

I mean, should we not have shown up, and let the Kaiju turn the entire base into an acid pit?
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I kind of what to call bullshit on the prioritize roll.
If its goal was the dry-docks then it makes more sense to me that it should roll high to stay focused on them and low to be distracted by the Timberwolf.
Not going to make a big deal about this but I wanted to get the thought out.
I hope the whole "prevented the total destruction of your base and everything in it" thing balances out that carrier.
You mean that thing from Nanoha A? Precisely I'm watching that show right now, so not completely sure what you're talking about, but I can make a guess.
I'm interested in your impressions. I'm also interested in how you're going to like StrikerS.

The Dragon has taken enough damage! It is now molting!
- The Dragon has shed its skin and has taken to the sky! Reclassified as 'Dragonfly.'
- Dragonfly still cannot use Acidic Abilities this turn; pores are still sealed due to cleansing fire!
"Oh that's just bullshit" - someone, probably.
Me, definitely.

I wouldn't be surprised if it has a final transformation mode instead of a "fight or flee" test.
Let's hope it doesn't self-destruct.
It didn't.

They can still complain and be uncooperative as possible though before conceding, and perhaps try to fish for an opportunity to get a kaiju sample. These guys would be the ones that would discover the truth behind kaiju's dna faster than us, as they probably wouldn't try to waste time figuring out how to weaponize it.

How many more combat turns before Mercury shows up and kill steals?
You've got until turn eight or so before Mercury appears.
I'm imagining Hiroki wanting to outdo Callaghan and dropping down on the 'Fly feet-first. Although, maybe not on Turn Eight, exactly, because that's when All Things Open Fire, if I'm reading the winning vote correctly.
And he didn't even get the chance to.

I wonder, would Mercury V like some Heavy Zirvitium Armor as an upgrade? And what technology can we exchange for that?
... "Freeze! This is DFRI!".

As is traditional, I thought up a good thing to say well after it matters.

"These arms of mine may burn with an awesome power, but you lift with your legs!"

Maybe this could become a motivational poster in-universe.
I can picture this hanging in a gym

it's five fungoid pensioners in combined mech,
Fungal - as in, they're sentient mushrooms, or as in, they're moldy old geezers?
I hope the whole "prevented the total destruction of your base and everything in it" thing balances out that carrier.

In general it should and will for most people, but there will always be three things:

1. The underlying sense of grief, pain, and anger about any lives or important objects lost from its destruction. It'll take some people a while to get past that and even if they do they might still hold some negative feelings towards us simply because they can't let it go on a deeper level.

2. People who are so consumed by anger that they just can't let it go and will always hate us for it. These'll be in the local minority more than likely, but will also be the ones most likely to cause trouble as they will blame us for everything no matter how much good we do, and might even turncoat to the otherside just for a shot at us or to "show the world what we're really like".

3. Assholes who will take advantage of this and use it to undermine everything we do. They don't actually care about the fact that the carrier was destroyed, just that they can use the fact it was to hurt our reputation and stifle our work. The main danger of them is they can rile up the #2 minority and get them to do something drastic or call for our superiors to do something to us.
I kind of what to call bullshit on the prioritize roll.
If its goal was the dry-docks then it makes more sense to me that it should roll high to stay focused on them and low to be distracted by the Timberwolf.
Not going to make a big deal about this but I wanted to get the thought out.

Fair enough, but highs and lows on rolling are always going to be dependent on context in this quest.
how would you rate our performance?


Narration wise, it was a SOLID first performance, carrier busted or not. You have shown that the EUDF CAN make their own effective Super Robot.

On the other hand, mechanically I now have a MUCH better idea of how to challenge you all in future encounters. It will even come with an in-universe rationale!

You've all just rocked the boat, by the way. Again.
I kind of what to call bullshit on the prioritize roll.
If its goal was the dry-docks then it makes more sense to me that it should roll high to stay focused on them and low to be distracted by the Timberwolf.
Not going to make a big deal about this but I wanted to get the thought out.

Does it matter?

It's a 1d6 that's split in two. The odds for either side are exactly the same.
Yeah, we couldn't stop that no matter what, it won the initative and then decided to attack everything on its own.

Didn't matter what we picked in light of that.

Realistically, we still did pretty damn good.
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But yeah, I will admit to some irritation that everything was going just fine, and then it won initative and everything went to hell and we're holding the bag for it despite killing the damn monster in the end.

But that's just how it goes. Dice gods will roll where they want. At least the damage was limited in the end, and mostly everyone had evacuated by now.

I will say that "relations with the Naval Defense Force are permanently Disadvantaged" smarts though, we did pretty damn well, but it certainly doesn't feel that way in light of it.
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Don't get me wrong.
I understand and accept that it was a 50/50 chance to target either us or the drydock.
I have no plan to raise a fuss about the whole thing.
I guess I'm looking at the prioritize thresholds from the kaiju's perspective and not ours.
But yeah, I will admit to some irritation that everything was going just fine, and then it won initative and everything went to hell and we're holding the bag for it despite killing the damn monster in the end.

But that's just how it goes. Dice gods will roll where they want. At least the damage was limited in the end, and mostly everyone had evacuated by now.

I will say that "relations with the Naval Defense Force are permanently Disadvantaged" smarts though, we did pretty damn well, but it certainly doesn't feel that way in light of it.
You can't spell super robot without collateral damage
You'll all get means to repair relations, but they are understandably upset. That carrier had some history in universe.

I'll elaborate in the story post later today
I will say that "relations with the Naval Defense Force are permanently Disadvantaged" smarts though, we did pretty damn well, but it certainly doesn't feel that way in light of it.

Re-read the note again. The relationship is currently baselined at Disadvantaged, as opposed to Neutral. The only permanent consequence is the destruction of the carrier. I'm assuming we can repair the hurt feelings with time and effort.

Again, we single-handedly saved their bacon. They'd have to be idiots to hold saving them against us because we couldn't stop the monster from wrecking one carrier/entourage as opposed to everything.