Super Robot Quest

We're at war, son! We can't just wait a year before even starting the experiments! Just think about it, acid fogging the Westphalians, or acid beaming Bandit!
Its fine though.

We just never had the urgency, but if we already know that the decomposing thing didnt have any fallback methods put into place by Sheol (and why would he? This entire battle came out of left field for him after all) then it's a simple matter of Henry coming up with some kind of method to nullify that breakdown enzyme, let it burn itself out, and then the SCIENCE can begin in earnest.

Plus, I have an idea for a new Core Unit.

@Basarin thoughts on potentially making a One-off next evolution of the V-33, kind of like the V-33 Falcon in basis, but designed from the ground up as a modularly adaptive Core Unit?

Something that can dock into other Core Units to provide Flight capabilities, along with Psychic Theater potential? Not designed to combine specifically with just other units, but to adapt and enhance other configurations as a net force multiplier?

Let's call the idea, as a hypothetical, something like the V-35 Bellerophon?
Nullify? Bah, we want to activate it. It'd be a limited use weapon before Sheol puts in countermeasures, but if you can trick a kaijiu into thinking its dead...
@Basarin thoughts on potentially making a One-off next evolution of the V-33, kind of like the V-33 Falcon in basis, but designed from the ground up as a modularly adaptive Core Unit?

Something that can dock into other Core Units to provide Flight capabilities, along with Psychic Theater potential? Not designed to combine specifically with just other units, but to adapt and enhance other configurations as a net force multiplier?

Let's call the idea, as a hypothetical, something like the V-35 Bellerophon?

In some of the past options in between battles, there's the option to pursue development along that route. It's called "Building a Seeker," and it's in the Configuration options.

That would be an option to think about if you want to go that route.
On different note, why people think that Regency is more Nanoha-style thing that Ultraman style thing?
I mean, he does have a point. Any negative alien influence would prefer a disunited planet.

That's why Kane wouldn't be in the Westies, they're too stupid and self-centered to work for a greater goal.

You're unlikely to see Koenig break out into song about how you're only second best or anything...

Hey, villains can make good songs too... Or at least they used to.

An aircraft carrier launched by the Russian Federation in the height of the Unification Wars, its crew held a sense of irony and humor at all times. Here was an aircraft carrier, among the first of its remastered class, named for a Hero of the old Soviet Union

Soviet Union? Fitting that a ship named after monstrous political system was taken down by an actual monster.
I hope the current Union doesn't use actual Soviet practices too.

By 1200, the Sergey Gorshkov would rest in the bottom of the harbor, its destroyed superstructure and hull still jutting out at an angle.

IS it recoverable then? If only to avoid the thing mutating into an angry, giant little girl with EVIL! weaponry.

Richard's limbs felt numb, even through the insulating scales of the K-Suit. Whatever was within that stinger tail, it still clearly held enough acid or whatever it was coated in to foul up the servos inside of the Timberwolf. Gritting his teeth, Richard focused through the MMI and projected as much intent behind his actions as he possibly could.

So, it seems they do feel pain. New test: Subject a Jackal to near-complete destruction while the pilot is wearing the suit. Will he/she start screaming about how they musn't run away? If risking our pilots is unacceptable, that's why we can repurpose death row convicts!

Nowhere in its Master's memories could it recall anything like this not-Mercury the Pretenders could muster.

I see Sheol couldn't help but to shoehorn his political vision into his creations.

"Energy Blast! WIDE BURST!"

Yes, that's more like it, start calling your attacks and posing harder!

For the Arc Blade, momentarily forgotten, came plunging back down to Earth.

The weapon went fully anime-mode!

The Spark Caliber is the name chosen by Captain Sasaki for what is effectively a supercharged battery the size of the Timberwolf's thumb. Shaped to slot neatly into the Arc Cannon or Arc Blade, it is a device that will supercharge the equipment its installed into for one devastating attack. It is so potent, it can only be authorized for use against a foe you are confident will die to the force brought to bear.

We should consider start using this as an actual attack instead of a fatality from now on.

Arc Blade raised high above its head, the Timberwolf took a running leap towards its prey.

Finishing Strike!


No more random Japanese words? Shame. Also, Sword of Thunder sounds more badass.

. The moment its hilt met the sheathe, one final lightning bolt slammed into the two halves of the kaiju and disintegrated it.

METAL! Hopefully we can still salvage it.

Even through setbacks, great triumphs can be forged. A mighty monster has been laid low, smote by lightning in the cause of justice. Behold! The Defender of the Earth Union!


Soo, what will be the key of victory for next episode?

In some of the past options in between battles, there's the option to pursue development along that route. It's called "Building a Seeker," and it's in the Configuration options.

Time to do tha, as well as the Final Fusion equivalent.

On different note, why people think that Regency is more Nanoha-style thing that Ultraman style thing?

Not sure about the latter. What's the difference, besides Ultraman being power armors for boys-only?
Ultraman is "Make my monster grow" but for humans. Kaiji-scale versus person scale of Nanoha.
Huh, surprising, considering you disliked GGG. Nanoha isn't that crazy but it's getting there, compared with the average magical girl show.
I'm disliking what I've heard about GGG because it shatters my SoD. And I've already watched Nanoha... Maybe my SoD wasn't so fragile then, or maybe I've looked at it from a different angle (namely, a magitech show instead of a magical girl show).

Then Madoka happened and everything went to shit due grimderp.
Never watched it, but the two characters I care the most about (as in, at all) are Mami and Kyouko.

You're unlikely to see Koenig break out into song about how you're only second best or anything...
We won't see him doing it because he doesn't do so in public?

"Spark Caliber received!"

With one motion, the Timberwolf took hold of the Arc Blade's hilt, and raised it violently into the air. Pinned as it was to the blade and the flight deck, the Dragonfly was sent flying into the air.

"Spark Caliber! Install!"

With one motion, the jewel-like battery was slotted into the crossguard of the Arc Blade's hilt. And just like that, the subtle crackling energies of the Arc Blade suddenly screamed into being. Pointing the tip of the blade towards the now descending Dragonfly, its writhing form abruptly stopped midair. What looked to the naked eye like a lightning bolt out of the clear sky slammed into the Dragonfly, holding it in place.

With one motion, and with the veritable lightning storm barely contained in the Arc Blade's edge, Richard Callaghan willed the Beowulf to sprint up the angled remains of the Sergey Gorshkov.

Arc Blade raised high above its head, the Timberwolf took a running leap towards its prey.

Finishing Strike!


"Aw man, we missed it!?"

And just like that, the moment was ruined.
{Standing ovation}

On different note, why people think that Regency is more Nanoha-style thing that Ultraman style thing?
Because I don't know much about Ultraman. I'm also trying not to imagine it as a Nanoha thing, to avoid pre-concieved notions.

I see Sheol couldn't help but to shoehorn his political vision into his creations.
Can you, or anyone else at all, create something, pouring your heart into it, but without reflecting your perception of the world in what you're creating?
So, it seems they do feel pain. New test: Subject a Jackal to near-complete destruction while the pilot is wearing the suit. Will he/she start screaming about how they musn't run away? If risking our pilots is unacceptable, that's why we can repurpose death row convicts!


How about we try and find a way to mitigate that pain? And do that without, you know, risking people's lives? Kinda disturbing that you jump to extreme human experimentation first instead of iterating to see if that is even necessary.
Richard knew that his background as a history major back at the academy drew strange looks, much more his legitimate enjoyment of those assignments when others regarded them as wastes of time or just extra busywork, designed to keep them away from the night life. But history held so much more than that. It held human experiences, emotions and stories, all proof that no matter what you're facing, or what you're feeling, someone's already felt or done something similar.

To Richard, those stories were sacred. And he promised himself that he would not let this casual disregard for the human experience go unanswered.

Warcry: "It belongs IN A MUSEUM DAMMIT!"
Deployment #2: Defense of Naval Base San Diego, Wrap-Up
1040, 28 November A.D. 2071
Pegasus Hangar

"Aaaaaaand stop!" At the right hand gesture, the truck stopped reversing, and a horde of maintenance workers rushed to attach restraints tying it down to the hangar floors. A moment later, the Shepherd - now detached from the Beowulf - began to back up in turn.

"That's one delivery of a nasty piece of kaiju," the chief said as she jumped out of the truck's driver compartment. "Just...what do you do with this crap, Sir?"

"Oh, this thing?" Adam rapped a knuckle against the food refrigeration truck holding its precious cargo inside. "We're gonna turn this into so much Science."


"They do that, Chief," Henry said quietly as Chief Belle jumped from the few staff members of Sam's lab took up the cry. "Still, much appreciated. Believe us when we say this will be put to good use."

"If it kills more kaiju, fine by me," she shrugged. "Blow them to hell and gone."

"That's the plan!" Adam said cheerfully. "Kinda wonder if we can turn this into a laser gun!"

The Chief's confused face as Adam started making fake 'pew pew' noises while mimicking firing a gun was priceless.

As was the facepalm from Henry.

Ahh, good times.

Dragon Horn gained! Sam is ready to conduct analysis!

1053, 28 November A.D. 2071
Command Center Bridge

"...that monster destroyed the Sergey Gorshkov!" an admiral whose name you didn't catch exclaims. Only military decorum, you suspect, is stopping him from outright screaming. "The flagship of the Fifth Fleet - gone! The Super Robot was supposed to stop something like this!"

Oh, boohoo. You move your head to the side to pretend you are coughing, mainly as cover to roll your eyes in exasperation. Peters, no fool, spots what you are doing with just a raised eyebrow but nothing more.

"It will take so much time to bring the facilities back online!" another navy suit growls. "This has set back the repairs of the rest of the Fifth Fleet by at least two months! Now that-"

"Are you all
quite finished?" Peters' voice cuts through like a rifle shot. "May I point out that it took the Yi Sun-Sin one additional hour after the kaiju made landfall to arrive? I imagine that if we had not appeared, there would be no Fifth Fleet to bloody well complain about!" You hide your surprise at the sudden explosion of force behind her voice.

"Général de brigade Peters has a point, gentlemen," another voice chimes in. You recognize that face as Colonel Bernard. It's going to be slightly awkward to deal with him for the upcoming meeting you had scheduled - after all, he still technically falls under the Navy - but he doesn't seem all that perturbed by what had happened. "I admit this is beyond my ability to speak for, but were it not for the presence of the Beowulf...well." His image spreads his hands out in a placating gesture. "I imagine there would be no Naval Base left to shed tears for, no?"

You get the impression that he's enjoying the admirals' discomfort far more than he should. Maybe one of them owes him money.

You raise a hand. "A point, if I may," you ask. When Peters nods, you ask, "The Sergey Gorshkov and its escorts were registered as having entered drydock repairs over..." You check the notes sent ahead to you from Sasaki. God bless subordinates who can predict what their bosses want! "...six months ago. It was set for priority one, but aside from disassembly of the elevator mechanisms, there wasn't any action taken on it. Why have other vessels taken priority if this was so important?"

"A curious question indeed," Bernard agrees. "One that my office has also raised for their vessels, but has yet to receive a satisfactory answer to."

You raise your eyebrow at him, but like Peters, say nothing. That's definitely something you can use for your future discussion. Especially with the word from a certain disgruntled officer that Sasaki has already spoken with.

Either way, the sat-link meeting has gotten very quiet. And you decide Colonel Bernard has a point - you can't help but enjoy the extreme discomfort the admirals are now showing. Especially since they're technically in your debt for having stopped things from getting worse.

Oh, sure you'll have to invest some resources to make good with the senior leadership. But that's something you're getting used to at this point.

Naval Base San Diego saved...minus an aircraft carrier. -1d6 to all interactions with Naval Defense Force until you can repair relations.

That said, the awkwardness when they deal with you is hilarious.

No malus to relations with the Maritime Expeditionary Corps.
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You raise a hand. "A point, if I may," you ask. When Peters nods, you ask, "The Sergey Gorshkov and its escorts were registered as having entered drydock repairs over..." You check the notes sent ahead to you from Sasaki. God bless subordinates who can predict what their bosses want! "...six months ago. It was set for priority one, but aside from disassembly of the elevator mechanisms, there wasn't any action taken on it. Why have other vessels taken priority if this was so important?"

"A curious question indeed," Bernard agrees. "One that my office has also raised for their vessels, but has yet to receive a satisfactory answer to."

You raise your eyebrow at him, but like Peters, say nothing. That's definitely something you can use for your future discussion. Especially with the word from a certain disgruntled officer that Sasaki has already spoken with.

Either way, the sat-link meeting has gotten very quiet. And you decide Colonel Bernard has a point - you can't help but enjoy the extreme discomfort the admirals are now showing. Especially since they're technically in your debt for having stopped things from getting worse.
High command probably don't like ascended loggies.
They know ALL the dirty laundry. The stuff actually mild enough to weaponize, unlike the spooks who're carrying stuff too hot to handle.
"A point, if I may," you ask. When Peters nods, you ask, "The Sergey Gorshkov and its escorts were registered as having entered drydock repairs over..." You check the notes sent ahead to you from Sasaki. God bless subordinates who can predict what their bosses want! "...six months ago. It was set for priority one, but aside from disassembly of the elevator mechanisms, there wasn't any action taken on it. Why have other vessels taken priority if this was so important?"

Man, thank goodness this is a super robot quest. Cause if this was an espionage quest we'd be up to our neck in questions.
Questions like: Is percentile of Westphalia sympathizers in EUDF and national forces more or less than one third?
Also I feel the need to note that there's apparently the Navy, versus the Maritime Expeditionary Corps.
Kind of makes me think of those rescue guys we befriended earlier with the Kausen thing-which in turn suggests that every major branch has it's own sub-divisions, just to complicate matters all the further.
Questions like: Is percentile of Westphalia sympathizers in EUDF and national forces more or less than one third?
If you're going in genre?
About 1% of the armed forces are actual members rather than patsies.
The top 1%.

As long as nobody has the bright idea to create a mad scientist to further their goals while programmed to be ambitious at all costs.
Can you, or anyone else at all, create something, pouring your heart into it, but without reflecting your perception of the world in what you're creating?

I would say a killbot doesn't need to know my political stance to do its job.

How about we try and find a way to mitigate that pain?

Because we don't know yet if the pain pilots feel is truly damaging, or cosmetic yet, due the lack of experimentation and severe damage to the Beowulf or any other MMI vehicle. Thus it would be a good idea to test the idea with Separatist prisoners or something, as they're invariably chaotic evil.

"They do that, Chief,"

They're everywhere!

Dragon Horn gained! Sam is ready to conduct analysis!

In before Beowulf becomes more and more biological with each upgrade.

You raise a hand. "A point, if I may," you ask. When Peters nods, you ask, "The Sergey Gorshkov and its escorts were registered as having entered drydock repairs over..." You check the notes sent ahead to you from Sasaki. God bless subordinates who can predict what their bosses want! "...six months ago. It was set for priority one, but aside from disassembly of the elevator mechanisms, there wasn't any action taken on it. Why have other vessels taken priority if this was so important?"

"A curious question indeed," Bernard agrees. "One that my office has also raised for their vessels, but has yet to receive a satisfactory answer to."

... Are the Westphalians actually an evil space virus that infects minds like Marvel's racism against mutants? It would explain a lot.

A way to solve this would be to create a basilisk virus. As in, a special subliminal text distributed online that every Westphalian who reads it dies by head-explosion or something equally over-the-top.
You'll find that like any organization, the Naval Defense Force had problems with corruption and nepotism.

This was one such case. At least on the face of it