Super Robot Quest

Oh good the Perseus isn't banged up too badly, and some insight into the Valiant's pilot. I love the reaction she had to the Perseus and I have to wonder how she'll react to the Beowulf once she sees it wrecking a Kaiju. I kinda want all of the Mech Pilots to meet up so that we can start fleshing out their characters some.
I think her reaction would be to complain loudly about Beowulf's sword play:p

"That is not how you swing a bloody sword, you bleeding wanker! Oh god, it hurts just watching."
managed to get our hands on new kaiju samples, and we made world television."

Oh dear, that will increase the number of young, hotblooded recruits dramatically. We need these "Space Marine tier" training camps ASAP.

Callaghan, who was just completely passed out on one of the rest stations below in the pilot's section.

We also need to find out a way to recover the pilots quickly for longer engagements.

"You're welcome," a voice says to your right. By now, you've worked with Anna long enough to not jump - visibly - whenever she does the 'Batman' thing.

Some memes are eternal.

nd I think one or two of those admirals that were yelling at you is covering for him."

Of course the evil-looking guys are evil.

For a moment I feared we had "boys only" equivalents of Gundams.

A holographic image of the 'Walker' chassis appears. The Walker was nothing more than a pair of reverse-jointed legs and a torso, albeit a nimble one with plenty of armaments.

But they're Wanzers clearly.

But for what? Last I checked, they don't have the facilities to make anything out of them."

"That may change," Anna mutters speculatively. "Could be that the DFRI's success is inspiring other efforts to build a Super Robot."

OH noes, Super Robots have gone mainstream!

"He means we are concerned you will try and ensnare us into some other operation we are not ready for yet," Sasaki says through gritted teeth.

"Ooooh, that," Anna replies, tapping a finger to her chin. "Nope! Not this month anyway!"

An "optional" quest incoming!

A Kaiju-based diversion! We'll dress up a Jackal (in mech format) with K-material, then make hime run amok! To escape we'll just have to remove the K-material and switch to vehicle mode! :ninja:

Not the craziest plan done in such show.

. "Terribly sorry, madam. Rude pedestrians being a bother, should only be a moment."

I see, of course the pilot is the daughter of Sanders. Her mom tragically died in an incident that is probably related to the Separatists.

"Oh, good God," she said flatly as the Buckler proceeded to shift into a giant robot. A giant robot whose left arm unfolded into a combat shield, and who then simply walked slowly into combat. Undeterred by all the rounds slamming into it, it resolutely held one arm up to absorb incoming rounds while the other returned fire on its own accord. And the units around it...

She's in for a good surprise. Speaking of: She comes with an quirky vocabulary and a combat butler to boot, one not from the Alfred series though.

He and the Axiom crew had only been fighting for what must have been the better part of an hour and a half, but it felt like they'd been in a marathon.

An hour and a half? How many mooks were there? Good thing these kill-counts rarely provoke PSTD.

A small gash had crossed one of the eye units on Perseus' face; nothing damaging, but it left an interesting burn mark that looked like a scar

Moreover, it seems that neural feedback is not that bad, seeing that Telli wasn't Asuka'ed.

"Hmph. Just my job," the older Kaus harrumphed. But Oscar was still fairly sure he could hear a faint note of approval. "Kinda reminds me of this one time we had to put down an insurgency..."

Apparently the Kausen use the Stallone method of diplomacy.

Out of the three, Callaghan is the best. Since he wears a powered suit and controls his bot with his mind.

At least until he's replaced by his younger, inexperienced but brave brother.

I'm sorry, but the moment Erika mentioned her machine gun wielding butler all I could think of was "Valiant, it's Showtime!"

Fitting, since the series was an homage to Batman with giant robots.
A small gash had crossed one of the eye units on Perseus' face; nothing damaging, but it left an interesting burn mark that looked like a scar.
I request keeping this cosmetic damage on the robot.

It wasn't long before the Pegasus radioed ahead that they were coming, but at this point Oscar didn't mind if they took their time. He was just happy enough to let himself destress, and to soak in the older scout's wisdom.

Which there was quite a bit of. Maybe that was why the other Kaus weren't anywhere near here...?
Lol, my favourite part.

Oh good the Perseus isn't banged up too badly, and some insight into the Valiant's pilot. I love the reaction she had to the Perseus and I have to wonder how she'll react to the Beowulf once she sees it wrecking a Kaiju. I kinda want all of the Mech Pilots to meet up so that we can start fleshing out their characters some.
A yearly Robot Pilot Party sounds cool to me.
If we ranked the pilots by skill it would be close, though maybe a bit skewed because Callaghan likely has the best control system and most reactive robot due to the MMI and the K-Materials, but if we're going by robots I think that the Mercury probably has the advantage due to it having had a pretty big head start and having bullshit science. Valiant is impressive but it's mostly specialized for modularity and being able to handle different opponents whereas the Mercury is just a straight up beast and the Beowulf is designed so that it has a configuration for any situation.

That should be our motto "A Configuration for any Situation!"

Also yeah the Perseus keeping the Scar is a good idea, helps give the robot some character, and it would definitely be interesting to have a party or some type of convention where all the different Super Robot teams mingle and share ideas. The Pilots would be in a corner drinking and swapping war stories while the leaders desperately try to keep the drunk eggheads from creating mad science.
Speaking of comparisons, just how spindly is Valiant? Seeing as its shotgun cannon was a recoilless version.

Size-wise, it's not much taller than the Beowulf or Jackal chassis.

But its bullshit science via electrical currents allows it to (temporarily) reach densities beyond or below what its mass should allow. Beyond that, I won't say. :p

I'm sorry, but the moment Erika mentioned her machine gun wielding butler all I could think of was "Valiant, it's Showtime!"

I may or may not have been rewatching the Big O. :p Fantastic series.

I would have loved to have seen what they could have done with Season 3, but at least it got some kind of closure in the SRW Z series.

I request keeping this cosmetic damage on the robot.

Doable! A badge of honor, if you will.

Posts will come throughout today!
A Business Transaction
28 November A.D. 2071

"Well." Pak raised an eyebrow. "There's something you don't see every day."

Standing at the prow of the vessel, Pak's jacket fluttered rapidly in the winds, not helped at all by the incoming storm kicking the winds into overdrive. But the self-described man of wealth didn't care. Nothing was going to keep him from seeing this.

And after seeing an alien vessel just plow out of the waves and hover just out of reach from the port side, he would get to tell his assistant, "I told you so." Shaped like a sharp dagger-edge, its blood-red colors would make it stand out were it not still being washed over by strong waves.

"PJH?" a metallic voice asked, cutting cleanly through his earpiece in the agreed upon frequency.

"I must be him," he agreed. "Bandit?"

"Right in one," the voice said. "Hang on a micro-wha?" Muffled sounds were heard, before he came back up. "Sorry, second. Hang on a second."

A small platform soon emerged from the vessel, followed quickly by a side compartment sliding open. Emerging from the ship, beyond his expectations despite the blatant proof hovering before him, was one of the Kausen. Compared to the new Jackal models he was now starting to see, Bandit was not that much taller than them. But as the yellow-clad being stomped (or he could be lightfooted by his standards; Pak didn't care) towards the middle of the platform, a pallet following behind him, Pak met him halfway, his men driving forward their own special cargo aboard the ridiculously sized pallet truck.

No matter where you came from, good business practices were good business practices. It was a poor showing for a merchant if he didn't show up with the agreed-to goods, after all.

"I'd shake your hand," Pak offered, "But-"

"Kinda hard to, I know," Bandit shrugged. Glowing green eyes, reminding Pak of a toxic hue, regarded him for a moment before the metallic face broke into a smirk. "Got to say, I was wondering if I was going to run into someone willing to do business."

"Friend, there is always someone willing to do business," Pak countered. "Whether they stick to their agreements is another matter."

"True. Been short-circuited enough times to know a bad deal when I see it." The smirk widened. "Not seeing one here, and I'm not seeing any active signatures from your cargo. You've got it?"

"Of course." He gestured for his men to drive the pallet forward, then with another gesture the tarp was pulled aside. "You did pay for both this and the diversionary raid," he said. He winced at how expensive accommodating Koenig for that mess in New York was, but Bandit's offer just happened to coincide (or did it? Did it matter?) with it, so he put up less of a fuss than he would normally. If Koenig suspected something...well. He didn't care at this point. "While I trust you found whatever you were looking for while everyone was occupied, I present to you this." The tarp was finally pulled aside. A shrill-pitched noise came from Bandit's direction. Pak equated that to the 'impressed whistle' most humans did. That actually made him feel a bit better - Bandit was 'human enough' to do business with by his standards.

"A fully functioning model of the Pilum-class gunship," Pak continued dramatically, hamming it up for all it was worth. It wasn't often he got to do this! "Formerly a spare for the recently departed Warlord, it was his mount of choice! You want to mount all of the weapons? This model can accommodate that. Do you want to add even more than that? It will take some doing, but nothing is stopping you from trying!" Bowing slightly, he added, "And from what I understand, your leader wanted something suitably destructive? Well, with the right modifications, there is no practical limit to what a frame of this size can achieve - within its weight class, of course."

"Of course," Bandit said with a chuckle. "I know the usual limitations. But this?" He rapped a metal knuckle lightly against the frame, and nodded in approval when it did not buckle or deform. "This will do for the boss mech juuuuuust fine." He grinned. "You've done good by me. So my turn to do good by you." His own pallet moved forward on its own accord, before settling down and locking in place. Panel by panel it began to open up before revealing something that really made Pak smile.

"So, I'll be honest. Those chemically propelled weapons you all are using pains me," Bandit said. "But this?" He hefted what looked like a Kausen-sized cannon. "Now, no test-firing here for obvious reasons, but I will give you a refund if this does not put a hole into any gunplatform or fortress that's inconveniencing you. This is the gold standard of the Mekaen Security Forces. Easy to maintain, modular, and it'll ruin the day of whoever you aim this thing at." Patting the rifle affectionately, Bandit added, "And I've given you enough here to arm a small hunting party."

"I think we can do further business after this," Pak said with a grin.

"Sure, sure," Bandit agreed. "I do have a request though."

"Hm?" Pak tilted his head inquisitively.

"You ever run into a certain warform called the Timberwolf?" Bandit's jovial expression turned sour. "I wanna know. Willing to pay good shards for that one."

Pak paused to consider that. He normally didn't go out of his way to hunt down the new DFRI Super Robot.

But Koenig did. And he had enough eyes and ears in his organization to know when something was going down...

"I think I can accommodate that," Pak agreed as both pallets made their way to their respective customers. "So long as we can keep our business going, you won't have any problems with me."

"Good." Seeing that the cargo on both ends were secured, he sketched a mock salute with a chuckle before turning about to his ship. "Have a good one."

Within a few minutes, the alien vessel, having withdrawn the platform after Pak and his men were back onboard, blasted off into the stratosphere. "An interesting design," Pak muttered as his men ushered him back inside, just ahead of the incoming rainstorm. "I wonder if he's willing to negotiate for pieces of it?"

Still, he got what he wanted today.

Nodding to the Captain of the vessel, Pak remained on the bridge as the massive refurbished vessel sank into the waves. The Naval Defense Force wouldn't catch them this day either.
A yearly Robot Pilot Party sounds cool to me.
Extra points if a catastrophe happens shortly after that which requires all of the robots.

The Pilots would be in a corner drinking and swapping war stories while the leaders desperately try to keep the drunk eggheads from creating mad science.

"Why contain it?" /Bob Page.

And after seeing an alien vessel just plow out of the waves and hover just out of reach from the port side, he would get to tell his assistant, "I told you so." Shaped like a sharp dagger-edge, its blood-red colors would make it stand out were it not still being washed over by strong waves.

"PJH?" a metallic voice asked, cutting cleanly through his earpiece in the agreed upon frequency.

"I must be him," he agreed. "Bandit?"

Minor typo, unless the man glitched for a second.

Bandit shrugged. Glowing green eyes, reminding Pak of a toxic hue

They may not have non-traditional EVIL! colors, but they're still menacing.

"A fully functioning model of the Pilum-class gunship,"

Oh noes, more oversized airships! Too bad we got our own and better than ever.
One that will hopefully be driven by a motorbike. That turns into a power armor.

"So, I'll be honest. Those chemically propelled weapons you all are using pains me," Bandit said. "But this?" He hefted what looked like a Kausen-sized cannon.

So, a new energy weapon? A solid projectile one?

Willing to pay good shards for that one."

Not that the bad guy can use them, unless the Separatists also happen to have a Shard Converter of some sort.

Pak remained on the bridge as the massive refurbished vessel sank into the waves. The Naval Defense Force wouldn't catch them this day either.

Clearly we need to start investing into that transforming sea vessel.
So, we learned that the Valiant's pilot is confirmed a girl, and her name isn't Arthur Drake. She also forms an interesting contrast with the delinquent in Mercury. I can smell a romance plot already. Kidding, probably.

Also, Pak/PJH confirmed to be in business with Bandit. So technically all our bad guys are associates.
"You did pay for both this and the diversionary raid," he said. He winced at how expensive accommodating Koenig for that mess in New York was, but Bandit's offer just happened to coincide (or did it? Did it matter?) with it, so he put up less of a fuss than he would normally.
So Bandit accomplished some operation of his own unapposed because we sent the Legion to help in New York? The Kaiju was a diversion for the Westphalians who were themselves a diversion for the Free Brothers? Having all of the enemy factions coordinating their attacks is certainly aggravating.