Starfleet Design Bureau

Wait I thought the dreadnought had escorts when the Kzin attacked it, or am I thinking of another battle

Anyway glad to see you back..
It's a film dramatization of the battle. Hollywood (or whatever the current equivalent is for this Earth) probably still likes its embellishments, big and small.
We need to tame Hollywood, they're making a mirror universe quest appealing.

Can't wait for the finalization of the W8 project. 👀
We need to tame Hollywood, they're making a mirror universe quest appealing.

Can't wait for the finalization of the W8 project. 👀

Forget Hollywood. There are greater foes.

"The Kumari-class is underpowered in Simulation Matches because the public figures for particle density in the main cannons are based on the minimum public specifications rather than actual operating levels. We all know that a Kumari would mulch a pre-Federation NX. I get the post-Federation NX refit at the 5.3 Battle Rating being an equal match, but it's bullshit that the 4.7 version can fight it on equal terms. You can see the real particle densities for the Kumari main cannon in this technical service manual (file attached)-"

"We all know the devs have a United Earth bias"

"The Thunderchild was a logistical disaster, so really they should start matches with no damage control consumables because they can't operate alone-"

"the whole reason the phase cannon meta exists is because other than clan battles you know everybody is going to just suicide at the enemy so the stupid gimballed point-and-shoot pew pew guns will kill them, rather than use actual tactics. this is why it's impossible to have fun as an imperial guard main"
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Forget Hollywood. There are greater foes.

"The Kumari-class is underpowered in Simulation Matches because the public figures for particle density in the main cannons are based on the minimum public specifications rather than actual operating levels. We all know that a Kumari would mulch a pre-Federation NX. I get the post-Federation NX refit at the 5.3 Battle Rating being an equal match, but it's bullshit that the 4.7 version can fight it on equal terms. You can see the real particle densities for the Kumari main cannon in this technical service manual (file attached)-"
Meanwhile the romulans and Klingons leaking classified docs to defend the pride/honor of their respective ships in high tier :lol:
It's a film dramatization of the battle. Hollywood (or whatever the current equivalent is for this Earth) probably still likes its embellishments, big and small.
There's also the fact that for something like a movie you're best working with a small(ish) cast, easier to keep track of and for the audience to build up a familiarity with/concern for.

Wouldn't surprise me if there's a micro-series or more regular one focused on the war that'd have the battle closer to what it actually was (with all of the 'key' personalities), both because they've got a lot more time to do the above in and the audience is probably gonna want more accuracy to begin with.

Man, I shudder at the thought of the in universe equivalent to Masters of the Air for the Kizin war. That would suck.
Starfleet Command: Why do the SanFran and Planetia offices hate each other?

Meanwhile, Friday night at the weekly minis game:

Forget Hollywood. There are greater foes.

"The Kumari-class is underpowered in Simulation Matches because the public figures for particle density in the main cannons are based on the minimum public specifications rather than actual operating levels. We all know that a Kumari would mulch a pre-Federation NX. I get the post-Federation NX refit at the 5.3 Battle Rating being an equal match, but it's bullshit that the 4.7 version can fight it on equal terms. You can see the real particle densities for the Kumari main cannon in this technical service manual (file attached)-"

"We all know the devs have a United Earth bias"

"The Thunderchild was a logistical disaster, so really they should start matches with no damage control consumables because they can't operate alone-"

"the whole reason the phase cannon meta exists is because other than clan battles you know everybody is going to just suicide at the enemy so the stupid gimballed point-and-shoot pew pew guns will kill them, rather than use actual tactics. this is why it's impossible to have fun as an imperial guard main"
Welcome back chief, you really have a talent for writing these kinds of battle.
2215: Warp Eight Engine (Final)
[X] Impulse Shunt (+20% Impulse Engine Output)

Warp 8 Engine (2230)
Stages: Central Chamber - Vertical Core - High Performance Injectors - Impulse Drive Shunt
Installation: Compatible - Refit - Incompatible

It isn't an easy choice, but in the end of the more immediate benefit of improvements to sublight wins out. The impulse shunt will take a thin stream of superheated warp plasma and dump it directly into the main thrust assembly of the attached impulse engines. The increased ejection velocity will provide a welcome increase in thrust efficiency, and also partially reduce the reliance of the sublight drive on the general electroplasma system. With the decision made, the overall shape of the Warp 8 Engine (or the 'warp core', as it is starting to be known) has been finalised and the gritty work of making it all cooperate falls to to Yoyodyne. You anticipate that first cores should be available for general issue in approximately fourteen years, but you should be able to account for it in future designs as it approaches the prototype stage.

All told the Warp 8 Engine has shaped up to be a massive leap forward, and one with a commensurate development time. It may mass more than the Warp 7 Engine, but using the new design principles has substantially reduced its footprint from the most pessimistic projections and although it will demand more decks than its predecessor it certainly hogs a great deal less space horizontally. The warp engine and the shuttlebay have been historical enemies on the drawing board, but with this new format even frigates may be able to boast of a decent shuttle complement. That's entirely putting aside the more concrete improvements over raw speed: you're trading years now rather than later, as the Warp 9 Engine would certainly have demanded this kind of configuration change. Futureproofing for higher reactant temperatures means the next nacelle generation will be able to manage higher sprint speeds, while the integrated impulse shunt means that all vessels will now benefit from the technology rather than the current state of affairs where only the largest starships have been able to leverage the technique, and even then only in crisis situations.

That leads you to the final project intended to take the Warp 7 Engine. Without the option of 'sitting on it' until the new engine is completed, you just have to forge ahead and attempt to meet your objectives as best you can. As it stands there are two major capability gaps that Starfleet is interested in closing in the near future. The first is for an Engineering Cruiser, one specifically designed to be able to go out and support colonies, other starships, and undertake construction work. This would necessarily involve a large shuttle complement and other support systems. The Cygnus-class is a little long in the tooth for this purpose, being nearly fifty years old, and a replacement would be welcome. The second tender is for a Long-Range Cruiser, which would more nebulously aim to rapidly respond to crises or conduct investigations over far distances. Whether this means focusing on response speed or response efficacy is an open question, with San Francisco proposing a quad-nacelle fast cruiser capable of maintaining high warp by nacelle-cycling. As a more specialist role you would be aiming to produce a smaller number of ships, but there would surely be no shortage of work for the design.

Or, if you are happy with allowing San Francisco a free pass without competition, there is potential for a Starfleet-flagged diplomatic ship. There's some real tension between the camps that believe the most important virtues for diplomacy is a 'flying the flag' demonstration that highlights Federation capabilities and those that argue for a tighter focus. While a heavy cruiser or state-of-the-art science ship certainly makes an impression they are ultimately military vessels, not flying embassies. Maybe in future they will be both, but that is certainly a long way off. You could throw your hat in the ring and potentially shape the impressions given by Second Contact for the next decades.

[ ] Engineering Cruiser (Competitor: Newton-class)
[ ] Long-Range Cruiser (Competitor: Radiant-class)
[ ] Diplomatic Cruiser

Two Hour Moratorium, Please

Monitoring Report
The Warp 8 Engine
Introduction Date: 10 Years Late
Vertical Core: 40 Years Early
High-Flow Injector: Rejected
Expanded Main Energizer: Rejected

Cause-Effect Analysis: Refit-Incompatibility results in reduced strategic flexibility for legacy fleet units. Decreased military strength profile has resulted in transition from 2260s Federation-Klingon War to the 2240s Four-Year-War scenario. Federation defeat in a Four Year War scenario represents a consensus timeline violation and a threat to the Temporal Accords. Likelihood of Accord-hostile actors attempting incursions is high. 2215 to 2250 is now under interdiction pending resolution of the local timeline.
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