Oh, improved impulse thrust would definitely help with fights, among other things too. It's why I said I'm not going to be put out if the shield boost loses this vote, it's a good choice. I just feel it's an obviously better choice, and think that many of the problems more impulse thrust solves have entirely valid alternative solutions that don't involve going fast.My logic on the topic is a bit different than this.
The Kzinti gave us a headache because they did stupid shit with their engines to pull crazy maneuvers our ships couldn't match. Klingons are only slightly less insane in this regard. We are going to have to deal with a bunch of lunatics in the space equivalent of drag race cars with guns no matter what we do, so having improved impulse performance should blunt that nonsense before it can even get started.
For instance, going fast ourselves to minimize the maneuverability gap between us and a hostile ship is a perfectly good way to try and deal with Klingon drag racers. However unless they've managed to bypass the mass-impulse ratio entirely, the fastest drag racers which we'd have the hardest time dealing with in a slower ship are also likely to be the smallest, and the kind of ship our phasers are well suited to dealing with. So going for ships with phasers in a high coverage arrangement, and going "run around all you want, you'll still be in our firing arc" is also a perfectly fine way to try deal with Klingon drag racers without needing us to increase our own speed to match.