Starfleet Design Bureau

This is wrong - The horizontal configuration simply isn't using the new technology that could cause the issue, because it would have too many drawbacks on that configuration. This vote is trading off engine power and size vs refit complexity, not whether or not we deliberately introduce a crippling design flaw into our Warp Cores
Even so it's still not that great an option to stay horizontal. As now you'll be stuck in an old paradigm longer and be expending more on refitting twice in the end. So resource wise and shipyard time this choice is long term more expensive and means you can build less new state of the art ships. Also the next generation of ships will thus be less capable, thus necessitating that generation to get a refit quicker once again because their generation leap was less large then it could have been.

This leads to a dynamic where you either are spending far more on upgrading less capable ships. Or can get ships that have far more long term potential instead. What is the best choice depends in part then on how much risk one thinks there is in getting in to a conflict with some one equal any time soon.

If one thinks there isn't much risk, then converting earlier can give pretty substantial benefits. While if one thinks there is substantial risk, then getting ones old hulls in the fray with some ability can be more important.

Now as I understand it, a fair few people think it will probably be quiet for awhile now. So I can see why they are going for a clean break then, get the full change over with right away and get more hulls that will last longer for the future. Though obviously if that isn't how things go, it might be a bit more troublesome. But their point seems fair enough, the Romulans for instance don't seem like they'll be back any time soon. Only the Klingons are known as being even a bit of a potential risk right now in the brief written and that was mostly for their newest ship being a bit faster then many of the current hulls.
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[X] Vertical Core (Size Reduction) (Compatible -> Refit)

The most practical choice really, since space is at a premium in starships.
[X] Vertical Core (Size Reduction) (Compatible -> Refit)

There's also the factor to consider where this would allow for easier ejection of the warp core in an emergency (a lot easier to get the core out of the ship if its got less of the ship it'd need to travel through to depart).
[X] Horizontal Core

I'm thinking that the next option is going to be the one that affects the speed of the drive the most. It's supposed to be the injectors, aka the things actually moving the plasma to the nacelles. I'll bet that if we go cheaper there it's going to limit either the throughput of the system (and thus the maximum warp) or sustainability of the system (and thus the cruise speed). I'd rather have better speeds than save space.