I am suddenly curious about something: here we go again is emma's dragon-form 100% chromic, or did falazdouch also make her partially metallic - i recently found an (unfortunately dead) story over on AO3 called 'What's in a hoard', an MHA story about a chromic Izuku from a family of metallic dragons, with it implied that one of their ancestors was a D&D dragon, and it occurs to me that if she is able to get something of a extension (possibly from one of the deaths, since to quote discworlds death "i cannot grant life, only extension") having her travel to a different world and help propagate a branch of the species there MIGHT be one way to offset her karmic debt a little bit.
tbh, i've always been of the idea that the entirety of mha was due to contessa giving someone in the baseline a power vial which didn't seem to do anything other then heal them, with one of their grandchildren being the 'golden child' who kicked off everything in that verse. Then again, i also think there is a valid claim that Scion and Eden once upon a time went by 'the brothers' of RWBY fame, so...
also, i'm pretty sure I missed something - 'remote post'? hope everything's ok, bosskat.