Even though the making of it frankly is insane...
(sung to the tune of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious')
((And I can't believe I manage to spell the S word properly in one shot ...))
Even though the making of it frankly is insane...
(sung to the tune of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious')
((And I can't believe I manage to spell the S word properly in one shot ...))

It's never the big words we misspell; it's always the little ones. Like to instead of too, or misspelling clock.
No, the author just kept making the same spelling mistake. It wasn't the only one regarding Dennis's cape name, but it was the most common one. Other ones included Clackblocker, Clackblacker, Clockblacker, And Xlockvocker. And once, Blockclocker. Sometimes, he even got the name right. :)
Did anything interesting happen to Ribcage when Tia gave Asmodeus the middle claw?

Two things :

  1. Who is Ribcage?

  2. The only things that survived Tiamat's final "salute" to Asmodeus was anything within a mile of the river Styx, the enclaves of Abishai in the most remote reaches of Avernus and the portal to Dis. In fact, enough radioactive, molten glass has flowed through the portal into Dis that to form a plug several miles deep and high around the exit.

    The strongholds along the Styx survive because the magics there are primordial. The few devils that survive there are those in the fortresses, and lots of lemures... which include Tiamat's successors to the overlordship of Avernus. The Blood War has nearly stopped. A few raiding parties come through every now and again, but none of the demons and their allies can survive the wasteland of molten, radioactive glass that Avernus currently (in this story, anyway) is. So, a few demons come and plazy every once in a while, but that's it.

    With minimal external threats, both the Demons and Devils had turned on themselves. A few of the more intelligent ones may have prodded their less intelligent neighbors into doing something foolish.

    And Finally, Primus is concerned. With Avernus being effectively impassable except along the Styx, the Great Modron Migration may be delayed, or may not even occur this century.
Ribcage is more a where than a what. In the Outlands of the Planescape setting, there is a Gate Town leading to each of the other Outer Planes. The town of Ribcage houses the one leading to Avernus and the Hells. Or it used to, anyway. I would guess it now houses a glass sculpture of a mushroom cloud that's still molten on the inside.
Depending on the severity of the backlash into said former Gate, the Glass Shroom may house the ruins of Ribcage.
As an aside, it is bad that I am enjoying the thought of the guys from Legends of Avantris somehow showing up... or at least Chuckles the Clown?
Someone needs to compile a "Top Ten topics that derail threads" thread. I'm sure destructive chemistry will rank in there.
I'm sure it will be, although I suspect that discussions of recipes, cakes and story recommendations will beat it out by a small margin at least.

I saw a fic once where Dennis's cape name would occasionally be misspelled as "Clockflocker".
Other ones included Clackblocker, Clackblacker, Clockblacker, And Xlockvocker. And once, Blockclocker.

Could be worse - the most common cape name i've seen for Female versions of Dennis is 'Timesnatch' - and yes, it Was her idea.

Reminds me of that ficca with team Rwby Playing 'Cards against Humanity' with Yang playing the 'Vagina that leads to an alternate dimension' card...
Did anything interesting happen to Ribcage when Tia gave Asmodeus the middle claw?

OK, now that I have some context...

When Tiamat decided to play with matter and antimatter in quantities best not asked about, There was a jet of plasma out of the gate into the Outlands. Everything in a cone roughly a league long, and +/- 5 degrees wide got destroyed. The gate to and from Avernus is still there, but the thing is sealed under a dome made of adamantine.

The Avernus terminus of the portal is still open (because it's on the banks of the River Styx), it's just that there are several million lemures milling around it, the the Amnizu in charge of the fortresses along the river Styx have way too much to handle right now. It might be another 20 to 120 years before any of the greater devils reform.

The town's still there. And it's the only place (right now) Devil's can be summoned from, besides the pit fiends and amnizu stationed along the Styx. Any devils who are from Dis or lower can't be, because there's no access to the Astral Plane from those layers.
𝔇 & 𝔇 25 However...
The flight back to Amestris, like the flight back to Sigil, only took a few minutes, with Naurelin and Vista suddenly appearing over the airfield in an eye-watering and brain-itching display of spatial warping. The portmaster was already waiting for them as they politely landed far away from any of the small airships and balloons tethered there.

"Sign here," he gruffly said, holding a clipboard with a piece of paper that was basically recording arrivals and departures.

Naurelin and Vista both did so.

"Thank you," the stocky man grunted, and marched off to the operations shack on the edge of the field.

"Let's make our way over to the gate," Naurelin said, having shifted all the way back to Taylor. "Hopefully we can find the Elric's house or shop if they didn't send someone for us."

Missy looked over at the gate. "Dinah's here, along with another dark elf. Freya and Elke's mother, maybe?"

Taylor nodded. "Quite possible. Not that Eilservs woman who tried to create trouble at the auction at any rate."

It didn't take long for the two pairs to meet. "Hi!" the dark elven woman said with a brilliant smile. "I'm Sabri Elric." She was tall for a dark elf, only a few inches taller than Melissa. She was wearing what was probably the local version of a pair of coveralls, whose top half was currently open and tied around her waist, showing her black tank top. A pair of worn work boots were on her feet, and a wide-brimmed hat kept the sun off her face and head. "Ed asked me to come lead you guys back to our place. We can talk as we walk. So, what brings you to our little open air asylum?"

"I need an alchemical ingredient for a project, and apparently it doesn't travel well," Taylor replied. "So we're having to stay here for the amount of time it takes me to finish the item."

"Yeah, that's what Ed told me. Which ingredient? There are a whole lot of alchemical agents that don't travel well. Some of them are explosive, as my brother-in-law can tell you."

"Philosophical mercury," Taylor answered.

Sabri nodded. "That's one of the tamer ones. The essence of change and mutability, often used as part of an item for changing or controlling forms." At Taylor's look, she grinned. "I may be an artificer, but when you're married to an alchemist, and one of the best, some of it rubs off."

"So how did a dark elf wind up out here?" Melissa asked. "Just curious, that's all. We've seen a few, and those that said anything seemed to have stories about it."

"My family and I had a disagreement," Sadri said with a shrug. "My mother and older sister tried to kill me, and I ran for it. I found myself on the Ring before too long, and wandered into Amestris. By that time I was starving, and willing to swallow my pride and beg for food. Pina took me in without a word. Since my talents meshed well with hers, she taught me everything she knew. In many ways, she was more of a mother than my real mother."

"Pina's a real character," Dinah added from where she was scuttling along. "She's already gone after both Dennis and Vicky with her wooden spoon. She also looked over Mr. Wallis, asked him a couple of questions, and nodded. Did the same with Chris, and decided he needs some teaching."

"Ah, yes, that's Granny," Sabri said. "Or 'Ma'am.' She's an excellent surgeon, and an excellent artificer. Thankfully not at the same time."

Taylor turned to watch a group of four people standing around outside the coach station. "Those four are familiar," she said.

Dinah took a look. "I think we saw them in the bazaar in Sigil, or maybe in the Grease Pit."

"You guys survived Sigil's Grease Pit?" Sabri asked with a laugh. "I usually wind up a little ill after eating there. The food's so good, but so greasy."

Melissa smiled. "We've got our own version back home called Fugly Bob's. Home of the heart attack on a bun. You ever come visit our neck of the multiverse, it'll be my treat."

- - - - - - - - - - - -​

Gourry helped his female companions out of the coach, like any gentleman should. Gracia took his hand and stepped down out of the coach like a woman of refinement should. Amelia heroically leaped out of the coach, having to be caught before she could face plant in the dirt.

"Really, sister?" Gracia asked.

"Yes, really," Amelia retorted. "We've been riding in these for the last four days to get here. While I appreciate the fact that the roads here are safe, I'm bored out of my skull."

"It's not our problem that your attention span is nearly as short as Gourry's," Zelgadis snarked from where he was taking care of the luggage with one of the footmen. "Anyway, our next task will be to find a boarding house or inn, and look around for odd jobs, since we're running low on funds."

"Must I?" Gracia asked melodramatically.

"Yes, you must. It helps keep a roof over our heads and our bellies full. You can be picky when there's an opportunity that doesn't pauper us."

"Oh, very well," the taller of the Saillune sisters said airily.

"Guys, I think I just saw a golden dragon fly in," Gourry stated. "It looked like the one we saw while we were traveling here."

"Really?" Amelia asked.

"Uhuh," Gourry replied. "It did that shapeshifting thing and walked over to meet that spider girl and her friend before walking into the town."

"After what the last group of golden dragons did to us," Zelgadis added, "I'm a little wary of what we might be getting into even talking to one."

"You'd be right to be suspicious," a new voice said. "But this time, it's not the dragon's fault."

Zelgadis' voice took on the tones of one who was so very tired and done with all the crap life had thrown at him and the group. "What are you doing here, Xellos?"

"Would you be upset if I told you it's a secret?" the trickster priest snarked, knowing from past experience what the chimera's response would be.

"Not really," Zelgadis replied. "It's your standard answer to a question."

"Then I'll have to be more unpredictable." Xellos started levitating and sat cross legged like he was sitting on the ground. "I'm here tracking down some information about someone out to destroy not only the world that gold dragon comes from, but a good section of the multiverse."

"Wasn't that the case the last two times you involved us in your schemes?" Amelia asked.

"Yes, it was," Xellos answered. "However, this time I've been told to be honest and, ugh, truthful about it. The being who rules this place has a way of enforcing Her wishes that even L-sama pays attention to.

"Anyway, maybe you could answer a question for me? Do you know where Lina is?"

"We've been looking for her for quite a while," Gourry answered. "Mainly by following her older sister's trail. That led us here, and now we've hit a dead end unless we find something."

"I see," Xellos said, thinking a bit. "I have pretty much done the same through different means. I think it would be best if we pooled our resources on this. Also, I think you might have more use for this than I do." With that, he held out a small sack and rattled it. "The thief who'd taken it from the tall one is now seriously regretting his life choices."

"Amelia, who is this scoundrel?" Gracia asked after checking for her (missing) purse.

"Gracia Ul Naga Saillune, know that I am Beast Priest Xellos, servant of Beastmaster Zelas Metallium," Xellos stated, looking straight into Gracia's eyes, his expression serious and menacing. "I know who you are only because someone I have some respect for remembers you fondly, even if you were somewhat annoying. Especially your laugh."

Gracia swallowed nervously. "As you've already mentioned, the ruler of the ring has ways of enforcing Her edicts. I'm assuming you're talking about Lina?"

Xellos was suddenly standing on the ground again and handed Gracia back her purse. "Now that we're all acquainted, I've taken the liberty of securing some lodgings for the lot of us. We should probably discuss what we know, and how we should proceed from here."

= = = = = = = = = = = =​

Kenta looked into the fire from where he sat. Tsukiko was leaning against him, asleep. Across from him sat his mentor and teacher, Sun Wukong. The others had left, mainly to explain to the oni warlord what had happened, and to investigate the matter of the prophecy that had caused all this.

"So what happens now?" he asked.

"Well, your journey is over, Kenta-san," the Monkey King answered. "Tsukiko's journey isn't."

"I see. I suppose, being at a loose end, I will make sure she arrives at her destination safely." He looked at his teacher. "This is not the past of my world, is it?"

"I knew I'd chosen well, and that there was more in your head than bone and muscle," Wukong answered with a low laugh. "No, this is not the past of your universe. Existence is like a piece of silk, consisting of many threads, each a unique universe, most pointed in the same general direction. Viewing past events is safely possible, but difficult. Actual, physical travel back along your timeline? There is no easier way to end your universe.

"It is far easier to skip over to another strand of the multiverse that is similar to what you were looking to do. In this case, we were looking for the early days of Japan, and some event that had yet to happen, where all indications were that should this event happen, the outcome would eventually result in the collapse of the islands and people of Japan, leaving it a footnote in the history of the world by the time Admiral Perry and his fleet would have sailed into the bay at Edo.

"Whatever would have happened because of Tsukiko getting killed was going to render the islands uninhabitable," Sun Wukong finished. "Colonists dying within weeks, along with any livestock they brought with them."

"I see," Kenta answered. "What happens now?"

"I believe you've already asked that question. Who knows?" Wukong answered with a shrug and a grin. "But I can tell you this – you did well, you didn't stray from the path, and even made an impression on a couple of figures important to Japan. The end of this Japan is very unlikely." He pulled out a wineskin and a couple of cups. "So it is safe to say that we can share a drink before we make our way to Nara and Heian-Kyo with Tsukiko-hime." With that he poured out some into a cup and handed it to Kenta.

Kenta looked at the cup which contained a small amount of plum wine, and waited for his teacher to pour his own cup.

Each raised their cup to the other. "Kampai!"

= = = = = = = = = =​

Tiamat wasn't happy. Her beauty sleep had been disturbed by a dragon unknown to her voicing its displeasure to the west-northwest of the city, which had the effect of having upset many groups of people, all of whom were trying to figure out where it – an exceedingly large green dragon – had come from and why it was apparently looking for something in an abandoned forested area near one of the smaller rivers.

There was a flicker of magic nearby, announcing Kira's arrival. "I was wondering when you'd show up," Tiamat said without preamble.

"And I'm not surprised to find you here either," Kira answered. "Naichi was seized with fear when that thing flew over earlier. Where'd a great green wyrm come from around here?"

"Not one of mine," Tia answered. "I'd have to get a closer look, but I suspect this one is similar to one down in North Carolina. I encountered a great black wyrm in the swamps there, one that had been transformed by a foul, twisted ritual, even for me."

"That alone is saying something."

"Indeed," Tiamat said. "For now, tell Naichi not to worry. I have an idea on who this might have been. This dragon isn't going to concern herself with Naichi.

"If it's who I suspect it is, Naurelin is this dragon's target."

After a moment's consideration, Kira said, "That might worry Naichi even more."
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Have at thee! I post in your general direction! (Gives a Monty Python salute, and Phbbbbbbbts!)
(Edits by McClaw, as usual. Surprisingly, no severe weather tonight, too.)
