Oh. I think that I can't poison skeletons, but if someone wants to test it I can probably use my kunna to create heavy metals. This would be bad for a live persons skeleton. The undead probably won't care.
If people don't mind I want to try and peel off a couple and draw them into the sea. I'll use the ocean to crush these Skeletons. I'd like to see if anyone is willing to come before I make it official.

Plan is to try and thin the herd, at least a little. Also, maybe delay them or redirect them.
Now that we know their route of advance, I abandon my fletching and turn my attention to making traps, to lay ahead of their host. In addition, I will be an early warning system, and retreat back to the others when they approach.
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Meant RPIng/relaying/acting out the combat. There's a big problem of sorts with Gudrun's style of combat due to my rather weak knowledge of such things, but yes, she'll be fine as a Defender.

Fighting though? Maybe the Gods will be kinder to her. @_@;
Look, worst case, just pick up a couple of shields, try not to let them hit you with anything, and bludgeon them with the things when and as you get a chance.

Alright, we'll need to move out and set up a killing field further out to protect infrastructure. Halt building here, lets get people together and head in that direction a bit.
Erik sets down his woodworking tools, picks up his bundle of javelins, and joins the warband.
Njall Redaxe is going to start drawing out a bit of his blood at a time, ideally coating his atgeir and body with it so that he'll have plenty to use when it's time to act.
Let me guess, you're gonna pull a loony toon
Erik slings the bundle of javelins on his back a bit awkwardly, and becomes one of the guys carrying a tree trunk. Woodworking plans sound fun. He gets a bit chattier, trying to find out what Ragnarr has in mind.

Well, fortifications are one use, another is throwing them at the enemy. In both cases, we have a number of runecrafters here, so we can add some interesting runework to the logs.
Oh if anyone needs any healing after the fight let me know. I'll bring along some bandages, thread and any other medical stuff I need to stop bleeding and preform field surgery.