The Verdict is in!

A unanimous ruling in Ragnar's favor!

There is now a penalty for refusing a challenge to a fight over the outcome of a legal proceeding!
(Law Proposal) Ivor Lindholm 1 vs. Amerion Wardson
-The name of our settlement should be Rekavidr, meaning driftwood, to represent our storm tossed origins.
- The name of our settlement should be Eptirhallr- meaning 'In memory of Hallr'-- to remember Hallr's sacrifice and the fall of Gotland.

@KreenWarrior and @EclipsedStar , pick your Judges!

I reckon we can probably maybe get through one more trial today
Hi friends. I'm taking over handing out the ordstirr to help IF a bit. This means that we are going to be a little stricter on rewards.

I am approved to give 1 per Poem, 3 per Omake, and 9 per art.

I will be reading all of your omakes to make sure theyre not nonsense.

For the Thing Season, i am counting this towards next season's limit, since that is when the limit is being imposed starting

Edit: Info on the limit:

We are introducing a limit to Ordstirr gain for Omakes/Poetry/Art. This limit is a total of 9 ordstirr through any combination of these, per season.

I Can't Believe It's Not Niddheart

+3 Ordstirr.
3/9 for season 3

A Quick Poem about Omakes

+1 Ordstirr
1/9 for season 3

The Regretful Warrior

+3 Ordstirr
3/9 for season 3

Sword Stepping Into Enlightenment

+3 Ordstirr
3/9 for season 3

Ivor and Kare's Spar

+3 Ordstirr
3/9 for season 3

Bjorn Drakeslayer hunting report

+3 Ordstirr
3/9 for season 3

Omake- Land Claimed, Land Cleared

+3 Ordstirr
3/9 for season 3

Traditional rhyme for herbs,
+1 Ordstirr
1/9 for season 3
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Has season 3 started?
Edit: Some clarifications. Do adventures count towards that limit? Does the 1 for survival count towards that limit? Is it specifically for omakes?
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I take it the vote is being held in a PM thread?

In Norse society, the Judges convene away from everyone else to discuss and vote. This is to simulate that. If you want it to happen in the open, make a law proposal next Thing.
Has season 3 started?
Also do adventures count towards that 9 limit?
It has not, as we're doing our legal shenanigans right now.

The limit is solely for omakes and the like
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All Ordstirr from Omakes added, though since this is 'new season' Ordstirr it can't be spent yet for the most part. @wabbitking , @DiscordOxymoron , and @Randomnerd , you all can still spend for things if you wish.

Has season 3 started?
Also do adventures count towards that 9 limit?

It is for Omake purposes but not otherwise, and they do not. That's an Omake limit, not an all Ordstirr limit.
For the Thing Season, i am counting this towards next season's limit, since that is when the limit is being imposed starting

This is the first I'm hearing about this, and while I approve, considering the grinding that others have been able to do with omakes, and how some people may have received a bit of a late start on creative works, are season limits "use it or lose it" or do limits stockpile if you haven't used it yet?
This is the first I'm hearing about this, and while I approve, considering the grinding that others have been able to do with omakes, and how some people may have received a bit of a late start on creative works, are season limits "use it or lose it" or do limits stockpile if you haven't used it yet?

Keeping track of them over time is a logistical nightmare. I think they're probably use 'em or lose 'em.
This is the first I'm hearing about this, and while I approve, considering the grinding that others have been able to do with omakes, and how some people may have received a bit of a late start on creative works, are season limits "use it or lose it" or do limits stockpile if you haven't used it yet?
Also, if you want to improve your property, you can write an omake about it.
Wouldn't it just be the case of you having that Ordstirr when the season ends and you're limit refreshing? Wouldn't that be easier?
Ivor's judge selections:

Njall Ulfson
Kare Skydancer
Grid Frostdottir
Valo Halvarson
Gunnar Toad-Terror
Krakr Gudrunsson
Fernweh Enginweiss
Ake Silverleaf
Dyri Seaborne
All Ordstirr from Omakes added, though since this is 'new season' Ordstirr it can't be spent yet for the most part. @wabbitking , @DiscordOxymoron , and @Randomnerd , you all can still spend for things if you wish.
I think you already told me. (Thanks again btw). I told the QM that I wanted some sort of muck* based Kunna. I'm pretty sure they just haven't gotten around to it yet.

*Or ooze, slime or bog Kunna whatever I.F. Ister wants to call it. I've been to a swamp and watched a guy almost suffocate by drinking what he thought was water. It seemed thematically appropriate based on my current adventures.
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Quick question, would anyone object to me placing protective rune stones in the near deep water? I want to preempt any water-based threat.
In my passive tasks, I will include patrolling the waters nearby for any...strange activities.
This is in response to not only the crab people but also my Njord Blood hint.
Edit: I also want to earn a kenning.
Edit2: I'll be refreshing the Runes with my own blood each turn and probably fish blood; I wanted to ask since the task includes me walking onto other people land claims.
Edit3: Anyone with water builds are free to join me, it'd be appreciated.
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Quick question, would anyone object to me placing protective rune stones in the near deep water? I want to preempt any water-based threat.
In my passive tasks, I will include patrolling the waters nearby for any...strange activities.
This is in response to not only the crab people but also my Njord Blood hint.
Edit: I also want to earn a kenning.

I don't see why anyone would mind, so I definitely don't object. We do also need to make a runestone for our dead comrade Galti lest he return as a Drugr, though that's a Major action so someone needs to bite a bullet there.

On the subject of actions, Ivor and Ragnarr and a few others were planning on heading over, by ship, to the other human village...would you like to come? Your skill set seems ideally suited, since you can fight, speak the language, and do stuff with the ocean and navigation.
This is the first I'm hearing about this, and while I approve, considering the grinding that others have been able to do with omakes, and how some people may have received a bit of a late start on creative works, are season limits "use it or lose it" or do limits stockpile if you haven't used it yet?

It will be per season use it or lose it, as keeping track of what is leftover between characters is more bookkeeping than I'm willing to do. I'm sorry.

I am going to make a quick post on some of the rule stuff such as the limits, the new PT starting point, etc in the next couple hours, just so we have a central post with what has changed and codified for the mechanical side.

This is not gonna include any IC stuff.
On the subject of actions, Ivor and Ragnarr and a few others were planning on heading over, by ship, to the other human village...would you like to come? Your skill set seems ideally suited, since you can fight, speak the language, and do stuff with the ocean and navigation.
Hmmm. I promised I'd help in hunting the Void Eagle...I'll, unfortunately, have to decline, but I'd like to be there to see y'all off.
By the by! The efforts for the effable task of mapmaking aren't rewarded, as the reward is having a map. So if you want them out consistently, paying back plus back pay might be needed!
I don't see why anyone would mind, so I definitely don't object. We do also need to make a runestone for our dead comrade Galti lest he return as a Drugr, though that's a Major action so someone needs to bite a bullet there.
If none of the characters who actually specialize in stoneworking are willing to step up, Erik will do it, because he does at least know runes and he hopefully won't mess it up too badly. Someone give me a heads-up if that's a problem that needs a solving next spring.
Is making a Runestone a major action? Cause if it is, then I'll have to make wooden substitutes as a stopgap measure.