Yeah, if the ultimate decision is I breathe Ice. Oh well! That's an omake and an object lesson to talking to the (shapecrafter) for the rest of the player base.
Honestly kool. But I find with my intended character play style being able to breathe underwater is more useful. Though...leading the fish toward me and freezing them would be cool...
Honestly, what do you my fellow questors think? Take the boon and spend Ordstirr on my intended Shapecraft or save the Ordstirr.
Honestly kool. But I find with my intended character play style being able to breathe underwater is more useful. Though...leading the fish toward me and freezing them would be cool...
Yeah, the more I think about it the more appealing this is especially if I make a mask of ice or something like that to bypass water.
Imma sleep on it an tell tale of my decision in the morning.
Honestly as an above land option I can see the ability to breathe snow being immensely useful especially depending on inclement weather, plus melee wise there's nothing like getting someone in a sword lock then literally flash freezing them with your breath.
And if you're really going MerNorse then I also support it because the way fighting underwater works is different but also no water opponent will expect sudden ice to appear which is definitely something you can build around, especially if you ever hunt another one.
We, as a village, have gained 400 units of bonemeal, a Tier 1 fertilizer from the obvious place (the enemy skeletons). This will be added to the resource list and available for farming projects starting next season, and once you say you're using it you will do so on all farming projects until you say otherwise.
We, as a village, have gained 400 units of bonemeal, a Tier 1 fertilizer from the obvious place (the enemy skeletons). This will be added to the resource list and available for farming projects starting next season, and once you say you're using it you will do so on all farming projects until you say otherwise.
I'm pretty sure you can't disturb the body itself, it needs to go whole into the ground. However, you can probably plant a garden on his grave if you think he'd like that.
@DeadmanwalkingXI you asked me to provide you a description of my backup character, so here it is.
Astrid is tall and muscular for a girl of 8 years with long red hair and bright green eyes, she has seeing eyes and for unrelated reasons was given Level 2 Frenzy by a Shapecrafter named Slipskin.
Also while I'm at it here's a description of Kare's Aspects
Frami: Sky blue Ordstirr which crackles with lightning and wavers in the air like smoke.
Virthing: A Cloak of eagle feathers with red runes recording his debts and promises on little tablets of silver and gold with arrow heads sown into the cloak.
Saemd: A crackling circle of lightning and wind that screams in a chorus of horribly familiar voices which swirls above his head.
Nobody sane liked to handle the dead, but someone had to do it- and, in the grand hierarchy of society, such tasks ever trickled down on those who complained the least. Strong enough to shift through the carnage, humble enough to actually do so, and still more free than the Hersir, it was his huscarl who waded through the ravaged shoreline piecing together the scattered dead of Norseman and draugr alike. Gruesome work, bloody handed work- necessary work, before strips of flesh washed away with the tide.
As if assembling the world;s most macabre scarecrows, a small gathering of bodies were assembled on a simple sled, then dragged to the Seeress' revered encampment, awaiting resurrection. Some came to help her, to toast the honoured (temporarily) dead- although most looked away, to put the slain from sight and mind. Even when they'd come back within weeks, even when the Norse life was one ever steeped in violence- it was common amongst all humans, everywhere, to fear death.
Such is why it was ever a feat to overcome it- or, perhaps more commonly, ignore it and call such the same.
After the corpses were the surveys, the scouting, to check each trap and snare and decommission them, for they were a threat to wives and children, if not to a full-borne warrior. So many homesteads, barely settled, razed to the ground; yet even so, surrounded by the trampled greenery that marked the passage of soldiery who hated life fundamental, their inhabitants seemed in high spirits- recounting tales of glory, imagining what greater, grander things they would raise in ruin's place.
It made one wish she was out harrying, chasing down the fleeing remnants- better to win war-glory, than to be reminded of the sombre ways that she was different, not in flesh but in mind, contemplative and pondering and ever almost silent, barring when she tried her hand at poetry.
This was the task, however. All these things were things that must be done, and so she did them, piece by piece, and counted small blessings instead.
Only one man truly slain, in a vast attack; only buildings damaged otherwise, razed and destroyed but replaceable, in a land so flushed with wood. The threat, routed; the source of it hounded down by the strongest, the swiftest, as sour as it was she was not amongst them. She had been on raids before, as pathfinder, diplomat, sharpshooter- how many peoples could claim the same, to brazenly bounce back from devastation, to fatalistically deny that fear of death, believing themselves invincible?
Any other came to this land, weathered such a storm- even the native peoples, it seemed (!)- would be nothing now but ruins and ill kept cairns, memories to be explored by the next bold or foolish wanderers. To recall the sin eaters of the north west, the funerary professions of the south, mourners and gravestones and entire fields of slain, red poppies sprouting in blood soaked soil, adjacent to entire towns burned down for greed by marauders far more cunning and persistent than hollow bones-
…..perhaps she was mourning for nothing, then. One man, honoured and revered into the grave, afforded as grand a funeral as Clansfolk could afford. Some upturned stones and splinters and sundered wilderness, small slights smoothed over by the seasons soon enough.
Yes, perhaps she mourned for nothing- perhaps handling corpses had simply run away from her. She'd lived long enough to recognise her own foibles; best to hurry, and then resume normality, and out these dark moods behind her, and prepared well for a hero's return, to tell tales of grand glories to all they left behind, slivers of story Moli would weave into even greater grandeur still. It would be worth attending for that alone, at least!
Even as she calmed herself and carried on, however, that sombre, pessimistic whisper, hidden away, inexorably dreamed- of the next assault, the next tragedy, the next battlefield she'd scour clean again, assuming she lived to do so…
The final idea rattling about mine skull turned out to not be a very good one, I think. Although it started strong, there simply wasn't enough plot to sustain it longer than descriptions and maudlin thoughts. Alas! I had thought I would do more in battle, or at least more would occur- but it seems everyone killed everything without much remark.
I'm sure if I nurtured this for another week, perhaps it would grow into something substantial- but then the season would be over, and I would like that Glory….
Ah well. Behold! The corrupting effects of incentives; first hand!
Oh, I plan to get fuggin weird… in a bit of a different way. While I would like Gefjosa to get married and have ONE MILLION BABIES, I think it is a) too early and b) not likely to come out of a random proposal, lol
[X] Amerion Wardson Summer 2 Actions (Post Draugr Invasion) -[X] Active Action (Already resolved): Inform the Seeress that they're going to try and contact some spirits, and then go and make contact with the spirits and try and form some contracts.
-[X] Passive Action: Put together a hearth in Clan Farfaxung (White Horse)'s home (the house Gunnar made on Tile C3) to honour Smárgneist and to provide the Fire Spirit with a home safe from the elements should something happen to somehow put out the unsheltered flames in Rekavidr proper.
-[X] Passive Action: Try and get their hands on the Necromouser's Notes and spend whatever spare time they have looking them over and trying to make heads or tails of the Necromouser's inscriptions. A pattern, a repeating phrase, a lexicon-- anything. If they have to share the notes-- so be it-- but they will absolutely oppose any attempt made to get rid of or destroy the Necromouser's Notes.
-[X] Passive Action: Spend some time each day communing with Smárgneist and try to deepen the connection between them and the Nascent Fire Spirit / hone their Fire Kunna in the process.
-[X] Passive Action: Inscribe several torches with Smárgneist's name and the runes for fire and protection, and then plant them around the runestone Steinarr made to commemorate those that fell with Gotland. Light said torches with their fire-kunna (to help give Smárgneist a bit of a foothold), and then offer up the flames to Smárgneist as both a home and responsibility, pursuant to the contract made. Ask Smárgneist to additionally use the flames provided by those torches to create a wall of fire encircling the Runestone and its torches if anyone or thing tries to desecrate the Runestone.
-[X] Passive Action: Reluctantly join the celebration-- mostly to look at the glowing lights, and mope about the fact that their one attempt to torch a Goliath got shrugged off and that they couldn't join in torching the Draugr Cavalry due to being reassigned from the pursuit-force to the wall right before the pursuit-group set out by the Hesir himself and... internally scream as they make the connection that they were the only one to be reassigned from the pursuit-group the Hesir had assembled... and that mere hours ago-- they had made a fool of themselves in front of both the Hesir and Valo Halvarson...
-[X] Passive Action: Call upon Alfatella the Askefroa's favour, and ask for repayment in the form of an Ash Seed in the memory of Gotland, one adapted to the local climate and Sedir of the region, and capable of (eventually) bearing its own seeds and growing big enough to tower over/encompass the entirety of Rekavidr and its surroundings. (Mini-Yggdrasil-esque tree idea from the discord). If Alfatella is willing-- ask the Askefroa where in Rekavidr would be best to plant the Ash Seed, and plant it there. Otherwise-- ask the Jarl/Seeress/those with Plant-Kunna if they have any idea of where the best place to plant the Ash Seed is.
[] Major: Investigate the local spirits in our village/beach. See what spirits are available here and now.
[] Passive: Set up home above the waterline if possible, or on stilts if not.
[] Passive: make a Tapestry illustrating the laws as set by the first Thing.
This was my initial plan, but seeing how everyone else is doing and the minimal gains so far, I am just going to admit to being overwhelmed at this point.
The character concept I had was based on the path Halla did not follow, the one laid down by her mother. The one where she did learn all the tips and tricks and was protecting her family in the background. Seeing as how the beast of a man that was her father was almost bought down after she died, and that it was theorized that she might have been a Valkyrie, I was under the impression that it would good useful work to have in the village.
What I remember was that a big part of that was weaving and other womanly tasks that Halla pretty much let fall to the wayside. That Seidr was generally considered a 'woman' practice.
So I decided to go the other way, a character that did spend time with her mother and aunts. A character that did learn how to weave and stitch and cook and take care. A woman who did not take to arms so well as Halla did and as such has a more ceremonial bladed staff.
I remembered that Embroidery in the Europe might have started with the Vikings in the 9th/10th century, so I took that as maybe a way to tease out a plotline into learning what Halla did not as well as a way to earn wealth from making quality clothing.
The second skill I admit I seemed to misunderstood, as I had always took warding to usually signify static defensive magic under the belief that that was what Asveig had done. Considering that I do not remember the mother Halla had being crippled in any way or form, I was wrong. I had pretty much dropped out of the original quest near the end since it seemed impossible to participate unless you understood the system perfectly like the two or three plan makers.
While I can accept that I was completely wrong-footed on how to achieve my goal, I am at a bit of a loss. As much as I like this world, I do not really have any experience in such freeform roleplay since I mostly participated in quests with a bit more structure. So I do not really know what to do.
If I was you I would spend major actions embroidering and see what happens.
If you don't have any cloth, Torvarr's family has flax seed, farm land, and less hands to work it than they expected this season. Two problems make a solution?