While I may not be sub QM worthy in the slightest if there's anything us as players can do to accommodate the quest let us know.
I am still considering how the pacing may be handled. If I wind up with a bunch of sub-QMs, then I could definitely keep the pace relatively fast
Pacing things out over a week might be good idea regardless. Even if you can handle the high pace, a slightly slower pace would work better for some of the players since not all of us can constantly be on SV.

Edit: For the record, this doesn't apply to me personal. I'm fairly active on SV and wouldn't mind a high pace, but I know that isn't the case for everyone.
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I am still considering how the pacing may be handled. If I wind up with a bunch of sub-QMs, then I could definitely keep the pace relatively fast

I think there should definitely be a minimum real-world time period per season in-universe. With Sub-QMs it might be less than a week, but knowing how long before season ends in and of itself lets people not rush as much, and people feeling rushed is a large part of the problem. Like...the main thrust of my suggestion was to make it a period of time. It could be 3 days, instead of a week, and that still does the main thing I think making it codified would do.
Tbh, a week per season is a bit of a letdown; the fast pace is definitely one of the draws of this quest. But needs must; if the QM isn't enjoying it then it's not sustainable.

As a fellow "role-playing and reading is a 20 hour hobby per week" enthusiast, I feel much of the same, but it can always be calibrated back down.

The biggest thing here is accommodating for 5 different time zones and 40 different personal schedules. That could be done a touch faster, sure, but weekly seasons will make working with his support staff and delegating much easier.

Part of what makes this quest so damn fun is what makes it chaotic, the big player count. I'd rather reduce the pace and keep that player count than have folks fall off because it doesn't work for them.

I mean, I would still post if we dropped down to 15 people, but it's better with the nigh 50 we have.
I think a big part is also coordinating people who can be available at similar times for adventures and stuff.

As much as it doesn't quite play into the Norse Meta and doesn't always make sense, it might be smart to limit max participants down from 10 to like... 5 or so.

With a big group of 9 its a lot more likely that someone will be working/at school/on a date/etc and then get left out than with fewer.
As a fellow "role-playing and reading is a 20 hour hobby per week" enthusiast, I feel much of the same, but it can always be calibrated back down.

The biggest thing here is accommodating for 5 different time zones and 40 different personal schedules. That could be done a touch faster, sure, but weekly seasons will make working with his support staff and delegating much easier.

Part of what makes this quest so damn fun is what makes it chaotic, the big player count. I'd rather reduce the pace and keep that player count than have folks fall off because it doesn't work for them.

I mean, I would still post if we dropped down to 15 people, but it's better with the nigh 50 we have.

Completely agree with this, knowing that even when I'm on an adventure across the beach that other stories are happening or peoples characters are just doing mundane shit and interacting is the best part.

Like literally my favorite part of this quest besides the oldies is the little character snippets people will have with each other in between.
The degenerate in me wants to maintain the current pacing but the pragmatist in me definitely agrees that we should probably keep it too around a season a week.
I think a big part is also coordinating people who can be available at similar times for adventures and stuff.

As much as it doesn't quite play into the Norse Meta and doesn't always make sense, it might be smart to limit max participants down from 10 to like... 5 or so.

With a big group of 9 its a lot more likely that someone will be working/at school/on a date/etc and then get left out than with fewer.

This is also a valid point. I'd cap it at 6 rather than 5, that's at least a multiple of 3, but 9 is too high.
The undead cav are attacking the harrying force not the sea wall.
Huh. Surprising at first but unsurprising in retrospect. Either they know us too well and expected us to get strung out for easy flanking, or (more likely) they were shocked by the ferocity of the defense and pulled back to use the cavalry to cover the retreat of their remaining forces.

Sigmund suddenly explodes, his life force drained
Well shit, there goes our commo. And a damn good swordsman. What the hell was that? Sigmund personally was back along the wall. Did the necromancer hit him through his fylgja?

It's hard to keep a good man down, even by detonating him!

It better not be. I don't want my character to be killed off for good because another player made an intentionally dumb decision.
...Damn. That was one hell of a fuckup. I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for that. Sigmund's friends are going to be pissed.

I like that, that sounds good to me.


As a side note, how does everyone feel about me doing a big ol' write up to end the event? I'm getting rather tired of this event, to be entirely honest, and I'd rather get back to the properly fun stuff: Norse shenanigans. Legal kerfuffles. Duels of honor. You know, Norse shenanigans.

So, how does everyone feel about it?
[grunts in deep approval]

Tbh, a week per season is a bit of a letdown; the fast pace is definitely one of the draws of this quest. But needs must; if the QM isn't enjoying it then it's not sustainable.
For me the pace is barely sustainable when combined with "family" and "full-time job," to the point where it's cut out other recreational activities I'd normally be enjoying. It's been worth it, at least for this past week or so, but it's... a lot.

I think a big part is also coordinating people who can be available at similar times for adventures and stuff.

As much as it doesn't quite play into the Norse Meta and doesn't always make sense, it might be smart to limit max participants down from 10 to like... 5 or so.

With a big group of 9 its a lot more likely that someone will be working/at school/on a date/etc and then get left out than with fewer.
I feel like this disproportionately penalizes the people with tight schedules, because it means they can't partially coast on "and ____ was also there" when they wouldn't be able to participate due to the time of day.

Like, I have to leave for work by about eight in the morning, and I'm often not back until six at all. I really want to be able to leave instructions saying "my guy does this in the fight" and trust someone to resolve things if I have to be absent while things happen. Conversely, I also like being able to not pre-commit to spending literally every single evening constantly monitoring this quest regardless of other commitments to be a participant.

I'm bad about budgeting my time, so I'd probably have stuck it out anyway, but it just feels kind of overwhelming.
Well shit, there goes our commo. And a damn good swordsman. What the hell was that? Sigmund personally was back along the wall. Did the necromancer hit him through his fylgja?

That appears to be what happened, yeah.

...Damn. That was one hell of a fuckup. I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for that. Sigmund's friends are going to be pissed.

As Sigmund's cousin and blood brother (and currently covered in his blood since they were next to each other), Ragnarr is indeed a bit annoyed at this point. There's been some OOC talk over Discord, though, and Gunnar (who is the one who made a mistake) is willing to admit fault and pay weregild, so it's probably gonna end with that.
We were given three little orbs and then three places the orbs went and Gunnar said 'lol, lmao' and slotted them in to See What Would Happen.

And it unlocked us an optional super boss fight. Which is rad and owns.

But you know. Rip siggy.
Either they know us too well and expected us to get strung out for easy flanking, or (more likely) they were shocked by the ferocity of the defense and pulled back to use the cavalry to cover the retreat of their remaining forces.

I think it's both.

Harald, who suggested the harrying, was expecting to be ambushed by the cavalry and wanted to pin them down so they and the forces retreating from the town couldn't reinforce the necromancer before the kill team was done penetrating his defenses/thoracic cavity, and also in case microing his minions takes up bandwidth for the necro so he'd be distracted on multiple fronts.
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So I know I don't have to say it but you guys need to literally carve every fucking piece of value you can out of that bitch.
Minor rules clarification/change (confirmed by IF on Discord):

Much like Seeing Eyes grants the first level of Fylgja as part of it, Giant's Blood now grants the first level of Improved Shapeshifting (as well as just being bigger and stronger and so on). @fearsome hill , @mythfan12 , @Randomnerd , given your characters have this, I thought you should be aware. If you want level 2, you still need to spend 2 PT, though. This has also been added explicitly to the metaphysics post.

@theknightofiron this actually means you have an extra PT, which has been refunded to you.
Minor rules clarification/change (confirmed by IF on Discord):

Much like Seeing Eyes grants the first level of Fylgja as part of it, Giant's Blood now grants the first level of Improved Shapeshifting (as well as just being bigger and stronger and so on). @fearsome hill , @mythfan12 , @Randomnerd , given your characters have this, I thought you should be aware. If you want level 2, you still need to spend 2 PT, though. This has also been added explicitly to the metaphysics post.

@theknightofiron this actually means you have an extra PT, which has been refunded to you.

Inb4 "But why are these two chargen options two for one", they have built in drawbacks.

I'm 6'5" and I hit doors and ceilings in old houses all the time, Giant's Blood takes you further than that, and having a Flyga will tempt you towards being vulnerable to the worst kind of dead.
Also, Giant's Blood and Seeing Eyes must be taken at chargen and are thus competing with other chargen only stuff like Bloodlines, being a Berserk, and weird Kunna it would be hard to justify getting in play. They're build around choices, and making that appropriately impactful is good.
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Since I'll be away from my PC again for a few days I'll submit my actions for this season now...

[X] Summer 2 Actions Liv Sweetwater
-[X] Major: Liv will scour the plot she shares with her brother Gunnar, looking for places Golden Grass grows, or might grow. If she finds any pattern to it, she'll inform the rest about it. Otherwise she'll try to a) plant some in places that seem like they should have it growing, but don't and b) create places that are similar to the ones where it grows naturally, and plant it there (like on the sides of dirt piles, around wooden poles, next to a pile of branches etc.). She'll use her kunna to water about half of the grass, looking for any effect that might have on it.
-[X] Passive: Liv will continue working on the Main Hall, offering her knowledge of architecture to direct the construction.
-[X] Passive: Liv will do some work on the house she shares with her brother.
-[X] Passive: Liv will keep an eye out for things that might be usable for brewing.
-[X] Passive: Liv will keep an eye out for a place where she could recreate the spring that earned her her kenning.

Hope those actions work and make sense...

@I.F. Ister @Guest99