I guess that would go with 'Vidrans' if talking about a group of citizens? Like, "we are Vidric" and "a group of Vidrans went off to fight the onigar" and so on?

That sounds workable.
The problem is that the -r in Rekavidr isn't actually pronounced, iirc.

We're using the Icelandic spelling I think, but it actually is, at least according to this. But yeah, it's intended as the word for driftwood and that shows the 'r' pronounced.

wouldn't that basically be calling us Woodish? And wouldn't the 'drift' part actually be more accurate given how we arrived here?

That's defensible, yeah. That'd be...Rekish and Rekans? That also works.
Calling us Raiding Viking Rekers is a bit on the nose innit?

Alternatively calling a Viking a Rek works just as well :V