For the record, I basically agree with this in a general sense, but think it's worth noting that things we fix in regard to this kind of thing should generally stay fixed. Like, if we put real effort into patching things up with Abjorn, this kind of conflict shouldn't recur with him specifically for quite a while if at all. It sucks if effort doesn't get rewarded in a Quest like this, and that includes in regards to interpersonal stuff.
I think that human relationships are always a case of push and pull, yin and yang, friction and mending, and so on. But yeah in this instance I agree with you, I wouldn't want us to be having spats with Abjorn every other turn, he's our big bear ❤. Also it does not really suit Halla's dynamic with him. And yes, if we've put effort into restoring or improving a relationship, I think that feels like an earned victory, and it's nice for that to remain the case at least until there's a compelling reason for the status quo to change.
We have a lot of friends and relatives, and there's a lot of scope for more character drama without reusing the same characters too often. Also drama it does not mean they have to be upset with Halla; maybe we'll end up having to play Flying Marriage Counsellor to Sten and Minna, or something. Just a bit of conflict sometimes can create stakes, which makes it much sweeter and earned when we fix things and reap the rewards.
Like right now, I'm super excited for Abjorn's reaction when we make him a really nice set of swanky new clothes.