Fylgja aren't animals, though, they are spirits and a part of your soul. I don't think regarding them as animals is the right way to do Training Items for them at all, the more I think on it. something spiritual seems much more correct.

Uh, did you miss Imperial mentioning the fact we train our fylgja the exact same way we train our Hamr? And miss him mentioning that a variably weighted harness that could change sizes would work fine?
It's going to be really freaking difficult to find stuff for Standstill, lmao

I've always felt that Sealwood and Standstill had some sympathetic resonance, what with the glue and all. It makes things be very still and stuck. Would that not work?

Cool. Okay, for everyone's benefit:

Sowing Sight effectively adds 1 to our Farm's Food per turn if we invest a Work Die.
Harvesting Sense gives us that Work Die.

So, in practice, Sowing Sight gives us something we can't readily duplicate otherwise without spending actions and trying to remake our Pot (extra Food per turn), but Harvesting Sense grants 'only' a Work Die (though at a lower cost than increasing any of the relevant skills...6 successes vs. 8...the skills would have other uses, though). Personally, I think that means we keep going with getting Sowing Sight to Refined but leave Harvesting Sense at Rough for now (we have enough Work Dice and can get a lot more with only one or two actions by replacing our Wood Axe and Work Knife). Do other people agree?

Uh, did you miss Imperial mentioning the fact we train our fylgja the exact same way we train our Hamr? And miss him mentioning that a variably weighted harness that could change sizes would work fine?

I actually posted that before he edited that in. Training weights are certainly worth trying since we have QM confirmation of their viability, though.
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@Imperial Fister, just a reminder, introducing Abjorn to Blackhand is supposed to be a free action this turn. And the Sten talk will be in the updates after the Hading trip, right?
@DeadmanwalkingXI , we need to make a training tool for Hugr also, since QM said that our training has been inefficient for a long while without such tools.
@DeadmanwalkingXI , we need to make a training tool for Hugr also, since QM said that our training has been inefficient for a long while without such tools.

Yeah, I already have the Tafl board to hopefully train Hugr in next turn's plan. And probably a Fylgja training tool in the turn after. Maybe a fire hugareida tool after that if it's viable (though I'm skeptical it'd be that good...that's a much broader category than a single stat).

We can start considering other stuff after those, but honestly the stats are much bigger expenses than any individual skill is, just because we want to take them individually higher. Fire Hugareida are the only thing that comes close in the long run...if we can get tools for all the stats and maybe something for Fire Hugareida we're probably fine...maybe something for seidr, too, though I'm less sure what form that'd take or how good it'd be.
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For the training plan for next turn, could we get in some Tactics tricks? Something that makes it easier to figure out what an enemy is doing, and something to make ourselves harder to read would both be good.
For the training plan for next turn, could we get in some Tactics tricks? Something that makes it easier to figure out what an enemy is doing, and something to make ourselves harder to read would both be good.

That's probably a good idea, yeah. We have a few free dice at this point. Not an unlimited number, but a few. Well, in the coming turn we likely actually have a shitload since we get nearly 30 dice from losing a spar...but that's a one time thing, not something we can count on ever turn and use to gradually pick up new Tricks, and with our new Training Item we probably want to put that windfall into Hamr.
It's a "more dakka" thing. Nearly everything freezes... eventually... when it's cold enough. Of course, salt is already a solid, so strictly it is frozen, but you can get salt and ice in contact at low enough temperatures.

Guess we're not using it for Norse margaritas, though.
Well, if any future Seid requires poison (maybe as something symbolizing Odreng to ward against, or to symbolize someone Odreng to find) we got a good source, it seems.
Could also work as symbol for ice, if the poison doesn't spoil the spell. (Big if)
@Imperial Fister when we were first inspecting our soulscape, it was mentioned we had some "roots of potential". Do we know what those were and where they came from?

One thing that just struck me was that we've been assuming that we need to plant a tree... But we are a tree, mythologically speaking. Humans were carved from trees. I'm wondering if there might be an inward-looking solution. But I'm probably overthinking it.
Were the dinosaurs cultivators/spirit beasts???

Now that I think about it, a Prehistoric Cultivation Quest sounds awesome.
You know, I think 32 Odr into Hamr for Infusion Rank 6 should come with a Shapeshift slot.
Hey Blackhand,

If I wrote a particularly nasty rune-phrase on some piece of metal, then forge-weld it onto an enemy's piece of armor in battle, do you think that might work?
So thinking about stats/skills stuff: Do we actually need to be holding Ashen Kiss to get the 1/2 cost reduction to fire-based attacks from it? If so then it might be worth trying to infuse Sagaseeker with flame via bone ash - which I think was on the agenda anyway - so that it can benefit from the same effect without having to swap weapons around. Also if it turned out this doubled the efficiency on FTB if we use a fire-aspected weapon as a focus, that would be sick.

Also feels like it'd be good to experiment with merging Atgeir Counter-Stab and Atgeir Bodyguard, once we have them at Refined. It's a lot more efficient if a given spear can do both things, as long as too much utility isn't lost at doing either. Maybe have it so that the spear makes an attack roll against incoming attacks to its designated defence target, and on an especially good result, it continues on to hit the attacker, or something.
While we could do that, Orthsirr isn't really a problem for us these days.

.... Plus I wonder if we can get the same effect by making a ring that channels fire.
While we could do that, Orthsirr isn't really a problem for us these days.

.... Plus I wonder if we can get the same effect by making a ring that channels fire.

We sure, but having more of it is never bad, especially as we're developing more expensive Tricks, and fighting enemies where we need to pile more Orthstirr into attacks and defences. Also fire is kind of our thing, so having Sagaseeker infused with it kind of makes sense thematically. I'm not averse to a ring if that would work instead though.
We sure, but having more of it is never bad, especially as we're developing more expensive Tricks, and fighting enemies where we need to pile more Orthstirr into attacks and defences. Also fire is kind of our thing, so having Sagaseeker infused with it kind of makes sense thematically. I'm not averse to a ring if that would work instead though.
I think Sagaseeker having a different element was on purpose, in case we meet an enemy that is specialized in resisting fire.
And we assumed that the Stormiron would be strong against our obvious weaknesses (water).
I think Sagaseeker having a different element was on purpose, in case we meet an enemy that is specialized in resisting fire.
And we assumed that the Stormiron would be strong against our obvious weaknesses (water).
Well, our big issue really is if we have to fight an enemy that is straight up immune to fire, like a fire giant, fire elemental or like.