I'll say 1, as it is just a ladle so it would take only a few hours.
Sweet. We'll definitely do that then. Hmmm...other stuff to do next turn is trickier. Hmmm.
I'm not entirely sure what 1 effort dice would equate to in time spent on that task. Originally I was thinking 1 Dice=1 Hour, but that doesn't work out at all over the course of 2 months, let alone 1 week.
Well, if we assume Norsemen work the same hours as other farmers, and that mortal farmers max out at, like, 3 Work Dice (assuming they could hit only level 1 in each of the three skills), but most are more like 2 dice, then each Work Die would represent about one month of work by an average moral farmer. Or the amount of time the Norseman would need to spend doing that work, if it's work that's not helped by being superhuman.
Of course, that assumes a very low level of mortal competence. If they would average more like 4 dice, then 1 Work Die is more like two weeks work (and if they can manage 8 dice, then one die is one week's work). It's also perfectly reasonable that even things that fall below that level but are still meaningful would take a minimum of 1 Work Die. This does make me think that maybe Meat-Keeping Sticks and Explosive Charms should maybe be a tad less Work Die intensive, but everything else seems fine going by any of those standards.
@Imperial Fister standard very minor character sheet errors:
Total Work Dice: 76 (55 from Residents, 19 from Tools)
This should be 77 with 58 from Residents
Maximum Food Produced/Turn: 30
This should be only 25, even with the new Pot.
(X) Sowing Sight (No Cost): A farming trick that allows the user to see where to sow to achieve maximum effectiveness. This allows you to spend less time for the same result, with further refinements improving both time saved and final results. (Refined: 0/6)
(X) Harvesting Sense (No Cost): A farming trick that allows the user to tell exactly when crops are perfect for harvesting, which saves a lot of time allow the user to achieve the same results for less effort, with further refinements improving both time saved and final results. (Refined: 0/6)
Not exactly an error, but what do these actually do mechanically? Do they help out with Work Dice in some fashion or what? Like, we definitely need to know what they actually do before knowing if we want to invest the additional effort into getting them to Refined.