Question for people with system mastery: We roll Ignition tricks against a targets defense and compare the number of successes to determine whether it hits or not. And we roll Standstill against an attackers weapon/projectile and likewise compare successes? No Margin of Success effects that determine damage?
No. For combat, all dice on a particular roll are just added together, no successes involved. So we roll 1d6 and get a 5, our attack result is a 5, if we roll 20d6 and get a 73, we got a 73.
For defenses, it depends. If using a rolled defense (Sway, Hefty-Halter Chop, Inertia-Arresting Throw or basic Defenses) we roll the dice and compare. For Perfect defenses (Halting Vortex, Sidestep) we just automatically succeed, canceling the attack (unless it has some way to get through like Puncture). For Contested Movement, the normal roll is rendered irrelevant and it's just a straight Hamr vs. Hamr roll to see what happens.
And no, there is no margin of success stuff for damage, though we've gotten bonus damage when rolling absolute max on attacks before...but that's based on our roll alone, not comparing it to the enemy.
@DeadmanwalkingXI voted for upgrading Ignition because we [stack more attack actions than defense actions each round by nature, tactics, and Folded attacks] and [the level of Alloy hugareida depends on the input levels of the source, and we have an Ignition-sourced Alloy already]?
Not quite on the first one (the second is basically correct). The reason we roll Standstill less is that our only rolled Standstill Trick is Inertia-Arresting Throw, which we tend to use once or twice per combat at most. The others are all used frequently in the right sort of combat, but they aren't rolled, which means they don't add the dice (they do hit a wider area with higher dice, but they're already pretty sizeable).
Meanwhile, of our Ignition Tricks, only Ember-Wing Cloak isn't rolled. So we roll those a lot more...honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we make 10 Ignition-based attacks for every IAT we throw out, and it's definitely at least a 5 to 1 ratio.
Also, for the record, rolls are all (or at least mostly) in the posts in invisitext, so you can examine them directly if you want.