Assuming Steinarr doesn't die to PLOT, we should ask him more about farming and his plant Hugareida.

You can't usually teach Hugareida, but yeah, it can't hurt to ask and he might have a mundane Trick or two to pass on as well. He might even be able to help us out in terms of training again in a farming-focused way.
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Bloodlust would have been much, much better than Hemophobia.

I hope we don't go for eliminating neutral traits like this again, at least not before eliminating actually negative traits.
Bloodlust railroads his character, as does Hemophobia. (in different directions)

For the 0815 fighter bloodlust isn't a mechanical issue and hemophobia is, I'm gonna agree on that.
"9'6 man too scared to spill his blood for runes!"

I mean, using runes at all (in the sense of ones you need to bleed on) isn't wildly common. We'll probably teach him the basics, but he doesn't need 'em and people won't be that surprised he doesn't use them all that much.

And besides, he'd then proceed to wrestle the person who says that and methodically break every bone in their arms and legs one at a time. Like, being enormous and extensively trained in combat (and we're going to train them all, oh yes) makes it a lot harder to insult you in Norse society as long as you're willing to hurt people.
I mean, using runes at all (in the sense of ones you need to bleed on) isn't wildly common. We'll probably teach him the basics, but he doesn't need 'em and people won't be that surprised he doesn't use them all that much.

Really? Runed equipment is pretty good, even if they're rare. I feel like we should teach him how to activate one with his blood, especially since we're a smith and can create them. If he's does end up becoming a famous leader of some kind, runed equipment isn't impossible.
Runes can also use paint and Odr so you don't need blood.

Yeah but for equipment you use mid-battle - stuff like swords, armour - blood would be the best. Wouldn't need to carry paint around, and it's also stronger than paint. Well, odr is better, but I don't expect any of our children to unlock it tbh.
Really? Runed equipment is pretty good, even if they're rare. I feel like we should teach him how to activate one with his blood, especially since we're a smith and can create them. If he's does end up becoming a famous leader of some kind, runed equipment isn't impossible.

I mean, it's clearly not super rare, but on the other hand Steinarr seems to have exactly one Runed item and his is the only non-consumable one we've seen used we didn't make ourselves. I'm sure they're more common the more powerful you are but they aren't so common everyone has them. Folkmarr, for example, hasn't shown off any and he's the Headman's son.

Runed Items also take Capacity (well, open Capacity to use, anyway, or so it seems), which is a bigger price to pay for most people than it is for us. Halla has Capacity 30, but without Infused Stats and her Owl Fylgja ability she would have only 11.

And, as Koguyra notes, paint is actually better than blood in most cases, I think. It's less powerful but longer lasting. He can easily carry, like, a flask of paint around and pour it on a runed item if needed. Most Norse use blood for that for reasons of convenience, but it's not hard to work around.

Yeah but for equipment you use mid-battle - stuff like swords, armour - blood would be the best. Wouldn't need to carry paint around, and it's also stronger than paint. Well, odr is better, but I don't expect any of our children to unlock it tbh.

Odr is only better for instant effects, it lasts, like, one second.
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What does 'less power' mean mechanically, @Imperial Fister? If we used paint for Sagaseeker's runes, how would it impact it?


'Hallr, do you know if your father had odr?'
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I kind of hope all of our kids pick up Odr. Maybe not right away but at some point. I like the idea that we become the weird family of eight foot tall berserks who are all super strong.
I kind of hope all of our kids pick up Odr. Maybe not right away but at some point. I like the idea that we become the weird family of eight foot tall berserks who are all super strong.

It's possible. We'd just need to get a safe method of initiation and secure the proper precautions involved in telling people when the kids are old enough to listen and hear.
would it still trigger the retribution if we wrote a guide without actually telling how, hidden in a story or something?
...we could just make a tapestry and claim its artistic freedom too, i guess?
But both would include another hidden message, namely to "find the charred one for a talk" :V
would it still trigger the retribution if we wrote a guide without actually telling how, hidden in a story or something?
...we could just make a tapestry and claim its artistic freedom too, i guess?
But both would include another hidden message, namely to "find the charred one for a talk" :V

We don't know. Which means we need to be prepared for an attack before we try any of these. Once prepared we can try various stuff until something triggers an attack.
Or we make sure Halla has friends on her level and once Halla dies we have the charred kid share the secret under guard by Hallas friends. (Backup if we don't find anything better before)
Hey Blackhand,

Is there any advantage to mastering Sickness Sear? Also, does Odr do anything with it?
Do you know any other good Campfire Tricks?
"Hey, Blackhand, do you remember if anyone spread the knowledge about Odr or true cultivation and skipped town right away to dodge The Enemy's retaliation?"
Would Poet help with runecrafting - at least, for NPCs - due to the wordplay involved with making rune? Would it also help them understand runes?
my hated enemy, my spine, has once again betrayed me. I am in a rather large amount of pain.

if it gets better, then an update will probably be in the cards, otherwise I am sorry but I will be unable to write.

also, the spiders have launched another offensive. I spotted an agent as it slipped into my bathroom and crawled into the fucking border of the wall, what the fuck

What does 'less power' mean mechanically, @Imperial Fister? If we used paint for Sagaseeker's runes, how would it impact it?
Functionally, there's not all that much of a difference in raw number mechanics. In scope and effect, though, is where things get spicy. Take the arrow shot into Mire Ward. You no-selled that with a casual flick of Sagaseeker.

However, you would've had to make a roll to do that if you used paint instead of blood.
'Hallr, do you know if your father had odr?'
'Sigmundr... I'm not sure...'

You should ask that one in-quest.
Is there any advantage to mastering Sickness Sear? Also, does Odr do anything with it?
'I don't know. I assume that odr would empower it'
Do you know any other good Campfire Tricks?
'Various different kinds of cooking tricks. There's a trick that creates a blanket of warmth, which is rather nice to cuddle under if I do say so myself.'
"Hey, Blackhand, do you remember if anyone spread the knowledge about Odr or true cultivation and skipped town right away to dodge The Enemy's retaliation?"
'A drengr stands and fights, he does not run when his enemies come to him. Doing such an act, exposing the people told to immense danger, and then fleeing? Nothing less than cowardly.'
Hey Blackhand, has the step of bringing the secret of cultivation to Seeresses (and other daughters of elm) been taken yet?
So that they can keep it and pass it on to those they dem worthy to join the fight, while only needing guards for Seeress scaled threats?
That's another one that you should ask in-quest.

Sorry if I miss sirihand asks, by the way. Not intentional.


Anyways, while I was writing this up, the back pain has actually gone down a little bit. or maybe I'm just getting used to it. Either way, I can write now.

I'm gonna go ahead and call the vote in 10 minutes
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Functionally, there's not all that much of a difference in raw number mechanics. In scope and effect, though, is where things get spicy. Take the arrow shot into Mire Ward. You no-selled that with a casual flick of Sagaseeker.

However, you would've had to make a roll to do that if you used paint instead of blood.
Hm, could we hypercharge Sagaseekers runes by adding Odr midfight after initially starting it with blood?
Hm, could we hypercharge Sagaseekers runes by adding Odr midfight after initially starting it with blood?
Yes, but it would burn out the blood in the process. Same with adding blood after starting with paint


And voting is now closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on May 25, 2023 at 8:40 PM, finished with 129 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Keep Hammering
    -[X] 50d6 Attack (50d6 tricks)
    -[X] 34d6 Defense (16d6 tricks, technically...25d6 in practice)
    -[X] 0d6 Intercept
    -[X] Close near-instantly with Ember-Wing cloak (-6 Orthstirr). Do this again as needed to stay close to the creature.
    -[X] Make four 15d6+3 (w/Hugareida) Lightning-Charged Firebomb Strike attacks adding 2 Orthstirr for accuracy (-5 Orthstirr each) as quickly as possible attempting to end this creature's existence. If it winds up trapped in Inertia-Arresting Throw or we've used up all the Firebomb-Strikes use a 17d6+3 Honed x3 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick attack using 2 Odr for extra damage (-8 Orthstirr, -2 Odr) to take advantage (not throwing it unless we have to, the idea is to rip it apart against the immobility of the IAT, done as our last attack while it's trapped in IAT if we get multiple attacks and can predict that).
    -[X] In response to the first melee attack of any sort, use Contested Movement with Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, 12d6+3 Hamr roll) to set up a Honed x2 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick (-7 Orthstirr) as the counterattack, and use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) if that somehow doesn't work.
    -[X] In response to the second melee attack attempted against us, use a 20d6+3 (w/Hugareida) Inertia-Arresting-Throw using 3 Odr for increased durability (-6 Orthstirr, -3 Odr) to stop it and freeze it in place for a moment, again using Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) if that somehow doesn't work.
    -[X] In response to any attempt to shoot us or any attempt to grapple us after those two, use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), and if something gets through that use up to one 14d6+7 Reinforcedx3 Honed x2 Defense (-5 Orthstirr). If we are attacked with a melee attack that isn't a grapple use those two defenses up then follow up with up to nine Reinforcedx3 Honed x2 Defenses (-5 Orthstirr each, 6d6+7 each) and if we run out of those or our armor is Pierced use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr). If Hasvir is attacked use Halting Vortex to defend him (-4 Orthstirr).
    -[X] Tactics – Charge in as quickly as we can and go to town with Firebomb-Strikes, using a jacked up Contested Movement to set up a powerful counterattack, then Inertia Arresting Throw to set up another big hit, and Halting Vortex to tank additional hits as needed.
For Campfire is there any sort of... hold back the darkness? Ward against creatures of the night? Be Aragorn vs. the Nazgul, basically, or various other instances of fire being used as protection against evil shit.
my hated enemy, my spine, has once again betrayed me. I am in a rather large amount of pain.
Get well soon!
And damn, the diplomacy patch can't come soon enough to this game.
also, the spiders have launched another offensive. I spotted an agent as it slipped into my bathroom and crawled into the fucking border of the wall, what the fuck
They learned to noclip in order to get to the insects in the walls :V
'A drengr stands and fights, he does not run when his enemies come to him. Doing such an act, exposing the people told to immense danger, and then fleeing? Nothing less than cowardly.'
"You said yourself that not everyone who fights against the enemy will share the same side though, so, i was curious if you heard anyone doing this, as a 'let it burn and search the ashes' kind of thing to get new cultivators. I mean, it should have been notable, if it happened in a well populated city, what with the retribution scaling with the power of the one who shared the secrets."

Oh! IF, kinda curious but can we learn shapeshifting options by... well... either eating or implanting parts from other creatures?