my hated enemy, my spine, has once again betrayed me. I am in a rather large amount of pain.
if it gets better, then an update will probably be in the cards, otherwise I am sorry but I will be unable to write.
also, the spiders have launched another offensive. I spotted an agent as it slipped into my bathroom and crawled into
the fucking border of the wall, what the fuck
What does 'less power' mean mechanically, @Imperial Fister? If we used paint for Sagaseeker's runes, how would it impact it?
Functionally, there's not all that much of a difference in raw number
mechanics. In scope and effect, though, is where things get spicy. Take the arrow shot into Mire Ward. You no-selled that with a casual flick of Sagaseeker.
However, you would've had to make a roll to do that if you used paint instead of blood.
'Hallr, do you know if your father had odr?'
Sigmundr... I'm not sure...'
You should ask that one in-quest.
Is there any advantage to mastering Sickness Sear? Also, does Odr do anything with it?
I don't know. I assume that odr would empower it'
Do you know any other good Campfire Tricks?
Various different kinds of cooking tricks. There's a trick that creates a blanket of warmth, which is rather nice to cuddle under if I do say so myself.'
"Hey, Blackhand, do you remember if anyone spread the knowledge about Odr or true cultivation and skipped town right away to dodge The Enemy's retaliation?"
A drengr stands and fights, he does not run when his enemies come to him. Doing such an act, exposing the people told to immense danger, and then fleeing? Nothing less than cowardly.'
Hey Blackhand, has the step of bringing the secret of cultivation to Seeresses (and other daughters of elm) been taken yet?
So that they can keep it and pass it on to those they dem worthy to join the fight, while only needing guards for Seeress scaled threats?
That's another one that you should ask in-quest.
Sorry if I miss sirihand asks, by the way. Not intentional.
Anyways, while I was writing this up, the back pain has actually gone down a little bit. or maybe I'm just getting used to it. Either way, I can write now.
I'm gonna go ahead and call the vote in 10 minutes