Well yes. They can also be used for trade, which we may be doing next rather than raiding. I wasn't saying shapecrafting was impossible, just that it might be a minute.

Trading and raiding are essentially the same thing. You go somewhere where they have money and make sure you leave with that money, by whatever means seems appropriate once you have assessed local conditions.
Trading and raiding are essentially the same thing. You go somewhere where they have money and make sure you leave with that money, by whatever means seems appropriate once you have assessed local conditions.

You prep for trading trips somewhat differently (you need trade goods...bringing those on a pure raiding trip would be counterproductive), but I agree the end goal (return with lots of money) is basically the same.
You prep for trading trips somewhat differently (you need trade goods...bringing those on a pure raiding trip would be counterproductive), but I agree the end goal (return with lots of money) is basically the same.
A trip doesn't have to be entirely one thing or the other. You might set out from Norway with a cargo of hides, sell them at your first destination for silver, your second destination is poorly defended so you sack it and carry off a load of wool and salt meat, at your third destination you trade those for bog iron, and return to Norway with silver and iron.
You could have bought the wool and meat with the silver you got from selling the hides, but the opportunity to not pay presented itself.
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A trip doesn't have to be entirely one thing or the other. You might set out from Norway with a cargo of hides, sell them at your first destination for silver, your second destination is poorly defended so you sack it and carry off a load of wool and salt meat, at your third destination you trade those for bog iron, and return to Norway with silver and iron.
You could have bought the wool and meat with the silver you got from selling the hides, but the opportunity to not pay presented itself.

I'm aware, yes. Just pointing out that there are actual differences in intent between an expedition intended for mostly trading and a pure raiding expedition. You can mix and match to some degree, sure, but you're not doing any trading if you don't bring any trade goods (well, maybe ransoming people's stuff back to them), and you definitely want to do some trading if you did just to free up space.
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Which, considering this is a dynasty quest, is also applicable to this sentence…
"The Ship Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural." -Hallatine to Abjornakin

It's even better the second time! ;P

Sigurdr is probably gonna be the ship war generator, all things considered. He's literally the male lead in a romance novel, complete with the more or less superficial 'flaw' to show that he's not 100% perfect!

Cycling on back to the Varangian discussion for a second, if you went as Sigurdr there's nothing stopping you from finding a wife in Constantinople. You don't need to be married to pass on Charred Soul, for the record.
Sigurdr is probably gonna be the ship war generator, all things considered. He's literally the male lead in a romance novel, complete with the more or less superficial 'flaw' to show that he's not 100% perfect!

Cycling on back to the Varangian discussion for a second, if you went as Sigurdr there's nothing stopping you from finding a wife in Constantinople. You don't need to be married to pass on Charred Soul, for the record.

This has always sort of been my favorite plan, yeah.
I will admit, it is early here in Denmark and when my tired brain read this I was thinking of an entirely different kind of ship.

Which, considering this is a dynasty quest, is also applicable to this sentence…
Considering the "Palpahand to Hallakin " part of the quote...
*faint echoes of banjos can be heard from the distance*
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[X] Plan Keep Hammering

Wait, is the round end not supposed to include the +1 to speed Fast-Twitch reflexes gives us?
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When it comes to unnatural powers gained from cursed ships, it is well worth remembering that Halla is distantly descended from Thor, whose cousin is a horse.

Granted, it was a non-blood related cousin (... Bar some unknown magical Xianxia bloodbrother bullshit), but still, it is worth keeping in mind.
Cycling on back to the Varangian discussion for a second, if you went as Sigurdr there's nothing stopping you from finding a wife in Constantinople. You don't need to be married to pass on Charred Soul, for the record.
I admit, I have vague plans to have at least one of our characters go on a nice long trip to other lands and be a massive, massive womanizer, especially of strange women with strange bloodline powers, in the hopes of getting lucky and leaving behind a kid who's got something partcularly cool.

Admittedly, these are not particularly moral or responsible plans.
I admit, I have vague plans to have at least one of our characters go on a nice long trip to other lands and be a massive, massive womanizer, especially of strange women with strange bloodline powers, in the hopes of getting lucky and leaving behind a kid who's got something partcularly cool.

Admittedly, these are not particularly moral or responsible plans.

Depends on the woman and the situation, really. Serving as, effectively, a sperm donor isn't actually immoral or irresponsible if everyone's on the same page in regards to the situation.
Depends on the woman and the situation, really. Serving as, effectively, a sperm donor isn't actually immoral or irresponsible if everyone's on the same page in regards to the situation.
Well, fair... but there are a lot of situations where it's possible to get consent while being honest about your intentions, and still have the fact that you're leaving behind a bunch of single mothers while gallivanting off to the next adventure and the next warmed bed be... less than morally ideal.
*faint echoes of Banjos can be Heard from the distance*
Horrifically, it wouldn't even be the first time that the banjos have plucked their haunting melody over the family wreath of Volsung. And if you go by frickin' Richard Wagner, then you as Halla are the product of the incest of your great-great-great-grandparents.

Fortunately, we're not going by the Ring Cycle so you don't have to worry about that. The NorseQuest canon incest incident resulted in Sinfjotli who I cannot, for the life of me, remember doing anything other than kill a rival suitor, have a crazy high pain tolerance, and then dying (not in that order). I'm probably forgetting something major, cause I remember him being involved with Siggeirr's death, but not much more than that.
less than morally ideal.
Norse adventurers 🤝 less than morally ideal actions
Halla is distantly descended from Thor
Not quite, he's like your Great^Whatever Uncle, but you're not of the line of Thor. You're Odin's spawn.

Which does mean that the mega-horse is also your uncle.
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The secret is to only seduce powerful dangerous women with a propensity for holding grudges. At least this way you'll know that your children will be in capable hands and that they will probably keep in touch.
There's a hubris joke in there about how we can do better (maybe even better than the Gods). But I'm not sure that's actually wrong in context...we do seem to be tasked with fixing an issue the Gods can't for some reason.
Well, Hubris *is* one of Halla's fatal flaws.

One of the tragic parts about Halla's situation is that, unless her hubris really nails her to the wall one day, she's not going to be motivated to try and do anything about it. Every time her hubris has smacked her, she's been able to escape it, which further feeds into the hubris.

But, since Blackhand is working to stop her hubris from screwing her over in major ways, she'll never have the kick in the pants that gets her to address the hubris issue.

At least, that's how it goes without outside influence in the form of you folks.
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At some point she's going to confidently go to fight something/someone much stronger than her and find out that this isn't the time she gets lucky.

Only if we let her. I agree hubris is Halla's flaw, but we can do things about that to some degree. And she did learn at least a bit of a lesson with Father Gerrit, as well as the Squire and Knight, so she's more cautious than she used to be before the raid.
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