[X] Heal the brother (-12 Orthstirr) (???)
Captives are good. Witnesses to Horra's perfidy are good. Minions are good. It's all good.

Well, no. Vendettas against Abjorn are bad. Fortunately, this fixes that one too.

The thing is that, for Halla, given Halting Vortex, damage reduction is still generally better than Defensive Reflex enhancement even vs. higher level foes. Like, the vast majority of the time we just won't actually be rolling very many defensive dice, which makes its bonus not very good. We'll be throwing out an occasional Hefty-Halter Chop, but it'll be pretty occasional.
I agree that Defensive Reflex is not the answer. That doesn't mean that Armor is. What other options do we have? Among other things, adding bonus dice to every one of our attacks would be downright handy, if that's on offer.

I still don't understand how all these elemental assaults aren't Real Magic, but fate and soul manipulation are (?).

And, following that, why the latter is bad.
The real divide isn't magic vs nonmagic. The really important question is "are you actually in this fight where we can try to kill you in return for you trying to kill us?" Charging down a hill screaming while launching psychic assaults? Totally cool. Launching those very same psychic assaults from the comfort and safety of your own home when your enemy is three miles away and doesn't actually know how to get to you? Totally not cool. Basically, it's the difference between "is something that increases your battle-prowess" (cool) and "is something that lets you kill someone who might have greater battle-prowess than you, by cheating" (not cool).

The Viking have a very warrior-based morality. Like... you're not even allowed to run away.
Great, we should give Abjorn the fire resistance--Fire Resistance still helps for Soot based stuff, right? Gabriel should get the other one since he's the only other fighter in this league who won't be a liability. Everyone else should keep their distance because this is going to get crazy real fast

Would this be something we just did in our pre-battle setup or just something that they can do for themselves in combat-time with a moment or two to set up?
Is it possible to apply oil to a guy wearing Knight Armor?
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Would this be something we just did in our pre-battle setup or just something that they can do for themselves in combat-time with a moment or two to set up?
Pre-battle setup. They've got the stuff and, if you tell them to, they'll do it.

In the future, though, that is the sort of thing you'll have to specify.
Pre-battle setup. They've got the stuff and, if you tell them to, they'll do it.

In the future, though, that is the sort of thing you'll have to specify.

Fair enough, thanks for the clarification. The Fireproof stuff is battle-long, right? It's only the Berries that are one round only?

And that aside, if there's Alloys that produce Soot, it means he's got at least one more Hugareida up his sleeve that we can't easily detect. It might be non-combat like Campfire is, but we can't be certain.
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You know, a Wind Hugareida could Alloy pretty well with Halla's Stillness Hugareida as a 'Calm Before the Storm' kind of thing.
[X] Heal the brother (-12 Orthstirr) (???)

Sure why not, you were a good enemy.

If we can Odr up Twist: Fighting Upwards, we absolutely should. We should also Odr up IAT and spam it to hell if we can.
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Yeah, 1 DR and +1 Damage seem like the current Norse Meta.

Trait Unlocked!

Norse Meta (Prerequisite Flaw: Blood Lust) - You don't just like battle; you LOVE it. Everyone thinks it's so chaotic, but you see some kind of... order to it, like solving a sum or learning a dance. You gain insight into what strategies would work against similar opponents, as well as any holes in your own kit. Less effective against opponents of brand new fighting styles/cultures.
This is correct, yes.

Right, then we'll have it that Gabriel and Abjorn--as our two strongest fighters who don't have Innate Fire Resistance, to have gotten the Oil and instructions on how to use it, that should give them a bit more staying power against the Soot stuff, as it's fire-adjacent, right?

That leaves us with the Lightning, which... Uh, I'm not sure we have an adequate response for. I can see Lightning Hugareida being extremely expensive, but also very good at punching through Active Defenses. Whether Halting Vortex works or not, uh, feels like it depends on if this is 'Normal' Lightning outside of being generated by magic or if it's just fucking Force Lightning that does it's own thing.

If it's just magic bullshit lightning, I can see it completely ignoring Halting Vortex, because it's not made of matter but just an energy discharge, and therefore, there's no Inertia to freeze. If it's still basically working like normal lightning except being generated and targetting on command, it should work simply by creating a region where the Lightning can't travel through. It still fires, it just can't path through the Halting Vortex--and at its current size, that should be enough to deflect it. (Which would make Thor driving our Standstill up to III being quite full of foresight)
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If it's still basically working like normal lightning except being generated and targetting on command, it should work simply by creating a region where the Lightning can't travel through.

It would be kind of weird if that were the case though.

It would immediately try to ground itself on literally anything nearby, meaning its range would be very, very short.


Probably the former.
It would be kind of weird if that were the case though.

It would immediately try to ground itself on literally anything nearby, meaning its range would be very, very short.


Probably the former.

I think it's more that the Hugareida would work by creating a chain of Orthstirr first and then the lightning fires off along that chain. Halting Vortex would stop that chain from touching anything behind it.

That aside, if we're dealing with Unblockable, Undodgable Lightning, then there's probably a major trade-off involved. Either it'll require a significant windup and thus be prone to disruption, or it'll have a Massive Orthstirr cost relative to its damage output, and thus not something he can reasonable expect to fire consecutively.
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So here's the basic plan (subject to change if people object):

[X] Heal the brother (-12 Orthstirr) (???)

[X] Plan Probing While Defending
-[X] Give Abjorn and Gabriel the Insulation Ointment
-[X] Stoke our Frami (+93 Orthstirr) and Virthing (+93 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate our Punching Up Twist (-35 Orthstirr)
-[X] 48d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 5d6 Defense
-[X] 14d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] Make two 15d6 Honed x3 Power Chop attacks (-4 Orthstirr each), a 15d6 (w/Hugareida) Firebomb-Strike attack w/1 extra Orthstirr (-5 Orthstirr), and a 15d6 (w/Hugareida) Kindle Spinner attack w/1 extra Orthstirr (-3 Orthstirr) all whenever seems most appropriate
-[X] The first time he attacks one of our family with a weapon, use a 21d6 Reinforcedx4 Honedx3 Hefty-Halter Chop (-10 Orthstirr) to defend and hopefully disarm him. In response to any mundane attacks against us we use up to 5 Reinforcedx3 Honedx2 Defenses (6d6 and -5 Orthstirr each) and use Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr) if we run out of those and our Reinforce Shield has been broken. If he attacks either us or our family with a Trick Attack, or any attack that looks likely to put them down (ie: they're on their last legs), use Halting Vortex to stop that attack dead (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – We move forward, making sure to position ourselves between Sten and Abjorn so we can use Halting Vortex to protect both of them from big attacks as necessary, then probe the guy's defenses with fairly serious attacks using our entire repertoire of straightforward options (so he won't expect the less direct ones later, we hope). The main goal is to protect Abjorn and Sten from anything too nasty, though.

We could make it 3 attacks instead of 4 and add 4-5 dice to each (so three 19-20d6 attacks rather than four 15d6 ones), but I think this is probably better.
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So here's the basic plan (subject to change if people object):

[X] Heal the brother (-12 Orthstirr) (???)

[X] Plan Probing While Defending
-[X] Give Abjorn and Gabriel the Insulation Ointment
-[X] Stoke our Frami (+93 Orthstirr) and Virthing (+93 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate our Punching Up Twist (-35 Orthstirr)
-[X] 48d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 5d6 Defense
-[X] 14d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] Make two 15d6 Honed x3 Power Chop attacks (-4 Orthstirr each), a 15d6 (w/Hugareida) Firebomb-Strike attack w/1 extra Orthstirr (-5 Orthstirr), and a 15d6 (w/Hugareida) Kindle Spinner attack w/1 extra Orthstirr (-3 Orthstirr) all whenever seems most appropriate
-[X] The first time he attacks one of our family with a weapon, use a 21d6 Reinforcedx2 Honedx3 Hefty-Halter Chop w/2 extra Orthstirr poured in for extra dice (-10 Orthstirr) to defend and hopefully disarm him (we will then try and break his wrist when he goes for his weapon). In response to any mundane attacks against us we use up to 5 Reinforcedx1 Honedx2 Defenses (4d6 and -3 Orthstirr each) and use Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr) if we run out of those and our Reinforce Shield has been broken. If he attacks either us or our family with a Trick Attack, or any attack that looks likely to put them down (ie: they're on their last legs), use Halting Vortex to stop that attack dead (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – We move forward, making sure to position ourselves between Sten and Abjorn so we can use Halting Vortex to protect both of them from big attacks as necessary, then probe the guy's defenses with fairly serious attacks using our entire repertoire of straightforward options (so he won't expect the less direct ones later, we hope). The main goal is to protect Abjorn and Sten from anything too nasty, though.

We could make it 3 instead and add 4-5 dice to each (so three 19-20d6 attacks rather than four 15d6 ones), but I think this is probably better.

Put in a note that Abjorn and Gabriel have been given our remaining doses of Anti-Fire Oil and instructions on how to use it, and they should before joining battle, the presence of Soot (Which is generated as a byproduct of combustion--fire) tells me this guy's going to be slinging around stuff adjacent enough to Fire Hugareida for it to potentially be decisive.

EDIT: Whoops, looks like you got it. Nevermind. Would you be willing to invest more into our defenses by the way? Like, another 3 Reinforce stacks each? I don't want to be taking damage early on and we don't yet know how strong his basic attacks are.
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I... honestly, I feel like retconning the oil in on this one is a bit much.
- We didn't have any particular reason to think that this woudl be a super-hard battle.
- We certainly didn't have reason to think that the climactic boss would have fire powers.
- We had other ideas of useful things to do with the oil.

The idea that we would have thought, heading into this fight, that oiling up was The Plan is a bit on the silly side, honestly.
I... honestly, I feel like retconning the oil in on this one is a bit much.
- We didn't have any particular reason to think that this woudl be a super-hard battle.
- We certainly didn't have reason to think that the climactic boss would have fire powers.
- We had other ideas of useful things to do with the oil.

The idea that we would have thought, heading into this fight, that oiling up was The Plan is a bit on the silly side, honestly.

We know Sten and Halla are both firebugs and can plan for the possibility of an Expert. We also know both Sten and Halla have attacks that do collateral damage, it's not that unreasonable of a stretch that we had it distributed as a contingency in case the head of the band was present when we attacked (Even if we didn't anticipate them all being here)

Remember, the forces we're up against are not a surprise, the surprise is that they're all here, right now. We couldn't anticipate that one of them might have had a Fire Hugareida, but the two strongest members of our melee party being given resistance to collateral damage from Sten and Halla's attacks so they can continue a press is not a huge stretch. (Though yeah, consumable distribution is still new so us only getting a bit of a retcon this one time would be fair, if we fuck up in the future, that's on us)
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I agree that Defensive Reflex is not the answer. That doesn't mean that Armor is. What other options do we have? Among other things, adding bonus dice to every one of our attacks would be downright handy, if that's on offer.

The options we know of are:

-Thickened Skin - Reduces incoming damage by 1
-Dense Muscles - Increases damage by 1
-Offensive-Tuned Reflexes - Increases dice rolled for attacks (basic and trick) by 1
-Defensive-Tuned Reflexes - Increases dice rolled for defend (basic and trick) by 1
-Sharpened Senses - Doubles 'sensing' rolls, such as trying to detect something via sight or smell.
-Softened Steps - Doubles 'stealth' rolls.

So we have one that gives all attack dice +1s, which is to say, on average, another 2 dice for every 7 invested. That's not bad by any means, but even assuming we hit, like, 56 dice, that'd be the equivalent of 16 bonus dice or thereabouts every round if we used all those dice on offense...but honestly, that can be duplicated with Orthstirr a lot more easily than Damage Reduction can. I still think Thickened Skin is the best second choice (with Dense Muscles our #1 pick, obviously).

Like, Offense Tuned Reflexes is certainly good but I feel like 'not enough dice to achieve the results we want' is rarely our actual problem.

I... honestly, I feel like retconning the oil in on this one is a bit much.
- We didn't have any particular reason to think that this woudl be a super-hard battle.
- We certainly didn't have reason to think that the climactic boss would have fire powers.
- We had other ideas of useful things to do with the oil.

The idea that we would have thought, heading into this fight, that oiling up was The Plan is a bit on the silly side, honestly.

We're not saying they oiled up pre-fight...the retcon, such as it is, is that we have the oil out and ready to do that with. They still have to oil up now, there's just time to do that for at least Abjorn (and Gabriel can do it once he's done with his current fight before joining ours).
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There's also no guarantee that you're right about it being a fire hugareida.

It's a gamble, but even if we're wrong, it's still helpful for our melee pack to be able to stay danger close when Halla and Sten cut loose, 1 FR is enough to be fine from splash damage from Kindle-Spinner and Firebomb Strike apparently, and that's the important thing if we're going to pressure this guy. It'll adjust their options positively.

And hey, you're the one who told us not to hold anything back intentionally :p, this is very much the moment where we start clawing for every plausible advantage--even imagined ones.
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We should keep in mind that we have Seven explosive charms hanging out in our inventory btw.

Yeah, that's fair. The difference between that and a Kindle Spinner is fairly small all things considered, though (Knidle Spinner adds +2d6 and costs 2 Orthstirr...since everything is a Trick right now, that's about the only difference there, aside from the charms costing us money).

Do you guys we can pump those up with Odr?

This turn? I think not, we're still feeling him out and hoping Sten and Abjorn deal the real damage anyway while we protect and distract. Next turn? Depends on circumstances.

Like, this turn we're trying to play Tank, not DPS, and Odr doesn't help us do that.
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Odr is very much in the 'Not yet' category.

We start burning that when we're ready to go for the crown, not as part of the probe when we're figuring out what kind of Hot Nonsense he's going to hit us with. That's one of our few reliable ways to get bonus-damage after all.