So it goes.

Fortunately, we've got a pretty good combo for advancing as a unit on him, Standstill is great at creating Obstructions against mounted charges. Have Abjorn take point, with Halla backing him up with IAT to help him out? He's our designated Shield Guy, and if we can team up with our ranged defense, we should be able to maintain our numerical advantage.
But whatever we do. Don't charge in head first, we'll be fighting a 2v1 where we're on the losing side for once, and it'll take the rest of the team more time to get there.

Measured advance, stay as a unit, Abjorn and Halla serve as defenders against the javelin attacks. Bring out our Fylgja if need be to serve as Halla's spotter, we'll be able to maintain a two-layered shield-wall between Standstill and Abjorn's sheer girthiness, and we'll be able to expend his javelins at little cost while staying as a team
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Well, I feel like closing the distance remains correct, but probably not alone. We need to figure out a way for other people to close with us. That's...trickier.

oh thats how it works? aight thats way better

The down side is that while the Trick is in the fylgja, we can't use it ourselves. But yeah, it's good.

Lol nearsightedness finally fucked us for strategy purposes.

Hopefully for the only time. We can probably get rid of it (well, have a Trick to cancel it) before it becomes a problem again after this fight.

So it goes.

Fortunately, we've got a pretty good combo for advancing as a unit on him, Standstill is great at creating Obstructions against mounted charges. Have Abjorn take point, with Halla backing him up with IAT to help him out? He's our designated Shield Guy, and if we can team up with our ranged defense, we should be able to maintain our numerical advantage.

Plausible. We can hopefully be ready with Halting Vortex to help stop spears as well...
You do catch an odd sound in the distance, something that sounds like a horse's whinny. That's when it hits you — Knights and Squires are mounted combatants primarily. Which means that you're going to

He's going to keep throwing high powered spears at you. Abjorn says he has three more, besides the one he's aiming now. Get too close and he's going to engage you on horseback, which is going to be really screwy — you just know it.
So, what does everyone think: How well do Xianxia Squire horses deal with suddenly being on fire?
Asking for when we are close enough to reliably aim Kindle Spinners.

(Or we shield our fylgja and drop a bell)
I mean, I think we can take the Squire on easily enough if we can actually get to him. IAT and HV will fuck over any cavalry charge, and from there we can get him off his horse and gank him. The problem is actually getting to him. EWC isn't a good option either as it'd leave us alone with the Squire, who I'd rather not face by ourselves.

You would be able to defend yourself and one other person, but you would have trouble defending against anything outside of you two

Yeah, but it doesn't really matter how many people we can defend with it at once, right? Since spears are a single-target weapon. Unless he can throw multiple at once, or has some sort of aoe.
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Boy 2:
Locked In:
-Godly Luck
-Snake's Tongue
-The Bloody Basics (Auto-Locked)
-Born of Fire (Auto-Locked)
Rolled For:
-Giant's Strength (Reward Dice)
-Stoic Silence
-Seeing Eyes
God damn it the non violent kid got near sighted, like that's the worse combat debuff on their except the recessive traits like stinky
[ ] Plan: Shield Wall
-[ ] Tap Frami (+39 Orthstirr)
-[ ] (18) Defense
-[ ] (19) (Inertia Arresting Throw x4) (24 Orthstirr) + 3 Orthstirr on Reinforce Shield (6 layers)
-[ ] Bring up a shieldwall and advance as a unit, Abjorn taking point. Bring out Halla's Fylgja and keep it with her to play spotter, attempt to intercept incoming Javelin throws with Inertia Arresting Throw to support the defense. Be ready to bring out Halting Vortex as a last line of defense if Halla herself is targetted. Stay together at all costs. Fylgja is to be veiled again when the range closes.

This is the general outline I'm looking at, though someone else is free to clean it up because I'm still not the best and arranging things in this system. He has a finite number of javelins though, and the key is avoiding us from taking unnecessary damage or expenses on the way in. We're well suited to countering this kind of limited artillery assault thanks to IAT, and even should he break through, we should be able to weaken the incoming attacks enough to minimize damage or make it easier to block the attacks.
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Uh, I'd rather not bring out our fylgja. One hit from a javelin and that's a game-over. Can't we just use HV?
Uh, I'd rather not bring out our fylgja. One hit from a javelin and that's a game-over. Can't we just use HV?

It's in the middle of our shieldwall, protected by several layers of defense. If he can snipe our Fylgja and one-shot it in spite of all of those layers of defenses, we were fucked either way due to fighting someone who can power through multiple intercepts and still do a 4 damage hit at the end.

Regardless, the point is doing a steady advance as a unit, while intercepting his javelin rain with IAT. Even if it breaks through, it probably won't do so without losing force or being stopped for long enough to raise a proper defense.
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It's in the middle of our shieldwall, protected by several layers of defense. If he can snipe our Fylgja and one-shot it in spite of all of those layers of defenses, we were fucked either way.

How would it be able to act as an effective spotter in the middle of our shield wall? And uh, well, after Imperial's clarification I'd rather not use IAT, given it might not even work on these javelins.
God damn it the non violent kid got near sighted, like that's the worse combat debuff on their except the recessive traits like stinky

It's really not that bad. We're midway through learning a trick to entirely counteract it, too.

[ ] Plan: Shield Wall
-[ ] Tap Frami (+39 Orthstirr)
-[ ] (18) Defense
-[ ] (19) (Inertia Arresting Throw x4) (24 Orthstirr) + 3 Orthstirr on Reinforce Shield (6 layers)
-[ ] Bring up a shieldwall and advance as a unit, Abjorn taking point. Bring out Halla's Fylgja and keep it with her to play spotter, attempt to intercept incoming Javelin throws with Inertia Arresting Throw to support the defense. Be ready to bring out Halting Vortex as a last line of defense if Halla herself is targetted. Stay together at all costs. Fylgja is to be veiled again when the range closes.

This is the general outline I'm looking at, though someone else is free to clean it up. He has a finite number of javelins though, and the key is avoiding us from taking unneccessary damage or expenses on the way in.

Generally good outline, yeah. Personally, I'd add in 9 dice of offense for an opportunistic Kindle Spinner (to encourage him to close with us), and make sure to specify we'll use Halting Vortex to protect the Fylgja. Without that specification you're risking too much, I think.

Also, those 18 defensive dice aren't very useful unless put into Tricks, since they are used in 1 die increments and that...probably not gonna come up much. My plan will probably be based on this with a few changes based on these points.
It's really not that bad. We're midway through learning a trick to entirely counteract it, too.

Generally good outline, yeah. Personally, I'd add in 9 dice of offense, and make sure to specify we'll use Halting Vortex to protect the Fylgja. Without that specification you're risking too much, I think.

Also, those 18 defensive dice aren't very useful unless put into Tricks, since they are used in 1 die increments and that...probably not gonna come up much. My plan will probably be based on this with a few changes based on these points.

Fair enough, set them up as Intercepts then using IAT, and defend against personal attacks with Halting Vortex instead?
Uh, I'd rather not bring out our fylgja. One hit from a javelin and that's a game-over. Can't we just use HV?
We need the sight and it only has 1 less health than us, Though we do have armor i doubt he has to get through all 8 hit points, maybe just 1 and the rest goes to us. If he can kill he can fyljga in on hit? good chance he can kill us in 1 hit.
How would it be able to act as an effective spotter in the middle of our shield wall? And uh, well, after Imperial's clarification I'd rather not use IAT, given it might not even work on these javelins.

It's still a valid intercept, even if it can break through, it won't do so without slowing down at all. Standstill does One Thing, but it does it really well, and we're rank 2 in it.
Fair enough, set them up as Intercepts then using IAT, and defend against personal attacks with Halting Vortex instead?

It's less whether they're Intercepts or Defenses and more that you need to say you're making, like, a 9d6 Reinforced Defense or they're 18 different 1d6 defenses (which would be relevant vs, like, mortals...not so much here).

But yes, I'd put more in Intercept than Defense, probably.