Holy crap. They all got Seeing Eyes?! That's...really good but also wow.
And yeah for our first son, Bloodlust, Wrathful, and Low Self control is a bridge too far on poor Kid #1. Hopefully we can do some stuff to ameliorate that last one in terms of how we raise the kid. He does have Wolf's Nose and Bold, so he's not without good qualities they're just a bit overshadowed.
On the bright side, lots of Bold and no Follower or Content. So that's good.
The second son is actually ideal for the 'wandering seducer of women' thing someone suggested for our next character. He has Bold, Wanderlust, Handsome and Friendly. He's really just ideal for that. He doesn't even have Bloodlust or Wrathful. He's the strong, silent, type too...really, he just seems like the male lead in a romance novel. Him being scholarly is also very possible, but near-sightedness aside nothing requires it...he probably will be, though.
Our daughter is definitely gonna follow us on the path of the warrior, though she also seems likely to make a lot of money (she got Prosperous, after all), and is more her father's daughter in most other ways (she has more of his traits than either of the boys, I think). Still gorgeous, though, which should help her find a husband even with being somewhat unconventional.