Create 1 Grand Mail Shirt for Dorri's Deal, 5
Could we please stop wasting Iron helping Dorri? He's already weasling out of his deal, we know it, he knows it, and it's actually a lot if iron we want to use for other projects. And he's planning to kill us. Like at some point we shouldn't be tasting bile making shit for someone who killed our dad and has promised out death behind our back. Making Dorri less suspicious of us isn't worthwhile when he's already doing preemptive strike on us.
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After six months, I'm up to date with this quest. I read all the posts from May to today.
You guys post a lot.
Welcome to this wild ride!


Alright, voting is now closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Jan 8, 2024 at 6:21 PM, finished with 45 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Folkvangr We Are Coming
    -[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
    --[X] Hasvir Horrasson
    --[X] Recruit him to go to Folkvangr and speak to his grandfather with us so as to gain information to stop Drysalt. We will note that Drysalt has human contacts and this should be kept a secret from everyone lest it get back to him...Hasvir is smart and used to secrets.
    -[X] [Travel] Go To Folkvangr
    --[X] Taking with us Hasvir Horrasson and possibly a couple of others (probably just Stigmar, and Abjorn if he wants, though other family members who know the Drysalt situation are possible)...we're not telling anyone who doesn't already know about the Drysalt thing or our destination other than Hasvir.
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (1)
    --[X] Dusty Iron Sword for Magni (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (2)
    --[X] Molten Iron Sword for Alvis (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (3)
    --[X] Storm Iron Sword for Ingolf (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    -[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (4)
    --[X] Dusty Iron Sword for Kurt (+17 successes from Tools/Workshop)
    -[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
    --[X] The hills!
    ---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
    -[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
    --[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
    --[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
    --[X] Use wolf bone ash on all swords
    --[X] Use the three Experiences we've found lead to a boost in courage on all swords
    --[X] Add a copy of Crowfeeder's runes to each, along with a copy of the speed-increasing runes we used on Sagaseeker.
    --[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd, along with 1 Odr (for+1 Success each, +4 successes total) to enhance the crafting process on each sword, splitting the successes between crafting and runes (2 each)
    -[X] (Research)
    --[X] Continue our reciprocal Slavic/Norse studies – 4 Research
    ---[X] Make sure our Slavic retainers are not having any specific troubles
    --[X] Continue adding animals to our soulscape to make a working ecosystem, focusing more on wild animals this time – 1 Research
    --[X] Act on our revelation in regards to Sword Stepping and figure out how to actually do it – 1 Research
    --[X] With Sten's help, see if we can figure out what the effects of Nordic Armor would be if we offered a portion of Orthstirr gained while using it as a sacrifice (specifically on Odin-dedicated armor if we need to pick) – 1 Research
    ---[X] The idea here is to get an idea of what they would do, possibly using divination if needed to do so, not actually try and make this work right now, just get a better idea of what it would do.
    --[X] With Sten's help, examine our Bolt Thrower again with an eye to figuring out how to reproduce it...right before the season ends, try using a Rewrite to gain the necessary insight to do so – 1 Research
    --[X] Right before the season ends and they Refresh, try and use a Rewrite to Alloy Puncture and Sharpen to allow for Puncture to apply automatically to Sharpen attacks without removing the ability to apply it to other attacks by paying – 1 Research
    -[X] (Training) Hamr (511 xp to rank up)
    --[X] Train the Sword Stepping Martial Style 3xp
    -[X] (Training) Hugr (183 xp to rank up)
    --[X] Train Hugr itself 184xp (92xp)
    -[X] (Work Dice Usage)
    --[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: 6Living Space, 1 Storage, otherwise maxed out (72 Total)
    --[X] Crafting: Create 1 Grand Mail Shirt for Dorri's Deal, 5 Grand Mail-Necked Helms for Retainers (including one for a Giant-Blooded, Magni), 13 Superior Gambesons (for us, Abjorn, and the remaining retainers, plus one for Jordan, Eric, Drifa, and Halfdan), and a Grand Forged Iron Plow, Scythe, Work Knife, Wood Axe, and Pot forAsva and Jordan, and another set of all five of those for Halfdan, along with a Grand Set of Tools for him as well (150 Total),
    --[X] Conversion: Spend for 8 Research Dice (16 Total)
    -[X] (Incidentals)
    --[X] Infuse 8 Odr into Composure
    --[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Eyvor, Asgeirr,
    --[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 48 oz Forged Iron, 12 oz Dusty Iron
    -[X] (Capacity Slots)
    --[X] Assign Identify Concept and Fireside Barrage.
    -[X] (Alloy Slots)
    --[X] Use the new slot for our experimental Alloy
I don't think we need the extra Stoked Dice very often, honestly. It's worth checking, but not over the Puncture/Sharpen thing. We do have a third Rewrite and IF has sometimes let us throw in an extra Research beyond the normal six if it's via Reward Die so you could ask if that's an option, maybe?

It's less about the raw dice generation, and more that there's a discontinuity between when we sometimes want a lot of Stoked Dice, and when we can obtain them. Also again, a version of Stoked Engage which both does higher damage and can be used at range would be extremely useful in certain scenarios. It would have singlehandedly made that fight with the ghostly army trying to bumrush us into a cakewalk, for example. We might fight other groups of weaker foes again, or want a strong alpha-strike on a stronger opponent - which won't kill them due to narrative rules, but can generate a bunch of stoked dice for Contested Movements throughout the rest of the combat round.

Right now, we have a research action which is just talking to our Slavic Retainers - which is not a bad idea on the face of it kinda seems to stretch the definition of "research" to heroic levels to me.

This is interesting, but what's the actual practical use of going that high? It seems like a risky thing to attempt for little practical benefit right at the moment absent some application I'm not thinking of.

Well, partly that it's cool, but I also have a vague idea for a kind of super-finale where we fly into orbit and draw energy from the sun, then fly down to earth like a meteor and deliver all our momentum/charged up energy. But mostly that it's cool. However, I can see the actions this turn are a bit tight, so it's not urgent.

Oh also:
--[X] With Sten's help, see if we can figure out what the effects of Nordic Armor would be if we offered a portion of Orthstirr gained while using it as a sacrifice (specifically on Odin-dedicated armor if we need to pick) – 1 Research
---[X] The idea here is to get an idea of what they would do, possibly using divination if needed to do so, not actually try and make this work right now, just get a better idea of what it would do.

If we're investigating, we probably want to mention Odr here, too, unless it was confirmed that this is non-viable?
Alright, I'm going to need some dice for the Eyvor + Asgeirr tafl rolls.

I'm also going to need 4 rolls for crafting (30 dice each) and 4 rolls for runework (also 30 dice each).
Could we please stop wasting Iron helping Dorri? He's already weasling out of his deal, we know it, he knows it, and it's actually a lot if iron we want to use for other projects. And he's planning to kill us. Like at some point we shouldn't be tasting bile making shit for someone who killed our dad and has promised out death behind our back. Making Dorri less suspicious of us isn't worthwhile when he's already doing preemptive strike on us.

All projects for Dorri have always used Dorri's Iron not ours. And it absolutely is worth keeping Dorri's suspicions down...right now he's gonna wait for Drysalt's thing to go off in 3 years...if he thinks we're actually on to him rather than just being inconvenient he may try and speed up that timetable.

It's less about the raw dice generation, and more that there's a discontinuity between when we sometimes want a lot of Stoked Dice, and when we can obtain them. Also again, a version of Stoked Engage which both does higher damage and can be used at range would be extremely useful in certain scenarios. It would have singlehandedly made that fight with the ghostly army trying to bumrush us into a cakewalk, for example. We might fight other groups of weaker foes again, or want a strong alpha-strike on a stronger opponent - which won't kill them due to narrative rules, but can generate a bunch of stoked dice for Contested Movements throughout the rest of the combat round.

I'm not sure I agree with all of these, but as I said, I'm not against the idea at all, there were just other priorities. We'll likely do exactly this at the end of Summer.

Right now, we have a research action which is just talking to our Slavic Retainers - which is not a bad idea on the face of it kinda seems to stretch the definition of "research" to heroic levels to me.

Th actual research action is learning the language. Asking if they're having problems is a side note because logically, if learning the language, there's an opportunity for that. It's not actually something Research is being spent on.

Well, partly that it's cool, but I also have a vague idea for a kind of super-finale where we fly into orbit and draw energy from the sun, then fly down to earth like a meteor and deliver all our momentum/charged up energy. But mostly that it's cool. However, I can see the actions this turn are a bit tight, so it's not urgent.

Fair enough, but yeah, things are a tad tight.

If we're investigating, we probably want to mention Odr here, too, unless it was confirmed that this is non-viable?

IF stated on Discord that the Orthstirr version was the one that would work best as the sacrifice was most appropriate. I definitely should've mentioned that (see my previous statement about posting the plan in a slight rush).

Alright, I'm going to need some dice for the Eyvor + Asgeirr tafl rolls.

I'm also going to need 4 rolls for crafting (30 dice each) and 4 rolls for runework (also 30 dice each).

I'll roll for Eyvor. EDIT: And not today.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Eyvor Total: 3
3 3
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Alright, I'll also do the first crafting roll.

EDIT: 30 successes on the dice on crafting. So, like, around 50 total. Definitely Wondrous. The runes are 21 successes on the dice so 'only' in the 40s. Still also Wondrous.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 33
1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 4 4
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 38
1 1 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 1 1 3 3 3 3
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 37
5 5 3 3 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 5 5 5 5
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 3-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Runes Total: 39
2 2 5 5 1 1 4 4 6 6 1 1 5 5 6 6 3 3 6 6
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Runes Total: 22
4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 5 5 1 1 3 3 1 1
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Runes Total: 36
3 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 1 6 6 3 3 5 5
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Runes Sundersight Total: 3
3 3
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Oshha threw 11 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 41
5 5 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 5 5 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 3
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 35
6 6 3 3 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 4 4
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 27
1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 5 5 2 2
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Runework Total: 43
3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 1 1 6 6 5 5 6 6
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Runework Total: 50
6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Runework Total: 36
6 6 2 2 5 5 4 4 5 5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4
@Imperial Fister

Can the dwarves provide advice on Halla's crafting projects (such as the physical side of making Norsely Plate)? I know they're forbidden from sharing Dwarven blueprints, but can the advise on a human blueprint to improve it?

I'm willing to spend a reward die on this.
@Imperial Fister

Can the dwarves provide advice on Halla's crafting projects (such as the physical side of making Norsely Plate)? I know they're forbidden from sharing Dwarven blueprints, but can the advise on a human blueprint to improve it?

I'm willing to spend a reward die on this.
I'll say that they can, but only because it's never been tried before.


Also, you folks can stop rolling now for this update
Is this ominous? I can't tell.
Nah, I just got bored of waiting for you to roll the dice for crafting. I'm not admonishing you folks or anything, to be clear, as you've all got lives beyond NorseQuest the same as me, but I will reserve the right to just go ahead if it takes too long.

Anyways, here's the miscellaneous stuff for the turn.



Amongst the swirling snowflakes of a field covered in a blanket of cold white, you breathe deep of the lungs-chilling air as your eyes close to darkness. In through the nostrils, out through the mouth. Over and over again you repeat this breathing pattern as you struggle to master your ever-working thoughts.

For the briefest of moments, your mind settles like an ocean at calm before the storm. For a heart's flickering beat, a whisper caresses the edge of your ear.

A set of triplets that stood since the very beginning of it all. The three that make up each and every thing both living and not and all that exist in between. A trio called Cause, Action, and Effect.

For the briefest of moments, your mind settles like an ocean at calm before the storm. For a heart's flickering beat, a whisper caresses the edge of your ear. For less time than a mind has to think, that eternal trio becomes one.

One line, there isn't.

The next, there is.

Where once was nothing but endless white now stands, from start to finish, the entire sword swing in all its untold glory. In a single, infinitely short length of time, Burning Caress(Halla Sunshine) decided intent, moved to strike, and left the mark of the crescent moon upon the snow.

And then the spell leaves and you collapse like a discarded rag doll. Limbs bereft of strength have no chance to stop your nor your sword's descent to the ground. The cold kiss of snow caresses your cheek as all you can do is breathe.

In and out. Over and over again. Until you regain your strength.

(3 out of ??? Progress to learning Vestige: Sword-Stepping!)
Slav Stuff
You progress with your studies and teaching of Slavic and Norse, respectively.

None of your Slavic retainers seem to have much in the way of troubles, though the young girl, Lata, was last seen gazing wistfully in the direction of one of your huscarls—a certain Stigmar, to be specific.


--[X] Continue adding animals to our soulscape to make a working ecosystem, focusing more on wild animals this time – 1 Research
Sword Stepping
~Detailed Above~

Odin Armor possible effects
Together with Sten, you comb through all the stories you know of the Allfather. In doing so, you collect a list of possible ways armor of Odin could strengthen you.
-Magic? Seidr and/or Skaldic?
-Intelligence and/or wisdom?
-General combat? What would that even look like?

Examining Bolt Thrower
"It seems to have some kind of locking mechanism," Sten points out as he draws the cord back, a sharp click signaling as it's locked in place.

"Yeah, there's a lever on the bottom," you prod a finger at said lever, "that you pull to loose."

Sten does exactly that, the bolt thrower jumping in his hands as his brows shoot high on his head. "Very interesting," he mutters as he gropes around for a roll of sheepskin. Unfurling it across a table, he calls a piece of charcoal to his hand with a flick of the wrist before starting in on a sketch, "This seems simple enough, I reckon I can make one just like it if you give me a few weeks."

Rewrite Puncture + Sharpen

Hey everyone, IF here. While this idea of yours would work, it wouldn't be very fun for me as the QM so I'm going to have to veto it. I'll refund you the research as compensation.

Making Stuff. I decided to just call it Wondrous because I got tired of waiting
Wondrous Dusty Iron Sword for Magni
-Courage boosting experience
-Crowfeeder's runes
-speed increasing runes

Wondrous Molten Iron Sword for Alvis
-Courage boosting experience
-Crowfeeder's runes
-speed increasing runes

Wondrous Storm Iron Sword for Ingolf
-Courage boosting experience
-Crowfeeder's runes
-speed increasing runes

Wondrous Dusty Iron Sword for Kurt
-Courage boosting experience
-Crowfeeder's runes
-speed increasing runes
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Nah, I just got bored of waiting for you to roll the dice for crafting. I'm not admonishing you folks or anything, to be clear, as you've all got lives beyond NorseQuest the same as me, but I will reserve the right to just go ahead if it takes too long.

Totally fair.

(3 out of ??? Progress to learning Vestige: Sword-Stepping!)

Huh. So do we increase this further with xp? Or Research? Or what? Just, like, structurally.

None of your Slavic retainers seem to have much in the way of troubles, though the young girl, Lata, was last seen gazing wistfully in the direction of one of your huscarls—a certain Stigmar, to be specific.

Hopefully she's worthy of Stigmar (though that's really up to him, in the end). We'll have to keep an eye on this situation and see how it goes.

Hey everyone, IF here. While this idea of yours would work, it wouldn't be very fun for me as the QM so I'm going to have to veto it. I'll refund you the research as compensation.

Also totally fair.
Which idea is getting vetoed?

A Puncture/Sharpen Alloy using a Rewrite to allow free Puncture on all Sharpened attacks while still being able to use Puncture on other stuff.

Not the most broken idea we've come up with for Rewrite Alloy stuff (that would be Contested Movement + Defend to make it count as Basic and thus triple its dice result.)...just the most broken one that seemed to me like it might get approved.
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Hey, @DeadmanwalkingXI , @Imperial Fister , would you both be amenable about replacing that research option with my idea about exploring using our Soulhome as storage? I suggested it but got rebuffed because the rewrites were about to expire, so...

I'm certainly down with that. The difference between doing that now or with our free refunded Research next turn is probably academic, though.
Or we can make those slots do Other Things instead of pure maintenence, the point is that if we've got power on the table, we should go for it.

Why are you even pushing back on me on this?

Those slots are in our fylgja...the ability to do other stuff with them is thus limited. And I'm honestly fine either way, I just don't feel it's super urgent...that's all I was saying.
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Alright so on the topic of Norsely plate, I brought up in the discord a great, 100% good, awesome and not at all terrifying plan;

A Surtr Armor.

Made entirely of Molten Iron.

Channel the fires of musphelheim and the end of all things (and the birth of the new but shh), bear the name of the Bringer of Ragnarok, and the power that will destroy the gods.

And put that power towards killing Drysalt.
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