(3 out of ??? Progress to learning Vestige: Sword-Stepping!)
Vestige. And sword stepping is just one part of it....
@Imperial Fister Hey Blackhand, i remember you don't recall much about martial styles, but did swordstep remind you of anything?
The fact that the word Vestige is somehow there.... just what other remnants could float around... and what are they a part of?
This really wants me to push more for an Style built on Charred Soul...
Is sword-stepping just another "so good its usable by everyone" tech of another style? just people forgot what the style is?
Together with Sten, you comb through all the stories you know of the Allfather. In doing so, you collect a list of possible ways armor of Odin could strengthen you.
So the plates and their abilities are kind of color coded huh?
Nordic Sentai/Kamen/Power Rangers when?
Joke aside, if its only about calling on someone for aid, we could, in theory, use anyone that has stories circulating about them. Like our ancestors, for example.
Hey everyone, IF here. While this idea of yours would work, it wouldn't be very fun for me as the QM so I'm going to have to veto it. I'll refund you the research as compensation.
Just asking to be sure, but can it still be done as a one of, instead of a constant one? Like how Hooknails made puncture apply to his every attack, could we put puncture on a single shaprened attack? We currently, do not have the "Spear Volley" attack that Hooknails did, but if we pick up something similar, could we use two rewrite to have them all sharpened and have puncture applied on them?
Those slots are in our fylgja...the ability to do other stuff with them is thus limited. And I'm honestly fine either way, I just don't feel it's super urgent...that's all I was saying.
Neither was the thrower. its also just an okay one and we do not need to be able to reproduce it to put runes on it and the bow part should be easy enough to replace as is.
And put that power towards killing Drysalt.
Weren't we told that nothing made in/from Midgard can kill him?