Thinking about it, I'm like 95% sure we refresh our Rewrites this turn, which means we need to use a Rewrite or it goes to waste, and we really want a Contested Movement/Stoker State Alloy that allows Contested Movement to count as a Stoker State Trick for Stoked Pool, so I added that to the plan instead of info on Kare. I'll swap it out for something else if it turns out this isn't when our Rewrites refresh, but I'm pretty much positive it is.
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Is not Kurt suffering from Nidheart?

He is. But the natural kind where he has combat related trauma, not the magically enforced kind. I have to think that, if he's ever to get over that, sparring in a relatively safe environment is gonna be helpful rather than harmful.

And he does need to work on getting over it. The world is dangerous and he can't count on never fighting again.
Man I fucking love that it's actually just called the Thing. Like, that's the name! It's like having the actual technical term for something as 'doodad'. It's incredible.
I may have said this before, but the Norwegian Parliament is still called the Storting.

"Stor" simply means "Big". The highest-ranking body of governance is the Big Thing. :D (If you want to sound slightly more formal, you could translate it "Great Thing".)
It rules over lower courts like Gulating, the Yellow Thing, and Frostating, the Frozen Thing. (Since the name developed before the separation of powers, the Big Thing is a legislature, the smaller Things are regional judiciaries.)
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Thinking about it, I'm like 95% sure we refresh our Rewrites this turn, which means we need to use a Rewrite or it goes to waste, and we really want a Contested Movement/Stoker State Alloy that allows Contested Movement to count as a Stoker State Trick for Stoked Pool, so I added that to the plan instead of info on Kare. I'll swap it out for something else if it turns out this isn't when our Rewrites refresh, but I'm pretty much positive it is.
don't we have something like that with Stand still already?
Hey Halla,

1) What does the Gate/Lock look like, aesthetically? Is it made of Wood? Stone? Iron? Plant matter? Does it have engravings? Is it decorated?
2) Did Solrun ever tell you how she got her Odr supply for spirit bargaining/seidr usage?
3) Does Abjorn now have a Spotlight Effect?
4) Can you now discuss Odr details with Abjorn?


Some thoughts:

Fylgja Popularization

I think the biggest impact from Halla's life to NQHistory, aside from The Book and whatever we achieve with Drysalt, might well be popularizing Fylgjur unveiling. IIRC IF said Fylgja was super rare (at times 1~2%, whoever had Seeing Eyes, to 1/1000), to something much more common (~1/5), which can be laid essentially at our feet. Consider the impact of Fylgja Unveiling being popular:

Even more eccentric Norsemen
- More kennings!
- Being weird and strange will be considered 'normal' for a Norseperson.
- Norsemen are more inherently specialized.

Stronger Norsemen (overall)
- Viking age will be extended a bit as more raiding expeditions will be successful.

Fylgjur of Holding
- Varangians just got more expensive, people.
- Viking raids loot even more when Norsemen can carry (Fylgja+1)x Strength in Loot!
- Remember that Whalefall? Imagine if our Crew of (20?) could each carry 25 Food in boxes or something. We could have looted 500 extra food!
- Logistics baby, vikings win logistics now.

Of course, because Fylgjur resemble normal animals, and you don't want to accidentally murder your friend because you saw a wolf or something, this will also have a (in my opinion) highly beneficial side effect, namely Fylgja Fashion. If having a spirit animal is all the rage now, and your Fylgja are you, it follows that it is appropriately Norsely to play dress-up with your Fylgja. This solves mistaken identification, but more importantly consider. Consider the possibilities. There is so much decorative potential!

Fylgja Fashion
- Dress-up animals everywhere. Norsemen want to look pretty, and Fylgja are them so..
- Completely unknown effects.
- Non-Norsemen even more confused

(Also, if Fylgja Unveiling is common, we might get more women warriors simply as a result of women getting wolf meaning they are obviously a warrior. Can't prove things more than that. Of course, there are negatives.. like if you get an unfortunate animal.)

Regular Sparring/Teaching

I think every other culture are going to be morbidly horrified if Halla's sparring ideas become commonplace across Norse culture. Just.. consider. Arnfinns could become the standard. Norse powerlevels could be accelerated by like 3~9 years, depending. This could have substantial effects on Norse Culture as well:

Even More Communal
- Yes. Getting stronger means having a good relationship to people who are doing regular sparring. Norse Culture is communal, but.. you know...

Even More Viking
- Look at the combat benchmarks for the average Norseman. Move Age 16 to 12, Age 20 to 16. Consider the impact on raids. Consider the knock-on effects. It will be exciting.


True to form, I don't think we set out to reshape Norse Culture specifically with the above two, but Halla may well be an inciting factor for some potentially dramatic changes.

You could say she's Igniting things.


NQ Dinosaurs : Our power and knowledge exceeded our wisdom.. in the end, it was us who were our own undoing. No meteor guys, it was dinosaurs nuking everything and each other to ash in World War Dinosaur.


I think the Nornir are the embodiment of the Written World/Norse Beliefs. Jotnar and Aesir are pretty explicitly gods who are 'merely' good at something, not an embodiment. But The Nornir.. there's no replacement for them. They just are. Perhaps because the (proto?)Norse created them.
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Yeah, being able to specify the amount of Stoked Dice we spend rather than it being all-or-nothing would be really handy.

By the way, @Imperial Fister, how big is our Soulscape now? Apologies if you answered this before, I'm just trying to picture it. Is it like, comparable to the size of the Hading, or more comparable to the size of Agder itself?

Although I suppose our Soulscape now contains a replica of the entire island of Gotland, which in real life has a land area of 3,184 km². (Not including the surrounding sea.) Given that our Soulscape was not described as being utterly dwarfed in size by this addition, that implies it has to be at least as big again, quite probably several as big. So our soulscape probably has a land area in the high thousands up to the low tens of thousands of square kilometres?

That would put it somewhere around the same size as Wales, or at least a significant fraction of Wales, which is pretty nuts to imagine. But please let me know if I've gotten something wrong here.
Is this in fact the last turn before our Rewrites refresh? I'm assuming yes, but it does effect a choice on one Research thing if it's not.
You'll get them back at the end of this turn.


Anyways, sorry for being late. I got distracted taking out a Cuman camp in KCD when I was way underlevelled for it.

Voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Dec 29, 2023 at 4:48 PM, finished with 56 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fylgja Reveals
    -[X] Free Action: Deliver messages securely to both Corpsemaker and Dorri informing them that Skavidr is a spy, likely from Rogaland. In both cases apologize and note that the other also needed to be informed.
    -[X] [X] Learn Latin from Brother Bartholomew x2
    --[X] See if we can get to know him as a person during this time
    -[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
    --[X] Our Family and Retainers
    --[X] Get to know the new retainers a little, help everyone settle in, reveal Fylgjas for all adults using Norse cultivation that so desire (including Haydis, Asva, Jordan, and Stigrun)
    -[X] [Travel] Surveillance
    --[X] Use the box of bees and its bee-spirits to put together a 24/7 spying operation on Dorri, his immediate family, and retainers. Focus less on trying to breach whatever spells he has up - that will only risk drawing attention and be unlikely to work - and more on building a picture of their movements. They can't ward themselves in public, not easily or completely.
    ---[X] The plan here is introduce ourselves and negotiate with the bees if possible rather than compelling them.
    --[X] We will use Dressed in Rags and mundane Stealth (including enhancing it with shapeshifting), via our fylgja when appropriate, to also surveil Dorri ourselves when it seems unlikely to get us caught, leaving out additional bees in any unusual locations he seems to frequent.
    --[X] When bee-based surveillance starts to put together a picture of where he might be meeting Drysalt or what is otherwise the most important place, go in person. Try and record an Experience, as this will be unimpeachable court testimony.
    -[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
    --[X] The coast!
    ---[X] (Optional) Send your fylgja in your place (Does not cost an action)
    -[X] Special Note: On all Crafting add the following if possible unless otherwise specified:
    --[X] For metal items have Heat Hold available just in case
    --[X] Using Sundersight (+1d3 Successes)
    --[X] Burning Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (for +1 Success each, +3 successes total) to enhance the crafting process
    -[X] (Research)
    --[X] Invite Kurt to join in the communal sparring, also try and find out more about him if possible – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and find out more about Vagn Wheel-Drifter – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and find out how Dorri Rattlespear actually fights. A spear is likely involved and he has a Ring style involving crushing planes of force, but what else has he got? – 1 Research
    --[X] Try feeding various tomvaettir in our soul things that are not traditionally foods (rocks, wood, iron, and so on) and see if that works similarly to feeding them different varieties of food – 1 Research
    --[X] Try and experiment with using Flamecalling and Unleash Inferno as a power source for our Flame-Tending Blade and Thermic Reckoning. See if we can use flame to fuel these techniques in the same way we have already discovered we can with Stoked Dice, which would hopefully work even against people with better firestorm. We will practice on a deserted beach with no extraneous flammables, and shoot all fire over the sea. (+1 Reward Dice - courtesy of @Skippy ) – 1 Research
    --[X] Right before our Rewrites refresh for the new season (and not before that) Alloy Stoker State and Contested Movement using a Rewrite to force our new alloy to allow Contested Movement to count as a Stoker State Trick for purposes of using only part of the Stoked Pool (allowing us to add only a few dice to it if we so desire) – 1 Research
    -[X] (Training) Hugr (255 xp to rank up)
    --[X] Train Sparkbomb 72xp (18xp)
    --[X] Train the lesser version of Time Stands Still we figured out the principle behind (Stutter Step? Temporal Step?) 4 xp (2xp)
    -[X] (Training) Fylga (320 xp to rank up)
    --[X] Train Fylgja itself 140 xp (70xp)
    -[X] (Work Dice Usage)
    --[X] Buildings, Resources, and Livestock: Storage 1, Resources Goods 0, Resources Silver 4, Livestock Goods 0, otherwise maxed out (60 Total)
    --[X] Crafting: Create two Superior Mail Shirts for Dorri's Deal, Create 2 Grand Forged Iron Plows, 2 Grand Forged Iron Scythes, 1 Grand Forged Iron Wood Axe, 1 Grand Forged Iron Pot, 2 Grand Forged Iron Work Knives (48 Total)
    --[X] Construction: Complete two levels of Living Space 48, Complete Workshop 23 (71 Total),
    -[X] (Incidentals)
    --[X] Adding Taafl Board Capacity Gains to: Asgeirr, Eyvor,
    --[X] Receiving Metal from Dwarves: 24 oz Forged Iron, 2 oz Icy Iron, 4 oz Molten Iron,
    -[X] (Capacity Slots)
    --[X] Assign Eyeshine Blind, unassign Sailwind
    -[X] (Alloy Slots)
    --[X] Unassign Fight of Our Lives, assign our new Alloy (from Research above)
    -[X] (Shapeshifting Slots)
    --[X] Unassign all slots other than Improved Attractiveness and Reduced Sleep, assign Reduced Sleep x6 (total)
    -[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
    --[X] Assign 3 Emberwind Level to Dice
    -[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
    --[X] Unassign Sparkbomb, assign Cool Off
    -[X] (Standing Orders)
    --[X] Add a Standing Order for our Fylgja to use Cool Off if we experience any sudden flashes of anger.
Note from IF on Discord:

We were out of Travel actions for this season, so the surveillance (which would indeed qualify) won't be happening this turn. We'll get a bonus action next turn to make up for it. My bad for not realizing that when it was proposed (it didn't slot in as 'travel' in my head).

Also, d6 roll for Eyvor:
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Eyvor Total: 2
2 2
Alright, I'm probably going to transition fully to the every-other-day posting schedule because that just works better for me. First day is spent plotting and writing while the next is writing and finishing things up.

As a result, there won't be an update today, but I'll go ahead and give you folks your information gathering research actions as a teaser.

Gathering info on Kurt Frogtongue
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, Kurt Frogtongue—second son of Faxi Bushybrows, himself the grandson of the legendary Mark Wolfbane, who slew a Fenriskin in single combat at Kinsvbjury in Geatland—was rather popular with the womenfolk in his early manhood before he married Haydis. Given the source of his kenning, there's little wonder why, exactly, he was so popular.

Of course, jealous suitors and angry menfolk put a stop to that quickly by challenging Kurt to a holmgang. Kurt Frogtongue, though far from a renowned fighter, is anything but a coward. But when he showed up to the isle with weapons and courage, there was no one there to meet him as his opponents had gotten rather drunk the night before on pre-celebratory brews. In a show of magnanimity, Kurt offered to keep the whole thing on the downlow by not mentioning any names in the retelling of the story as long as the menfolk forgot about his popularity with their women. With little other choice, they accepted, and, as a consequence, Kurt found himself married to Haydis Slipshoe.

Kurt Frogtongue also has something of a talent for cobblery and even made a pair of shoes for Dorri Rattlespear! It is said that he won the heart of fair Haydis by solving the problem she had with her shoes. No matter how well she tied the laces, her shoes kept slipping off her feet! As it turned out, there was a problem with how the heel gripped her foot and, in tightening that, Kurt solved Haydis' legendary affliction in one fell swoop.

(Kurt provides +1 XP from sparring)
Gathering info on Vagn Wheel-Drifter
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, Vagn Wheel-Drifter—eldest son of Jorm Snowsling, himself the eldest son of Vagn Tallsails—has only one love in his life. Having never taken a woman of any sort, it seems that Vagn gets his fill from the simple act of going ever-faster.

Having been born beyond the Hading Valley, the exploits of his early life are few and far between. Nevertheless, he's let slip some facts about himself after a few drinks. Vagn is not the type to settle down anywhere for long. He quickly grows tired of the same old roads and the same old scenery. Never has he lingered in any one place for more than five years and he is quite eager to get on his way once the shine wears off from his surroundings.

He's bold and ferocious in battle, but has had a rather unfortunate streak of bad luck when it comes to his most recent opponents. With his poor showings fresh on folks' minds, few are willing to linger around the man for fear of his bad luck rubbing off on them.

Gathering info on Dorri Rattlespear - Focus: Fighting Style
According to stories, gossip, and rumors, Dorri Rattlespear is a force to be reckoned with. Capable of laying waste to entire regions on his lonesome, he is a fearsome foe that must be carefully planned around no matter the scheme, for making a foe of him could be disastrous for any plot.

Dorri Rattlespear is said to wield the Realized spear Starshine, a weapon with an edge of Shivering Iron passed down to him through generations. Decorated with dangling rings of red gold, the spear rattles and jangles as it does its dread work. Though Starshine certainly had a hand in how Dorri acquired his kenning, it is far from the only reason behind the name Rattlespear.

Dorri Rattlespear has three combat hugareida, one of which he is said to be a master of. The first is none other than dread Earthquake. A master in its usage, he once forced the walls of a fortress to collapse in on itself during the Riot Wars. He also bears Landslide—an Earth Hugareida—and Acceleration.

Dorri Rattlespear has two Martial Styles, Mirror Waltz and Crushing-Crevice. Mirror Waltz, the landmark style of Kyrsvikingar, involves bouncing hugareida and other attacks at the source, scaling off the strength of the attack. Crushing-Crevice, however, is a ring style currently in the possession of Dorri himself. It is said that he's done little to help spread the usage of it, allowing it to slowly fade out of public perception. Whether that's because he has some issue with it or not is unclear.

Whenever he takes to the battlefield, it is best to stay out of his way as he lays low whole swathes of the enemy. Credited with over three hundred kills, he is death on legs and any warrior should think twice before challenging a master like him.

He fights with shield and spear, a master of offense and defense fully capable of swapping between the two on the fly. With a wicked intelligence and sharp eyes, it is said that though he is a beast of combat, his greatest strength lies in his ability to read his foes and develop counter-strategies with seaming ease.

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Kurt's backstory is amazing. I love it. Great stuff, no notes, I'm so happy we've recruited him.

Vagn is, I suspect, gay. Could be he's not but at least one previous conversation implied that Abjorn could smell a lover on him, and that they wouldn't be approved of societally. Add in the 'not interested in women' and, well. Him taking off would suck, but if he is gay, his current love interest may keep him around?

Dorri's abilities are at the level we expected, but the specifics are very good to know. Earth-based stuff and Acceleration is a nasty combo, and more info on Mirror Waltz is very handy (we don't want to use Sunfire on him if he can just turn it back on us, for instance).
I'll need a Silver-Tongue roll (21 dice, correct?) which is at a -12 challenge. I'll also need a Hamingja roll (30 dice) for your adventuring.
I'll need a Silver-Tongue roll (21 dice, correct?) which is at a -12 challenge. I'll also need a Hamingja roll (30 dice) for your adventuring.

We'd definitely spend 6 Odr on the Silver-Tongue roll given that difficulty. I'll roll it.

Alright. That's 15 rolled successes. +6 from Odr and -12 makes for 9. Upped to 11 if Beautiful and Friendly apply...if it's at 10 (from, say, just Friendly) and 11+ would make a difference we'd likely spend a Reward Die.

So...what are we at total? Would a Reward die be super relevant?
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Silver-Tongue Total: 41
4 4 6 6 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 9 6-faced dice. Reason: Silver-Tongue Total: 31
1 1 5 5 3 3 2 2 5 5 3 3 5 5 1 1 6 6
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Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 45
5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 2 2 6 6 4 4 5 5 4 4
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 25
5 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 5 5 2 2 3 3 1 1
Oshha threw 10 6-faced dice. Total: 34
4 4 1 1 6 6 3 3 6 6 4 4 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4
Okay, so that makes for 11 on the Silver-Tongue including the Reward Die and 20 on the Hamingja. Someone could spend a Reward Die and get us to 21 there as well.
Vagn is, I suspect, gay. Could be he's not but at least one previous conversation implied that Abjorn could smell a lover on him, and that they wouldn't be approved of societally. Add in the 'not interested in women' and, well. Him taking off would suck, but if he is gay, his current love interest may keep him around?
Or perhaps asexual. Who needs sex when you can zoom around on big wheel?