Gotland Calls | Denmark Final
[X] Listen to the local Skalds, learn what news there is in Denmark

"King Harthacnut and King Sigtrygg are fighting once more!" One of the skalds—an older man with big bushy brows—calls out for the gathered crowd. "Harthacnut means to put an end to Sigtrygg and begs the aid of all able-bodied men willing to take up arms in his name! Gold and glory await you, Danes, for the Svear shall rule us no longer!"

It seems that Denmark is currently in the midst of a civil war between a 'King Harthacnut' and a 'King Sigtrygg.' Last you heard, the king of Denmark was Sigtrygg, but perhaps that will change in the future?

Regardless, this instability will provide any opportunistic men a chance to ravage the lands free of reprisal. Perhaps you should get in on that while you still can? Not necessarily through raiding, either, you can surely find great wealth in the service of one king or the other!

Besides, even if you're not interested, there will likely be some folks back home who'd jump at the chance to fight for one king or the other... Lets just hope that no feuds spring up as a result, it'd be rather irritating having to navigate that.

No matter your decision on the matter, it's time to get a move on. Gotland calls!

What do you do along the way?
Current Destination:
[ ] Gotland (11 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 55% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Uppsala (15 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 75% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Bornholm (7 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 35% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Skane (5 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 25% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Wolin (5 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 25% risk of suffering bad luck)
Personal (Pick equal to days spent traveling)
[ ] Talk to a Crewmember
-[ ] Write in who and about what
[ ] Pay Close Attention to a Crewmember
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Craft or Repair
-[ ] Write in
Training (You get 30 XP per day spent traveling)
[ ] Training
-[ ] Write in
Nighttime (Number of Nights equal to days spent traveling)
[ ] Write in how many nights are spent in each
-[ ] Put to shore (+5% bad luck per night spent sleeping ashore)
-[ ] Lodge with local landowners (Silver-Tongue Check, -1 Success for every 10 crew you have, +1 Morale)
-[ ] Sleep on the ship (No XP per night spent sleeping aboard the ship)

AN: Not much to say here

25-minute moratorium.
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regardless we probably wanna talk to them. even without Steinnar death and the shock of that, we haven't seen Asva in some time and we just made up shortly before she left.

rest Im not sure about. maybe make some clay? or spend time with the kids/expanded family?
[ ] Gotland (11 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 55% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Uppsala (15 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 75% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Bornholm (7 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 35% risk of suffering bad luck)
[ ] Skane (5 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 25% risk of suffering bad luck)

So, thinking about it, where's the side quest we took located? Can we get a map location?

I think it sounded nearby but I'm not clear. Skane is closest and we could go there, drop off just enough weight to go a little faster, head to Bornholm, then Gotland then Uppsala, but where in there do we go find Johannes' money?

Which location do we go to for that?
No matter your decision on the matter, it's time to get a move on. Gotland calls!

How soon do we need to head off to look for that missing thrall for Johannes? Is it fine to leave it until after Gotland?

So, thinking about it, where's the side quest we took located? Can we get a map location?

Our lead is Wolina, which is on the continent in modern day Poland.

"Speaking of your shipment," you say, clearing your throat, "do you have any idea where it could've gone?"

He snorts as the requested thrall tops off both his and your own cups, "I had runes of tracking placed upon the Sea-Snake, the ship my associates were using, and the last location that it gave me was in Wolinia, on the continent proper. I'll send a man who knows the way with you." He waves one of his guards over, "This is Haggar Worm, he's fought the Vends many-a-time and will be able to guide you to where the Sea-Snake was last seen."

Haggar Worm is a gruff man with a thin, lengthy nose. He doesn't seem especially pleased to be given this task, but offers no complaints. He offers a hand, which you take, "Haggar Worm."

"Halla Sunshine," you return his greeting before turning back to the conversation at hand. "I'll be sure to get your money back, Johannes."

Johannes smiles, "I expect nothing less from the great Halla Sunshine."
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So, thinking about it, where's the side quest we took located? Can we get a map location?
Forgot, I'll mark it down
How soon do we need to head off to look for that missing thrall for Johannes? Is it fine to leave it until after Gotland?
You can do it whenever, as long as it's done on voyage
Our lead is Wolina, which is on the continent in modern day Poland.
For the record, I'm referring to the isle of Wolin


Voting is now open
Alright, so, I think we need to go to Skane to tell our more extended family the news. Unlike Asva I dunno if we're giving them rides, but they deserve to be informed. It also lets us maybe drop off a bit of cargo and speed up the trip going forward...particularly the side trip to Wolin, where we may well pick up loot...maybe even next leg of the journey? I'm not entirely clear on the relationship between Skane and Wolin in terms of location. I was tempted to suggest just doing Wolin first and getting it out of the way but with nowhere to store any loot...

For training, with these times (even if we reduce them) we should definitely have time to get Hugr 11, Fylgja 10, and maybe Hamr 10 as well...if we focus. As things stand, we can only get one stat-up on this leg of things (in either Fylgja or Hugr) and Hugr is more immediately useful.

[X] Plan Family Commitments
-[X] Skane (5 Days, travel time increased from extra weight, 25% risk of suffering bad luck)
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (1)
--[X] Asva (and probably Jordan, we're not trying to exclude him)
--[X] Catch up a bit, see what her/their intentions are in terms of future plans
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (2)
--[X] Haggar Worm
--[X] Ask about what the Slavs are like, particularly cultivation and fighting style
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (3)
--[X] Heima Smiles
--[X] Talk to him about how his time/space related thing works, if he's willing to discuss it. We think we've stumbled onto something odd and wonder if it's related.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (4)
--[X] Gunne Warstalker
--[X] Get to know him and sound him out about his future plans with an eye towards potential recruitment if that's possible (if he has a settled situation, that's fine, we're just investigating)
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (5)
--[X] Skavidr Skatasson
--[X] Again, get to know him and sound him out about his future plans with an eye towards potential recruitment if that's possible (if he has a settled situation, that's fine, we're just investigating)

-[X] Write in how many nights are spent in each
--[X] Lodge with local landowners (Silver-Tongue Check, -1 Success for every 10 crew you have, +1 Morale)
--[X] All five nights
--[X] Spend 3 Odr on each Silver-Tongue check

-[X](Training) Hugr (254 xp to rank up)
--[X]Train Hugr Itself 254 xp (127 xp)

-[X](Training) Fylga (54 xp to rank up)
--[X]Train Fylgja itself 46 xp (23xp)

-[X](Capacity Slots)
--[X]Assign Unleash Inferno and Sailwind
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Definitely think checking in with Asva and possibly Jordan should be a priority. Maybe introduce the Asveigs.

[X] Plan Family Commitments

For later plans it might be worth trying to recruit Adalsteinn. He might be a bastard child with few commitments.
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Definitely think checking in with Asva and possibly Jordan should be a priority. Maybe introduce the Asveigs.

Talking with Asva is very much in my plan, though introducing the kids is less explicit, I admit.

For later plans it might be worth trying to recruit Adalsteinn. He might be a bastard child with few commitments.

Adalsteinn is next on the list. With a lack of better ideas my current plan for recruitment targets is just to work down the list from top to bottom focusing on newcomers and people who have a specific reason to owe Halla (like Gorm Bloodslick).
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The more days traveled the better our growth! Plan Always be full of cargo works!

There is the issue with Wolin and not having room for loot. Still, going Skane -> Bornholm -> Gotland -> Uppsala at full cargo, selling the healing and cooling clay there and then not filling up completely, then doing Uppsala -> Wolin at less than full then going Wolin -> Denmark -> Home after filling up in either Wolin or Denmark is pretty defensible.

I worry a little about how long that takes, but we'll look at the numbers and see.
There is the issue with Wolin and not having room for loot. Still, going Skane -> Bornholm -> Gotland -> Uppsala at full cargo, selling the healing and cooling clay there and then not filling up completely, then doing Uppsala -> Wolin at less than full then going Wolin -> Denmark -> Home after filling up in either Wolin or Denmark is pretty defensible.

I worry a little about how long that takes, but we'll look at the numbers and see.

I mean i'd be fine selling stuff at Skane, and leaving some room to go to Wolin and get Loot from murdering adventuring, to fill up the hold again. It just seems efficient to make the trip take longer, if there's no real time limit.
I mean i'd be fine selling stuff at Skane, and leaving some room to go to Wolin and get Loot from murdering adventuring, to fill up the hold again. It just seems efficient to make the trip take longer, if there's no real time limit.

There is a time limit of the turn ending and going into next turn. It's not super precisely defined, but we can't take forever without consequence. That said, anything up to about a month is probably fine. We do also have our kids with us, which inclines me to want to slightly reduce our chances of events and encounters if possible, though more time to gain xp is certainly good, it's true.
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Plan seems solid.

[X] Plan Family Commitments

Alright, so, I think we need to go to Skane to tell our more extended family the news. Unlike Asva I dunno if we're giving them rides, but they deserve to be informed. It also lets us maybe drop off a bit of cargo and speed up the trip going forward...particularly the side trip to Wolin, where we may well pick up loot...maybe even next leg of the journey? I'm not entirely clear on the relationship between Skane and Wolin in terms of location. I was tempted to suggest just doing Wolin first and getting it out of the way but with nowhere to store any loot...

They're both fairly close to Bornholm, assuming that Skane is synonymous with the IRL southernmost region of Sweden.

Here's a map I made:


Assuming we want to visit all three, then our quickest route might be to go directly to Wolin, then Bornholm, then Skane, then up the coast to Uppsala and Sweden, as this involves the least backtracking. But it's not a huge difference either way.

Hey Sten.

You know back with the Troll on dad's farm, you said you sent messengers to me. Were they, like, Finnish wizardry kind of messengers, or like, normal kind of messengers?
Assuming we want to visit all three, then our quickest route might be to go directly to Wolin, then Bornholm, then Skane, then up the coast to Uppsala and Sweden, as this involves the least backtracking. But it's not a huge difference either way.

It's an option, yeah. Skane -> Wolin -> Bornholm is also valid, though the 'hit Wolin on the way back' plan also seems possible. The prices for selling clay in Skane are almost certainly worse than those in Uppsala, after all.

And I would've gone Wolin first but then we don't have cargo space for any loot, which seems like a bad plan. I don't necessarily imagine vast piles of loot, but I also don't imagine there'll be none. Doing that bit on the way home also lessens chances of reprisals somewhat, which isn't nothing. Hmmm.
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