🤔 Fylgjur can evolve to gain new properties as they improve. In the counterfactual where Asgeirr does convert, it's plausible that his fylgja will evolve into a Wolf of God, which might supplement his lack of Pneuma in allowing him to receive Grace? Even then it probably wouldn't be as good as having a proper Pneuma stat, but in combination with having a pool of orthstirr to go along with it, and maybe also eventually unlocking Odr, it might be enough to put him on par with other cultivators.
HE cant have Odr and Zeal though. You can have several external resources like orthstirr and fervor, but knlt one internal resource. Sten for example can never have Odr
HE cant have Odr and Zeal though. You can have several external resources like orthstirr and fervor, but knlt one internal resource. Sten for example can never have Odr
Okay? I don't see how that's relevant to this counterfactual. I'm assuming that he'd have Orthstirr, Fervor (mostly brought to him by this hypothetical Wolf of God fylgja), and maybe Odr if he reads and understands the Hallamal. I guess he might develop Zeal instead of Odr, if he does end up squiring for Gabriel? But I'm not sure how he'd develop it otherwise.
Gotland Calls | Preparation 2
[X] Plan Bring Everyone
-[X] Bring everyone who showed up.
-[X] Of our own people, Kurt and Haydis are staying home to take care of things on the farm (with a request from us for Halfdan to look in occasionally), we bring the rest.
What's Available? (Hamingja: 16) 16 Successes
While your entire extended family—those that live in the Hading Valley, at least—board the Wavedancer alongside the expanded crew you've taken on, you find yourself looking around for trade goods to bring along.

As is customary, those looking for trade passage paid for the valuable space with a share of their cargo. As such, you don't really need to go looking for further cargo, but it is always a good idea to get an understanding of what is and isn't available in your local area.

From your own observations, it seems that the recent raid depleted the local supply of linden wood—a type of wood most suitable for making shields. The Hading does not much like linden trees, so linden saplings struggle to grow in the Valley at best. Unless the Hadingmen want shields of pine or hadingtree wood, Asvir has to import linden wood if it wants to make high-quality and durable shields.

Fortunately, the hadingtree is, as always, well in abundance. Being extremely buoyant and lightweight, the wood of the hadingtree is well-suited for the making of ships—though its tendency to splinter makes it a poor shield material. Growing solely in the Hading Valley, hadingtree wood is the main export of Asvir and the reason anyone would want to live in a forest-choked, monster-swamped valley like this one.

In addition to the hadingtree, chilling clay is also abundantly available in the Hading Valley. Chilling clay, when left unfired, constantly cools whatever it touches—even freezing it if left long enough! As such, it allows for quicker preservation of food and other perishables.

What do you wish to do? (You have 2,082 and 1/2oz Silver)
[ ] Write in

Available Goods
300 Units of Hadingtree Wood (1/8oz Silver per 1 Unit, 1 Unit = 10 Capacity)
220 Units of Chilling Clay (1/16oz Silver per 1 Unit, 1 Unit = 2 Capacity)

(+500 Capacity of Miscellaneous Cargo)
(-1500 Max Capacity taken up by crew and their cargo)

AN: Shield mechanics have been adjusted and added to the iron cost informational, both of which were done by the ever-reliable Deadmanwalking.

No moratorium. This'll be a short vote as I wish to allow you to plan your voyage
Good chunk of Hadingwood would be good. We've got enough cap to fill our holds with it, though Chilling Clay is better on a space-to-value rate.
(+500 Capacity of Miscellaneous Cargo)
(-1500 Max Capacity taken up by crew and their cargo)

So we're down 2000 Capacity total? That leaves 2500. Huh. Lemme do math...

All the clay is 440, which means we could do that and then 206 units of Wood, but leaving some Capacity free may be good. Call it more like 200 of the Wood and we'd have a little free.

That's 38.75 oz. silver. Pretty cheap. Going to 202 units of Wood would make it a nice even 39 oz. silver...
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I love that Christian Asgeirr got a page of discussion.

As for what we take; I say we just fill up on Hadingwood and then see if we can't sell it when we pick up Asva and pick up something different. If it's that unique a trade good it might be an easy turn around, and then we can grab something else thats less size intensive to take further away.
[X] Plan Wood and Clay
-[X] Purchase 206 units of Hadingtree Wood (25 and 3/4 oz. silver)
-[X] Purchase 220 units of Cooling Claw (13 and 3/4 oz. silver)

So...yeah, there's a plan. We could technically add 4 more Hadingtree Wood for cheap, but I'd like to save some Capacity for small valuable things if we run into any.

As for what we take; I say we just fill up on Hadingwood and then see if we can't sell it when we pick up Asva and pick up something different. If it's that unique a trade good it might be an easy turn around, and then we can grab something else thats less size intensive to take further away.

The Cooling Clay has the advantage we can store 220 units of it in the space it would take to store 44 of Hadingtree Wood. I doubt the wood is 5x as valuable as the magic clay. More valuable, yes, but not 5x.

Adding enough to fill the hold might be right though...hmmm. Okay, I'm changing it to 206.

EDIT: Changed plan to fill our hold.
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[X] Plan Wood and Clay
-[X] Purchase 202 units of Hadingtree Wood (25 and 1/4 oz. silver)
-[X] Purchase 220 units of Cooling Claw (13 and 3/4 oz. silver)

Looks good to me. I am not really good with all this high numbers and calculations.

I am awating with trepidation the journey and what actions we can take. This is a great chance for networking and recruitment, and we will need all the allies we can gather to face Dorri and Drysalt.
The Cooling Clay has the advantage we can store 220 units of it in the space it would take to store 44 of Hadingtree Wood. I doubt the wood is 5x as valuable as the magic clay. More valuable, yes, but not 5x.

My idea is more that I assume something like cooling clay might be more commonly existent, and since we are going far-but-not-too-far to get Asva, it might make sense to pack up the more called out as unique trade good.

There's a chance Denmark might have cooling clay, in which case it'd be useful in Uppsala but not as useful in Denmark

So we take the good we know is useful in Denmark, then we use that take to refill on Denmark goods and take them to Uppsala?
Yeah, the thing is that Hadingwood probably is more profitable, because it's a regional exclusive trade good that's excellent at making things.
[X] Plan Wood and Clay
-[X] Purchase 202 units of Hadingtree Wood (25 and 1/4 oz. silver)
-[X] Purchase 220 units of Cooling Claw (13 and 3/4 oz. silver)

I changed the plan very slightly. You probably want to either rename it if you want to stick with the original, or just only vote with the name.

So we take the good we know is useful in Denmark, then we use that take to refill on Denmark goods and take them to Uppsala?

This is good if the clay is only 1/5 the selling price of the wood or less...but if it's better than 1/5 the price, it's still better to have the clay. I personally think the clay, while not as rare, is likely rare enough, that it comes to 1/4 the selling price of the wood or better. I could be wrong, though.

Yeah, the thing is that Hadingwood probably is more profitable, because it's a regional exclusive trade good that's excellent at making things.

If people want to go Wood only, the plan would be:

[ ] Plan Only Wood
-[ ] Purchase 250 units of Hadingtree Wood (31 and 1/4 oz. silver)
Oh, and for posterity our crew as a whole (these will be added to the character sheet under Wavedancer when I add the cargo EDIT: Never mind, just added them):

Upper Top
-Halla Skyfire (Us, see character sheet)
-Sten (Our brother, see character sheet)
-Heima Smiles (Berserk, very scary dude)

-Ketill Farcaster (Wields a fishing pole as a weapon. Something of a jokester, but knows his way around herbs and plants)
-Gunne Warstalker (Newcomer to the Valley, is a potent combatant, Third-Grade Berserk)

Lower Top
-Abjorn Bearbreaker (Our wonderful husband, see character sheet...possibly underranked)
-Vagn Wheel-Drifter (Our retainer, friendly, likable, good with wagons, Wheel Hugareida and fights with a giant wheel)
-Nokkvi Good-Oars (Oar Hugareida, Can do the rowing work of four men, not especially social)
-Eric, Your Brother (Wind Hugareida, He is Your Brother)
-Hakon Thunderclap (Youngest brother of Haklangr and Haleikr Underfoot)
-Kare Wolf-Seek (Wolf Hugareida, unusually good at working in a group)
-Rikhvatr Strongbite (First-Grade Berserk, Known to have once bit through solid iron. Fights with two swords, aspear, and a shield)
-Sigfasti the Sparrow (Spear-wielder, quick and deadly. Is said to be able to fly and has some manner of 'bird hugareida')
-Skavidr Skatasson (Relative newcomer to the Valley. Fought bravely during the revenge raid)

Upper Middle
-Tryggr Broadteeth (Giant-Blooded, Gale Hugareida – Paired Saxes, Mail fromHalla – Reckless and hedonistic, but loyal, works for Halla)
-Trausti Pinchfinger (Giant-Blooded, Ice Hugareida –Large Axe, Mail from Halla – Tries to be a calming influence on hisbrother, also works for Halla)
-Barki Bertholdsson (Fylgja Specialist, Folkmarr's Felag Member)
-Fabvirthe Fabulous (Deer Hugareida, Handsome, Vain)
-Bjorn Bjornsson(Berserk, kind of weird, talks in the third person)
-Njal the Tall (The tallest man in the entire Valley, but not Giant's Blooded, oddly enough)
-Gorm Bloodslick (Berserk, a man with an unusually large amount of blood)
-Roar Shiningspear (Fleinn Hugareida, Light Hugareida, has a good throwing arm)
-Arnfinn Heavystep (Actually 15 now. Still hardcore for his age)
-Trygve Ironoath (A man who has always kept his word, even when drunk and/or a small child)
-Torgny Shocker (Another younger man in search orthstirr, unusually fleet-footed and in possession of a Storm Iron enhanced spear)
-Halle the Hairless (A man... at least, you think they're a man. Has an unusually feminine face and overall slender appearance.)
-Alvis Torleifsson (Archer, fairly wise all things considered)
-Magni Little-Rock (Has a rock hugareida and Giant's Blood)
-Adalsteinn (Newcomer to the Valley. Fought bravely during the revenge raid, but seems to lack a patronym)
-Gudbrand Gunnesson (Gunne Warstalker's eldest son, accompanying his father in search of orthstirr)

-Stigmar Kersson (Clay Hugareida – Sword, Magic Shield, Cloak of Flight, Mail Armor from Halla – Loyal retainer to Halla, Stigr's brother)
-Bo Burisson (Rumored to be an actually decent person)
-Gordon Wiggles(A man who can make things... bouncy?)
-Skarde Sharpshooter (One of the better shots in the Valley)
-Svend Sulsson (A young man in search of orthstirr)
-Ivor Thinbow (He's an archer with a thinner-than-average bow)
-Snorri Deepsleeper (Sleep Hugareida, a little lazy)
-Trond Big-Fish (A short man with a fish hugareida)
-Gunnar Shivers (A swordsman who has some manner of 'shaking hugareida')
-Asketill Lucky-Helm (Developed a 'Helmet Hugareida' after his helmet saved his life. Unusually lucky)
-Alvar the Half-Elf (A newcomer who is, apparently, half-elf)
-Haldor Stink-Cheese (A large man with a penchant for rather smelly cheeses)
-Holger Trip (Spearman with an unusual talent for tripping people)
-Brandr Fireflinger (Sword, has some fire hugareida)
-Eysteinn Egilsson (Unusually lucky, newcomer)
-Snorri Reidsson (Newcomer)
-Helge Nun-Kissed (A nun once kissed him goodbye)

Lower Middle
-Audman Audsson (Audrikr's little brother)
-Bjarne Rock-Chomp (He once tried to eat a rock, thinking it was an egg)
-Bjarni Egg-Eater (Bjarne's brother, successfully ate a rock thinking it was an egg)
-Snorri Slippy-Shoes (Has an ice hugareida)
-Ingolf Ulfsson (Kare's younger brother, in search of orthstirr)
-Orvar Long-Shoes (Archer with notably long shoes)

-Minna (Sten's wife. Finnish and scary with it...maybe doesn't belong in this category)
-Stigrun Kerrsdottir (Eric's wife, Stigmar's sister)
-Randi (Thrall, helping to care for Steinarr's kids)
-All the children from us, Sten, Steinarr, and Eric
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[X] Plan Only Wood
-[X] Purchase 250 units of Hadingtree Wood (31 and 1/4 oz. silver)

This is a Unique Trade Good, and it's one that's always in demand as it's good for building ships, this should have us good returns.
[X] Plan Only Wood
-[X] Purchase 250 units of Hadingtree Wood (31 and 1/4 oz. silver)

I think unique stuff to our home is going to ultimately sell better, though I could be wrong! It might be that Hadingtree Wood is always available and our okay luck roll is why we got the chance to buy clay. Or it might be that the luck roll is why there's so much Wood available to buy.
[X] Plan Wood and Clay

It seems unlikely that Chilling Clay is going to be common in most of the places we visit, so if it does turn to be lower profit than Hadingwood, we can offload it over the course of our journey and buy rare local goods to replace it with along the way.
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To be clear, I do think the Hadingtree Wood will have better comparative price jumps per unit. The question is will they be enough better to make up for the sheer amount of clay we can transport in the same capacity.

Here in the Hading, the clay goes for more than twice as much per Capacity (13 and 3/4 oz vs. 5 and 1/2 oz. for the 44 Capacity in dispute). If the clay goes for twice as much when we sell it, the wood would need to go for 4 times as much to be a better profit. If the clay goes for four times as much then the Wood would need to go for 9 times as much to make a better profit.

I dunno how realistic any of those numbers are, I'm just noting that the price jump need to not only be better than the clay, but significantly so for the wood to be a better call. That's potentially plausible, mind you, but worth noting.
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Oh, and for posterity our crew as a whole (these will be added to the character sheet under Wavedancer when I add the cargo EDIT: Never mind, just added them):

Among the crew i am interested in Kare Wolf-Seek, Hakon Thunderclap and Alvar the Half-Elf.

Kare because he is a great potential recruit.

Hakon because we have history with his family and i am interested in seeing what's up with him. If he is open to recruitment too then i am okay with it.

Alvar because he is the first person we meet with a connection to Elves and i want to learn abaout Elves. If we can recruit him even better.
I'll call the vote in 30 minutes.

For those curious, the hadingtree is only found in the Hading Valley.
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I'm interested in Gunne, his son Gudbrand, Skavidr, Alvar, Adalsteinn, and Snorri.

This is in order of interest btw. From most interested in to least.

All of them are called out as newcomers to the valley. With recent things we have learned on Dorri and his ilk, it might be useful to try and gain allies who aren't from around here.
On the one hand, I like the idea of stocking up the hold on our region's unique trade good. Makes sense; we know that will have likely make a profit. On the other hand, I do think it is good to see how well chilling clay sells - it may be sufficiently valuable (like salt) that in most places you take it to, it will sell alright. Given this is our first local trade mission, it's also a good idea to try more things, so we can get an idea of what sells well. On the third gripping claw, I like the idea of selling off our cargo quickly, then buying another one.

Hmmm, it's silly to make another plan, and this won't win, but never mind! Mostly I'd like to test out how the Cooling Clay sells, but buying all of it seems overboard.

[X] Plan Mostly Wood
-[X] Purchase 240 units of Hadingtree Wood (30 oz. silver)
-[X] Purchase 50 units of Cooling Claw (3 1/8 oz. silver)

I'll also approval-vote for:

[X] Plan Only Wood
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