Do we know that's how the religious trait works? Maybe the Aesir and also Jesus both being real changes things, but IRL people who are deeply religious aren't, like, immune to being converted, and can actually end up being much more devout in their converted religion than in the religion they left.
"You're telling me it's a sin to plunder" "Coveting another man's earnings, yes" "and a sin to raid" "Wrath is one of the greatest sins indeed, and murder is a terrible stain on the soul" "To drink in excess and party" "And eat, gluttony is a terrible sin to invite into your soul" "And to lay with women I'm not married to already?" "Lust should always be contained and prevented, and we must always be watchful my son."

"Gods damn." - A Norse Christian, trying to not earn Christian Nid.

"Invoking the lords name as such is also a sin" - his very patient teacher.
You forgot the worst part of Christians having to be merciful and turn the other cheek by not seeking vengeance for insults. Catch twenty-two situation where you have to choose between Norse Nid or Christian Nid.

And yes, I know this isn't actually the case due to Gabriel wanting to seek revenge on Steinarr.
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You forgot the worst part of Christians having to be merciful and turn the other cheek by not seeking vengeance for insults. Catch twenty-two situation where you have to choose between Norse Nid or Christian Nid. And yes, I know this isn't actually the case due to Gabriel wanting to seek revenge on Steinarr.
Christians aren't, like, forbidden from reacting with violence to wrongs taken against themselves. They just need to Justify it as the seeking of Justice and have to temper it with an understanding of what their target has done wrong (either an understanding they've cultivated in themself, or an understanding they've received from their Priest or a Noble of superior station).
Thus why it'd be even funnier if he ate the communion bread and met God. Like having the most religious kid meet God would either be hilarious because now we have a devout Christian, or hilarious because we now have someone trying to like, combine God into the norse pantheon or something.
Do we know that's how the religious trait works? Maybe the Aesir and also Jesus both being real changes things, but IRL people who are deeply religious aren't, like, immune to being converted, and can actually end up being much more devout in their converted religion than in the religion they left.

It's less Religious alone that makes me think he won't convert and more his everything else. Asgeirr makes an exceptional Norseman and would make a really shitty Christian...well, by his proclivities, anyway. Usually, people do not change from a religion they were raised in that says that all the stuff they want to do is good and righteous for one where they'd have huge issues with guilt and trying not to do what they otherwise desire. It's not impossible, but I'd argue it's unlikely.
It's less Religious alone that makes me think he won't convert and more his everything else. Asgeirr makes an exceptional Norseman and would make a really shitty Christian...well, by his proclivities, anyway. Usually, people do not change from a religion they were raised in that says that all the stuff they want to do is good and righteous for one where they'd have huge issues with guilt and trying not to do what they otherwise desire. It's not impossible, but I'd argue it's unlikely.
I mean, yeah he probably isn't going to be converted by normal missionaries, but if he takes Communion and has a chat with Michael I feel like he might be convinced? Some of his traits might even change. 🤔 If he ends up with a weird hybrid cultivation like the Frisians he might even get something like a hugareida from it.
Cultivation is cultural in this setting. Changing religions would not necessarily change your cultivation.
Historically speaking first generation converts would often just add the new god on top of rest rather then fully convert which could be an interesting path to take.
Cultivation is cultural in this setting. Changing religions would not necessarily change your cultivation.
It wouldn't necessarily change it, yeah, but given that Asgeirr's mom explicitly knows a cool Christian guy who lives over in a Christian country that she already has (minor) trade ties with. If he received a vision from God or had some other revelatory experience that even just majorly boosted his curiosity with regards to Christianity, he'd be relatively well-positioned to learn more about it.

🤔 I wonder how Gabriel would feel about taking Asgeirr on as a Squire, in this counterfactual timeline where Asgeirr converts.

-e: It could maybe even give him a 'victory over Steinarr', which might heal his soul a bit. He couldn't kill the man who enslaved him, but can at least bring one of his grandchildren into the light of God.
It wouldn't necessarily change it, yeah, but given that Asgeirr's mom explicitly knows a cool Christian guy who lives over in a Christian country that she already has (minor) trade ties with. If he received a vision from God or had some other revelatory experience that even just majorly boosted his curiosity with regards to Christianity, he'd be relatively well-positioned to learn more about it.

Our kids have their Fylgja unveiled. They are incapable of using any internal power source other than Odr or fully switching cultivation systems...they could certainly convert religiously, but they're locked into the Norse system.
*heats up the next round of intractable theological conflict.*

Another moral schism, you said?
Gunner, schism, religion!
Our kids have their Fylgja unveiled. They are incapable of using any internal power source other than Odr or fully switching cultivation systems...they could certainly convert religiously, but they're locked into the Norse system.
they are incapable of converting to the Finnish Cultivation system
Historically speaking first generation converts would often just add the new god on top of rest rather then fully convert which could be an interesting path to take.
I mean, Odin is know to love disguises. 'Hanging from a cross' and 'hanging from an oak tree' aren't that different. Both are associated with a significant spear. Both want to bring you to live with them after you die.
I would've sworn the Carolingian system did need such a stat and would not have one that matched up, if those are the criteria.
You can probably get by without Pneuma!

The Christian system is very well suited to converting others, after all.

I mean from what I can tell the cultivation is basically fixed in progression. You automagically get a soulscape, you automagically advance, though of course you cannot choose how your soulscape will be structured. It is the boon and bane of organization.
I mean, there is another possible reason so many people wanna come. its not just the stories of the last trip.

this is Steinnar's funeral. Steinnar was not only incredibly strong but also a great Drend and a beloved guy. it makes sense that a lot of people wanna come say their truly last goodbye
You can probably get by without Pneuma!

Pneuma is the basis of your Grace, which is both their Hamingja equivalent and determines Zeal acquisition. I...really don't think they can get by without it very readily.

Like, you can maybe get a little bit of Grace without it, but you'd be crippled to getting a tiny percentage of the Zeal others get, if that's even possible, which I'm a bit dubious of.

For people without a third stat, you just convert, pick up Pneuma, it handles your Grace and Zeal acquisition for you, and it's no muss no fuss...but for people who already have a third stat it's harder.
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I forget what does Pneuma do for the Carolingians besides handle grace and zeal? I think it has to do with their speed?
I forget what does Pneuma do for the Carolingians besides handle grace and zeal? I think it has to do with their speed?

It's just Grace and thus Zeal from what we've heard, but that's actually huge...Grace being the Hamingja equivalent and determining Zeal production is arguably the most powerful stat we've seen in any cultivation system. That's luck and every single variety of progression all from one stat. We'd max that stat and max it hard if we had would be our very favorite stat. That does assume Grace determines XP, which isn't certain, but I don't know what else would determine that and it's a great stat even without that.

Like, it's as if our Hamingja also determined Odr gain and could be raised with xp. It's great.

It's definitely not Speed, which seems tied to the armor, and to Decade.

Isnt this just a trading mission cum funeral? Why were so many people interested in coming with us?

The last time we went on 'just a trading mission' everyone came back rich and with piles of Orthstirr. Also, it's because we rolled really well...we rolled 3d8 for how many new people would show up and rolled a 24.