This is maybe worth another level, which will get us to Campfire 5 and thus Forgefire 6 for 15 xp (assuming Blackhand's bonus still applies...we should check that first). Past that, we'd be spending 39 xp for one level of Forgefire and I think we are not very highly incentivized to do that.
It would be pretty funny to grind Campfire all the way to Rank 9 just to see what we get from a Rank 9 Hugareida.
We had an idea for what it would create that made conceptual sense as a thing to exist (a 'Becalm' Hugareida), but the conclusion we came to is that Gale is fundamentally about movement so stopping it just makes it not exist.
We could try seeing if alloying Inverted Standstill is meaningfully different from alloying Standstill, I suppose.

Using IAT with an inverted Standstill is also something worth looking at.


We should see if we can use Sundersight and/or Frenzy in training other people.
At some point we're going to have to fight the guy who taught Hooknails, and I want it to be on even terms.

From context, I suspect it's Heljarskinn, who is a Steelfather. I don't think us having less Standstill would be our problem there.

It would be pretty funny to grind Campfire all the way to Rank 9 just to see what we get from a Rank 9 Hugareida.

But not super cost effective. Maybe once we hit Hamr 10.

We could try seeing if alloying Inverted Standstill is meaningfully different from alloying Standstill, I suppose.

Using IAT with an inverted Standstill is also something worth looking at.

We should probably try Alloying this at least once to see if it's viable, yeah.
If Berserkergang wrecks your body and leaves you infirm for months, what if you get a shapecrafter to grow you a new body like they do for dead people? Out with the old and worn out, in with the new.
If it works like how old age does, aka "the brighter candle burns quicker", I doubt it'd really help. I'm sure Blackhand has died plenty and been remade physically, but his body still was giving out on him, so it's likely your soul stores the most recent state.
If possible could we see Hooknails's character sheet? I'm curious to see what all he came at Halla with.

Great update. The whole fight really. I can see some songs and poems being composed about it in the near future.

Forgot to vote.
[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)
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"You're a life-saver, Halla Life-Bringer!" a raspy-voiced man you only vaguely know—a newcomer by the name of Vragi Ditch-Digger—gasps out his praise as he matches his wrist to yours. "Should you ever need it, my sword is yours!"

Similar promises echo in your wake as you sweep across the fighting grounds. Each oath sworn adds itself to your soul as the bonds of fate bind you together. Of the eighteen dead, eleven were able to be brought back.

Should this have counted toward Jarlsoul progress?
If possible could we see Hooknails's character sheet? I'm curious to see what all he came at Halla with.

I would also really like to see this. We know a lot of it already from Discord and other stuff, but the rest would be really nice to see.

What we know now:

Hamr 10 (Endurance 10), Hugr 10 (Capacity 14+, probably), Frenzy 9,
Around 900 Orthstirr, Mist Hugareida (as an Alloy, probably) ???, Spear Hugareida 5+, Standstill Hugareida 5, Maybe Bronzecat Hugareida?,

So more details on the Hugareida, his Combat Pool and full list of Styles, and the rest would be good, but we do know a fair bit already.
[X] Muna: Hooknails' Reckoning (Keep the Training Dice you gained from him)

This was a glorious battle, a worthy chapter for our Saga. It deserves to have its own Muna.

So, now that the arc is over, how was it?

Absolutely fantastic. The battles were memorable and all the interactions between the characters were either epic, funny or heartbreaking.

You are a very talented writer.

Should this have counted toward Jarlsoul progress?

I think so? It looks like a bunch of people sweared themselves to us after the battle. Maybe we will see in the next chapter?
I doubt it, it felt more like "I owe you, to fight for you for one battle"
Rather than "I swear myself into your service".

i.e. a favour, not a lifebond.

...Oh jeez, with Sten's memory shorting out, imagine if Gabriel came around and challenge him, and Sten was like... "Who are you?"
That would be friggin awful.

...Oh jeez, with Sten's memory shorting out, imagine if Gabriel came around and challenge him, and Sten was like... "Who are you?"
That would be friggin awful.

You mean Steinarr. and I suspect Steinarr may not last long enough for it to be a factor. I'd say there are better than even odds that Steinarr dies next update. Not certain, by any means, but well over 50%. And he's lucid right now. Briefly.
Speaking of it might be good idea to see if he has any Slash Tricks he thinks are essential. As well as just spend time with the guy and the family.
[X] +1 Rank to your Standstill

Atgeir is, sadly, a lost cause, so I'll push Standstill up to bring it on par with Ignition.