Hallbjorn's honestly the most likely of our kids to become a Skald, he's got all the traits to be a great one.
If only one can then def Hallbjorn, yeah.

Doubt it'd be that easy, as weaving would still be seen as a woman's art mainly.
Its not gonna magically make everyone realize cultivation, sure.
But it can spread the knowledge needed for successful cultivation, which makes it easier for everyone that finds cultivation by accident or was inducted via Seidspell.
If we have a wandering character that wanders around and seeks trustworthy people to induct into cultivation (and to teach the induction Seid spell), we can spread realm 0 of cultivation, get people around the first trap. And then have the general skills needed for the realm-ups be spread, make sure the curious folks figure it out easier.

With enough people who learn of it, maybe we can win the knowledge about weaving aspects and opening the gate from the enemy, so it isn't a big secret anymore and earning the right to learn about odr also gets you the right to learn about realm 0 cultivation.
Voting is now closed
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Aug 6, 2023 at 3:44 PM, finished with 137 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X]Abjorn
    [X] Plan This Is Our Kenning, How Do You Like It?
    -[X] Unassign Firebomb Strike and assign Sailwind before the fight. Also reassign Chuck from our Fylgja.
    -[X] Invest 2 Orthstirr in Hugr, 1 in Composure, 4 in Tactics, 3 in Scouting (-11 Orthstirr)
    -[X] 79d6 Attack (79d6 tricks)
    -[X] 25d6 Defense (25d6 tricks)
    -[X] 0d6 Intercept
    -[X] Put 4 Orthstirr into 8 layers of Reinforce Shield before the combat begins (-4 Orthstirr) and add Explosive-Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr) to it
    -[X] Activate Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr), and Ember-Wing Cloak (-6 Orthstirr) as combat begins and take to the air and stay there (all attacks and defenses below include +1d6 from Skyfire).
    -[X] Put up a 170d6+9 (w/Hugareida) Sword Guard defenses (-174 Orthstirr), a 2d6+9 (w/Hugareida) Sword Guard (-6 Orthstirr), and a 2d6+9 (w/Hugareida) Atgeir Guard (-15 Orthstirr). The latter two will not defend against anything the first one does.
    -[X] Open up with a 100d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx61 use of our 3Fold Kindle Spinner from our Fast w/Puncture (-70 Orthstirr) followed by a 100d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx66 3Fold Inetia-Arresting Throw from our Fast w/Puncture (-75 Orthstirr), if he gets caught by that, use the opportunity for a 7d6+5 (w/Hugarieda) Sharpenedx2 Lightning-Enhanced Flashfire Cleave w/Puncture (-18 Orthstirr) and a 6d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx3 Sparkbomb w/Puncture (-27 Orthstirr) while he's trapped and if he's still up after that retreat back to the sky with EWC (-6 Orthstirr if needed). At that point, whether he was trapped or not, if he doesn't have a Guard type ongoing defense and the first Kindle Spinners weren't completely useless after hitting him, hit him again with another eight 6d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx3 Kindle Spinners (-5 Orthstirr each), adding Puncture to the first one (-9 Orthstirr each) if he actually got caught by the IAT so they are sure to hit.
    -[X] Against the first melee attack using Puncture we use a Contested Movement adding all our Stoker State dice and one use of Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, 30d6+5) and counterattack with a Sparkbomb w/Puncture (-24 Orthstirr)
    -[X] By default use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr) or another perfect defense as appropriate against anything without Puncture (or something else that makes them unusable) targeting either us or or primary Sword Guard. Against attacks with Puncture or other methods of avoiding our Perfects (other than the one melee one mentioned above), use our largest Sword Guard to defend against everything. In response to anything with Puncture (or other ways of getting past perfects) that gets through the first Sword Guard and is still coming rely on our Reinforce Shield to take the blow. If the big Sword Guard goes down and more attacks are incoming thereafter, first use the other Sword Guard and the Atgeir Guard as ablative defenses if possible and then use up to five 75d6+9 Reinforced x69 Hefty-Halter-Chop defenses (-72 Orthstirr each)
    -[X] If our Orthstirr drops below 100 or so, stoke an Aspect, do this again as needed if it happens again, though we will not use Calm Charges on this.
    -[X] Tactics – Fly out of his reach and try and nova him down with fire attacks immediately is the basic plan here. If he weathers those and there's no round break, we try and whittle down his defenses a little with relatively cheap attacks.
    [X]Heima Smiles
    [X] Vagn Wheel-Drifter
If you were to slowly trickle in heavily filtered odr, you will eventually ease them into cultivation. That is one way of doing it and likely the safest.

Huh. Interesting. Just drip feeding it into people did occur to me before, but I hadn't assumed it was by far the safest option. Good to know.

We should try and get properly initiated by the berserk so we have another angle of gate opening/management

This almost certainly doesn't do that. Berserks don't use Odr, they have it used on them. Very different thing. Which doesn't mean we don't want it necessarily, but it won't help with this.
Yeah, I have no idea how other quests handle combat if they don't do daily or multi-daily updates. How do they keep the pacing feeling good?
Now I know I'm a bit late for this (had a test today) but I figured I'll add my two cents.

Questing in general requires the QM to balance between control over the narrative (and the characters in it) and player agency.

This is done in various ways and the needle can always bend to one side or the other without to much trouble as befitting the QM habits writing style and motivation.

This quest is deep on the player agency side as we got a lot of control over what, how, and when things are done its also more a mechanical quest then a narrative one *looks at giant wall of text on various aspect of the system*.

By itself this isn't necessarily bad nor is it necessarily a good thing because everything has draw backs and advantages.

A big thing with this quest is that without a fast pace engaging in the combat in this setting would be a pain in the ass and while the session turns would be better they would still suffer somewhat (with the average writing pace we would have reached our current point next year if we were lucky).

Its why most quest's that have high player agency (in combat) and use a round per post (or more communally 2-4 rounds per post) have a QM that tries to put the effort in to do daily (or every 48 hours) uploads for those specific parts.

Now again this isn't necessarily bad and honestly this suits your writing pace and style so the drawbacks are mitigated, not all of them of course mechanical complexity can discourage people from creating plans or participating because they don't understand the system (although in experience there is almost always one or two players that jell with the system and are happy to convert other players ideas into mechanical terms).

Of course, while a high writing rate is very much welcome a high posting rate can also have draw backs, mostly consisting of the fact that most people don't spend 24/7 on the sight and that time zones are a thing, so a fast moving thread requires a lot of effort to keep up with and when you get to the point when there less then 20 hours between the vote being opened to the vote being closed a lot of people miss out on the chance to post push their own idea (if they are even noticed it soon enough to vote, I know that I woke up to double updates which meant I had no chance to vote in the first one) which can hurt active engagement.

In the end everything has a drawback so you really need to pick the one you can work with.
hmm. something occured to me. is the difference in lifespan between Norse and Christian cultivators because of Norse lacking odr equivalent?
how long did Blackhand live?
what out current plans for Halla? people talk about her as if she's gonna die soon. she has decades most likely, unless something extra dangerous is planned. she might be killed before, obviously, but she is strong and we are careful. and its not like she becomes weak with age- Steinnar must be in his early 50s by my math and he is a badass
Hey everyone.

While it embarrasses me greatly to say this, NorseQuest will have to go on hiatus because of a lack of medicine.

The hiatus will lift when I am next able to get medicine. This means that it may last anywhere from tomorrow to September to even longer.

I'm very sorry and pained that I have to stop writing, but it is impossible for me to do so when off my medicine.

I hope you can understand.

When the hiatus lifts, I will delete this threadmark and get back to writing.
Yeah, take as long as you need.

hmm. something occured to me. is the difference in lifespan between Norse and Christian cultivators because of Norse lacking odr equivalent?
how long did Blackhand live?
what out current plans for Halla? people talk about her as if she's gonna die soon. she has decades most likely, unless something extra dangerous is planned. she might be killed before, obviously, but she is strong and we are careful. and its not like she becomes weak with age- Steinnar must be in his early 50s by my math and he is a badass

Blackhand was in his 60s or so when he died and had arthritis. If Odr cultivation helps with lifespan it's at a higher level than Blackhand reached. They do die of old age, they just keep getting scarier right up until then.

So Halla could live another 30 years, in theory, but likely not another 60, and is likely not to die of old age anyway.
take your time! medicine shortage is tough.
Blackhand was in his 60s or so when he died and had arthritis. If Odr cultivation helps with lifespan it's at a higher level than Blackhand reached. They do die of old age, they just keep getting scarier right up until then.

So Halla could live another 30 years, in theory, but likely not another 60, and is likely not to die of old age anyway.
well Blackhand didn't die of old age, so it doesn't prove the theory but neither does it disprove it.

Halla won't die of old age likely, but the thread behaves like she's gonna die in a year. so wanted to know if there was something Im missing
well Blackhand didn't die of old age, so it doesn't prove the theory but neither does it disprove it.

He was visibly aging at the normal human rate, as do all Norsemen. Odr did not help with his aging at all, and thus does not inherently do so.

Halla won't die of old age likely, but the thread behaves like she's gonna die in a year. so wanted to know if there was something Im missing

Halla lives a risky lifestyle with a lot of enemies and lacks plot armor since we'll keep the game going if she dies. It's something we need to be concerned about.
Halla lives a risky lifestyle with a lot of enemies and lacks plot armor since we'll keep the game going if she dies. It's something we need to be concerned about.
and thus we are being careful and also make contingencies in case she dies. but we don't have actual reason to believe she's gonna die any moment. she is also a strong warrior and very capable, and we don't plan on anything super dangerous right now
actually what are our plans? going to Vestfold soon, what after?
It does make sense that Norsemen don't have reduced aging due to the whole Einherjar business and even their gods being more prone to mortal concerns of even needing to consume magic apples to prolong their lifespans all the way till Ragnarok.
What others have said, take as long as ya need IF, we'll still be here when the hiatus is done.
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and thus we are being careful and also make contingencies in case she dies. but we don't have actual reason to believe she's gonna die any moment. she is also a strong warrior and very capable, and we don't plan on anything super dangerous right now
actually what are our plans? going to Vestfold soon, what after?

Well, as to that Vestfold is actually quite dangerous in all likelihood, but that's the next big trip after Wessex, yeah. However, we likely have the War with Rogaland Arc after that, and that's definitely super dangerous. Before the Vestfold Arc we intend to take it easy for a bit (at least the winter, but there's some support for taking a full year off traveling in Year 10) but even then we need to go find the Heart of the Hading and likely advance into the Second Realm, and neither of those are risk-free either. And, possibly post-War Arc if we've assembled a war band, we now have the details of Disclosure, and we do likely want to do that as well if it seems viable at any point.

And all that is probably within the next five years.

Personally, I'm with you, I think we can and should try and keep Halla alive, and that her odds of making it to 40 aren't nearly as bad as some people predict...but you asked for reasons people were concerned about her mortality and those are the reasons.
@Imperial Fister you've consistantly written and posted (almost) everyday for 7 months! If you need a break because you have an issue with medicine you have every right to take a break!

I think I speak for everyone in that, we wish you luck in getting your medicine and eagerly await your return.