There's actual shopping in Geirstadt, plus whatever else we do there. Then again in Jurgdy (which is the next step after Geirstadt), which warrants them being separate plans...they are separate destinations. They seem quite different to me narratively. This would also actually be a significant mechanical disadvantage, as it means we can't change plans midstream (ie: talk to Halle again on the way back based on this talk, or talk to someone else specific based on what they did in Geirstadt), and more turns of dice are somewhat better than more dice on one turn.
So I'm against this for logical, narrative, and mechanical reasons.
If the thread was cool with it and aware that you'll not get to bargain, then sure.
Fair enough!
So here's my plan.
--[X] Geirstadt (2 Days East)
--[X] Craft or Repair
---[X] Complete the Rune Phrase on Wavedancer
---[X] Specifically add 'Through Wind And Wave'
---[X] Stoke all three Aspects on this Task (+3 Successes) and use our Tools (+9 Successes)
--[X] Talk to Crewmembers
---[X] Halle the Hairless, be friendly, politely try and get a better handle on whatever their deal is.
Training (34 Training Dice)
--[X] Train Fang. (3 Dice)
--[X] Train Glima. (6 Dice)
--[X] Train Double-Leg Takedown. (1 Dice)
--[X] Train Weapon-Grapple-Reversal. (1 Dice)
--[X] Train Hugr by playing Tafl with the crew. (4 =
Tafl Board=> 8 Dice)
--[X] Train Sailwind. (4 Dice)
--[X] Develop and train a new Sailing Trick for navigation. (6 Dice)
--[X] Train Silver-Tongue. (1 Dice)
--[X] Train a Silver-Tongue trick for haggling. (6 Dice)
--[X] Train a Silver-Tongue trick for calming raised tempers and deescalating tense situations. (1 Dice)
--[X] Train Scour-Cleanse. (1 Dice)
For the Training here, I've tried to focus on what I think makes logical and narrative sense for training during our shakedown cruise on a ship.
Training our Stoker State and Ignition Hugareida, for example, feels kind of odd to me on an extremely flammable ship, although I could be talked around if someone has a cool idea. Training wrestling however makes sense, as you can easily do that on the deck of a ship, and it's a good way for the crew to socialise and get to know eachother. This also means we should get six extra combat dice by levelling both of these up, which is nice! Similarly, I wanted to put lots of Tafl in there, because my hope is we can have raised our Hugr by the time this trading expedition is done, but also it's a great method of socialising.
In general, I've tried to invest more dice in things that are really beneficial to us, and less dice going towards incrementally ranking up a million things at once, which is something I've always found kinda grating in previous plans. (Sorry Deadman, love you lots.) If we keep training this way throughout the expedition, I think we could aim to hit Hugr 8, Glima and Fang 5, with lots of dice left over for Flygia training and other combat training in subsequent turns.