It also lets Age come along, since he's planning on fucking off as soon as we get there, so we might as well
That's not necessarily a good thing. If he gets in trouble or does something dumb, we're likely to be considered guilty by association.

Ironically, Arnfinn is coming along in that plan and he's 13
He's also really big, which combined with his age makes me think "growing giant-blooded boy," which in turn makes me think "he's gonna eat twice as much as anyone else on the boat and have only half as much skill at doing anything useful than anyone on the boat."
On average, the number of feuds in a group of Norsemen increases proportionate to the square of the number of Norsemen.

Suppose that each Norseman on that list has a feud with exactly one other person on that list. If we only bring two thirds of the Norseman on the list, then for any given feud, there is a (2/3)*(2/3) chance that both Norsemen involved in that particular feud are even on the boat. Therefore, we have to deal with only 4/9 of the feuds in the overall group.

If we bring all 36 Norsemen, then we will have to deal with all the feuds in the group.

This is a fair point, and an argument for the plans involving less people...though not everyone is equally likely to be involved in a feud with newcomers and young people less likely.

Also, Seedsower is probably several times more likely to have feuds than anyone else on the list, because he's the most likely to have seduced someone's sister, wife, et cetera.

This is entirely correct, yeah.

He's also really big, which combined with his age makes me think "growing giant-blooded boy," which in turn makes me think "he's gonna eat twice as much as anyone else on the boat and have only half as much skill at doing anything useful than anyone on the boat."

Per the power rankings, he's solid (actually, for his age, he's ridiculous). If it comes to a fight, he'll be more than sufficiently useful.
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With how many people are coming with us, asuming that all goes well and we give a good showing, we may get a minion or 2 and a point towards the Jarlsoul perk thingy
Hmmm, if a ship does not have a cabin, can it have a cabin boy? Deep questions for the ages...
Maybe, but I don't think it can have Arnfinn, if only because I don't think he'd fit in the cabin even if we had one, which we do not.

Are you actually a woman? Is there a way to ask this without being super insulting? No, there's isn't, of course not.
Maybe saying kind things or something could hint in that direction? I mean, if the captain's a woman, she obviously doesn't give a shit, so Halle might reveal this to us.

Halle might also turn out to be a long-lost cousin or something.

I agree that Age is a problem, so we should get him out of Norway ASAP. let him go be like half a saga in the Danelaw where it won't explode in our backyard
Pretty sure that even if he's an outlaw problem he's not our outlaw problem necessarily. He didn't screw any of the women in our household (we devoutly hope), so he's someone else's problem. And he's not that strong, so if enough people are actually motivated to kill him, they'll probably manage it without our help.

My new theory is that Age's kenning is about how hes a great farmer,
It would be nice to think so.
With how many people are coming with us, asuming that all goes well and we give a good showing, we may get a minion or 2 and a point towards the Jarlsoul perk thingy

It's possible, and would be nice if it happened, but shouldn't be counted on.

I don't think we should bring Heima Smiles, the guy seems a psycho and he is too powerful for us to control. He could cause troubles.

Heima was perfectly civil during the wolf hunt. Creepy, but civil. And, more importantly, might take offense if we reject him. I do not want Heima Smiles having a grudge against us. He can guard the ship while we do trading, and will be very handy if a fight breaks out.

And us, plus Abjorn, plus various other people probably can take him if it comes to it. He's a category up from us, but only one.
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This is a fair point, and an argument for the plans involving less people...though not everyone is equally likely to be involved in a feud with newcomers and young people less likely.
That's a good point. Some people are less likely to be in a feud.

Per the power rankings, he's solid (actually, for his age, he's ridiculous). If it comes to a fight, he'll be more than sufficiently useful.
We're hoping it won't come to a fight, and we're bringing along a lot of people much more badass than he could possibly be. I'd rather have more room in the boat and less people eating up our rations at sea.

If his dad was a fisherman who'd taught him a bunch of nautical shit or something, that'd be different. As it is, I'm betting half the reason he's on this trip so his parents won't have to feed him for a few months, which to be fair... okay, maybe bringing him along will make his parents feel grateful to us.
We're hoping it won't come to a fight, and we're bringing along a lot of people much more badass than he could possibly be. I'd rather have more room in the boat and less people eating up our rations at sea.

So, people are bringing their own food. And feeding the whole crew is, like, 40 Food at most for the whole trip while the ship has room for 4500, even assuming rations take up cargo space. I'm...really not seeing a problem with him eating more? At all?
Heima was perfectly civil during the wolf hunt. Creepy, but civil. And, more importantly, might take offense if we reject him. I do not want Heima Smiles having a grudge against us. He can guard the ship while we do trading, and will be very handy if a fight breaks out.

And us, plus Abjorn, plus various other people probably can take him if it comes to it. He's a category up from us, but only one.

Good points, i suppose its better to keep the potential murderhobo in sight.
[X] Plan Eliminating Problems The Kids Are Okay

[X] Buy up all the pelts, try to negotiate a bulk discount given it's a buyer's market.
-[X] Use Silver-Tongued.
Hairless is in reference to his lack of body hair, not the hair on his head (not counting beard, of which he has none)

Also, Arnfinn isn't actually all that large. It's just that, for his age, he's absurdly powerful.
Note: Not everyone here will get along with everyone else. In fact, just about everyone here has some kind of grudge with someone else on this list.
As a very, very basic assumption, none of them has a Grudge with us, right?

Ex: Bo Burisson doesn't hate us for hilling his brother, Sten Other-Sten doesn't like us for being Sten's sister, etc.
Hmm, then maybe it's not quite as bad as I thought.

Must be a damn big boat, then.

Apparently! Or, to be more accurate, there's actual magic going on there. 4500 capacity with 1 Food at 1 capacity means about 400 tons of cargo capacity, which is about 10 times what it should be by physics on a Norse longship designed for cargo. On the other hand, given the power of stories, Norse longships all having impossible capacity so they can steal everything that isn't nailed down makes perfect sense to me.

As a very, very basic assumption, none of them has a Grudge with us, right?

Ex: Bo Burisson doesn't hate us for hilling his brother, Sten Other-Sten doesn't like us for being Sten's sister, etc.

I mean, no grudges we know about, anyway.
So... the ones that I see as good picks:

Vagn Wheel-Drifter (Berserk, Wheel Hugareida, Generally Competent)
- We've worked with him, and he seemed to be decens.

Nokkvi Good-Oars (Oar Hugareida, Can do the rowing work of four men, not especially social)
- Because he's especially good at one of the primary things we'll be doing. Also, we've worked with him, and he seemed to be decent.

Eric, Your Brother (Wind Hugareida, He is Your Brother)
- Because he's our brother, and wants to come. Also, Wind Hugareida is useful for boats.

Fabvir the Fabulous (Deer Hugareida, Handsome, Vain)
- Fabvir! We've got good history with the man, and he's nicely low-drama... as long as he doesn't seduce anyone he shouldn't. Huh. Okay, maybe he's not low-drama.

Jordan Slicksword (Halfdan's Son and Asva's Husband)
- Because he's our brother-in-law, and wants to come.

Kare Ulfsson (Wolf Hugareida, unusually good at working in a group)
- "Unusually good at working in a group" sounds good to me.

Trygve Ironoath (A man who has always kept his word, even when drunk and/or a small child)
- so does "exceptionally trustworthy"

Snorri Deepsleeper (Sleep Hugareida, a little lazy)
- Sounds like a guy who might have some built-in de-escalation powers. In a situation like this? That might be useful. Also, less likely to start trouble. Trouble takes effort.

How many do we even want? Worth noting that bringing more doesn't just increase the chance of feuds and stretch our abilities at command that much further. It also requires that we split the pot that much more.
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What abaout the guy who is the tallest in the Valley? How tall is he? And since i don't remember, how tall his Abjorn?

Abjorn is 8'2" which makes the tallest guy Very Tall.

How many do we even want?

Well, if a fight happens, likely as many as we can get. If a fight doesn't happen, we need at least 15, probably more like 20 to be safe, in order to properly man the ship.

I'm sufficiently concerned about a fight to want more people than the minimum.
Well, if a fight happens, likely as many as we can get. If a fight doesn't happen, we need at least 15, probably more like 20 to be safe, in order to properly man the ship.

I'm sufficiently concerned about a fight to want more people than the minimum.


And we're trying to avoid fights, which means that if a fight does happen, we'll likely want ranged specialists where possible. At the same time, we want to avoid those that would make a fight more likely.

And we're trying to avoid fights, which means that if a fight does happen, we'll likely want ranged specialists where possible. At the same time, we want to avoid those that would make a fight more likely.

Yeah, my current plans (there are two) are both basically "Who here is likely to be a problem?" removing them, and then bringing everyone else.