The plan is to buy local trade goods. Specifically, whetstones, soapstone, and tar, but also pelts and anything else we spot we think would sell well. We have a lot of space in the ship, much of which will go to the individual people on said ship to bring their own goods (because that way we don't have to pay them cash, they're just along for the ride to see their own goods sold and reap the profits).

Oh, okay, that's a sound idea.

I guess we can only hope that the English are in a good mood today. Hell, I'll be happy if we manage to strike up a conversation with them instead of a fight.
Man, here I thought that 'nearly invulnerable' was.. a lot more than that.

I would have used the phrasing 'resistant to fire' myself.

Well, I think the 'nearly invulnerable' is the armor itself. Like, fire will never melt it. Not the amount it gives to the wearer.

I wouldn't be surprised if they make us pay through the proverbial nose for their grain though.

We've got a boat full of around 40 potentially violent people who can always default to 'Well then I guess we won't trade." *looks meaningfully at axe*

Well, when you have one of those people tend not to price gouge as hard as they might otherwise.
We've got a boat full of around 40 potentially violent people who can always default to 'Well then I guess we won't trade." *looks meaningfully at axe*

Well, when you have one of those people tend not to price gouge as hard as they might otherwise.
King Alfred is a mighty English King with Norse neighbors. You don't last long in that position if you can't deal with troublesome Norsemen in the seat of your power, nevermind getting a sobriquet like "Lone-Standing King". Pretty sure if we try to force the issue, our next vote will be on which of Halla's children we wish to play as next.
King Alfred is a mighty English King with Norse neighbors. You don't last long in that position if you can't deal with troublesome Norsemen in the seat of your power, nevermind getting a sobriquet like "Lone-Standing King". Pretty sure if we try to force the issue, our next vote will be on which of Halla's children we wish to play as next.

We wouldn't attack them in Winchester. But they don't want to violate a truce, and they don't want us raiding less well-guarded parts of Wessex either. Which inclines them to not be completely unreasonable.
And actually attacking a ship intending to come in for honest trade proactively means that they potentially get a fucking war declared on them by actual badasses avenging their kinsfolk killed through 'Treachery'. Especially since a non-zero number of them aren't actually permadead

You don't live long as a King if you're prone to buying fights you don't need.
Summer 9/Asvir Visit 7.2
[X] Start sorting through the options for your ship's crew
-[X] Steadiness. The ability to remain calm and keep their head. Being competent and dangerous is also good, and we may pick based on knowing people well already, but what we want is people who won't fly off the handle.
How many available people match your requirements? (Hamingja: 6x3, 5x3, 4x3, 3x2, 2x2, 1x3) 12 Successes = 36 people, oh boy
After another exhausting round of interviews and question-asking, you and Abjorn want nothing more then to curl up together and sleep.

Unfortunately, that's many hours away.

You've got thirty-fucking-six people that fit your requirements. Thirty-six people to get through.

Sighing, you and Abjorn get to talking.

Who would you like in your crew?
[ ] Write in as many as you'd like

Vagn Wheel-Drifter (Berserk, Wheel Hugareida, Generally Competent)
Nokkvi Good-Oars (Oar Hugareida, Can do the rowing work of four men, not especially social)
Eric, Your Brother (Wind Hugareida, He is Your Brother)
Barki Bertholdsson (Fylgja Specialist, Folkmarr's Felag Member)
Fabvir the Fabulous (Deer Hugareida, Handsome, Vain)
Jordan Slicksword (Halfdan's Son and Asva's Husband)
Sverre Glebsson (Generally Competent, but may cause friction with Abjorn)
Bo Burisson (Rumored to be an actually decent person)
Egil Slaughtershark (A newcomer to the Valley, you don't know much about him)
Alf Arrow-Catcher (Another newcomer, good at bows)
Bjorn Bjornsson (Berserk, kind of weird, talks in the third person)
Hakon Thunderclap (Youngest brother of Haklangr and Haleikr Underfoot)
Audman Audsson (Audrikr's little... brother? Wait, he has a brother?)
Rollo Sunesson (Spear Hugareida, bit of a show off)
...Heima Smiles, why the fuck is he here
Sten Other-Sten (A guy named Sten who also happens to be a smith. He's not planning on accompanying you back to Asvir)
Kare Ulfsson (Wolf Hugareida, unusually good at working in a group)
Njal the Tall (The tallest man in the entire Valley, but not Giant's Blooded, oddly enough)
Gorm Bloodslick (Berserk, a man with an unusually large amount of blood)
Trygve Ironoath (A man who has always kept his word, even when drunk and/or a small child)
Skarde Sharpshooter (One of the better shots in the Valley)
Svend Sulsson (A young man in search of orthstirr)
Age Seedsower (An exceptionally handsome man who will not be returning to Asvir, or Norway at all)
Roar Shiningspear (Fleinn Hugareida, Light Hugareida, has a good throwing arm)
Harold Hugehands (An average-sized guy with genuinely massive hands, good at shadow puppetry)
Halle the Hairless (A man... at least, you think they're a man. Has an unusually feminine face and overall slender appearance.)
Randolf Well-Named (A man with a shield hugareida and a wolf fylgja)
Gordon Wiggles (A man who can make things... bouncy?)
Selby Terrysson (Just a guy, unusually so, in fact)
Somerled Lungingwalk (He's got a 'walking hugareida', whatever that means)
Arnfinn Heavystep (Barely 13, but... Good Gods, what do they feed people in this Valley?)
Torgny Shocker (Another younger man in search orthstirr, unusually fleet-footed and in possession of a Storm Iron enhanced spear)
Eindride Laststanding (An older warrior with a haunted look in his eyes. Very recent arrival, just came in from the Danelaw, in fact.)
Oscar Sharphone (He made a name for himself by getting his Hone to an unusually fine edge)
Ivor Thinbow (He's an archer with a thinner-than-average bow)
Snorri Deepsleeper (Sleep Hugareida, a little lazy)
Note: Not everyone here will get along with everyone else. In fact, just about everyone here has some kind of grudge with someone else on this list.
As you come into the market, you find that it's absolutely swamped with wolf pelts. If you so desired, you could purchase one water-wolf pelt for two ounces of silver!

It's mostly merchants trying to get rid of stock they thought was going to be a big deal. But, there are one-hundred-and-thirteen water pelts available.

How many do you wish to purchase? (1 pelt = 1 cargo space)
[ ] Write in

Unfortunately, Asvir does not produce enough tar by itself to really be a good trading item. You do get pointed towards the tarman in Jurgdby, though.


AN: Apologies at the short length, I got very lazy after making the list.

No moratorium.
It's very funny to see how silly Norse people can be when they're not being murderhobos.

Anyway, aside from the Wolf Pelts, there's not really a whole lot of trade goods to go with?
First six on the list look pretty solid, they're all people we have good relations with or that we've otherwise worked with amicably in the past. We want to get Bo in to hopefully get a feeler in to the Burrisons to buy that plant.

The rest'll need more thonking. Technically, we could take everyone, but we only need 22, so we should be careful to avoid any obvious personality clashes.
Vagn Wheel-Drifter (Berserk, Wheel Hugareida, Generally Competent)
Nokkvi Good-Oars (Oar Hugareida, Can do the rowing work of four men, not especially social)
Eric, Your Brother (Wind Hugareida, He is Your Brother)
These three are for sure coming.

Jordan Slicksword (Halfdan's Son and Asva's Husband)
Ooooh when did he get a kenning?

Bjorn Bjornsson (Berserk, kind of weird, talks in the third person)
Do you think he'd get along with Abjorn as a fellow bear or would he be wary of the whole Bearbreaker thing?

Gorm Bloodslick (Berserk, a man with an unusually large amount of blood)
How do you even go about figuring out if you have too much blood

Sten Other-Sten (A guy named Sten who also happens to be a smith. He's not planning on accompanying you back to Asvir)

Age Seedsower (An exceptionally handsome man who will not be returning to Asvir, or Norway at all)

Snorri Deepsleeper (Sleep Hugareida, a little lazy)
Oh shit he just like me for real
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Sverre Glebsson (Generally Competent, but may cause friction with Abjorn)
We have no pressing need for friction with Abjorn, whether because he's coming or because he's not.

Egil Slaughtershark (A newcomer to the Valley, you don't know much about him)
Might not be a good idea?

Bjorn Bjornsson (Berserk, kind of weird, talks in the third person)
Could be amusing at least. May turn out to secretly be a talking bear in disguise or something?

Rollo Sunesson (Spear Hugareida, bit of a show off)
...Heima Smiles, why the fuck is he here
We don't want showoffs or creeps.

Gorm Bloodslick (Berserk, a man with an unusually large amount of blood)
Neither of these is very helpful qualifications.

Trygve Ironoath (A man who has always kept his word, even when drunk and/or a small child)
That is a helpful qualification.

Skarde Sharpshooter (One of the better shots in the Valley)
So is that.

Svend Sulsson (A young man in search of orthstirr)
Torgny Shocker (Another younger man in search orthstirr, unusually fleet-footed and in possession of a Storm Iron enhanced spear)
Probably a bad idea, since "a young man in search of orthstirr"might start a fight.

Age Seedsower (An exceptionally handsome man who will not be returning to Asvir, or Norway at all)
Probably a bad idea; this is how we get some knight very pissed at us because one of our guys is boning his great-great-great-granddaughter and he kicks our asses.

Harold Hugehands (An average-sized guy with genuinely massive hands, good at shadow puppetry)
Gordon Wiggles (A man who can make things... bouncy?)
Could be surpisingly useful. Having people who will make people laugh is not a bad thing!

Arnfinn Heavystep (Barely 13, but... Good Gods, what do they feed people in this Valley?)
Sounds like an unfavorable ratio of "actually has useful skills and can keep reckless stupidity in check" to "probably going to eat a lot and use up weight capacity in the boat."

Eindride Laststanding (An older warrior with a haunted look in his eyes. Very recent arrival, just came in from the Danelaw, in fact.)
May have made enemies. On the other hand, may know the English.

Snorri Deepsleeper (Sleep Hugareida, a little lazy)
I favor bringing him along for comedy value. :p
I don't think it counts as lazy if you take a break after inventing 36 guys

Uh initial thoughts gotta take Eric and Jordan
And then I am personally interested in the shadow puppets guy, Vagn is cool, Nokkvi I think is friends with Eric
I had mentioned before that we might want to go to one of the places nearby actually producing tar, soapstone, or whetsones, rather than Asvir, and asked a question to confirm what we could buy in Asvir. So this is somewhat frustrating and ramshackle; we've had weeks to plan this and are instead acting like we're improvising it on the fly.

We should buy the pelts and then go to purchase tar, soapstones and whetstones in the places which produce these items and we've had a few to make plans to visit and arrange a purchase with.

You've got thirty-fucking-six people that fit your requirements. Thirty-six people to get through.

Sighing, you and Abjorn get to talking.

Who would you like in your crew?
[ ] Write in as many as you'd like

How many can the Wavedancer seat again?
might as well bring along the ones who don't want to return. I'm also fine bringing the little guys. a travel across the sea and rescue of the valley should be good for Orthstirr and Muna, and if they cause problems we can kill them.

I had mentioned before that we might want to go to one of the places nearby actually producing tar, soapstone, or whetsones, rather than Asvir, and asked a question to confirm what we could buy in Asvir. So this is somewhat frustrating and ramshackle; we've had weeks to plan this and are instead acting like we're improvising it on the fly.

How many can the Wavedancer seat again?
can seat 44, needs at least 22
[X] Plan Eliminating Problems
-[X] Everyone except for:
--[X] Sverre Glebsson (Generally Competent, but may cause friction with Abjorn),
--[X] Egil Slaughtershark (A newcomer to the Valley, you don't know much about him)
--[X] Rollo Sunesson (Spear Hugareida, bit of a show off),
--[X] Svend Sulsson (A young man in search of orthstirr),
--[X] Torgny Shocker (Another younger man in search orthstirr, unusually fleet-footed and in possession of a Storm Iron enhanced spear),
--[X] Age Seedsower (An exceptionally handsome man who will not be returning to Asvir, or Norway at all)
--[X] Eindride Laststanding (An older warrior with a haunted look in his eyes. Very recent arrival, just came in from the Danelaw, in fact.)

So, this is my list, I think. Mostly for the same reasons as Simon_Jester lists above. We don't want showoffs or young men desperate for glory here, or people likely to cause other problems.

Buying plan in a bit.

[X] Buy up all the pelts, try to negotiate a bulk discount given it's a buyer's market.
-[X] Use Silver-Tongued.

How many can the Wavedancer seat again?

45. So more people than we're getting. We have 7 plus this 36, so a few seats will be empty no matter what. But 22+ is enough that we can maneuver her properly.


[X] Plan Eliminating Problems The Kids Are Okay
-[X] Everyone except for:
--[X] Sverre Glebsson (Generally Competent, but may cause friction with Abjorn),
--[X] Egil Slaughtershark (A newcomer to the Valley, you don't know much about him)
--[X] Rollo Sunesson (Spear Hugareida, bit of a show off),
--[X] Age Seedsower (An exceptionally handsome man who will not be returning to Asvir, or Norway at all)
--[X] Eindride Laststanding (An older warrior with a haunted look in his eyes. Very recent arrival, just came in from the Danelaw, in fact.)

Added a version including the kids.
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Let's just take all of them.

Any selection of them we choose to take are almost certainly going to contain some feuds anyway, and we'll have a Felag bond to keep people civil whilst we're on our expedition. If everyone is bringing some trade goods of their own, the more guys we have, the more we have to trade for grain.

Same for the wolf pelts, we're trying to trade in bulk here.

[X] Plan Go Big or Go Home
-[X] Bring everyone, swear a Felag pact.
-[X] Buy up all the pelts, try to negotiate a bulk discount given it's a buyer's market.
--[X] Use Silver-Tongued.

As for the other stuff, I was focusing on getting the update out and, as a result, completely glazed over the actual nuance of what you wanted. I'm sorry about that.

It's fine man, sorry I got snippy; it's hardly the most thrilling kind of detail to begin with. Given we've got a boat, the logical thing would be to buy up trade goods and transport them by water anyway. Can we hit Jurgdby or some of the other places Tuskpuncher mentioned as selling soapstone/tar/whestones on the first leg of our outward journey?
[X] Plan Eliminating Problems, little guys can stay
-[X] Everyone except for:
--[X] Sverre Glebsson (Generally Competent, but may cause friction with Abjorn),
--[X] Egil Slaughtershark (A newcomer to the Valley, you don't know much about him)
--[X] Rollo Sunesson (Spear Hugareida, bit of a show off),
--[X] Eindride Laststanding (An older warrior with a haunted look in his eyes. Very recent arrival, just came in from the Danelaw, in fact.)

this plan lets the young guys in search of Orthstirr come along. Surely they understand not to kill the people who will keep their families from starving.

It also lets Age come along, since he's planning on fucking off as soon as we get there, so we might as well

[X] Plan Eliminating Problems The Kids Are Okay

approval voting this, I could take or leave Age
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Let's just take all of them.

Any selection of them we choose to take are almost certainly going to contain some feuds anyway, and we'll have a Felag bond to keep people civil whilst we're on our expedition. If everyone is bringing some trade goods of their own, the more guys we have, the more we have to trade for grain.

The issue with this is that some of them will start a fight with a knight and make this all descend into violence and one of them pisses off Abjorn. Those are both bad things I'd like to avoid if possible. Like, we do not need Abjorn and Halla having problems, nor do we need Age Seedsower cuckolding a knight. And those are just some quick examples.

I'm down with the pelts plan, though.

I think we might want Egil Slaughtershark in case we run into sea monsters, but otherwise that list looks good

Well, the question there is whether he got the Kenning for killing a shark, or for killing people like a shark. The latter would be...concerning.