Hunting the Hunters 4
[X] Plan Rising Sun
-[X] Swap capacity from Fireside Barrage to Unending Time In The Sun and activate Punching Up (-35 Orthstirr)
-[X] Stoke Frami, Virthing, and Saemd (+604 Orthstirr)
-[X] 64d6 Attack (64d6 tricks)
-[X] 92d6 Defense (92d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] If we have time while swapping Capacity and before the fight begins put another 5 Orthstirr into another 10 layers of Reinforce Shield (for 20 total, -5 Orthstirr)
-[X] Activate Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr) and Ember-Wing Cloak (-6 Orthstirr, all attacks and defenses have the Skyfire bonus)
-[X] Put up two 200d6+9 (w/Hugareida) Sword Guards adding 2 Odr to each (-209 Orthstirr each, so -418 total, -4 Odr total).
-[X] Activate Unending Time In The Sun with 9 Odr added (-72 Orthstirr, -9 Odr) immediately to try and break the ongoing night effect
-[X] Make a 71d6+5 Orthstirr-Enhancedx7 3Fold IAT from our Fast using Puncture at the Fenriskin to trap it (-27 Orthstirr), followed by a 71d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Sharpened x38 Lightning-Charged Flashfire Cleave Attack w/Puncture (-53 Orthstirr)
-[X] Against the first melee attack against us, use Contested Movement, adding our remaining Stoker Dice and all three uses of Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, total of 35d6+5) and using the 3Fold Sparkbomb from our Fast w/Puncturex3 as our counterattack (-27 Orthstirr), even before using Sword Guard. If that doesn't work, use Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr) or Focus Guard (-14 Orthstirr) as appropriate and available, and rely on our Reinforce Shield to cancel it if that doesn't work.
-[X] By default use Sword Guard #1 to defend against everything, not using Sword Guard #2 on any attack that Sword Guard #1 is used on (it only kicks in on the next attack after Sword Guard #1 is broken). In response to anything that gets through Sword Guard use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr), Backstep (-6 Orthstirr), or Focus Guard (-14 Orthstirr) as appropriate, and if something gets through that use up to two 100d6+9 Reinforcedx53 Hefty-Halter Chop defenses (-56 Orthstirr each).
-[X] Tactics – So, the plan here is to break the spell immediately after setting up some big defenses. The rest of the plan is a solid offensive plan to do some actual damage with a Bomb Boulder and a Flashfire Cleave, but to be honest breaking the spell is probably a round-break.
-[X] When we activate UTitS say something like "Then behold the Rising Sun and remember why your kind fears it."

You stare into the darkness of your closed eyelids as the final preparations are made. Wordless jeers fill your ears as you breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. On this battlefield, you are far from the strongest warrior. Nainn is a member of the Headsman's hird and one of the strongest warriors in the Valley. Heima chills your soul despite your immunity to magical fear. Every member of the hunting party has something over you. They are all older, stronger, more experienced.

But despite all of that, despite all their strength and power and combat prowess, Moonless Night has eyes only for you—and for good reason. After all, you and he both have odr. In the grand play on the world's stage, only you and he are illuminated.

Your heart pounds harder than it ever has before, something deeper rising to the surface as past, present, and future intertwin into one. Though diluted by countless generations, the blood of Odin runs through your veins just as the blood of his one-day-killer runs through the wolf's.

Rivals to the end, no matter how bitter it may be. It is only right that you and Moonless Night face each other here and now.

But though the Light-Eater will one day devour the All-Father, you are not the All-Father. Though the wolf shall drink Odin's blood, so to will it run through the veins of Vidarr as he avenges his father's death.

You open your eyes to meet Moonless Night's silver gaze. With crown of flaming iron on your head, cloak of smoldering feathers about your shoulders, and an aura of crimson flame outlining your body, you meet the wolf's gaze with steel as you raise a cupped palm.

"So you call yourself the reason why men fear the setting sun, the onset of night?" Your eyes flash crimson as sunlight sparks in your claw-like hand. "Then behold daybreak, herald of the coming dawn, and remember why your kind fear its song."

Stomping against the ground, you rise into the darkness-choked sky like a blazing beacon of power and pride. The spark in your hand grows to a raging bonfire as you fly. No longer does it hide away for fear of the slightest gust of wind. No longer does it fear the falling of winter snow and summer rain. No longer shall the cloying darkness snuff out the light.

For no matter how deep the shadows may be, it only serves to further strengthen the light.

A rising star in the night sky, you drive your sun-clad hand into the darkness.

Day meets night and the rightful order of things is once more asserted.

Ever-shrinking shards of broken night fall around you as you return to the earth.

"Impressive, I must say," Moonless Night says as the muscles beneath fur and flesh shift and shake, "but will it be enough?"

(Round Break: Empty Night Dispelled)
(Unspent Orthstirr Refunded)
(Hugr (Tactics): 6x4, 5x4, 4x1, 3x1, 2x1, 1x2)15+5+1=21 Successes

With the shattering of the Empty Night, you find your senses have regained function. Not only that, but you now find that you can actually acknowledge the presence of the rest of the hunting group. It seems that the spell also dampened your ability to work together...

Scary thing, that.

Regardless, Moonless Night is changing before your eyes. Growing larger and far stronger, you reckon he'll be the size of a horse by the time he's done. The real unfortunate part about this is that, with the speed he's changing at, by the time any of your tricks reach him he will have already finished.


Looking to your companions, you quickly get an understanding of their general plans. Vagn intends to engage in high-speed melee, running rings around the wolf while dodging his attacks. Nokkvi intends to hit Moonless Night with his oar hugareida. Skoll will be shooting arrows with a bow he got from... somewhere. Heima... you don't know what he's going to do. Nainn, though, is probably going to be aiming to take out joints and other vulnerabilities.

Which leaves you with a question. The question. That same, unchanging query.

What will you do?

Moonless Night will be focusing most of his attacks on you. He is smart, fast, strong, and tough. He also likely possesses some manner of hugareida, maybe even multiple. He is taking you seriously now, so the conditions of victory has changed with it.

Survive until help can arrive.

Endurance: (13/13) | Frenzy: (5/5) (+5 to all Combat Rolls) | Armor Health: (17/17) (+4 to Defense) | (20/20) Defensive Layers, with 1 ERA layer mixed in.
Orthstirr: (402/604) | Odr: (4)
(X) Frami: 202 | (X) Virthing: 201 | (X) Saemd: 201
Sagaseeker has 49 orthstirr in his reservoir.
Your Armor has 13 orthstirr in its reservoir.
Shapeshifting is granting you (+1 Damage and +1 Attack-Speed)
Your combat pool is 156d6 and you have 6d6 Stoked Dice

2 Sword Guards, both with 200d6

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Short one, I know, but I think that it was sufficiently cool, eh?

No moratorium and short-ish vote. If you need more time, then no biggie.
Looks like that spell also basically turned the fight into a series of 1v1s instead of a teamfight too, having a group on hand will serve us well
Just out of curiosity, can we use our pot of glue as a thrown weapon?
We should try.
Glue a few explosive pottery to the pot (dip in then put on the outside), throw the pot and hope the pottery breaks. (Unless i missed us preparing actual explosive pottery pots)
edit: hit send early:
Just need to make sure we don't friendly fire and slow our teammembers that depend on speed.
So, evasion and pepper it with KS?
or do we risk the melee with something?

I would also like to go and demolish his throne, somewhat, because that thing is just shouting "Buffing the Boss" to me.

Hm.... can we set him up for the others?
Well, it worked, so that's good. Now we just need to survive this.

We should train this if only for the hilarity of human shields and human ballista.

Already on the list, at least for the next little while.

Could we train tactics tricks to get more specific information about opponents?

Talent Tell actually does this, specifically telling us the area where the enemy is strongest. It's only at Rough and kinda unreliable, but it's proof of concept. Freeing up the dice is, as Toboe says, the tricky bit. Freeing up Odr to up Tactics and Strategy infusion is likewise a trifle tricky...we probably can, but our balancing act in regards to when we're gonna break through to the Second Realm makes it trickier than it looks.

Might be good to try and use the glue to pin him somewhere then, that shit is scary.

We can try. I'm not sure this is better than IAT, to be honest, but we can try both and see.

So...glue pot, IAT, anything else we can do to shut this asshole down as much as possible and buy time?

Like, most of the things we do will be defensive, but knowing what offensive things we want to try is worth figuring.

So, evasion and pepper it with KS?
or do we risk the melee with something?

I would also like to go and demolish his throne, somewhat, because that thing is just shouting "Buffing the Boss" to me.

Hm.... can we set him up for the others?

I don't see why we'd use any attacks that don't slow him down given that 'delay until help arrives' is the explicit win condition here, but blowing up the throne might be worth a couple of dice.

@Imperial Fister what's this guy's Hamr and Combat Pool, roughly? Or can we not tell?
I suspect Halla would be more outmatched in melee, so I think trying to stay out of reach and using ranged attacks is the way to go. Kindle Spinner is not party friendly tho, so use Gale Spear or our arablast once allies are in melee range
Edit: not so much for damage as to waste his rolled defences before using the glue
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You've not encountered him in combat yet, so you don't how strong he is physically. His Combat Pool is anywhere from 150–300d6.

Check. So probably not throwing out 200d6 attacks from the get-go, but he can in theory. Well, that's...not ideal, but it could be worse.

I suspect Halla would be more outmatched in melee, so I think trying to stay out of reach and using ranged attacks is the way to go. Kindle Spinner is not party friendly tho, so use Gale Spear or our arablast once allies are in melee range

Kindle Spinner's AoE is small enough that it's absolutely party friendly, we can be precise enough with it to avoid issues. I'm just not sure damaging attacks are gonna be very useful to us here. The goal is to delay this guy, which involves other tactics entirely.

We should definitely stay at range, though, I agree there.
I think it's worth throwing out some weak, fast attacks to waste defenses that would otherwise get rolled against the glue pot or our allies big attacks, but that does assume he doesn't have oodles of DR or persistent defenses like swordguard
I think it's worth throwing out some weak, fast attacks to waste defenses that would otherwise get rolled against the glue pot or our allies big attacks, but that does assume he doesn't have oodles of DR or persistent defenses like swordguard

We can try a couple, but I think they have to come after the 'slow him down' stuff or we're risking him doing things to us that make us unable to do the slowing down stuff.
Moonless Night will be focusing most of his attacks on you. He is smart, fast, strong, and tough. He also likely possesses some manner of hugareida, maybe even multiple. He is taking you seriously now, so the conditions of victory has changed with it.

Survive until help can arrive.

I wonder if this was always going to happen, or if we somehow had a chance to win in the first round? Seems unlikely unless we used FTB, which I'm not sure he'd have just let us charge, arrogant or not.

I think it's worth throwing out some weak, fast attacks to waste defenses that would otherwise get rolled against the glue pot or our allies big attacks, but that does assume he doesn't have oodles of DR or persistent defenses like swordguard

I think we can reasonably assume that our allies are providing a lot of faster weaker attacks? Like Skoll and Vagn especially.

We probably want to focus heavily on heavy-halter chops and dodging, and use Contested Movement to tag him with something strong.

...Or we figure that we're going to playing things entirely defensive anyway, we could try the FTB? Feels early though.
I don't really see any reason to bother attacking, unless it's via CM's counterattack or something. And even then, I don't think we want to proc CM against this guy... he's definitely stronger than us. Attacks in general feel like a sub-par usage of dice in this situation.

Man, being weak chafes.
Contested Movement is actually one of our best defensive options.

It requires him to be attacking us in order to trigger... but if anyone seriously things he's not going to be attacking us this round, then I have a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Man, being weak chafes.

Then we should make a firm commitment to getting stronger. Stop dragging our feet on the Second Realm, and so on.
Then we should make a firm commitment to getting stronger. Stop dragging our feet on the Second Realm, and so on.

I don't think you should be telling me that. I'm all for advancing to the next realm. It's just that the rest of thread doesn't seem particularly keen on it.
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Contested Movement is actually one of our best defensive options.

It requires him to be attacking us in order to trigger... but if anyone seriously things he's not going to be attacking us this round, then I have a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

I'm pretty sure this guy has enough Hamr that it works exactly once. And possibly only on melee attacks when I think we otherwise want to avoid melee. But yes, one such use is in any plan I make.

Then we should make a firm commitment to getting stronger. Stop dragging our feet on the Second Realm, and so on.

Haste makes waste. Do we care about being stronger on Turns 1-3 of Summer 10 very specifically, or do we care about being stronger in two years when the war comes? Like, the only reasons we'd be delaying the Second Realm after the pregnancy is because we firmly believe that the bonuses from it will be better, and we will thus be more powerful, if we do additional stuff before advancing to it.

Now, whether that's true can be argued, but literally everyone is trying to get stronger here, the only argument is about the best ways to do so.
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Alright, so, tentative plan:

[X] Plan Delaying Tactics
-[X] 28d6 Attack (28d6 tricks)
-[X] 128d6 Defense (128d6 tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Activate Slipstream (-8 Orthstirr) and Ember-Wing Cloak (-6 Orthstirr, all attacks and defenses have the Skyfire bonus) and stay as far out of its reach as we can arrange.
-[X] Make an 90d6+5 Orthstirr-Enhancedx67 Chuck Attack Attack w/Puncture using a glue pot to try and trap the Fenriskin in place (-80 Orthstirr, including all Sagaseeker's current Orthstirr pool of 49), and pepper it with up to five 3d6+5 (w/Hugareida) Inertia-Arresting Throws (-6 Orthstirr each) just to hopefully keep it needing to dodge and show we're still in the fight (we will hold off on these for a moment if there are already 3 of them out and active)
-[X] After the Chuck Attack, stoke all of Sagaseeker's Aspects (+49 Osrthstirr), use the Orthstirr as necessary defensively.
-[X] By default use Sword Guard #1 to defend against everything, not using Sword Guard #2 on any attack that Sword Guard #1 is used on (it only kicks in on the next attack after Sword Guard #1 is broken). Against the first attack against us that pierces Sword Guard where the counterattck would be viable, use Contested Movement, adding our remaining Stoker Dice and all three uses of Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, total of 35d6+5) and using the 3Fold Inertia-Arresting Throw from our Fast w/Puncturex3 as our counterattack (-38 Orthstirr). If that doesn't work, use Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr) or Focus Guard (-14 Orthstirr) as appropriate and available, and rely on our Reinforce Shield to cancel it if that doesn't work. Also use this against attacks where the counterattack would not be valid if it is still unused and we are out of other rolled options.
-[X] Continue to rely on Sword Guards as above, but after the Contested Movement is used (or against attacks where we couldn't counterattack), in response to anything that gets through Sword Guard use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), Sidestep (-2 Orthstirr), Backstep (-6 Orthstirr), or Focus Guard (-14 Orthstirr) as appropriate, and if something gets through that use up to one 240d6+9 Reinforcedx113 Sway defense (-115 Orthstirr, including all our Armor's 13 Orthstirr) and one 240d6+9 Reinforcedx238 Hefty-Halter Chop defense (-241 Orthstirr).
-[X] Burn a Calm Charge and stoke Frami again if we go below 100 Orthstirr (+202 Orthstirr), and do so again to stoke Virthing if it happens again (+201 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – Okay, so, this is the full defense/delay as much as possible plan. The idea being to try and trap it in place for our allies and then do our level best to keep from dying while we wait for help to arrive.

EDIT: Replaced Kindle Spinners with IAT usages.
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Throwing a pot of glue at him to stick him in place I think suffers from an issue in that he's not a Looney Tunes character.

Haste makes waste. Do we care about being stronger on Turns 1-3 of Summer 10 very specifically, or do we care about being stronger in two years when the war comes? Like, the only reasons we'd be delaying the Second Realm after the pregnancy is because we firmly believe that the bonuses from it will be better, and we will thus be more powerful, if we do additional stuff before advancing to it.

Now, whether that's true can be argued, but literally everyone is trying to get stronger here, the only argument is about the best ways to do so.

I don't think this is really true. Like, I remember the arguments we had about this several turns ago, where the justification given for delaying was that we'd be pregnant too early, and so we didn't have time. This turned out to be completely untrue, by the way; we did not have a child on the turn that was predicted. Not to mention actually delaying having a kid to prioritise our cultivation was never really seriously considered. This is just one example of a general pattern; there are a number of them.

It requires incredible mental gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that delaying the Second Realm leaves us stronger. There is no reason we could not have done both the Second Realm and our various crafting projects, given it's mostly research and training dice allocation that determines how quickly we can build stuff in our soul. Given what we've seen from the First Realm, the advantages compound the longer you're in it and have the chance to tinker/infuse stuff.

Like fundamentally, I think we made a choice to play Norse Cultivator Slice of Life Quest, and while part of me would like to play a more active protagonist, ultimately I respect that. I've still enjoyed pottering around our farm and going on mini-adventures. But let's not kid ourselves, eh?

Contested Movement, adding our remaining Stoker Dice and all three uses of Fight of Our Life (-3 Orthstirr, total of 35d6+5) and using the 3Fold Inertia-Arresting Throw from our Fast w/Puncturex3 as our counterattack (-27 Orthstirr). If

Wait, we're using Contested Movement and then not even hitting him back, when it provides a golden opportunity to do damage?

I realise we don't want to get into melee here, but I don't realistically think we're going to stop him from getting in close if he wants to; our Ember-Winged Cloak is good but not that good. Given that's the case, let's try and actually hurt him here.

From experience in other fights, doing a serious blow often seems to slow down the opponent or cause a round break more reliably than catching them in Standstill does anyway.
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Throwing a pot of glue at him to stick him in place I think suffers from an issue in that he's not a Looney Tunes character.

I don't think this is really true. Like, I remember the arguments we had about this several turns ago, where the justification given for delaying was that we'd be pregnant too early, and so we didn't have time. This turned out to be completely untrue, by the way; we did not have a child on the turn that was predicted. Not to mention actually delaying having a kid to prioritise our cultivation was never really seriously considered. This is just one example of a general pattern; there are a number of them.

It requires incredible mental gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that delaying the Second Realm leaves us stronger. There is no reason we could not have done both the Second Realm and our various crafting projects, given it's mostly research and training dice allocation that determines how quickly we can build stuff in our soul. Given what we've seen from the First Realm, the advantages compound the longer you're in it and have the chance to tinker/infuse stuff.

Like fundamentally, I think we made a choice to play Norse Cultivator Slice of Life Quest, and while part of me would like to play a more active protagonist, ultimately I respect that. I've still enjoyed pottering around our farm and going on mini-adventures. But let's be honest, eh?

The Glue is explicitly strong enough that if you get caught in it, that shit isn't moving anymore, the only way around it is being willing to effectively tear that chunk of your body off, and that's not something you do instantly. If he actually gets a bit of himself pinned in the glue, that limits his mobility unless he eats unavoidable damage. And unlike IAT, Sealwood Glue does not go away if someone flares an Aspect or hits them.