[x] Stand and Fight (Begins Combat Encounter: An Evening Stroll Gone Terribly Wrong)
I wouldn't assume there is just one around, we might just not see others (we did get the drawback of bad vision and its night).
I wouldn't assume there is just one around, we might just not see others (we did get the drawback of bad vision and its night).
Not necessarily but even so, we shouldn't outright discount the chance there is more then because we think it's unlikely.If there's more than one, we are fucked, no two ways about it.
It also doesn't have a shield, which means it should be vulnerable to trick-based attacks, or at least can't sacrifice a shield to save itself from one. It might be able to make an ice shield, but the fact it's dual-wielding right now makes me think it's not it's forte.The good news? Draugr are hurt by iron, and we have a chopping weapon made of quality iron. It's not going to be immune to our weapons. And a Draugr can be killed by decapitation, followed ideally by immolation and scattering the ashes into the sea.
Good news, our family has a knack for Fire based Muna and our ancestor is actively exerting what power heh as to shield us from the "Fuck You" aura. I think this is a good impetus to awaken the Bloodline Talent myself, if we can win the fight.
I was intending to have a normal-length voting period, but since it's looking rather unanimous I think I'll cut it a bit short, so as to let the proper combat planning begin. That sound good?
Adding to this:The good news? Draugr are hurt by iron, and we have a chopping weapon made of quality iron. It's not going to be immune to our weapons. And a Draugr can be killed by decapitation, followed ideally by immolation and scattering the ashes into the sea.
Better news, our family has a knack for Fire based Muna and our ancestor is actively exerting what power heh as to shield us from the "Fuck You" aura. I think this is a good impetus to awaken the Bloodline Talent myself, if we can win the fight.
So yeah, it's merely a very difficult battle, not a guaranteed loss. But we can't afford to fuck around either.
Questions to whoever might know about the myths:
What does the carved wood mean? Is it a weakpoint?
Based on nothing, I thought about pretending to be too scared to move, let it approach us, drop its guard and them we timefreeze the carved wood.
Does any of this sound useful?
If we do happen to hit it like that it could be a good opportunity to try to cut of its limbs.We'd need to freeze its whole head and likely torso...inertia-arresting throw is like throwing a blanket, remember. That's not a non-starter, but it would actually make separating it from the talisman even harder so it's not my first inclination. I'm leaning towards maybe trying to freeze its weapons in response to an attack, but we'll have to see what the actual combat start post says about its likely tactics and capabilities.
Hmm, would draug have Orthstirr? On the one hand, this one has a hugareida it is using, but that might be a mastered trick. It would emulate the tireless nature of undead if they had no Orthstirr but still had the skills and mastered tricks it had in life, possibly with extra body stat.
way instead of why
Who is Glam? the one we heard from the random pov interlude?
No way... at least, i don't think so.the horrasons at the lake would have been better equipped if he had that kinda money.Yeah, that really wasn't worth it. Although... Knappr did seem interested in it. Perhaps Horra will actually end up buying it?
No way... at least, i don't think so.the horrasons at the lake would have been better equipped if he had that kinda money.