You stare the draugr in the eye and know in your bones that this is going to be the fight of your life...
So far, that is.
You crack a grin, though you don't have it in you to put your back into it, and point Sagaseeker at the undead monstrosity.
It doesn't react and simply keeps shambling forward. Its sword drags along the ground as it uses its spear as a walking-stick.
You swallow a gulp and prepare for lethal combat.
(Hugr (Tactics): 6, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3, 5) 7 Successes
You stand on a pathway made from dozens of feet walking to and fro Asvir. To your front and the left is the draugr, behind which is a light smattering of the Hading. To your right and behind is slowly sloping hill, not the kind of thing that makes good fighting. However, at the bottom of the hill is a large scattering of good-sized rocks for throwing.
You are having trouble reading the draugr's movements, thanks to it being a rotted, skeletal, undead corpse. As far as you can tell, it's going to keep moving at you. However, you remember Blackhand's words that the draugr is 'feigning', that it's lying about its weakness. Assuming that it's at least as smart and as strong as you is probably your best bet.
It seems to leave frosted over footsteps in its wake, so it might not be limited by its hands with using hugareida. After all, draugr aren't human so why would they be restricted by human limitations?
You're not sure what condition its body is in, thanks to it, of course, being a walking corpse. A ting of fear shudders up your spine as you realize that its groin has rotted off, which means that — much to your grim realization — Knee-Groin Trick isn't going to be effective.
That wood in its mouth looks like a weak spot, but the draugr won't make it easy for you to hit it, that's for sure.
From what you recall from story time with Randi, the main weakness of draugr is that they are lacking in orthstirr. However, if the draugr was artificially raised, it can draw from its master's orthstirr supply. Naturally risen draugr can also devour the orthstirr of the living. And judging by those footprints... It's got orthstirr, one way or another.
You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield
You have 19 orthstirr in reserve and you have not tapped Frami, Virthing, or Saemd
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr held in its reservoir
You can put 18 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
Your have 14d6 in your Combat Pool
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: Good luck, everyone. I believe all the math is right, but I'm not 100% certain.
25-minute moratorium and this will be the final update for today.... probably.