I'm surprised that Ciaran doesn't bring up the cuteness of things up more often when talking to people seems like something she would do.
She talks to too many hardasses denying the supremacy of cute
I'm surprised that Ciaran doesn't bring up the cuteness of things up more often when talking to people seems like something she would do.
...On the one hand, anything that makes a Sith Lord pay attention to us can't be a good thing.I'm not too picky on which specific ones join, I'll just point out that moving towards Sereno might make Dooku curious.
Thesme sector
- Feriae Junction: major tradeworld along Hydian Way, site of Hutt banking/money laundering operation, Grand Terminal spaceport
- Thesme: childhood home of Silya Shessaun (senator & friend of Padme), sector capital and major industrial center
- Ventrux: childhood home of Jenna Zan Arbor (mad scientist), headquarters of Arbor Industries (science/medical research, esp. on Force abilities)
D'Astan sector
- Axxila: ecumenopolis (described as 'inside out'), headquarters of Axxila Anti-Piracy Fleet
- Celanon: homeworld of Nalroni race, major agri-world/tradeworld along Hydian Way, 'diplomatic section' and 'trade constorium' districts
- Isen: isolated gas giant (three asteroid belts), moon Isen IV is headquarters of Void Demons pirate gang
- Nez Peron: sector capital and major agri-world controlled by farming collectives
- Ord Cestus: homeworld of X'Ting race, headquarters of Clandes Industrial and Cestus Cybernetics/Techno Union (produces JK-13 'Jedi Killer' droids)
- Valahari: headquarters of Valahari Shipworks (starfighter manufacture, produces 'Tempest Zero'), Harko Station (production facility & starport)
...On the one hand, anything that makes a Sith Lord pay attention to us can't be a good thing.
On the other hand, he's already trying to kill us.
On the one hand, why would we risking him making a more serious effort at it.
On the other hand... some of those planets look just so tasty!
Pretty much and it should be noted that the Apprentices who betrayed her are respectively a Man who has so much hate that he can't die and a living blackhole that eats the life of entire planets.She sounds like the type to ask lots of questions which lead one to break down and examine their viewpoint.
She doesn't sound likely to want to teach more Force use.
Considering Palpatine, he is going to actually start trying for real regardless of what we do.
Might as well take a bite.
[] The Count of Sereno: You know Dooku is a Dark Sider. You know that he's working for Sidious, the man behind this war. So the best way to find Sidious is to get as much information from his actions as possible. Given how thorough he was with your blackmail though...it probably won't be easy. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 100 Reward: Count Dooku's actions tracked
I would prefer to go after Sev'rance Tann first, from what little we seen of her she seems like she's Dooku's current right hand and one of the few decent commanders the seps have. Plus I'm sure Asajj would love to introduce her to mrs & mr lightsaber.So with our bonuses comming up, how does everyone feel about putting PA on this:
That's a guaranteed success, but I'm not sure about poking them just yet.
I would prefer to go after Sev'rance Tann first, from what little we seen of her she seems like she's Dooku's current right hand and one of the few decent commanders the seps have. Plus I'm sure Asajj would love to introduce her to mrs & mr lightsaber.
I would prefer to go after Sev'rance Tann first, from what little we seen of her she seems like she's Dooku's current right hand and one of the few decent commanders the seps have. Plus I'm sure Asajj would love to introduce her to mrs & mr lightsaber.
Actually, both this and this:Diplomacy: Dathomir and many other nearby systems join the CNS, support of Talzin and the Nightsisters gained for potential actions against Dooku and Sidious
Lore: Vectivus' Home located and claimed with his blessing, possibility to further personal Force studies determined, Asajj's 'Nightsister's Journey' trait upgrades to 'Vectivus' Personal Guidance' trait.
Made me think, and I don't like what I'm thinking.The history of the Kaleesh is rife with abuse from outsiders. As an example, not long ago the Republic manipulated them to act as their mercenaries against the Bitthævrians. This act is responsible for a stark increase in the technological level of their weaponry. It was a foolish move by the Republic, and reaffirms to me its ineptitude. History consistently shows that societies are better served by gradual and evenly distributed advancement. Giving starships and blasters to a planet that still uses spears will cause long term problems for both the Kaleesh and their neighbors. Problems that the Abyss Watchers are enabling to their benefit.
note the quotesWith the help of the salarians, the krogan were "uplifted" into galactic society
Hey @Dr. Snark: while we're preparing for the next turn, here's my megalist of write-in proposals for upcoming turns. My apologies in advance...
[] Senatorial Security -- follow-up on last turn's 'Organa Protection Detail': offer protection for (improve our reputation with) more of the anti-Palpatine senators. Synergizes with 'Security Company' base upgrade somehow (+ income)? Increases odds of CNS Recruitment for systems represented by protected senators? Gives leads on Palpatine scandals or abuses of power?
[] Turn the Tide -- follow-up on last turn's 'Let's Vary Piracy> Onderon': end the Separatist occupation of Onderon system, reinstall rightful king, formalize the system's entry into the CNS
-[] Possible reward: capture CIS general ('Kalani' = 'super tactical droid') to dismantle for analysis + PR-1 upgrade...
[]CNS Recruitment (lot of systems we could target. I'll probably post a full list w/ sectors & individual systems later. I kinda hope we can figure out a way to simplify the recruitment process, because our actions specify a 'system' to target, though that more tells us the general direction from CNS space to focus our diplomatic efforts.
-[] Can we target corporations for CNS Recruitment? (Specifically, I was thinking of targeting IGBC as well as Muunilist)
[] Between the Light and the Dark
-[] Ysanna: a technologically primitive Force-sensitive community on the planet of Ossus, the Ysanna defend the ruins of Great Jedi Library from intruders. They developed the original 'Blazing Chain' projectile techniques, and never lost the ancient technique of becoming Force ghosts.
[] Rebuild Muunilist: after the Battle of Muunilist, the planet's economy has almost entirely collapsed. That doesn't bode well for the local population. It bodes even worse for the galaxy, as a collapsing Muun economy equals a bankrupt InterGalactic Banking Clan equals a galactic-scale Great Depression. Invest heavily in Muun businesses and corporations, offer small-business loans to Muun refugees to get them back on their feet, rebuild infrastructure wherever you see a need. Use your political influence, corporate assets, humanitarian reputation, and black market connections to bring the Muun economy back online. And if, at the end of the day, you own about half the planet... well, that's just good business.
[] Cord of Many Strands: the Kaleesh are a warrior people. The Muun are incredibly not. Still, after a devastating battle, it's easy to see why the Muun would have a newfound appreciation for Kalee traditions. Encourage the two systems to use their peoples' talents for mutual benefit: the Kalee to use their frontier mindset to help rebuild (and restore the planet's defenses), while the Muun to use their financial connections and fiscal ingenuity to develop and modernize the Kalee economy.
-[] OR rename 'Cord of Three Strands': action requires Ciaran's direct involvement/investment (to provide credits and pay for reconstruction). Tie together with ideas from 'Rebuild Muunilist'?
[] Refugee Resettlement: four millennia ago, the city-world of Taris was destroyed by a Sith fleet's bombardment. Despite periodic attempts at rebuilding, Taris never recovered. But with the rubble cleared out, with the legendary kelp farms restored, and with millions and billions of people seeking refuge from the raging war, where better to settle them than on an empty ecumenopolis? For the more frontier-minded, they can always settle on one of the nearby 'resource worlds' that supply the city with food and other resources. (Possible reward: lower cost/upkeep for Taris base and/or extra income. Possible auto-CNS recruitment of Garos IV -- system on our border, that serves as major resettlement site for Refugee Relief Movement)
[] Industrial Incentives: Seti Ashgad and Incom Corporation must be feeling a bit paranoid, sitting so close to Palpatine's seat of power. Encourage them to relocate their major factories and facilities to Neutral Space instead. Not only would it be further from the Galactic Center (and further from Palpatine's reach), but the tax burden would be far lighter, and it'd be easy to find capable employees with the influx of refugees.
-[] Specifically invite them to relocate to Taris?
-[] Invite Sienar Fleet Systems to move to Neutral Space and/or Taris specifically?
-[] Invite both corporations to reach out to CNS starship companies (Barpine Shipyards, Kalevala Spaceworks, Botajef Shipyards, Valahari Shipworks) for mergers & acquisitions (purchase facilities, hire engineers, buy IP designs, etc.)
[] Outfit a 'Corps of Discovery': you're a busy woman, and the galaxy's a bit too big to cover all on your own. Fortunately, you're supported by remarkably talented advisors, with a number of well-trained Abyss Agents at your command. Set them up as a exploration/research/archaeological team, to go to placed you just don't have time for. (Pay upkeep, gain +1 Lore action specifically for 'Tomb Raider' or 'Archaeological Expedition' actions)
[] Tomb Raider:
-[] Dathomir: this planet is weird. Look around for weird stuff, meet up with some of the Witch clans, and see what you find... (Reward: discovery/recovery of Chu'unthor praxeum ship. Also rumors about Infinity Gates, Star Temples, mysterious Force villages, a Sith Academy, etc.)
[] Archaeological Expeditions:
-[] Ossus: the original Jedi Archive, entombed over four thousand years ago when a nearby star went supernova. The Coruscant Temple only saved a few datachips from the original library; the rest were lost to time, as the system was uninhabitable for so long. Who knows what secrets still lie within the still-intact archives?
-[] Obrai-Skai: the Celebratus Archive is regarded as one of the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy. Founded over 16,750 years ago, it contains the complete records of all known systems and species in known space.
-[] Wayland: according to your navcharts, this planet doesn't exist -- that's a good way to get your attention. According to Celebratus records, there's an Old Republic outpost built into the side of Mount Tantiss. Wonder what's there? (OOC: Palpatine's memorabilia...)
-[] Dxun: the jungle moon on Onderon boast the one-time headquarters of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, and a Sith Tomb with a dark-side Force nexus
-[] Nespis VIII: the abandoned Space City is regarded as another Wonder of the Galaxy, and once held a remarkable collection of data & Jedi artifacts
-[] Duro: the Valley of Royalty is listed as another Wonder of the Galaxy, and contains an incredible (if varied) collection of data & historical artifacts
-[] Phateem: the Halls of Knowledge are another Wonder of the Galaxy, and was once the largest repository of Force-imbued artifacts in the galaxy
-[] Ruusan: the Valley of the Jedi boasts the single most powerful Force nexus in the galaxy. Poke it with a stick and see what happens.
[] A Helping Hand: invite Darra Thel-Tanis back to the Karada research-complex to get outfitted with new Force-sensitive cybernetics. Hopefully that'll persuade her of your good intentions. (OOC: we should wait to pick this write-in until we've more fully developed the technology, though given our success with Cheriss, it should be available to be picked this turn)
[] The Pock-Marked Planet: on your return from Alpheridies, you noticed something rather odd -- a planet that showed up on your nav-computer, but your Force Sight couldn't figure out if it was there or not. It wasn't so much a single 'hole' in the Force, as it was many pock-marks covering the planet, but it was certainly a mystery. You noted the name of the planet was Myrkr, which led you to look it up in your archives. That's when you came across the name of a local species, ysalamiri, and you remembered something Dooku had said when he taught you the lightsaber forms of Makashi....
[] Visit A Library:
-[] Manda: the Baobab Archives are listed as another Wonder of the Galaxy, and includes one of the most comprehensive museums to be found
[] Approach a Jedi: the Jedi Council may be skeptical of you and your ambitions, but you know a few Jedi who are skeptical of the Council (Free Action? I'm imagining this either as Ciaran extending an invitation to certain Jedi to participate in other actions/missions, or as the Jedi Council sending 'friends' to keep a closer eye on us.)
-[] Obi-Wan Kenobi: it's just so much fun messing with him and Siri and Satine. The best part is, he still thinks we're just trolling him, even when we're making him rethink and question the Jedi prohibition of attachments....
-[] Anakin Skywalker: you've baited the hook with your mentions of Meetra Surik and Darth Vectivus. Now, can you reel him in?
-[] Ahsoka Tano: Skywalker has a Padawan. Chaos will ensue.
-[] Barriss Offee: (OOC knowledge: friend of Ahsoka, dissatisfied with Jedi militarism, eventually decides to blow up Temple and frames Ahsoka. Try to get her out of the Jedi Order before bad things happen...)
-[] Darra Thel-Tanis: highly skeptical of us after the Black Sun operation. Would still be willing to work together against Wesker and his bio-weapon facility. Try to find time to justify your actions, and break her out of her comfort zone.
Discounted base purchases for:
[] Kashyyyk (Alaris Prime businesses)
[] Neimoidia (Trade Federation businesses)
[] Fresia (agreement with Incom Corporation)
[] Taris (abandoned ecumenopolis -- plenty of available space to set up shop)
[] CNS Immigration Bureau (lower cost/upkeep for bases in CNS Space; chance of extra Force User recruitment each turn)
[] Infrastructure Improvements (major cost, low upkeep, decent income; improves reputation, increases profit for all Muunilist investments you own a big part capital city's infrastructure...)
[] Galactic Bank of the Outer Rim (rename) (Reward: lower cost/upkeep for bases in CNS Space; chance of free CNS Recruitment each turn)
-[] full Financial Corporation 'tech tree' -- start small (small business loan office) and expand over time to gain more benefits...
-[] Small Business Loan Office (pay upkeep, roll dice for ROI; increases profit for all Muunilist investments, improves IGBC reputation)
-[] synergizes w/ 'Stewardship' actions, as well as PR-1's 'Hero Action' (stewardship upgrade)
"But there must always be a Darth Traya."...If this results in the Galaxy getting a new Darth Traya heading a new order of assassins I am to laugh myself silly.
The thing is her teachings would be goddamn perfect for dealing with Palpatine and the various Force juggernauts running around.
Turning their reliance on the Force against them could be crucial to victory, it's also kinda fitting thematically too.
The Abyss, the absence of the Force, the deceptive sneaks of the Watchers, Ciaran herself being a 'blind' manipulator and deceiver.
The heretical views of the Force, the rampant curiosity for unorthodox teachings, the love of challenging beliefs, thoughts and actions just for the joy of making others confront things about themselves.
From a certain perspective, there's some interesting similarities and inversions between Ciaran and Kreia.