41st: 76 +15+5+20+15 = 131 (Extreme Critical Success)
412th: 74 4 (Sidious' Direct Notice) +15+5+20 = 44 (Success)
Malevolence: 64 +20+20 = 104 (Super Critical Success)
Roamers: NAT 100 +15+20 = 145 (Extreme Critical Success)
Arligan: 56 +15+20 = 91 (Critical Success)
CNS Order: 66 +20+20 = 106 (Super Critical Success)
Archaeology Ship: 42 +10+20 = 72 (Success)
Modernized Fury: 20 +10+20 = 60 (Success)
X-Wings: 86 +10+20 = 116 (Super Critical Success)
Foundry Move: 20 +10+20+9+15+8 = 82 (Success)
Krennic: Autosuccess
Barriss: Nat 1 38 +20+20+49+14 = 141 (Extreme Critical Success)
HyperCom: 92 64 (Sidious' Direct Notice) +20+20+14+14+2 = 134 (Extreme Critical Success)
COMPOR: 81 +20+20+8 = 129 (Super Critical Success)
Jal Shey: 78 +20+20 = 118 (Super Critical Success)
Kathol Outback: 32 +20+20 = 72 (Success)
Belsavis: Nat 1 46 +20+20 = 86 (Success)
Ossus: 18 + 20+20 = 48 (Success)
Corellian Secrets: 4 +20+20+30 = 74 (Success)
Cularin: 78 +20+20+58+2 = 178 (Insane Critical Success)
Medical Inc.: 55 +40+20 = 115 (Super Critical Success)
Materials Inc.: 67 +30+20 = 117 (Super Critical Success)
Exar Kun: 17 +20+20+23+15+5+6+6 = 112 (Super Critical Success)
Bachelorette Party: 84
Genemod (Silencer): 66 +30+5+20 = 121 (Super Critical Success)
Fry's Revenge: 55 +20+20+24 = 119 (Super Critical Success)
Kyber: 51 +30+20+36+15 = 152 (Insane Critical Success)
Infinity: 82 +20+20+47 = 169 (Insane Critical Success)
1) We get a xenophilic Clone Commander and a stoic Kung Fu Jedi duellist to our conspiracy.
2) Though Sidious stacked every possible odd in his favour, it wasn't enough. The Centre held.
3) We meet a young, heavy set Naval Lieutenant with wispy moustache, desperately trying not to call the Admiral 'mama'.
4) Come ye peaceniks, mystics & mavericks. The Jedi Order needs you… to save it from itself.
5) A pro-Clone Jedi who had a plan to end the war quickly, but was shut down by Palpatine dismissing it with, "excessive force would be unnecessary."
6) The Interstellarale unites the stars in song.
7) I know it's a lot of guns on an archeological ship, but answer me this; when was the last we entered a tomb and weren't harassed by the ghost living there?
8) Modernising the starship that inspired the starships used the main character in every cheesy spy-fi holo.
9) Vader: Anakin, we must fly it.
10) There's nothing that says secret lair than having a doomsday weapon in it… it being an entire system.
11) Krennic finds out the Underworld doesn't take IOUs.
12) Thrawn came up with a brilliant and convoluted plan, Ciaran took one look into the future and decided to wing it.
13) So everyone walked away happy, except the Aqualish… they had a bad time.
14) My guess, COMPNOR is recruiting force sensitives.
15) Abusing the Force to get extremely comfy pants.
16) Welcome to the land mystic teleporting bone monks.
17) There are many cells on Belsavis… some may still be occupied.
18) This once was a place of learning, perhaps once more.
19) Anakin is surprised to learn that Jedi Marriage Ceremony is a thing.
20) While I would like this to be the Darkstaff, I think we all agree that giving Ciaran time travel would be a mistake.
21 + 22) Today, Tomorrow, Forever!
23) Practice makes perfect and the supply of Sith Lords to practice on is rare.
24) Padme is Doomed!
25) Great now you made the living WMD all the more dangerous.
26) Argente faces his worst fear… personal responsibility.
27) Galen and Cheriss achieve mechanical enlightenment.
28) Just another impossible day in the life of Quinlan Vos.