The things I chase come to me.
- Location
- The other side of the mirror
- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
I get the Hitman series vibe off him.I mean he is a pretty good spy, when he needs to be. Trough he will not go out of his way to spare lives.
I get the Hitman series vibe off him.I mean he is a pretty good spy, when he needs to be. Trough he will not go out of his way to spare lives.
Kinda, i think he was described as 90's action novel protagonist at some point. Or an old shooter video game player character.
Kinda, i think he was described as 90's action novel protagonist at some point. Or an old shooter video game player character.
The Crusader Series. No Remorse and it's sequel No Regrets. He's basically one of those 90s FPS silent protagonists. A walking arsenal of super death that kills everything that gets in his way and follows orders to the letter.
Basically they are a test run, and worked well enough that palps just send them to a hard front to get killed.
No, the sabotage made sure that from that point forward no clones would have working chips that clone battalion was the first made without chips as a test run of sorts. We just discovered its existence on kamino and where no way responsible for their creation.Yes they are the unit with defective chips, or rather Silencer sabotaged.
All clones come with working chips, this ones are unique.No, the sabotage made sure that from that point forward no clones would have working chips that clone battalion was the first made without chips as a test run of sorts. We just discovered its existence on kamino and where no way responsible for their creation.
Not quite. These clones where unique because they are a quest original. But afther the silencer sabotaged the facilities on kamino, no clones comes with working chips.
Okay, I have an idea for Operation Skyhook, and hear me out.She brushed it aside, "Whatever, shut up. So what we do," she indicated highlighted points at the bottom of what he now realised to be an architectural layout of the Coruscant Temple, "is we infiltrate the Undercity areas beneath the Temple, at the base of its foundations. We attach these boosters," she pointed to what charitably looked like thrusters off of Venator-class Star Destroyers – ten or eleven of them, all hand-drawn, "and shore up the architecture between, to withstand the force. When the moment comes, we make the area hostile to other life forms--"
Okay, I have an idea for Operation Skyhook, and hear me out.
In order to get the Coruscant Temple into space, we need to first detach it from its foundations and from the Coruscant city structures that surround it. It is fairly isolated -- it was built atop a mountain peak -- but pretty much everything in Coruscant is connected to everything else.
So, here's my idea:
What if we use one of those to cut the foundations of the Jedi Temple, along with a significant chunk of the Sacred Spire, so the part we want to lift into space is free-standing and not tied down?Easy as pie.
Okay, I have an idea for Operation Skyhook, and hear me out.
In order to get the Coruscant Temple into space, we need to first detach it from its foundations and from the Coruscant city structures that surround it. It is fairly isolated -- it was built atop a mountain peak -- but pretty much everything in Coruscant is connected to everything else.
So, here's my idea:
What if we use one of those to cut the foundations of the Jedi Temple, along with a significant chunk of the Sacred Spire, so the part we want to lift into space is free-standing and not tied down?Easy as pie.
The addendum isn't a bad idea (on the scale of "everything here is completely insane", at least) but, at least for saline-addled schemer brain, the SD engines are meant to be the "this is how we physically propel/remove the structure from the planet", not an answer to the oxygen question.Addendum: We solve the problem of any fatalities by lack of oxygen through magnetic field generators. The same ones they put on open-door hangars to let starfighters fly out without having to depressurize the whole hangar. And we know a dome structure can be made with shields, like the Gungans or the Battle of Christophsis. It's be a hell of alot simpler to install secretly than a bunch of Star Destroyer Ion Engines.
Small question: What do we do about the basement levels? There's thousands of years worth of abandoned passageways and ancient archives tended to only by those singular individuals who care for their preservation, not to mention the near memetic Secret Passageways. If we just rip the modern top off the temple and leave the things meant to be locked away deep exposed to the galaxy, Palpatine would jump on that.
I dunno, Metalorning is pretty much exactly what Operation Skyhook would be: stealing everything in one go. Though if you wanted to make an argument that this would be "everything and everyone", I suppose that would qualify for needing a new verb. "Skyhooking" doesn't quite seem right, though. Maybe whatever Hero Unit got assigned to pilot it out? Or Ciaran herself?If we actually did this, we'd need a new verb, because looting the Jedi temple down to the root of the mountain is well beyond mere Nabooing and Metalorning.
"To Coruscant" sounds wrong to me though, and as far as I can find out, the mountain the temple is on isn't named. "To Skyhook" maybe?
Obi wan and satine are basically our agents, trough i would say we are already in the heroic phase, in the light of we are not an puppet of palpatine for a long time.Come to think of it, are we sure she hasn't gone by "Ciaran Sandiego" at least once somewhere?
I have to admit, were it not for the lack of veil (and being blonde) Ciaran could definitely pull off the look and the rakish audacity to be Ciaran Sandiego.We're stealing a landmark in an absurd fashion. We're playing as a sneaky clever lady who enjoys the game as much as the prize and we're stealing a landmark in an absurd fashion. We're also ostensibly one of the villains, but, like, the least bad one.
Come to think of it, are we sure she hasn't gone by "Ciaran Sandiego" at least once somewhere?
I powered through a re-read of the thread this past week, and I must have missed this one before because I have no recollection of it. I mention it because, in 20 years, I have never much liked "Across the Stars" -- probably in part because of the suckage of its film of origin (and what it's the theme to), but I cued it up and re-read this one again. I guess the piece just needed better context, because holy hell I love it so much for these two. To me, it works so much better for them than its intended 'ship, so [respectful shoulder-punch] good on you.Leaving Tython's Grasp
I listen to Star Wars music (in various youtube mixes) when I write omakes. I'd just finished writing the "you need to come back to the Home" message and was starting to put together how Riphath would tell Darra when Across the Stars started to play.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Right-o, still around but still plotting out what's going to be happening. In the meantime have a reroll:
Corellian Secrets:436 +20+20+30 = 106 (Super Critical Success)
Spicy but I've seen crazier. This turn. Dear lord.
This is absolutely something I could see Ciaran doing as a power move. Canon, +10.
Because my brain is a weirdo I went back and looked through the rolls -- of the top "5" rolls (5th place is a tie, so really "top 6") half of them happened in this turn.Right-o, still around but still plotting out what's going to be happening. In the meantime have a reroll:
Corellian Secrets:436 +20+20+30 = 106 (Super Critical Success)
Spicy but I've seen crazier. This turn. Dear lord.
Critical Success Beyond The Impossible."Incredible Critical Success"? "Impossible Critical Success"? "How...Just How Critical Success"?